I loaded the ghost talk game

Chapter 782 Demon King Hammer's Complete Form

"But even if I agree with your proposal, the Moon People probably won't be willing to go to the underworld."

The Moon Palace really couldn't resist the invasion of Black Kaguya.

Kamiya's proposal is indeed correct, but Gong Si thinks it is a bit difficult to achieve.

"You don't have to worry about this." Seeing that Gong Si really began to consider his proposal, Kamiya Kawa knew that he had to add fuel to the fire at this time, "I can do the ideological work of the Moon People."

The Moon People don't talk about emotions, they only care about correctness.

To make them do ideological work, they need to master the skills, but Kamiya Kawa and his capable subordinates have rich experience in territory management, and can be said to be well versed in this.

"You do it?"

"That's right. I will deal with the threat brought by Black Kaguya, and then whether you want to abandon the Moon Palace or not, I will help your people survive. Since I have helped the Moon Palace once, with the adaptability of the Moon People, it is not difficult to accept my generous help again?"

"Then, what is the price?"

Gong Si is still relatively sober.

She has experienced it.

Although Kamiya Kawa's actions in the Moon Palace can be described as helping others and being kind-hearted, he is actually quite aggressive.

After being saved by Kamiya Kawa once, the Moon Palace had to give in to this strong man from the lower world, and easily broke through the bottom line that they had once adhered to under his pressure.

If it happens again, it is hard to say what price will be paid.

"It's very simple. Am I not the honorary chief of the Moon Palace now?"

The so-called title of "honorary chief" was actually put on his head by Kamiya Kawa.

The order that the chief had previously given was that seeing Kamiya should be the same as seeing her.

This move was to avoid the Moon People who were not good at speaking from accidentally angering Kamiya Kawa.

Being treated like this in the Moon Palace, it is actually not much different to say that he is an "honorary chief".

"I want you to help me remove the prefix of 'honor' from my title."

The Moon People are used to being straightforward, so Kamiya Kawa simply did not hide anything and directly stated his request.

I originally wanted to be more respectable, but since I failed to scare the chief priest, I might as well just do it directly.

I can't wait until "tomorrow", so I'll "take ten cities" from the Moon Palace now!

Otherwise, without Kamiya's intervention, who knows if the Moon Palace will still be there in two days...

Kamiyagawa plans to seize control of this place before the Moon Palace is destroyed. At the very least, he must seize some real power, or leave a reservation mark for real power control.

Anyway, as long as he gains real power in the Moon Palace, with the ability of the Takamagahara forces, as long as he spends enough time, he may be able to disintegrate and reorganize the original Moon Palace forces, and then gradually absorb them.

They are already very skilled in this set.

"You want to be the chief priest of the Moon Palace?"

"You can understand it that way."

"No, it's impossible. After all, the Moon Palace will not let people from the lower world become chief priests. We are the people of the God's Residence, the descendants of God. Only ourselves and the orthodox gods can lead us."

The chief priest shook her head indifferently, as if even if she was pressed to the ground again, there would still be no room for negotiation.

"You said orthodoxy..."

Hearing this, Kamiyagawa suddenly showed a playful smile.

You said it earlier, this is exactly what I want.

"I do have a territory in the lower world, but I can't be completely considered a 'person from the lower world'. This time I came to the Moon Palace, I came to Takamagahara." His tone became undeniable, "I am the master of Takamagahara."

"Takamagahara? But that is clearly the territory of Amaterasu."

Even the emotionally indifferent chief priest had a very slight surprise in his tone at this time.

"Yes. But Amaterasu's situation is the same as Tsukuyomi-no-Mikoto. She is no longer here. Now Takamagahara is ruled by me."

Kamiya introduced himself to Haku Kaguya as soon as he arrived at the Moon Palace.

But the innocent and ignorant Kaguya didn't care much about Kamiya Kaguya's background in Takamagahara.

Kamiya didn't emphasize this to her later.

Now that I think about it, it may be because of the loss of memory. Haku Kaguya probably doesn't remember where the so-called Takamagahara is, so she has no reaction.

But the palace manager is different. The name of Takamagahara can scare her.

After all, she knows very well that it is the first of the three divine residences!

Seeing the palace manager stunned, Kamiya Kaguya added with a little joking: "By the way, the other divine residence, the Sea Kingdom, is also my territory."

In fact, strictly speaking, Huajing is the current ruler of the Sea Kingdom.

However, whether it is the gods of the Sea Kingdom or the little whale itself, they all follow the lead of Kamiya Kaguya, the actual leader, so there is nothing wrong with saying this.

According to the priest, this group of Moon People not only care about "correct results", but also attach great importance to legitimacy for the position of "Prince" in charge of the Moon Palace.

Since you want legitimacy, I will give it to you.

At the moment when the gods are declining, no one is more legitimacy than me.

Through the conversation with Kaguya and the priest, Kamiya Kawa has realized that the Moon People's prejudice and arrogance towards the lower world should all come from their own identity-

They are residents of the God's Residence and the legitimate descendants of the gods.

So compared with them, the demons and ghosts in the lower world who have no right to live in the God's Residence and even humans are naturally filthy existences.

But unfortunately, the Moon People have to face Kamiya Kawa this time.

Kamiya actually controls two of the sacred residences that the Moon People are proud of!

Okay, Lord Chief Minister who still thinks highly of himself, who do you think is standing in front of you?

I didn't intend to get along with you as an ordinary person, but now it's time to show my cards!

I am the master of Takamagahara and the emperor of the Sea Kingdom!

I control two sacred residences, so it's not too much to say that I claim the existence of the last sacred residence, the Moon Palace?

How can I not be the chief minister of the Moon Palace?

According to this idea, even if Kamiya Chuan chooses to control the Night Food Plain with more forceful means, as long as the three sacred residences are unified and integrated, no one can give him a reason for "illegal access to power" based on this achievement alone.

The righteousness is mine.

"You are the master of Takamagahara and the Sea Kingdom? But, how could it be..."

The white mask of the chief minister was turbulent and chaotic.

Kamiya Chuan, who noticed this, felt a little happy for no reason.

You know, this dignified palace chief didn't show such a reaction even when he was pressed to the ground in dishevel.

"Since you have doubts, why don't I take you to see the two god's residences." Kamiya said with a smile.


There is no casket in the Moon Palace.

To go to Takamagahara and the Sea Kingdom, you must go to the lower world along the Ten Thousand Year Bamboo Bridge.

The palace chief seemed to want to verify whether Kamiya Chuan really controlled the other two god's residences. She didn't hesitate too much and immediately agreed to go underground.

Kamiya first ordered the little old man to transfer back an outer body and stay in the Moon Palace. When he went down the Ten Thousand Year Bamboo Bridge, he also took Bai Huiye down with him, just as a way to take the little goddess who had just learned part of her life and was frowning to relax.

When they arrived in Iyo, Kamiya Chuan took two Takamagahara pass tokens to the palace chief and Huiye, and took them to disappear at the casket in Iyo.

The Torii Gate Hall of Takamagahara, and the Tashin Island where the crab tribe originally lived in the Sea Country.

To verify that Kamiya River actually controls the two divine residences, it is enough to see these two places.

He did not let the palace steward and Bai Huiye stay in his territory for too long. He took a quick look and quickly brought them back to Iyo with the help of the divine casket.

"Are there any questions?"

In the lush and tangled bamboo forest of thousands of years, Kamiya asked the palace steward.

"I will discuss your proposal with Dayou."

"Then I hope it won't take too long. The crisis of the Moon Palace has indeed been resolved today, but you don't have much time."

According to the adaptability of the Moon People to "correctness", they should soon come to the conclusion of the discussion.

In fact, if you really want to absorb the Moon People and make full use of these "emotionless" labor machines, it is best to have a certain buffer period.

For example, it may take a lot of time to guide the Moon People and the demons and monsters under Kamiya River to get along equally.

However, how to create the idea of ​​"all people under Kamiya are the people of the God's Residence" will be handed over to Isohime, as well as civilian staff such as the raccoon cat Afu and the fox demon Xiaojiu.

Kamiya Kawa himself is more concerned about the situation on the dark side of the moon.

"As long as you accept my blessing, I will organize people to investigate the dark side of the moon. I will also guarantee the moon people for the rest of the things." He promised.

"Kamiya Kawa, if you want to go to the dark side, I will go with you."

Bai Huiye seized the opportunity to propose.

After strolling around Kamiya's territory and seeing a lot of new things, her emotional state seemed to have improved a little.

In the dark side of the moon, maybe the mystery of Huiye's life experience can be thoroughly explored.

She also has a reason to go there.

Considering that Bai Huiye can purify filth, Kamiya nodded: "I will take you."


Kamiya has decided to go to the dark side of the moon to find out.

Not only to formally obtain the sovereignty of the Moon Palace, but also to check for hidden dangers.

As a quasi-ghost god with the grand ambition of "completely ruling the world", any threat to the world will sooner or later affect him.

Early detection, early prevention.

Of course, it would be even better if he could get the legacy of Tsukuyomi by going to the dark side.

After bidding farewell to the emotionally turbulent palace priest and Bai Huiye who reluctantly boarded the Wannian Bamboo Bridge, Kamiya Chuan, who had been busy all night, temporarily returned to the world.

Early the next morning.

There was no news from the Moon Palace yet.

After a simple rest for a few hours, Kamiya re-entered the world, but this time he went straight to the Live Fish Hotel.

The incandescent lamps that kept ringing, the damp carpets, and the burgundy wallpaper.

Everything seemed to be normal in the hotel, but it was actually different from usual.

After the incident in Iyo, Kamiya's subordinate Inao Heitaro recovered the power that the Demon King Kotsuchi had lost, and now the Kotsuchi has become a complete form in the true sense.

Correspondingly, the live fish inn maintained by Kotsuchi has been greatly upgraded!

The seven gozen who rely on the existence of the inn have also benefited greatly.

Needless to say, the improvement in strength is naturally needed.

In the past, if six of the seven gozen were "boarded", the remaining one would gain the bonus of the bond power of their companions and be temporarily strengthened into a wild god.

Now, when all members are alive, they have the strength of a group of wild gods!

If they sacrifice their companions according to the old routine...

Kamiyakawa had previously conducted a battle test with the upgraded and strengthened gozen.

What is certain is that from the group battle of the seven emperors to the final big explosion, after a set of processes, they basically have the combat power level that can replace two full golden bear boys!

This is as powerful as when Kamiya just became a wild god.

The seven emperors have no shrines and beliefs to support them, and they are not real wild gods. Their strength depends entirely on the Demon King's hammer. It is very good to have the current level.

Moreover, this may be the upper limit they can reach.

The emperors cannot reach the level of gods.

They probably won't have too many opportunities to participate in the front-line battles that Kamiya will face in the future.

But it may be good to retire after success.

As gold medal fighters who have accompanied them to fight hard battles, the seven emperors have worked hard and made great contributions. Even if they retreat to the second line, Kamiya, the master, will not treat them unfairly.

And now that they are powerful, the second-line work is also very important!

With the combat power of the Aragami in the middle and upper reaches of the Golden Bear, wouldn't they also be able to work hard in important positions within the power and continue to shine and radiate heat?

The Gozen are now stronger than the Golden Bear.

In addition, with the complete replenishment of the Demon King's Hammer, the seven Gozen also gained another important benefit -

their memory.

Now, if the Gozen are reborn in the Live Fish Inn after "death", their memories will still be "reset". But Inao used the Demon King's Hammer to open up a new room for himself and his companions inside the hotel.

Let's call it the "Memory Palace of the Gozen".

As long as the Gozen who are reborn enter that room, they can regain the past memories recorded by the hotel for them.

From now on, the Gozen no longer need to rely on watching the images recorded by the drone Kasahara to recall the past.

They have finally become relatively complete "immortals".

As long as the Live Fish Inn that the Gozen rely on always exists, they will always exist.

Kasahara, who has been the "external brain" for the imperial concubines for two years, has made great achievements in publicity business and can now participate more in other work within the power.

Everyone has a bright future.

As for Kamiya coming to the Live Fish Inn early this morning, of course it was not to bring the seven imperial concubines to accompany him to the dark side of the moon.

He came for the Demon King Hammer.

The complete form of the treasure hammer had aroused the great research interest of the divine craftsman Sister Jue.

Jue has been in the hotel for several days just to study the hammer.

She said that if this treasure hammer can be transformed again, it may become another trump card for Kamiya Chuan to fight hard battles in the future.

The seven imperial concubines are indeed a little out of the game, but the hammer itself is strong!

However, when preparing for the moon palace yesterday, Kamiya also came to the hotel. At that time, Sister Jue was still concentrating on research.

Now another day has passed, and Kamiya Chuan will come to see the situation again.

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