I loaded the ghost talk game

Chapter 807 Kamaitachi

Xiao Lu loves to share his daily knowledge with Master, such as what happened in school, his insights and progress in practice... Whenever he has free time, he will tell it to Kamiya, and his little mouth won't stop.

However, what she is showing Kamiyagawa right now should not be considered "daily" content.

"What's going on?"

"That's it, Master." Lu Yewu began to explain everything that happened today:

"When I saw Naixun at school today, I smelled some strange stories on her body. Then I asked Naixun if she had encountered any strange things recently. She thought for a while and told me ——Three days ago, on Friday evening, she found a beautiful but injured little weasel in the park in Bunkyo District. "

"Naixun bandaged the wound of the little weasel. Then when she went to the park again the next day, the little weasel came out to see her again in a very humane manner."

"So, I asked Naixun to take me to that park after school. In order not to alert others, I kept a certain distance from Naixun and took care of the smell on my body."

"Then, the weasel really appeared, just like what I took the picture. The result was just as I thought, Naixun met a monster again! That creature that looked like a weasel, I was in it I smell a weird smell on my body, the same smell as Akimichi's."

"This friend of yours seems to always encounter strange things?" Kamiya glanced at his apprentice's mobile phone again.

"That's right!" Xiaolu nodded in agreement, "However, this time the weasel doesn't seem to have any ill intentions towards Naixun. Not only me, but also little grandpa feels the same way."

The little old man has a very strong sense of danger, and he can see the hidden hostility and malice very clearly.

When he was still a very weak little monster, it was because of this talent that he could survive in the world where monsters were rampant until he met Kamiyagawa.

Since even the scouts felt that the weasel had no ill intentions toward Fawn's friends, there should be no problem.

And judging from the interaction between Weasel and Akimichi Nahiro——

Because Akimichi bandaged the weasel's wound, the weasel showed obvious closeness to Akimichi.

Not to mention whether human treatment methods are effective on monsters, in short, the weasel must have felt the kindness released by Akimichi Nahiro.

Being able to do this means that it is a monster that can communicate.

Kamiyagawa: "This...Kamaitachi your friend met this time?"

Kanoya: "Yeah! I think so too!"

Kamaitachi, a traditional ghost story.

In most of the related ghost stories, it is considered to be a monster related to the wind. And this kind of monster is often a group monster, usually three Kamamaitachi act together.

There is a saying in Gifu Prefecture that the three Kamaitachi are three brothers. They move very quickly. The eldest one usually holds a big stick and will trip passers-by; the second one holds a sickle and will make cuts on the skin of passers-by; and the youngest sickle-weasel holds a pot of medicine and applies it to passers-by. A plaster that heals wounds instantly.

In addition, some people say that the three weasels are the relationship between parents and children.

In short, even if ordinary people encounter Kamaita and are scratched by them, they will not feel pain or even notice the wound. Generally speaking, it's like feeling an incredible whirlwind blowing through you, falling down, and then nothing happens when you get up again.

They are basically a group of monsters that do not cause much harm to humans and like to play pranks.

Kanoya: "After that, I asked Grandpa Little's clone to follow the Kamaita. Also, I entrusted Grandpa Little to send another clone to follow Naixun temporarily for the past two days."

Kamiya had told his apprentice a long time ago that if necessary, the scouts following him could be properly dispatched.

At the moment, Quanjin Ugly Girl is dormant for the time being, and the little old man still has enough legion in his body, so there is no problem in splitting another clone to keep an eye on Xiaolu's friend for the time being.

"What are you going to do?"

Kamiya still knows his eldest apprentice very well.

This girl was dispatching the little old man's body, and she was reporting to herself. It was obvious that she had something in her mind.

"Master, don't you think?" Xiao Lu's pair of bright black eyes suddenly shone a little, "If it is really Kama Itachi, he is very suitable to be my shikigami! If you can control the wind, you can cooperate with my incense magic. ! Look, Xiao Kui and Xiao Xiu Shou’s fighting skills are so cool.”


Kamiya had a slight smile on his face and pondered for a moment.

No wonder he just said something like "I don't want to alert the snake", it turned out that Xiaolu Zaizi had this kind of calculation in mind.

Maybe she saw that Tsurumi's training of the little sleeve hand was effective, and the fighting coordination between one person and one monster was beginning to take shape, so she was a little itchy. I just want to give myself a shikigami that can match my own spells, so that I can perform exciting combinations in future ghost-killing battles.

It's pretty good, at least it shows that Xiaolu is quite motivated.

This is the advantage of training two apprentices. They will compare each other and seek self-improvement.

Then, coming back to it——

The deer seems to be particularly interested in strange stories about animals?

If Miyako Kappa is considered a turtle, her shikigami are all animal companions.

The Kamaitachi who took the initiative this time was also of this type.

This girl probably really plans to raise a menagerie of monsters.

"Any plans?"

"Not yet, there are still some issues that have not been clarified." Xiaolu shook his head honestly, "Generally speaking, three sickle weasels act together, right? But Naxun only encountered one. If there are only two other sickle weasels, we must first find where they are so that they can be caught in one fell swoop! Also, the sickle weasel in the park was injured, but we don't know what injured it yet, which is also very worrying."


Catch them all in one fell swoop?

I don't know where Xiaolu learned this "strange talk peddler"-like habit from...

However, what she said is right, and she has basically noticed all the problems that should be noticed.

Although this girl always acts careless, she is still meticulous.

This is like me, worthy of being my apprentice!

"I have something else to do and can't get away. So, after the little old man sends back new news, you can act according to your own judgment. Oh, by the way, if your junior sister is free, bring her along."

Kamiya rarely put on the "master's posture" and ordered.


Xiaolu was allowed to move freely, hummed happily, and then blinked and looked at the master, but kept his mouth shut and didn't say anything more.

That's it.

The apprentices should try to handle some things completely independently, and with Xiaolu's ability, she should be able to do many things well.

As for Kamiya, he just finished the initial exploration of Mizuho Country, and actually didn't have anything important to do for a while.

So at most, he would just go to see the apprentices slightly, quietly, and that would be enough.

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