Chapter 110: The Four Great Monarchs of the Dragon Clan, All Together!

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“White Star! You’re awake! ”

As soon as the White Star woke up, the King of Neptune, who was guarding his side, immediately shouted in surprise. Shark Star, Emperor Star, Tipper Star and other celebrities such as Fish Princes have also come for it.

“Little sister! You’re awake! ”

“Are you okay?”

“What the hell happened, how did you suddenly become like this?”

Several of Bai Xing’s brothers asked with great concern.


The shark Meculo also let out a low groan.

In the face of the concern from everyone, Bai Xing did not answer at the first time. She had just woken up from her slumber.

A flood of information and memories flooded into her mind. This made Bai Xing stay directly in place for a while, and his eyes were a little hollow.

“White Star, what’s wrong with you?”

“Don’t scare us!”

Seeing the appearance of the white star, Neptune and the others could not help but be more worried. They wanted to go up and check on the White Star.

But the shark Merculo still won’t let them get any closer.

“What the hell is going on?”

Neptune said anxiously. Meanwhile.

Outside the hard-shell tower, there was also a loud noise.

Apparently, the new Fishman Pirates led by Hordy Jones were already attacking the Hardshell Tower. With the mermaid forces guarding the outside of the hardshell tower, it would have been impossible to resist and stop Hordy Jones for too long.

“Damn! Hordy Jones and the guys from the New Fishman Pirates are at this time! ”

Listen to the sounds of fighting outside the hard-shell tower, and the screams of mermaid soldiers.

The Great Prince Shark Star took the lead and could not sit still.

He grabbed the weapon in his hand and turned around and walked towards the outside of the hard-shell tower.

“Father King, Emperor Star, Dipper Star, you are here to take good care of the White Star.”

“I’m going out to meet the guys from the New Fishman Pirate Regiment!”

Shark Star’s face was full of determination. And his voice had just fallen, and the Second Prince Emperor Star and the Third Prince Doudou Star also took up the weapons in their hands. Stood with Shark.

“Brother, we can’t leave you alone.”

“Let’s let the three of us brothers go together to meet the bastards of the New Fishman Pirates!”

Both the Emperor Star and the Flipper Star smiled and said that they had already made their senses.

It was said that the shark star did not stop it. He just smiled and said, “Good! ”

“You guys…”

King Neptune saw the situation and was just about to say something.

At the same time, he also picked up his trident, and also prepared to go outside the hard-shell tower. However, Shark Xing and the others immediately began to dissuade, “Father King, I know that you also want to go out to fight.” ”

“477But as the king of the Dragon Palace, your safety is the most important thing.”

“Moreover, in the current state of the little sister of the White Star, it is necessary to leave someone to take care of her.”

“So, leave the battle to a few.”

“You stay here to take care of Little Sister White Star in case something happens to her.”

The three men of Shark Star, Emperor Star and Tipper Star took turns to open their mouths and quietly dissuaded them. Hearing these words from his three sons, Neptune fell silent.

After struggling for a moment, he finally nodded slowly.

“You guys.”

“….. Stay safe! ”

After a brief instruct.

All three of them walked out armed with weapons. And from beginning to end, the white star has been in a state of surprise, without any reaction.

….. Outside the hard-shell tower.

The fighting situation can be described as quite tragic.

Under the army of the New Fishman Pirates, the mermaid soldier guards have shown signs of collapse. It won’t be long before it will be a complete defeat.

At this moment, the three sharks came out of the hard-shell tower.

Looking at the situation on the battlefield, the faces of the three princes were all very serious and angry.

“Hordy Jones! Do you know what you’re doing?! ”

“Dare to provoke a rebellion, this is a capital offense!”

Shark roared directly in the direction where Hordy Jones was.

“Oh, capital offense?”

“You guys, you’re all dead to pieces, or are you so hard-mouthed?”

“Then I want to see if it’s me or you who are going to die!”

Hearing Shark’s words, Hody Jones couldn’t help but sneer.

Then, the eyes flickered! Preemptive!

With the icy killing machine, it is a rapid attack towards the location of the shark star. At the same time, the red trident held in his hand is also fiercely stabbing at the shark star! The shark star saw the situation and did not dare to be careless.

Hurry up and wave the golden trident in your hand to meet the attack.


The two tridents collided violently, making a metallic hitting sound. But the collision didn’t last long.

The next moment, the entire figure of the shark star flew backwards like a cannonball! It then slammed into the outer wall of the hard-shell tower.

Fortunately, the hard-shell tower was strong enough and the walls were not damaged. But after the shark star endured such a strong impact, he felt as if his internal organs were all mixed together. I couldn’t help but spit out a mouthful of blood.



The Imperial Star and the Tipper Star exclaimed. Hurry up and check on the sharks.

Hordy Jones, on the other hand, stood where he was, looking at the three fish princes with cold eyes. A cruel smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

“Oh, just by the strength of a few of you, but it is far from my opponent.”

“I don’t even need a pill against you.”

Hordy Jones’s tone was tinged with disdain. Having said that, he stepped forward again.

Holding the crimson trident, he slowly walked towards the three sharks.


“You guy, don’t be too arrogant!”

The shark wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and slowly got up from the ground. He clenched the golden trident in his hand again.

Obviously, there is no intention of trying to tie your hands.

The two princes of the Imperial Star and the Tipper Star also stood side by side with the Shark Star, ready to meet the enemy together.

“Oh, since the three of you are in such a hurry to die, then I will fulfill you.”

“Rest assured, your father and the White Star Princess will accompany you together later!”

As he spoke, Hordy Jones’s figure lunged forward.

The red trident in his hand stabbed out fiercely and kept waving. It left a trail of red shadows in the air.

The storm-like attack was mercilessly heading towards the three princes. At the same time, several cadres of the New Fishman Pirate Regiment also moved. Leopard Zang, Doss two, one holding a long knife with poison, the other armed with a huge warhammer, at the same time from both sides towards Shark Star and others. In this way, the three shark stars were instantly caught in the situation of the bag.

Not to be outdone, the three fish princes waved their tridents in their hands to meet them.

However, their strength is still a certain gap compared with the cadres of Hordy Jones and the New Fishman Pirates.



In the midst of a violent collision of weapons, the three fish princes were quickly defeated. Even the trident in his hand was picked out and flew out! The three were seriously injured and fell heavily to the ground. There were also bloody scars on his body.

Obviously, there is no power to fight again.

“How’s it going, princes?”

“Are you going to continue to resist?”

Hordy Jones sneered as he looked at the three sharks who were incapacitated.

The look was incredibly proud and cruel.

He slowly walked toward the three men with his trident in his hand.

It seems to be announcing the death sentences of these three fish princes.

“Since all three of you are dying, why don’t you just tell you a secret?”

“Actually, your mother, Princess Yiyiji, was not killed by humans at all!”

“It’s my hand to find someone to move!”

“Oh, I’m the culprit who killed your mother!”

Hordy Jones triumphantly told the truth that not many people knew.



When the three shark stars heard the words, their eyes widened in an instant. Furiously, he yelled at him.

Seeing their appearance, Hordy Jones was even more proud.

“Hahaha! That’s the expression! ”

“What, do you hate me?”

“Are you trying to kill me?”

“But alas, you don’t have the ability!”

“Next, let me send you with my own hands to accompany your dear queen!”

Hordy Jones laughed.

The crimson trident in his hand was already raised high, and it could take the lives of the three sharks at any time.


Hordy Jones let out another loud roar.

Then the trident took the lead and stabbed at the shark. Prepare to be the first to end this grand prince.

However! That’s when it happened!

The door of the hard-shell tower was suddenly slammed open from the inside! Immediately afterward, a figure rushed out from inside with great speed! In an instant, he was already at the side of Hody Jones. Then it slammed into the face!

Hody Jones was knocked straight out of control. And the figure did not stop after crashing into Hody Jones.

Instead, they continued to crash the leopard and the two cadres of the New Fishman Pirate Regiment on the side with great speed. In addition to its speed, it does not give a few people half a point of reaction time!

“Damn! Which bastard?! ”

Hordy Jones got up from the ground as soon as he was knocked out of the air. He looked fiercely at the culprit who knocked it away.

But when he saw the figure clearly, he was suddenly stunned.

The figure that had previously crashed into him was Princess Whitestar’s pet shark Merculo.

“What a boldness!”

“Even you, the beast, dare to attack me?”

“Look I don’t chop you into shark fillets!”

Hody Jones said viciously, and the gesture was to hold the trident and attack again. But the next moment, his eyes were drawn to the other side.

At the gate of the hard-shell tower that had been opened. Two figures slowly came out from inside. It was Neptune and White Star.

At this moment, the white star had eased from its previous state of distraction.

It’s just that the whole person’s temperament seems to have changed a lot from before.

“Father the Emperor! White Star! ”

“Great, is Little Sister White Star recovered?”

“No way! You can’t come out, it’s too dangerous outside, get in! ”

Shark Star and the others were greatly reduced after seeing Neptune and White Star coming out of the hard-shell tower. And Hordy Jones’s face is once again a sneering smile.


“Finally, don’t you shrink your head to the turtle, can you give it up?”

“Just so that your family can get together.”

“I’ll send you a few pieces of mercy on the road!”

As Hody Jones spoke, he gave a look to the cadres of the New Fishman Pirate Regiment behind him. Immediately afterward, Hotdy Jones and several cadres rushed to the front, apparently not intending to give Neptune and the others any chance to resist. When Shark Star and the others saw this, they hurriedly shouted again, “Father Emperor! White Star! Come on! ”

However, it was too late.

The attack of the New Fishman Pirate Regiment had already arrived in front of everyone in the blink of an eye. There is no way to avoid it!

However, in the face of such a situation, the awakened White Star did not have any panic. Only to see her standing in place without half a movement.

The next moment, dozens or even hundreds of water needles condensed from the sea suddenly appeared around her! Immediately after, these water needles suddenly pierced!

Densely packed and overwhelmingly heading towards Hordy Jones and the others. In an instant, before they could react, they had already pierced their bodies!

When the transparent water needle pierced out of the body of Hody Jones and the others, it had become a bloody red needle!



The blood needle flew out, and Hody Jones, who was still attacking, fell to the ground in an instant. There is no life at all!

This sudden scene directly made Neptune and Shark Star and others look stupid.

Hody Jones and the cadres of the New Fishman Pirate Regiment, just died? And, did it happen to White Star?

Was this really the timid and crying White Star Princess they knew? What happened to the other person?

In the shock of everyone, those blood needles had completely eliminated all the new fishman pirate members on the field. Then it slowly dissipated.

“White Star…”

Neptune and Shark Star and the others looked at the White Star, and the look of surprise on their faces was overflowing. They wanted to say something, but for a moment they didn’t know where to start.

No way, this thing is really shocking for them!

Looking at the appearance of Neptune and the others, Bai Xing smiled slightly.

“Father Emperor, Brother Emperor, I know that you must have a lot of doubts now.”

“I’ll explain these things to you later.”

“And now, I’m going to take you somewhere.”

Hearing this, Neptune and the others asked doubtfully, “Where to go?” ”

Bai Xing held out his white and slender fingers and pointed to the top of his head, and replied with a serious look: “On the surface of the sea!” ”

“Naval Headquarters, Marin Fando!”

At the same time as the words fell, I saw that a cluster of blood-colored energy light suddenly appeared around the white star.

Then he slipped into the bodies of Neptune, the three princes of Shark Star, and the mermaid soldiers! Naval Headquarters, Marin Fando.

Under the control of the Golden Lion, the Flying Sky began to move rapidly towards Marin Fando. The people on the battlefield of Malin Fando couldn’t help but become nervous.

The Five Elder Stars, on the other hand, looked at Uranos, the Heavenly King, who was hovering over Malin Fando with displeasure. Angrily shouting, “Uranos, what the hell are you doing?!” ”

“Don’t you hurry up and get rid of those guys!”

“With your strength, a single breath is enough to destroy them and the pirate ship!”

In the face of the roar of the five old stars, Uranos remained indifferent.

The black dragon seemed to be afraid of something, and did not dare to move.

“Damn! What a useless beast! ”

Seeing the situation, the five old stars could not help but whisper a scolding.

“Forget it, since this beast is disobedient, then let’s do it ourselves!”

With that said, the Five Old Stars were ready to personally attack the Golden Lion and the others.

And yet, just then!

On the surface of the sea in front of Malin Fando, a sudden change occurred! A huge whirlpool formed above the surface of the sea for no reason.

From that whirlpool, a huge sea king with a huge head suddenly jumped out. At the front of those sea kings is a mermaid with pink hair! Seeing this scene, the golden lion located on the Feikong suddenly smiled, “The four monarchs of the Dragon Clan…”

“Now it’s here!”

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