I Loaded the Love Game

: Kiyano Rin is 1 star!

Thanks to all the book friends who supported Rin Kiyano.

Thank you [May your love be deep] for the final help.

Special thanks to [Armored Air Mother Dafeng], [Spring and Autumn Rain 1994], [Wawu Cat] and other book friends for their support.

There has always been a lot of controversy in this book, and readers have come and gone, and some small disturbances have been set off.

Right or wrong in the past is not important anymore. It’s okay to care about those who care about themselves, for the book friends who still stay, for the book friends who are willing to continue reading, for the first 100 bookers who ordered, I will definitely put the book After finishing the book, tell the story to the end.

Finally, in my personal capacity, I am extremely grateful to the operation officers such as [Spring and Autumn Rain 1994] and [Matsumae_ Xuhua]. As an author, I really didn't do anything. I rely on them.


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