I loaded the ghost talk game

Chapter 772 Capgras Delusion Syndrome

Today's weather is very good, the snow has cleared.

The winter sun shines on my body, and I can feel a little warmth.

The unmelted fine snow decorates the empty streets of Wakasa Bay, making everything in sight dyed with a just right light silver-white. In contrast to this refreshing scenery, there is a beautiful girl in front of me.

Because they are walking side by side, Kamiya Kawa's sight is the silhouette of Onitsuka.

The elegant black camel hair coat and the long hair flowing down in a streamlined manner are swaying slightly with her steps.

Between the ends of her black hair, you can still see her white, soft earlobes, small and exquisite.

"Akawa, what's wrong?"

Perhaps noticing Kamiya's gaze, Onitsuka turned his head and stared into the former's eyes and asked.


Kamiya shook his head.

He felt that the pulse on his wrist seemed to bounce a little more violently.

This beating feeling was not his own pulse, but came from the other end of the illusory red rope tied to his wrist, which was invisible at this time.

"Ah, the old house of the Ezaki family is in front." Onitsuka put his hands behind his back and took the initiative to change the subject, "Our people have contacted Ezaki Shoie before, and he will be waiting there."

Ezaki Shoie is the younger brother of the late folklorist Ezaki Nagayasu.

He usually lives in the urban area of ​​​​Tsuruga City.

Recently, someone from the Countermeasures Office contacted him and asked a few simple questions about the late Ezaki Nagayasu.

It is reported that Ezaki Nagayasu had a house on the edge of Wakasa Bay.

After his death, because he had no children, the house was eventually transferred to his younger brother's name.

It has not been resold or rented out.

Kamiya and Onitsuka came here mainly to investigate the house again to see if they can find any useful clues that Ezaki Nagayasu once left.

Look at the location indicated by the little witch.

There is indeed a house with a courtyard standing quietly beside the coastal highway.

That is the destination of this trip.

The iron gate of the courtyard of the Ezaki residence is rusty and open.

A middle-aged man in his fifties stood in the somewhat deserted yard.

His hair is still black, he is full of energy, speaks softly, and is elegant and restrained.

This man is Ezaki Shoie, and he gives a very good first impression.

"Mr. Ezaki, we are from the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department. Earlier today, our people should have greeted you."

Kamiya and the other two showed their IDs to Ezaki Shoie to prove their identities.

"Mr. Kamiya, and Miss Onitsuka?"


The two police officers who came from the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department looked too young, which surprised Ezaki Shoie, but he didn't say much about it. After looking at the ID, he was quite cooperative.

The house where everyone is now, perhaps because no one has lived in it for too long, looks deserted and dilapidated.

The stone bricks on the wall were slightly mottled due to long-term erosion by the sea breeze, covered with moss and unknown wild plants.

"I'm really sorry. When my parents were still here a few years ago, they would occasionally come here... But now, I... I basically don't come here. This old house is neglected, and I'm sorry to make you laugh."

Ezaki Shoie said this, and took Kamiya and Onitsuka into the interior of the mansion.

The space in the house seemed a bit empty and deserted. The floor of the entrance hall was covered with old carpets, which were worn out, revealing the wooden boards underneath. There were few furniture, basically covered with white cloth and covered with thick dust.

The two young exorcists glanced around and exchanged glances with each other.

"Mr. Ezaki, if possible, we hope to ask something about your brother."

"My brother... ah, okay, you ask."

The old man looked a little sad.

In fact, he didn't know why the police had started to re-investigate his brother's affairs today.

There are still some doubts about what happened to Nagayasu Ezaki, but the overall conclusion has been drawn.

Moreover, because the case happened more than 40 years ago, the statute of limitations under Japanese law has long passed, and in theory the investigation will not be reopened.

"Mr. Ezaki, your brother is a folklorist, right?"

"Well, I think so. He has done some folklore research on his own, and I have the impression that he is a bit fanatical about this. When I was a child, I could see some strange things in my brother's house. The documents he collected and the strange objects he found from nowhere were piled up in the study on the second floor. But those things disappeared after my brother died."

"So what did Nagayasu Ezaki mainly study?"

Kamiya and Onitsuka have some information about Nagayasu Ezaki.

However, the information mainly records his death, and his identity as a folklorist is only briefly mentioned.

And the information does not directly record what he mainly studies.

Before Onitsuka Kirihotaru came to Fukui Prefecture, he tried to search for more information about Nagayasu Ezaki.

But I didn't get much, I only found a few articles published by this deceased scholar.

The article mainly revolves around the local festival "Tsuruga Festival" in Fukui Prefecture. The content is nothing special. It mainly studies the humanistic culture related to the festival ceremony such as "Mikoto Toga" and "Folk Song Odori".

It's normal to the point of being a bit boring.

Perhaps Ezaki Nagayasu has also researched or published other more bizarre folklore content, but it may have been under an unknown pen name, or it may have been published in some third-rate journal that no one cares about and has long since closed down.

"My brother's research... I think it was related to the Tsuruga Festival or something like that." Mr. Esaki recalled, "There may be others, but I really can't remember them clearly. My impression of my brother only remains at ten. When I was more than 10 years old, I actually didn’t know much about folklore research, and I even had some...some..."

Some resistance.

Mr. Ezaki didn't finish his sentence, but his expression was enough to illustrate the point.

After "something like that" happened to his brother Ezaki Nagayasu, people around him said that it was because his brother was always keen on studying strange things that he became mentally ill.

Such rumors will naturally have an impact on the fashionable and young Esaki family.

He has a certain psychological shadow about this.

"Oh, that's right." Mr. Ezaki seemed to have remembered something, "I remember that for a while, my brother told me that he seemed to be studying aliens and UFOs. What was the specific content? , I don’t know.”

Study aliens?

Kamiyakawa was slightly confused after hearing this.

Do folklorists still study this?

"Is there anything else you can tell us about your brother?"

"My brother, he..." Maybe he was a little sad after entering this old house after a long absence. Although Esaki's face was slightly calm, he slowly started talking, "He is twelve years older than me. In my impression, my brother He is a good person, a good brother. He is humorous, optimistic, and cheerful. Everyone likes him, and so do I.”

"My brother's wife's name is Kazu. Kazu is also a very good person. They have been together since college and have a good relationship. They got married soon after graduation. After they got married, the two of them moved here. Live in a house.”

"My brother is not just...what do you call him, folklorist? Yes. Not just a folklorist. Those studies are just hobbies. He has a serious job with a good salary. He is a reporter."

"My brother and his wife, Gazin, lived very well here, really. People around them envied them and regarded them as role models. Until...that day..."

"I remember it very clearly. It was a night of heavy rain. My parents answered a phone call, which seemed to be from Kazu. After hanging up the phone, they seemed a little strange and anxious. They told me to stay at home, and then hurriedly Busy out the door."

"Later I found out that my parents went to my brother's place that night. To be precise, it was this house."

"Brother, he...he..."

Speaking of this, Jiang Qi frowned and his eyes became slightly distracted.

His voice seemed hard, his throat was rolling, and his words were like a mouthful of thick phlegm stuck in his throat. It took a lot of effort to finally spit it out: "...he is crazy."

"The specific thing was that Gazin told my parents in tears that night. Later, my parents slowly revealed what they knew to me."

"One day, without warning, my brother stayed in the study room where he studied folklore materials for a long time, almost frantically flipping through the books he had collected. He became very restless and nervous."

"He said that he could hear strange noises at home. Someone called his name at night, violent scraping sounds echoed in the corridor, and bursts of wailing came from somewhere underground."

"This situation is getting worse and worse, and my brother no longer goes to work at the newspaper office."

"The more Gazin, his wife, tried to comfort him, the more frightened he seemed. He yelled at the gentle Gazin, telling him to get away. He no longer wanted to sleep in the same room with Gazin, but locked himself completely When I entered the study, I was sometimes talking to myself, sometimes hysterical."

"When my parents rushed to my brother, he was already very ill. Several people couldn't hold him down and yelled some crazy words. He said that Gazin was not his wife, but was pretending to be Gazin and staying by his side. Something unknown and terrifying.”

"My parents said that when Gazin was at a loss when he heard his brother say those crazy things, he was stunned and just cried."

"My parents sent my brother to the hospital. After diagnosis, the doctor confirmed that my brother had a very rare disease - Capgras delusional syndrome. He is..." Mr. Esaki's speech became difficult again, "...the disease ”

Capgras delusion, also known as "imposter syndrome", is a type of paranoid schizophrenia.

Medically, it is believed that this symptom usually occurs due to damage to the wiring of visual information from the fusiform back to the amygdala and to the limbic system. The core manifestation is that the patient believes that someone close to him has been impersonated or replaced by another "person" who looks and behaves the same.

After the onset of this symptom, patients have a high degree of insecurity and are often accompanied by violent tendencies.

This was mentioned in the information on Ezaki Changyasu in the hands of Kamiya and Onizuka.

Based on what Mr. Ezaki just said, his brother's behavior after he got sick is more specific.

It sounds like Ezaki Nagayasu's consciousness suddenly collapsed and he suffered from schizophrenia after being exposed to a certain folklore research content.

But to put it bluntly, it seems... reasonable that folklorists would go crazy after being exposed to folklore content that they shouldn't be exposed to?

I just don’t know what Ezaki Changyasu saw before he went completely crazy.

The folklore materials he finally studied should be very important.

"A week after my brother was sent to the hospital, my parents took me to see him."

"At that time, he had taken sedative drugs and was completely unconscious. But when I walked to the bedside, for some reason, my brother who was still sleeping suddenly opened his eyes. He twisted his body and grabbed me hands, roaring at me——"

"Jijia! They don't believe me, you have to believe me! The current Kazu is definitely not the Kazu we know! She has been replaced by something. Although they look the same, speak with the same voice, and even smell the same It’s all the same, but the current Gazin is not the real Gazin, believe me, believe me!”

Mr. Ezaki will never forget what his brother looked like at that time——

His face was distorted, his eyes widened, and the protruding eyeballs reflected madness and fear. The pupils were completely unfocused and beating wildly, as if searching for some unreachable phantom.

The body seemed to be controlled by an invisible force and was shaking uncontrollably. The sound was sharp and harsh, like a piece of iron scratching across glass, full of sharp pain.

"I have never seen my brother like that... I have never seen him like that. He was too sick and I didn't dare to get close. I was frightened at the time. I was so scared that I threw away my brother's hand and hid in my parents' house. Behind him. Then the doctor entered the ward and injected my brother with sedatives... and then he finally calmed down. "

"My brother stayed in the hospital for a year."

"Gazin was really sad during that time. Even as a child at the time, I could see it. But she still loved her brother. She was really a good woman."

"She has been taking care of her brother, feeding him water and food, talking to him softly, and the family will take turns to visit him. Although he is not very awake most of the time due to the effects of sedative drugs, he His condition has improved a lot.”

"So the doctor gave us a choice. Continue to stay in the psychiatric hospital, or take my brother home and take good care of him with medication."

"My parents left this decision to Kazu."

"Gazin's choice was the latter. She brought her brother back to the house where they lived together."

"Then...that thing happened. My brother had only been home for half a month...he threw himself into the sea and died in Wakasa Bay."

Ezaki Tekka's tone changed from sadness to pain:

"Witnesses who were on the edge of the bay at the time saw their brother dragging a bloody woman, who was not sure whether she was dead or alive, from the back seat of his car and pushing her down the cliff of the bay. He was hysterical on the edge of the cliff. Laughing, and then...then he jumped into the sea himself..."

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