I loaded the ghost talk game

Chapter 780 The Dark Side of the Moon

After Bai Kaguya finished purifying the filth in Moon City, the comatose Moon People finally woke up.

They did not feel sad for a moment that the Moon City was destroyed by the filthy black energy. These people of the Moon were quickly organized by the Dayou and devoted themselves to the repair and reconstruction of the Moon City in an orderly manner.

They are not very sad in the first place.

"It seems that these moon people not only do work such as offering sacrifices, but also carry out technical work such as collecting crystals on the moon and rebuilding buildings in a very orderly manner."

At this time, Kamiyakawa was standing outside a building construction and repair site, quietly observing the people of the moon working.

He can now better understand the "racial characteristics" of this group of moon people——

The Moon People, who have no mood swings, seem to only do things that "turn out right".

Just like the situation where Moon City is destroyed now.

If it were an emotional tribe, they would definitely be angry and sad. The leader would have to spend a certain amount of time to encourage and boost morale, and then organize the tribesmen to rebuild their homes or find new settlements.

The Moon People simply skipped this intermediate step because they didn't have much emotion.

Seamlessly entered the "rebuilding home" stage.

This is difficult to comment on.

I don’t know whether I should say that the people of the moon are extremely calm, or that they have basically no brains.

"Think about it this way, the palace minister will bow to me directly. Is there some reason for this? After confirming that I can destroy her people, obeying me is in the best interest of the people of the moon and is the correct outcome option."

"Because you abandoned your emotions, you only consider the pros and cons?"

Kamiyagawa stopped at the edge of the construction site for a while, until Bai Huiye appeared from the other side of the damaged street and came directly to him:

"Kamiyagawa, it turns out you are here. I was looking for you everywhere just now. Well... what are you doing here?"

"Watch your people at work."

"What's so good about work?" Xiao Shenji still said bluntly.

"Don't worry about it." Kamiya shook his head gently, "What do you want from me?"

In fact, the work of the people of the moon is still worthwhile.

Can I tell you that I am inspecting employees in advance?

Moreover, Kamiyagawa really wanted to see if the human grass in the Moon Palace really worked around the clock and around the clock as they said.

"It's just that the Palace Secretary asked you to come over." After saying this, Bai Huiye changed his words again, "No, I asked you to come over. As I said before, I will talk to you after she has dealt with what she needs to do. The situation in Moon City.”

"Okay, let's go."

Bai Kaguya began to lead the way. As he walked, he continued to mutter to Kamiya River: "By the way, Gongji just said something to Daiyou and me."

She seemed to love talking to Kamiya.

After all, she couldn't find anyone in the Moon Palace who was willing to chat with her.

"About what?"

"Most of it is about you."

"Oh?" Kamiyakawa became interested.

Princess Kaguya: "The Palace Secretary told Daiyou and others that although you came from the lower world, we cannot restrict your actions in Moon City."

This explanation seemed natural after the palace minister bowed his head to Kamiya——

Before I had a fight with Black Kaguya, it didn’t matter that Yuecheng didn’t welcome me as a visitor from the lower world. Now I’ve beaten Black Kaguya away. If Yuecheng still can’t treat each other with courtesy, then my fight Wasn't the fight in vain?

Princess Kaguya: "The Palace Secretary also said that Kamiya River can destroy Moon City and the tribe at any time. In order to prevent this from happening, the tribe should behave the same way when they see you as they do when they see her."

"Do you have any objections, Dayou?"

"No." Bai Huiye said it as a matter of course, "Dayous have already conveyed this matter to all the clan members."

"Your tribe doesn't have any objections either?"

"Why is there?" Bai Huiye didn't know why.

"Because this statement portrays me as full of threats. Logically speaking, such strong oppression will definitely arouse resistance. Of course, your tribe may not be able to 'speak logically'..."

"Oh. It's like this -" Bai Huiye nodded vaguely understanding at first, and then began to try to explain the psychology of the tribesmen:

"If you invaded the Moon Palace, the tribesmen would definitely regard you as an enemy and resist you. But you actually saved the Moon Palace. Without you, the Moon Palace would no longer exist. Therefore, everyone will think that you have rights. Isn’t it right to withdraw the help from Yue Gong?”


Bai Huiye's words made Kamiya a little confused.

The Moon People's adaptability to "correctness" is truly confusing.

Then again, I dare say these moon people still pay attention to "correct procedures", although their brain circuits are still cold.

"You said that when the people of the moon see me, they should behave the same as when they see the palace, but I have been wandering here for a while, and no one has paid attention to me."

Kamiya did wander around the devastated Moon City for a long time.

"Inspecting" the work conditions of the Moon People in various places can also be regarded as doing research and preparation for the future.

During this period, no one really came up to say a word to Kamiya.

Although the Moon People, who have "no desires and no demands," don't like to chat, they didn't even make eye contact.

Kamiyakawa could even feel that those people of the moon were avoiding him consciously.

Is this the proper state when facing the "Joint Palace Secretary"?

"You're talking about this." Bai Huiye shook his head lightly, and said seriously, "Because the chief priest said that Kamiya Chuan from the lower world is moody. Ordinary tribesmen should try to avoid contact with you, lest they anger you for some reason."

Kamiya Chuan's mouth twitched slightly after hearing this.

Speechless, but it really made him laugh.

Do the people of the moon really understand what is moodiness?

But, forget it.

That's it.

Kaguya: "Also, the chief priest and Daiyou plan to let me contact you on behalf of the Moon Palace temporarily."

"Then you won't be exiled?"

"I don't know about this either."

"By the way, do you want to stay in the Moon Palace, or do you want to go to the lower world to take a look?"


Faced with this question, Bai Huiye hesitated.

But hesitation is sometimes an answer.

"If the Moon Palace still insists on exiling you, you can go to my place. My territory in the lower world is quite large. If they want you to stay in the Moon Palace, I will also find a chance to take you to my place."

"Go to your place...really?"

"Isn't my status in the Moon Palace equivalent to that of a palace official? I can't do this kind of thing?"

"Huh?" The little goddess, who has a cold and aloof temperament, suddenly became happy like an ordinary little girl, "You make sense! Then please take care of me!"

"In fact, not only you, but your people can also go to my place."

The plot is finally revealed, and the Kamiya River finally began.

It's time to test the possibility of the Moon People going to Takamagahara to work.

"They won't go, because there is no reason for them to do so, and the people still firmly believe that the lower world is filthy." The simple Bai Huiye didn't understand Kamiya River's temptations, but just shook her head honestly.

"What about letting my people come up? It will take a lot of manpower to rebuild Moon City, right?"

"If there are a lot of people, it probably won't work. Moon City now only thinks you are a special case. Whether it's letting the Moon People go downstairs or letting the people downstairs come up, even if the chieftain agrees, other tribesmen will definitely oppose it."

Kaguya still knows her tribesmen.

And according to Kamiya Kawa's previous summary of the characteristics of the Moon People, these should all be "incorrect results".

The Moon People have no reason to go to the "filthy lower world".

And if they can rebuild Moon City by themselves, there is no reason to accept Kamiya's help, which will further increase the Moon Palace's debt to Kamiya Kawa.

"Then, a small number of people can do it, right?"

"Of course. Like Miss Mary, and those red dolls who made faces at me, they are here now, right?"


Kamiya didn't say anything else, but continued walking and thinking.

It seems that it is not a one-time thing to absorb the Moon People to work in the power.

But it is not impossible.

Practice has proved that the principles that the Moon People originally adhered to will change and update under certain circumstances.

Like "the unclean cannot enter the Moon City".

Kamiya Kawa is now walking in the Moon Palace City with a swagger.

And the bottom line can only be broken zero times and countless times.

"Cut five cities" today, and tomorrow we will find a way to make the Moon Palace "cut ten cities".


Bai Huiye brought Kamiya to the decayed hall of the Moon City.

Here, they met the palace chief again.

The actual ruler of the Moon City has now restored his decent and noble state.

She is neatly dressed, dignified, and has a complete white face. She has a sense of transcendence and purity when she stands there.

It is difficult to reconnect her with the way she was pinched by Kamiya Kawa's neck and pressed under his feet just now.

"Kamiya Kawa, you're here."

"Yeah." Kamiya simply nodded. Anyway, the people of the Moon City didn't think very well, so he simply gave up all unnecessary communication. "Let's talk about Moon City. Tell me everything you know."

In fact, Gong Si didn't have much more information about the sudden changes in Moon City than Kamiya Kawa, an outsider.

Where did the "Black Kaguya" who looked the same as Kaguya and even had a set of treasures similar to Kaguya come from?

Why did she hate Kaguya and why did she attack Moon City?

After being rescued, Gong Si clearly stated that he didn't know about all this.

So, Kamiya Kawa now has to spend time listening to Gong Si's story about all the information she knows about Moon City.

Hopefully, some clues can be sorted out.

As expected, the palace official came straight to the point: "The written documents in Tsuki City have been destroyed in the turmoil just now. However, I often read those materials. There is also a Dayou who is responsible for keeping the documents, and he is also very familiar with those materials. I just communicated with her and confirmed some things."

"First of all, the dark side. A more complete term should be [the dark side of the moon]."

The word dark side was spoken by Black Kaguya in the previous battle.

During the battle, "Black Kaguya" only said two sentences to "White Kaguya", which were roughly-

"Why aren't you staying over there?" "I will take you to the dark side."

Palace official: "In the materials previously held by Tsuki City, there are not many records about the dark side of the moon. According to my memory and the memory of Shuge Dayou, only one document mentioned that when Tsukiyomi-sama was still in the Moon Palace, he personally dealt with the threat brought by the dark side of the moon."

"He sealed the passage there. As for the location of the passage, it should be behind the statue built after the disappearance of Tsukuyomi-sama in the current Moon City Altar."

"Is the disappearance of Tsukuyomi-sama related to the dark side of the moon?" Kamiya asked.

"It's not mentioned in the information." The chief priest told truthfully, "but I once heard from the former chief priest that Tsukuyomi-sama eventually went to the dark side."


Kamiya pondered for a moment.

At present, it seems that the black Kaguya should have stayed in the "dark side of the moon" for a long time.

It should be the gathering place of filthy black air.

Moreover, the white Kaguya has the ability to purify the filthy black air. After seeing the black air, she almost did it instinctively.

As if she was born for this.

It is reasonable to speculate that the black Kaguya may also have similar abilities.

She is in the dark side, and maybe she was arranged there to deal with filth.

Is it because she has been in the filthy place for a long time and can't bear the pollution, so she was assimilated?

And therefore, he felt resentful towards Bai Huiye who was in a safe place like the Moon Palace?

So Black Huiye said with resentment——

"Why wasn't you there?"

For now, this conjecture is possible.

But Kamiya Kawa felt that things might not be that simple.

According to the records of the Moon Palace, Tsukuyomi had personally dealt with the threat of the dark side.

Obviously, even Tsukuyomi, one of the three noble sons, could not clean up the hidden dangers of the dark side of the moon.

Those filthy black air still exist.

Moreover, the seal that Tsukuyomi had left behind is probably no longer effective. After all, Black Huiye can already appear in the Moon Palace and attack the Moon City.

In addition, if Tsukuyomi really went to that filthy place and never returned... then the secret and danger of the dark side of the moon itself may be so great that it is difficult to estimate, and those filthy black air may be just the surface of the problem, not the core.

Miyagi: "Also, about Kaguya..."

When Kaguya finally mentioned herself, she pricked up her ears.

She herself was full of doubts about the other "black-haired Kaguya" who attacked Tsukishiro.

However, the first sentence she heard next was beyond her understanding.

The palace chief spoke in a very calm tone, without any disturbance: "I used to think that Kaguya was Kaguya who had lost his memory."

"Kaguya? And, lost his memory, are you talking about me?"

"Kaguya, you don't remember a lot of things."

"No, I remember everything. I remember that I have been staying in the Moon Palace."

The palace chief shook his head: "Do you still remember the previous palace chief?"

"Um... I don't know, I have no impression." Hearing this question, Bai Kaguya was a little unsure, and her tone was hesitant, "Should I remember?"

"Kaguya, the previous palace chief exiled you." The palace chief spoke word by word, her voice still without any emotion, those cold words slipped out from under the white mask, like a hammer hitting the decaying Moon City Hall:

"Kaguya, I brought you back from the underworld."

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