Zhang Li suppressed his anger and asked, "What does this mean?"

"Zhang Li, I know you are Lu Ye's good brother, but listen to my advice. This matter involves a lot, so you should not get involved.

If you can contact your brother, tell him not to care about these false names. Only what you really get is the most important.

The official has been following him to receive the reward."

The man on the other side paused and said, "Well, of course, this is based on the fact that Lu Ye has no strength... If..."

Zhang Li understood without him saying, "Thank you, Director Zhang."

Director Zhang on the other side hung up the phone directly. What was there to thank him for? He didn't say anything.

In fact, he didn't like Sun Zhenglin, but he couldn't change anything at all. If he rashly got involved, it would probably end in a miserable ending.

But the fear is that he won't even get this treatment.


Sun Zhenglin received the news from his subordinates and laughed.

It's really funny that Zhang Li went to defend his brother.

However, Zhang Li's strength is not bad. When the ghost energy revived, he also controlled more than one powerful ghost. It would be great if he could subdue it.

The reason why he did not make it to the level list is entirely because his personal strength cannot compete with the group.

After all, every experience that Sun Zhenglin upgraded was prepared for him by others, just waiting for him to go over and kill the last blow!

Sun Zhenglin paused: "I'm going to City A. Everyone speed up and don't let my upgrade speed slow down."

Other players immediately silently speeded up, and wild monsters were continuously transported over.

This is why Sun Zhenglin can be ranked second. There are also high-level players from Blue Star who help him!


But at this time, the Avenue Gold List was refreshed, and countless people looked up.

The level list was slowly made public, and everyone stopped the crazy monster-brushing action and took a break at this time.

But when it was just refreshed, everyone was stunned. The original tenth place had long gone.

It was replaced by the original third place!

What happened?

The original fourth place was green! He looked at it in disbelief: "Impossible! I was ranked third, how come I'm ranked tenth today!"

He is a player from the Eagle Sauce, and also the only foreign player in the top ten. No players from other countries have made it!

The combination of Daxia and Huaxia is too powerful! Others can't stand it at all!

This Eagle Sauce player also has high-level players from Blue Star to help him kill monsters, so his progress is impossible to fall behind other players.

But he was clearly ranked third yesterday, how come he dropped to tenth today! ?

If it wasn't the Avenue Game, he would have shouted about the shady deal!

At this time, Sun Zhenglin had a bad premonition, and he stared at the ranking list!

Wouldn't he be the next one? Impossible! He was ranked second!

How could he drop to ninth place in just one day!

But then... the ninth place was announced!

[Ninth place: LV10. Sun Zhenglin (Huaxia) (Qi training great perfection)]

Sun Zhenglin was so angry that he threw the knife in his hand: "How is this possible? How is this possible?"

He could not accept this matter anyway, especially when he was originally arrogant, a little failure and setback was a major blow to him.

"Who is it! No matter who you are, you are dead!" Sun Zhenglin stared at the golden list in the sky.

The Chinese players were still watching the joke, but the ninth place just announced made the Chinese jokers completely upset!

The ninth place turned out to be Sun Zhenglin from their China! He is the second place player! The Chinese players couldn't laugh anymore.

Even their second place was forced to the ninth place. Which country and which players have such ability?

They are very panicked now. This must not be a foreign player! As long as it is a Chinese player, they can accept it!

The Eagle Sauce Country, which was originally wailing, did not protest at this time. Everyone stared at the next ranking, no way?

Could it really be them?

Countless thoughts flashed through their minds, and finally converged into a crazy idea: It must be them!

This must be their player!


Eagle sauce.

The Eagle Sauce Country on this side of the earth has not encountered the mess of the Blue Star Eagle Sauce, although the crisis of the revival of ghost energy has come before.

But these crises have always been suffering for ordinary people. As for these absolute human high-level people?

They will definitely not be affected!

So they can still laugh at this time, while laughing, they open champagne to celebrate.

"Everyone, I wonder who of you took action?" Mr. President took a sip of wine and looked at the others with a smile: "We are all in the same camp at this time, there is no need to hide it from anyone."

"No matter who of you has cultivated a strong player, I will be the first to stand up and support!"

Everyone nodded, it is indeed the truth, they really think so.

But... after a while, everyone couldn't help frowning.

Everyone looked at each other, not you? Not you? Not you either?

Everyone felt something was wrong at this moment, and looked up at the others in shock: "No? No?"

Everyone's face suddenly darkened, it was over, it wasn't them!

Who is that?

It can’t be a player from China! Players with potential in China have basically been sent up for training.

If there are still some players hidden, that’s impossible.

At this time, China.

It just so happens that they also look at the Eagle Sauce Country...


But at this time, the gold list of the Avenue above the Nine Heavens slowly unfolds.

[Eighth place: LV22. Zhang Li (China) (Second level of Jindan)]

At this time, all the players were stunned and looked at this scene in disbelief!

The first-tier players with the fastest progress among them are still trapped in the most tedious job transfer tasks, and even the original first and second place players have not completed the job transfer.

As a result, someone has completed the job transfer and has soared all the way to LV22?

Ordinary people are staring at the exaggerated level in amazement, but the top leaders of various countries are looking at the name of that person...

Zhang Li!

They used to be very familiar with this name, and even decided to make friends with him, but after the announcement of the level list, their idea faded!

Why should we make friends with Zhang Li? Because he and Lu Ye grew up together, and they have a very good relationship.

Why did the idea of ​​making friends disappear later? Because Lu Ye did not make it to the level list!

What does this mean, many people should understand, right?

But at this time, Zhang Li's level soared to LV22 at a weird speed!

How did this happen? What does this mean?

The hearts of the top leaders of countless countries trembled suddenly! Is it what they thought? If so...

Many people have different expressions, but they are all complicated.

Especially in China, after discovering that Zhang Li's level is as high as level 22, the first person they think of is Lu Ye!

Only Lu Ye has this ability.

But what does this mean, the top leaders of China know very well!

Lu Ye can take out the treasure to make Zhang Li's level soar to level 22, so what about himself?

He himself cannot have made arrangements! So what level is he now?

His strength is definitely not on the level list. The reason why Lu Ye did not make it to the level list is another reason.

Everyone was confused, and there was only one thought at this time, it's over!


But the most panicked person is Sun Zhenglin.

He stared at Zhang Li's level at this time, his eyes were red! Was he looking at Zhang Li's level?

He saw the meaning behind Zhang Li's level!

Lu Ye is back, and his strength has not disappeared at all!

So what should he do now?

He remembered that he had taken down all the publicity news about Lu Ye...

A drop of cold sweat slowly flowed down his forehead...

Sweat wet his back, and it was sweaty to touch.

If Lu Ye's strength had not disappeared, judging from his previous strength, the earth would have no way to stop him.

He is finished!


But ordinary players would not think so much, and they would not be exposed to the darkness and filth behind the scenes.

What they care about most now is the next ranking, and it must not be a foreigner!

At least it is not the Eagle Sauce and the Japanese devils!

As for the others, don't worry about him.

The eighth place has been announced, and the seventh place will be next.

Everyone is looking forward to it.

[Seventh place: LV899. Mo Lihai (Daxia) (Great Perfection of Daluo Jinxian)]

All the players on Earth looked at this list: "???"

At this time, there was only one thought in their mind: Huh? What the hell?

Among a group of players whose levels were only in the teens and twenties, a player with a level of over 800 suddenly jumped out.

Why does this seem more and more absurd the more I think about it?

But after the initial confusion of the Chinese players, looking at the familiar name, they suddenly fell into deep thought.

Mo Lihai, isn't this the Four Heavenly Kings of Heaven?

Fuck! This is really a hammer! The gods in the Dao game can also affect reality!

No, no, they actually became players!

Will it be the remaining four brothers of the Mo family next?

Sure enough, as they expected, the four brothers of the Mo family appeared next!

Sixth place, fifth place, fourth place!

After a long period of silence, the Chinese players suddenly burst into cheers like a landslide and tsunami!

"Long live!"

"Long live the Four Heavenly Kings!"

"China is invincible!"

"Wind! Wind! Strong wind!"

And a group of people suddenly shouted the war song of the Qin Dynasty, the meaning is self-evident!


Almost all the shouts in the mouths of the people changed!

"Wind! Wind! Strong wind!"

The voices became louder and louder, and more and more people joined in!

A momentum suddenly rose up in China! It swept across the entire sky, and any dark clouds were swept away! There was no cloud in the sky!

All the eyes in the world were cast on China, and their eyes were full of awe and shock!

As long as you know the meaning of the roar of "Wind! Wind! Strong wind!" in the mouths of the Chinese people, I believe you will never sleep well again!

But the countries that are really restless are those countries, and no country can sleep well!

The meaning of the Chinese people is too easy to guess! Countless people listened to this roar, and their bodies were slowly shaking!

They felt the will of the Chinese people contained in this roar!

Go forward without hesitation!

They seemed to be saying what a charming ancestor had not yet said: One earth, 195 countries, hundreds of languages, isn't this a kind of division? Isn't this a betrayal of Qin Shihuang?

Countless people were trembling!

Especially those "neighbors" around China, I'm afraid they will never be able to sleep well from now on!

I'm afraid that the nightmares in the future will be "Wind! Wind! Strong wind!"

Hua Lao listened to the hoarse roar of the entire capital and the entire country, and he felt the will contained in it.

He smiled, maybe the achievements that the ancestor had not yet completed would be completed in this life?


The earth-shaking shouts seemed to have affected the Avenue Gold List, which did not announce other rankings, but waited quietly.

Until the roar on the land of China slowly subsided!

Until everyone in the world stopped trembling!

Avenue Gold List announced the next third place.

【Third place: LV1027. Taiqing Daode Tianzun (Huaxia) (Saint)】

【Second place: LV1189. Nuwa Niangniang (Huaxia) (Saint)】

But when these two rankings were announced, the whole world was silent, including Huaxia.

Everyone looked at this scene in disbelief! Damn!

It’s okay that the Four Heavenly Kings of Heaven appeared on the player’s ranking list, but now the legendary saint appeared directly!

You have to know what the saints represent in the prehistoric world, and no one knows it better than the players. That is the ceiling of strength!

As a result, two saints appeared on the level list, and one of them is the saint of the human race.

The Eagle Sauce and other countries looked at this scene at this time, stunned for a long time, and suddenly laughed.

That’s it, what’s the point of fighting? Fight? !

Hahaha, I laughed to death! Really laughed to death!

Just vote directly!

The Chinese side was also stunned. The emotions were released too thoroughly before. Now looking at this scene, they actually felt a little... numb.

Hahaha! How can China lose?

Two great gods of creation directly came out to play for others. Who can beat them? Who can beat them? Hahaha!

When the first place Daotianzun was announced, it felt like no one cared about it.

Countless players have had a short break, and now they are back to practicing frantically.

Only those who have experienced major changes will understand and know the importance of strength.

Now the strongest player in the human race has broken through to level 22, and has even successfully changed his job. The rest of the people seem to be encouraged and are starting to do the job change tasks more frantically!

They must not fall behind too much! They cannot be left far behind by this strongest player in the human race.

Well, as for those great gods whose levels are hundreds or thousands of levels, the others tacitly skipped them.

Comparing with them? Isn't this just making things difficult for yourself?


At this time!

Sun Zhenglin found Mr. Hua with a look of defeat: "Grandpa Hua, save me!"

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