I loaded the ghost talk game

Chapter 764 The Ship of Theseus

The sticky liquid kept surging, and under the illumination of the flashlight, an incalculable number of continuously changing human figures continued to rise.

These should be the so-called messengers of the Golden Mountain Biko God mentioned by the elders of the Ozaki family.

According to the previous instructions, Ozaki Ryuichi should pay homage to them.

With the appearance of the messenger of God, the strange story of Bijin-Yang seemed to fall into great panic, confusion and pain.

Ozaki Ryuichi couldn't bear to see his shikigami suffer.

And he didn't know that Bijin-Yang, as an auxiliary scout shikigami, did not have the hard power to face powerful and strange things.

So he simply let Bijin-Yang retreat at the first time.

As Bijin-Yang left, the rats in the cave quickly collapsed, squeaking and screaming to escape from this terrifying underground square engulfed by the vision.

In this way, in this underground square, there were only Ozaki Ryuichi and those craftsmen.

But he couldn't say how scared he was.

On the contrary, facing those creeping strange mucus, he also felt a kind of... strange sense of closeness.

"You're here again... Finally here, Ozaki Shigemitsu."

The craftsmen once again murmured in different tones and voices, mixed with the strange sound of mucus rolling.

Although there were many speakers, each voice seemed to have no self-awareness.

These craftsmen were like a cluster tied together in some way... No, to be more precise, they were like tools, giving people the feeling that there was some higher-level, indescribable existence, using them to speak.

"Ozaki Shigemitsu? No, I'm not."

Ozaki Ryuichi shook his head vigorously.

The craftsmen didn't call his name, but his grandfather's.

"Shigemitsu, Kaito, or Ryuichi? Which name do you want us to call you? Since you want, let's call you Ryuichi."

"What... mean?"

"Ozaki Ryuichi, this is your fifth time here."

"No, I've never been here!" Ozaki Ryuichi looked very resistant.

"You've been here for the fifth time. Ozaki Ryuichi, your fifth body now is the most perfect product we have created so far." The craftsmen continued.

Ozaki Ryuichi was a little dazed.

That strange sense of familiarity came to his mind again, and some memories that "did not belong" to him emerged in his mind.

A dark and spacious cave; an unstable and tiny light; and a yellow slime that was constantly wriggling, twisted into a human shape, and mixed with various metals...

The picture in the memory is exactly the same as what I see now.

This made Ozaki Ryuichi doubt himself.

Have I really been here?

What do the craftsmen mean when they say that I was created by them?

"You will understand, Ozaki Ryuichi. You are a ritual vessel that was chosen, created, and constantly upgraded. You walk into the world, spread faith, and carry the spirit that God needs."

"No, stop talking nonsense!"

"Your reaction is more extreme than the previous times. Maybe there is a malfunction? This is not good. When a ritual vessel knows its mission, it should be calm."

"What do you mean I was created? I am a living person, a human!"

"Calm down, you are a human, but there is no difference between humans and machines."

"No, how can it be the same? How can humans be created like machines?" Ozaki Ryuichi obviously couldn't accept the craftsmen's words.

He couldn't calm down.

"We are craftsmen, we can create everything, including you." The craftsmen said, "There is no difference between humans and machines. The only difference is the precision and complexity."

"We can build a body and organs for you."

The smell of fire and iron in the air was a little stronger. The mucus closest to Ozaki Ryuichi once again changed into the appearance of a woman holding a hammer.

"We can extend your consciousness and separate your soul."

This time, the smell of burning incense and candles became stronger, and the humanoid of the mucus turned into a one-eyed old monk.

"You can't deny where you came from, and you can't deny it, otherwise you can't become a qualified ritual vessel." The craftsmen spoke again, and the layers of echoes seemed solemn for no reason, which made people dizzy.

"I, of course I am a parent..."

Ozaki Ryuichi still resisted, but his mind seemed to be out of control.

"Where is your mother?"

"My mother passed away when I was born..." Facing the craftsmen's questions, Ozaki Ryu replied consciously.

"Where's your grandmother?"

"I... I haven't seen my grandmother..."

"Of course you haven't seen them, because they don't exist." The craftsmen said affirmatively:

"The original you, Ozaki Shigezo, came here. You came for the god's gift of wealth, and you gave him his promise. The price is that you have to become a ritual vessel."

"We disassembled Ozaki Shigezo and divided it into two parts. We created new hands, feet, muscles, and organs for you. These mechanical parts are not difficult to make. After completion, they will be filled into two bodies to ensure that both sides can operate accurately."

"Of course, the most complex mechanical structure is the brain, the brain that carries the soul. Use the brain that was divided into two halves to complete it into two complete ones. Separating two relatively independent souls took us a lot of time and effort. But in order to create a suitable ritual vessel, everything is worth it."

"Dismantle and reorganize. Then, the so-called Ozaki Kaijin was born."

"Ozakikaijin is an upgraded machine and a 'human', in order to better assume the responsibility of the ritual vessel. Of course, this is not enough. When Ozakikaijin comes back here, we will still separate you. , to reshape a more perfect body.”

"Up until the creation of your current ritual vessel body, your brain has been upgraded several times and has been completely replaced by more advanced parts. As a ritual vessel, you are complete."

According to the craftsmen, Ryuichi's grandfather, Ozaki Juzo, accepted the dismantling and reassembly, and then put the pieces together for "upgrade", thus giving birth to Ryuichi's father, Ozaki Kaito.

Ozaki Kairen returned to this cave, and after the same process, Long Yi's uncle was born.

This was repeated until Ozaki Ryuichi was born.

Today's Ozaki family has been created by extension on the basis of a single individual from beginning to end.

"No...this is too ridiculous..." Ozaki Ryuichi shook his head desperately.

But for some reason, he seemed to be caught up in the conversation of the craftsmen.

He couldn't help but follow the craftsmen's instructions and think divergently——

In the real world, there are also artificial organs that can replace human organs.

Prosthetic limbs, prosthetic eyes, artificial hearts...

These things are not perfect yet, and there are various problems with their functions.

But with the continuous development of technology, perhaps one day sooner or later, the artificial organs produced can perfectly replace the original physiological organs.

If there really is such a day, even the human brain can be cut off and rebuilt...

If machinery develops in the direction of becoming more and more sophisticated and complex, will the boundary between humans and machinery continue to be blurred until it does not exist at all?

“There is no difference between humans and machines, the only difference lies in precision and complexity.”

Ozaki Ryuichi thought of what the craftsmen had just said again, and it sent a chill down his back.

"No, I have been to the hospital more than once, and no one said there was anything abnormal about me. There is nothing wrong with my body, I even...even..." Ozaki Ryuichi tried his best to deny what the craftsmen said, and wanted to find out Evidence that he is a normal human being.

He even had frequent contact with the spirit removal room in the countermeasures room, didn't he?

Those keen spirit-killing masters, not even Master Jiecheng, nor even Kamiya Chuan, a disciple of ghosts and gods, noticed anything unusual about him.

How could he not be human? How could it be the so-called "ritual vessel" that was created iteratively?

"Ozaki, you are perfect, chosen, and created by God. There is no abnormality in you, so how can you say that you are found to be abnormal?"

The craftsmen’s voices echoed one after another.

Denial of such flimsy evidence is not enough to question the skill of the miraculous craftsmen of the Divine Envoy. Instead, it smells of ignorance. This made the craftsmen, and the great being who controlled the craftsmen behind them, show a trace of disdain.

How could a mortal find something abnormal in a god's creation?

Pfft, pfft.

The slime rolled, and the metal contained in it collided and rubbed.

"Ozaki Ryuichi, you seem to have finally calmed down, which is good." The craftsmen spoke mechanically one after another, "You have brought a sufficient number of 'spirits', and the gods will break free and come."

The deep mountains of Gifu Prefecture.

There are no paths between shrubs and dwarf trees, only occasional patches of bare ground interspersed with rocks.

Sudden and precarious cliffs and tall peaks reaching into the sky can be seen everywhere, looking desolate and strange under the darkness of night.

Following the guidance of the [Ore Searching Needle], Kamiyakawa successfully arrived near the huge cave in the deep mountains.

His pupils were condensed and shining in the night.

Kamiyagawa saw some mountain rats running around frantically among the surrounding dwarf trees and shrubs.

The aura carried by these mice gave him a feeling of déjà vu.


Kamiya thought of an Onmyoji he had come into contact with before.

Ozaki Ryuichi, the one who called Uncle Yusei teacher.

The shikigami beauty under Ozaki Ryuichi can control the rats, and his aura is similar to the rats that appear here.

"Is Ozaki Ryuichi here? Why is he here?"

Such thoughts flashed through Kamiyakawa's mind.

Not far in front of him, a huge cave appeared on a steep cliff.

It seems that that is exactly where the [Seeking Needle] is pointing.

The "spirit" entrenched in the air is like a wave, pouring into the cave.

Even with Kamiya's extraordinary eyesight, the cave was bottomless. This may be a cave formed by the structure of the site, with a huge fissure system connected deep underground.

Near the cave entrance.

Kamiyakawa felt something keenly.


Tong Ziqie buzzed and was instantly out of body, and the golden sword light tore out a dazzling crack in the thick night.

I saw four clear figures appearing near the entrance of the cave.

Four of them are men, one of them is an old man with white hair, and the remaining three are middle-aged men with a certain age gap.

The four people opened their arms and mechanically stopped in front of the cave entrance.

"No, interrupt, God Sacrifice!"

Their expressions were stiff, but their movements were uniform and they spoke in unison, synchronized as if they were one person.

Kamiya's pupils shrank again, according to his judgment.

It is true that these four men are all human beings, and there is nothing unusual about them.

But if you observe them more attentively, you will find that they are resonating with this bottomless cave and the spiritual power of faith in the Golden Mountain Bi Gu God in the air.

This resonance soon became visible to the naked eye.

The reflection in Kamiya's intuitive visual manifestation is that -

The different structures on the bodies of these four men, on the surface or under the skin, have many parts and organs that are shining!

It exudes a color similar to gold.

"What on earth is this? Human beings influenced by the Golden Mountain Bi Gu God, or something else?"

Kamiya Chuan was a little confused for a while.

But he could feel that the four men at the entrance of the cave were not the key.

Under the cave, there was obviously a more surging similar breath surging out.

"No, block the way!"

Kamiya Chuan did not directly chop down the men who blocked the way.


Beside him, the dream-eating tapir appeared with its soft long nose raised high.

The dreamy and hazy dream atmosphere instantly enveloped the four men, causing them to collapse straight and fall into a very deep and comfortable sleep.

"That's all."

It's really not worth mentioning.

Kamiyakawa casually threw out the [Reins of the Hanged Man] and tied the four strange men tightly together.

Let's just assume that they are humans affected by Jinshan Bigu Shen.

Then he directly passed the four men and entered the oval irregular cave.

As soon as he came in, he felt the smell of fire and iron, and the smell similar to the requiem candles permeated from deeper.

"Strange Talk Craftsmen..."

The previous speculation seemed to be clearly verified at this time.

Those strange talk craftsmen, including Sister Jue and the master of the candle-making monk, were persecuted by an unknown force and disappeared strangely. They really have something to do with the craftsman's ancestor god Jinshan Bigu Shen!

At the same time, "Kaidan Monogatari" also popped up a message prompt--

[Special event mission, [Ode to the Demon Hour·10] has been opened! ]

[The core requirements of this mission are as follows: Defeat the members of the "Ode to the Demon Hour Organization", Yinshi. ]

Here it comes!

Kamiya Kawa was not surprised by the appearance of the prompt of the Ode to the Demon Hour event.

The entire Ode to the Demon Hour Organization uses twelve hours as code names. But there are only three real Ode to the Demon Hour, namely: outdoor Ode to the Demon Hour, Yinshi and Youshi; and indoor Ode to the Demon Hour, Zishi.

The last time, it was Mizukiko and Yaobikuni who represented Youshi.

Even if it was the real Jinzan Bikoshin who represented Yinshi this time, it would not be enough to surprise Kamiya.

"The Jinzan God would be so abnormal, maybe it is related to the fact that He is the core of the Ode to the Demon Hour."

Kamiya Kawa quickly rushed down the cave. (End of this chapter)

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