
Jian Mu was stunned for a moment. She remembered that she had indeed cooked carrot dishes before, and vaguely remembered that Cen Luo was hesitant at that time.

He really doesn't seem to like carrots much.

But at that time, Jian Mu thought it was because he did not make it delicious, so Cen Luo didn't move his chopsticks.

"Actually, carrots are quite nutritious."

When he heard her words, Cen Luo was silent for a while and then said, "Actually, I..."

"Is it not delicious?"

"No no, delicious."

In his memory, Cen Luo didn't make it clear to Jian Mu what the last words actually were.

But now Jian Mu knew.

Cenlo is allergic.

But she only now knows.

Cen Luo put down the chopsticks in his hand and leaned against the back of the chair, looking at Jian Mu who was a little dazed.

It looks like I really don't know.

Cen Luo retracted his gaze, stretched out his hand and pushed the tableware and chopsticks in front of him, and took the photo album that had only been read on one page and placed it in front of his dining table.

Under Jian Mu's gaze, he started to turn back.

His eyes were flat, with no other emotion at all.

At the end of the page, Cen Luo looked up and smiled at Jian Mu: "It's like reading a photo album of you."

Jian Mu did not speak.

"I took these pictures for you, what about you? What did you leave me?"

Cen Luo looked at her with burning eyes, his eyes were firm, and he seemed to have determined that Jian Mu could not leave anything important.

When she asked this, Jian Mu was speechless again.

Since Su Nian asked her yesterday if she had done anything that moved Cen Luo, Jian Mu had been thinking about it for a long time, but she couldn't remember what she had done for Cen Luo on her own initiative.

The white sweater she was wearing was bought by Cen Luo when she was paid for the first time in her official job.

She also told her that she could only wear it on major festivals in the future.

Later, it was only worn once or twice, and it was kept in the closet for a long time without taking it out again.

Cen Luo put the album aside, turned on the camera, glanced at it casually, and put it down.

"Did I tell you about this camera?"

It was rare that Cen Luo suddenly had the quality of chatting with Jian Mu.

Jian Mu nodded slightly: "You said it was precious."

"Maybe I said it, but you forgot."

If I really liked Jian Mu so much in the past, it would be impossible not to tell her about this kind of thing.

"This is a gift from my grandma, and then Xiaoxi wanted me to give it to her again."

Thinking of Cen Xi, Cen Luo paused and chuckled: "It came back to me later."

After a long while without hearing Jian Mu's answer, Cen Luo looked up just to see Jian Mu's slightly confused gaze.

"Don't you even know Xiaoxi?" Cen Luo raised his lips and smiled a little ironically.

Jian Mu thought about it for a long time, and then vaguely thought of the little sister Xiaoxi that she heard from Qin Ran in high school.

But Cen Luo did not mention the situation at home to her, only that Cen Luo's relationship with his parents was not particularly good.

This is something Jian Mu has never cared about. She has never taken the initiative to find out about family relations.

Cen Luo never asked about the situation in her home.

Actually, Cen Luo also felt a little strange. Since he liked Jian Mu so much, why didn't he tell her about these things.

After thinking about it, Cen Luo only thought of one possibility.

"They all told me that I used to like you very much, and even I thought so. You see, all the photos in the camera are of you, and they even made a photo album for you, and I've been with you for ten years."

"All the good plans can be changed because of one of your actions. Really, it sounds like I really like you."

"But, looking at it now, everyone may have misunderstood. I didn't even tell you the most important relatives. How can this be love?"

Cen Luo couldn't remember the past, but she knew that she was stubborn. Maybe she had been chasing Jian Mu for so long, just to prove that she could do it?

"Have you known me? Have you done anything for me?"

Cen Luo asked sincerely, she was really curious if Jian Mu had done anything for her, even if it was a little thing.

However, under Cen Luo's gaze, Jian Mu could only be silent. She suddenly remembered the message Cen Luo sent her when she was trapped in the company because she didn't bring an umbrella more than a month ago.

During that time, the pressure was very heavy, and I always dreamed of vague things, which would pop up involuntarily when she was with Zen Luo.

Makes her want to escape.

Later, I heard someone in the office discussing a psychological clinic, with strong privacy and security business capabilities, so Jian Mu stopped by when he passed by that afternoon.

Her original intention was just to clearly remember the scene at that time.

She just didn't expect that the memory after awakening was more difficult for her to accept than before.

Jian Mu has always known that she is different from others. When she was in elementary and junior high school, she had to switch schools countless times, and it never took more than two months to go from one school to another.

Whenever she transfers to a school, it doesn't take long for someone to follow her.

When the person turned around, the classmates were no longer her classmates, and the teacher was no longer her teacher.

They will all look at her with strange eyes to guard against her.

In those years, she went to different schools, whether it was a county town or a city school far away from Yuncheng.

After a while, she could see her by the seat, and greeted her kindly: "Jian Mu, let me find you again. I see someone is very friendly to you, maybe they don't know what you are yet. Such a person? Let me do good deeds."

Later, the person died, and she had a day to stop.

After a long time without an answer from Jian Mu, Cen Luo already had an answer in his heart.

There were mixed feelings in my heart, and after a long while, Cen Luo said with a smile: "I found that you really don't like talking, is there any language barrier?"

Cen Luo wasn't all sarcastic, this was indeed where she was puzzled.

"I can imagine my life in the past, looking for topics to chat with you like crazy, but I can't get your answer. I'm talking about it, but I'll supplement it for you in my heart, trying to find a way to understand your life. What surprises are there for you, of course, maybe what I did might be superfluous in your opinion."

"I don't think it's superfluous." Jian Mu said suddenly.

"That is to accept my contribution as a matter of course." Cen Luo chuckled lightly, "Jian Mu, don't you think this kind of relationship is a failure?"

There was obvious sarcasm in his tone.

Jian Mu met Cen Luo's gaze, and in an instant, she suddenly understood what she had done to Cen Luo.

Take it for granted, but never give.

For fear of choosing to ignore, but never stopped asking.

Bound her around in the name of love, but never gave her anything that belongs to love.

"I know why you asked me to come here. You want me to see familiar scenes and familiar things, so as to restore my memory and stay by your side."

Yes, what she did during this time was actually just to remind Zen Luo.

Familiar people, familiar places, and familiar events are actually just to restore Zen Luo's memory.

"Actually, it shouldn't be just when you graduate from college. Why can I fill out a college with you when you fill in the college entrance examination?"

Qin Ran didn't know, but sixteen-year-old Cen Luo knew that the university she most wanted to go to was Cotton City University.

If she really doesn't want to be known about the volunteers filled in at home, how can she know?

After a while, Jian Mu answered loudly, "I said it."

In the days of filling out the application in high school that year, until the last day, Jian Mu did not decide which school to fill in.

All the students will inform the head teacher after filling out the application. In the last few hours, only Jian Mu has no news.

The head teacher called her to urge her, and @ her in the class group, Cen Luo came to her after seeing it and asked her what she had filled in.

She was silent for a while that day. In fact, she knew in her heart that as long as she didn't say anything, in a few hours, their colleges would have nothing to do with each other.

But in the end, she still said it, but she didn't expect Cen Luo to be very happy after hearing it. She said that they had a good heart, and she also enrolled in Yuncheng University.

"Although I'm very angry, you are like the kind of person who doesn't like and hangs me. Thinking about it, I think it's bad, but I also think that being able to follow you for so many years, your essence should not be bad. , may be unconscious behavior."

Cen Luo can only comfort herself like this. Compared with chasing someone for ten years, she can't accept that the person she is chasing is too bad in nature.

"No, I didn't want to do this to you, I just..."

Just what, Cen Luo didn't want to listen to her explanation anymore.

Cen Luo sighed, took the camera back, rummaged for a while, and then pressed the button on the camera twice.

Moving too fast, Jian Mu didn't see what Cen Luo did.

He took the album just now and took out a group photo of the two of them, but there were not many in total.

At that moment, Jian Mu had an ominous feeling in her heart.

Sure enough, the next second, the photo was torn apart in Cen Luo's hands.

One piece, two pieces, three pieces...

By the time Jian Mu reacted, Cen Luo had already torn up two photos.

"Don't tear it up..."

Jian Mu suddenly reached out and grabbed Cen Luo's wrist, staring closely at the photo in Cen Luo's hand.

The shredded photos fell on the table, on the ground, one after another, scattered everywhere.

However, Cen Luo just gently pushed her hand away and took the other two photos from the other hand.

Under Jian Mu's pleading gaze, Cen Luo tore the two photos to shreds.

Cen Luo looked at Jian Mu, raised his hand slightly, and scattered pieces of photo confetti scattered in Jian Mu's eyes.

The originally clean restaurant has also become messy because of these photo confetti.

Cen Luo still had the last photo left in his hand.

Inside, she wore a birthday crown, and in front of her was a candle that had not been blown out. Under the light of the candle, she kissed Jian Mu's cheek.

"Don't be like that."

When Cen Luo recovered from the photo, her wrist was already held by Jian Mu, and Jian Mu's other hand was holding the other corner of the photo, trying to take the photo away from her.

In an instant, Cen Luo didn't know what kind of emotion he should be in. Except for the first time he saw Jian Mu in the hospital, he felt that Jian Mu's mood fluctuated greatly. This was the second time.

"I heard Xiaoran say that when we were together, I seemed to ask you for a request."

As soon as the words fell, Jian Mu was stunned.

Apart from not being allowed to lie to her, Zen Luo once asked her a request.

"I don't feel safe, can you promise me a condition?"

"No matter what I say, you will promise that."

If it wasn't for Cen Luo's reminder, Jian Mu would have long forgotten about it.

In fact, since the two were together, Cen Luo never mentioned this matter.

When Jian Mu was lost, Cen Luo snatched the photo, and when Jian Mu didn't react, he tore the photo to shreds.

"I also erased all the photos from the camera."

Jian Mu squatted down and tried to pick up the last photo of Cen Luo torn to pieces. Hearing Cen Luo's almost indifferent words, she was stunned.

Cen Luo only glanced at the messy shredded photo paper, then looked at Jian Mu who was staring at the shredded paper, and said coldly:

"Although I don't understand why I spent ten years on you, I respect my choices in the past, but it's just respect. The past ten years have all been cleared, and now I neither love nor hate you, I hope Jane Don't disturb my life again, I'm fine without you."

"That's my request."

After speaking, Cen Luo smiled lightly at Jian Mu.

After a long time, Cen Luo heard Jian Mu's low voice asking:

"I don't agree, can I?"

"Can not."


Cen Luo never knew that she could say such things to others so indifferently.

"It's getting late, let's go first."

Without waiting for Jian Mu's answer, Cen Luo picked up the camera on the table, and when he walked to the door, he glanced back and saw that Jian Mu was still squatting in that position.

There were a lot of scattered pieces of paper, and Jian Mu's movements were very slow, as if every frame was deliberately slowed down a lot.

Jian Mu lowered her head, her fingertips resting on the scattered photos.

Cen Luo's eyes paused slightly, and then went out the door.

Hearing the clear sound of the door closing, Jian Mu picked up the torn photo.

Only Jian Mu was left in the restaurant, and the dishes on the table were particularly eye-catching at this moment.

In the empty restaurant, it took a long time for Jian Mu's murmur to sound:

"However, you are talking about two requirements."


When Cen Luo came out of Jian Mu's residence, he saw that Zhao Zhao had sent her a message ten minutes ago asking where she was.

There was still an hour before their appointment.

Cen Luo: [On the side of Nanyang Yulou. 】

Zhao Zhao: [I'm near here, shall I pick you up? Wait for me at the front door. 】

After Cen Luo replied okay, he put the phone in his pocket.

In less than ten minutes, Zhao Zhao drove her eye-catching red sports car to her.

"elder sister!"

"Cen Luo!"

Zhao Zhao called out twice before Cen Luo came back to his senses.

Get in the car and fasten your seat belt.

"Sister, why are you here?" Zhao Zhao looked forward and asked casually.

"I am busy."

"But sister, don't you look like you're doing business? Why do you dress so casually? It looks better in the hospital than this."

Zhao Zhao didn't break it, and asked jokingly.

Cen Luo was really attracted by her words, looked down at his clothes, and murmured, "It's not ugly, right?"

I'm just here to make it clear, do you want her to dress up?

Zhao Zhao chuckled lightly: "Mmmm, my sister is so pretty."

Cen Luo snorted and praised her perfunctorily: "Where can there be a good star."

Zhao Zhao was amused by this.

After a while, Cen Luo suddenly asked Zhao Zhao, "People with tear moles should cry easily, right?"

Zhao Zhao didn't know why Cen Luo suddenly asked this question, but he suddenly thought of a person with a mole beside Cen Luo who was just a Jane Mu.

Although he knew that there must be a reason why Cen Luo appeared here, Jian Mu was still in a bad mood.

On the face, he still answered Cen Luo's question seriously.

"Yes, I have a friend who has a tear mole. Usually, I cry in a second when I cry, and I cry every time in my life."

Cen Luo nodded when he heard the words, looked out the window and murmured, "No wonder, that's none of my business."

Zhao Zhaoyin vaguely heard Cen Luo's words, but he didn't hear it clearly. When he asked again, Cen Luo said nothing perfunctory.

Zhao Zhao gave up and didn't ask any more questions.

The author has something to say: the supplementary chapter will be updated before eleven o'clock tomorrow night.

Thanks to the little angel who voted or irrigated the nutrient solution for me during the period of 2021-07-1923:19:26~2021-07-2123:17:57~

Thanks to the little angel who threw mines: MX61, 530797771;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 20 bottles of snail powder and Jim; 10 bottles of Siu Yi Xiao; 5 bottles of 999 cough syrup; 256422504 bottles; 1 bottle of Liangliang September 9;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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