The sudden appearance of the face made Cen Luo's heart suddenly tremble, and she held back her fear so that she would not cry out.

Because she was afraid of disturbing another person.

Before the man could speak, Cen Luo pointed the bracelet that had been straightened in his hand at the man's eyes, and a strong flash of light swayed straight to his eyes before the man could react.

Hearing a "hiss" sound from his mouth, strong flashes can make people lose their light for a short time, Cen Luo took the opportunity to get out of the bed.

Seeing him cover his eyes and take a few steps back, just blocking Zen Luo's way out.

Seeing that he opened his mouth to call someone, Cen Luo immediately switched the wristband to the mode, and when he had no backhand strength, he used the wristband with the electric shock mode activated to touch the arm that was closest to her while he was showing his teeth and claws.

While thinking in my heart, it must be useful.

The man fell to the ground with a thud, twitching a few times.

Just as Cen Luo was about to leave the room, he heard a strange male voice from outside:

"Brother, what's wrong with you?"

There are wolves in front and tigers in the back, and facing Gang Cen Luo definitely can't beat the man outside.

At least the man inside was in a coma.

Cen Luo suddenly closed the door and locked it.

Burglary is impossible without tools.

How to do how to do.

The police have already been called, why haven't the police come yet?

Cen Luo's hands are shaking now, she is leaning against the door of the room, hoping that people outside can leave.

Worrying that the person who was stunned on the ground would suddenly wake up, Cen Luo electrocuted him twice with the bracelet.

"Is there something good in there? Found a bank card?"

"You don't want to swallow it alone, do you?"

The people outside banged and knocked on the door, as if he hadn't thought that the eldest brother in his mouth had been brought down.

Every beating sound seemed to hit her heart.

Cen Luo suddenly remembered Jian Mu's message that she would be here soon.

Can not.

Can't come now.

Cen Luo hurriedly took out his mobile phone and looked at the person lying beside the bed while typing.

【You don't come. 】

[I'm fine, you call the police. 】

Even though Cen Luo was about to cry with fright at the moment, she knew in her heart that it was too dangerous now, and Jian Mu would be easily injured now.

If someone else was hurt because of her, she would die of guilt.

The people outside finally noticed the abnormality, and the sound of slapping the door of the room was much louder than before.

Judging from their appearance, they have indeed inquired about the situation on this floor.

I thought no one was on this floor today.

Cen Luo suddenly remembered that he heard a long doorbell bell when he was half asleep last night. Because he was too sleepy just after getting off the plane, he slept for a long time. He thought he was just dreaming.

There are also small black dots that appeared inexplicably outside the door, and it was only at this moment that I realized that it may not be the children's scribbles, but their stamps.

Cen Luo's heart was as cold as ice.

The door suddenly became quiet, and Cen Luo didn't dare to relax.

The next second she heard the door of her room being slammed hard by something.

Like something hit the door.

Cen Luo was about to cry, didn't he retreat when he was discovered?

I looked around the room, but couldn't find any tools that could block the door.

Rather than waiting to die, go out and fight with him.

Just thinking about this, but the next moment, Cen Luo heard a muffled sound. Cen Luo thought it was someone on the ground who woke up, but heard a voice from outside:

"Who are you?"

Is someone here?

Another crash.

No... is it Jian Mu?

Jian Mu hadn't responded to the message he just sent, and Cen Luo was more afraid than happy.

If it was Jian Mu, how could she beat her?

Cen Luo wanted to open the door, but was afraid that the person was tricking him.

But the next second seemed to confirm her conjecture, and she heard a cold but familiar voice outside the door:

"Don't come out."

Jane Mu...

No, she can't beat it.

Cen Luo cried anxiously. She had always been afraid of letting the thief know that she was a girl and didn't dare to speak out. She couldn't control that much now.

"Come on, the police will be here soon."

She didn't understand, she knew it was so dangerous, why did Jian Mu come.

You will get hurt, don't you know?

Is she fighting him?

How can she fight as a company president?

"Don't come out."

It has been a long time since Cen Luo heard such an indifferent voice from Jian Mu, but at this moment, she only had worries in her heart and did not intend to listen to her words.

Cen Luo heard the sound of the glass falling to the ground again.

is near the dining table.

At this moment, Cen Luo recklessly opened the door and saw Jian Mu who was fighting with a strange man.

Jian Mu saw that Cen Luo suddenly opened the door, and the dining table was far away from the bedroom door, and told her aloud:


How could Cen Luo just leave Jian Mu like this, she held the bracelet tightly in her hand.

As long as you can touch him.


Seeing Cen Luo's firm expression, Jian Mu understood something.

After being absent for such a second, the man caught the opportunity and gave Jian Mu a punch.

Jian Mu pursed her lips in pain, the smell of blood overflowing from her mouth.

Why so stubborn.

All made you run away.

This was the first time that Cen Luo saw Jian Mu fight.

She never thought that the cold, indifferent and occasionally dull Jian Mu would have such a grumpy side.

Every move was ruthless.

Cen Luo has been waiting for the opportunity.

Whenever a man wanted to get close to Zen Luo, Jian Mu would trap him.

Suddenly, a siren sounded outside the window.

finally come.

While the man was panicking, Jian Mu seized the opportunity, picked up an empty can from the table, and smashed him on the head.

When the blood came out of the man's head, Jian Mu threw away the blood-stained can and took a deep breath as if electrocuted.

The man did not faint because of being hit like this, but as if provoked, he took out a fruit knife from the side of his trousers and stabbed it towards Jian Mu.

"You forced me."

By the time Jian Mu reacted, it was too late, seeing a bright light, Jian Mu only felt a pain in her abdomen.


Cen Luo has been looking for an opportunity, but she didn't dare to go over. She wouldn't fight, but she was afraid that she would hurt Jian Mu instead.

But she couldn't run alone, or hide.

Seeing that Jian Mu was injured, Cen Luo ran towards her regardless.

Jian Mu was in pain, but she was even more afraid of Cen Luo's injury. Enduring the pain, Jian Mu held the man's wrist and threw him over his shoulder.

The fruit knife had already been pulled out of Jian Mu's belly. Perhaps this was the first time he had shown the knife, and the man was quite frightened, not to mention that Jian Mu still had such strength.

"Cen Luo, bracelet."

Cen Luo was frightened by the blood flowing out of her belly. She wanted to help Jian Mu, but when she heard her voice, Cen Luo hurriedly shook her hand and pointed her bracelet at the man.

Before he could react, Zen Luo used an electric shock.

Cen Luo was frightened, frightened, and tears flowed uncontrollably.

"Cen Luo, that's enough."

Cen Luo mechanically shook his head, no, not enough.

He steals, he hurts, he deserves it.

A muffled sound interrupted Cen Luo's thoughts.

"The police are coming."

Jian Mu's weak voice remembered in her ear, and saw that her hand was suddenly held.


Cen Luo looked at Jian Mu and cried even harder. Now that she was told to be obedient, what about when she told her not to come?

Why is she disobedient.

However, before these emotions erupted, Cen Luo was frightened by the blood flowing out of Jian Mu's abdomen.

"How come there are so many..."

Cen Luo reached out to help her cover the wound, but the blood was pouring more and more.

"120, against 120."

Cen Luo hurriedly took out his mobile phone to make an emergency call.

Jian Mu wanted to say it was okay, but she had no strength, so she could only watch Cen Luo panicked and scared, but could do nothing.

It's okay, Cen Luo, it's just a minor injury.

You don't cry.

do not Cry.

Jian Mu's vision began to blur slowly, and she vaguely heard the sound of someone breaking in.

Are the police here?

Cen Luo should not cry anymore.

"Jian Mu, wake up..."

Why are you still crying.

Jian Mu wanted to open her eyes and tell Cen Luo to stop crying, which made her even more uncomfortable.

It was more sad to hear her cry than to be stabbed.

do not Cry.

But Jian Mu didn't even have the strength to open her eyes.

Only the sound of sirens and the whimpering of Cen Luo could be heard.

Jian Mu thought, did she do something wrong again?

She seemed to make Zen Luo sad again.

Jian Mu had a very long dream.

In the dream, she just transferred to a new school.

The classmates in the new class are very friendly to her. The classmates around the front and back come to ask her name, and they will also give her their own snacks. After class, they will find her to play skipping rope and kicking shuttlecock together.

Jian Mu is very good at this. Every time, many classmates come to her to form a team to praise her for her greatness, and also tell her that they are friends now.

Jian Mu likes the classmates and teachers here very much, because they won't look at her with strange eyes or push her away.

Importantly, there is no Jane Mi here.

She thought the sky in her dream was blue and the marshmallows were sweet.

This class is her favorite math class.

She sat at the desk, opened the book, and waited obediently for the teacher's arrival.

I heard the noisy voice of the same table and the back table.

They were so noisy that she could hear them going to the canteen to buy snacks during the next class break.

Before the teacher came, the children's self-control was not strong, and the classroom became a mess.

Jian Mu heard her own voice: "I want to go too, can you take me with you?"

"Of course, we are friends. I'll buy two candies later, one for you and one for me."

She has two pink bows on her braid at the same table. It's so pretty, and she wants to buy one too. Jian Mu thought.

When the math teacher came that day, half of the class time was over.

Her first words on the podium were not an apology to the students or a direct lecture.

Instead, they told them that there was a new classmate in their class today.

Jian Mu saw a girl in a white dress with two ponytails walking in from the door.

She introduced herself with a smile, and then she asked the teacher with a clever face if she could be at the same table with Jian Mu. She only knew Jian Mu in this class.

Jian Mu told the teacher that she did not want to be at the same table with Jian Mi.

But the teacher told her to be more obedient and to obey the teacher's arrangement.

Jane Mi told her aggrievedly: "I won't tell others your secret, don't hate me."

At that time, she stood on the podium as a new classmate.

In front of the teacher and classmates, she will not tell her secrets.

Everyone turned their curious eyes to her.

However, someone followed her after school that day and asked her if what Jian Mi said was true.

Jian Mu didn't know how to answer.

They have been followed to the end of the street.

Her silence irritated them, and a group of children gathered around her to question her.

Other classmates pointed at her, and when they saw that she didn't speak, they moved their hands.

That day, she got into a fight.

When she finished moving her hands and turned around, she saw Jian Mi standing at the end of the street holding her hands and looking at her, and the girl who said they were friends.

"Look, a mentally ill daughter must be mentally ill."

"You were almost killed."

Jian Mu heard Jian Mi's schadenfreude and mocking voice, saw the disbelief in the girl's eyes, and her step back.

Obviously she was also injured, obviously she was the one who was beaten.

However, the teacher asked her politely if she should go to a special education school.

After that day, Jian Mu had no friends or teachers.

It turns out that the world in the dream is not friendly.

The subsequent dreams were almost the same, but the difference was that this time Jian Mu no longer believed in others.

If you don't have friends, you won't be hurt by friends.

It won't hurt if you don't care.

However, she seemed to have encountered a little accident later.

Everyone around seemed to like to discuss the girl in the next class.

What did she do today, who did she chase, and how many points did she get in the exam.

Even though Jian Mu has never deliberately learned about her, she can still hear news about her all the time.

Then one day, when she was reading a book in the corridor, she heard the voice of her classmates.

"Look, Cen Luo and her friends were punished for sweeping the floor again."

On the playground, a girl in a school skirt is chasing another girl with a broom and laughing.

As the sun went down that day, she caught a glimpse of light.

Later, Cen Luo suddenly appeared beside her and introduced to her with a smile that her name was Cen Luo.

Cen Luo would complain to her about what her friends did to her today, how difficult the exam questions were, and how much she fell behind last time.

She was really loud, so loud that sometimes she couldn't turn a page in an hour.

One day Xu Fengwan laughed at her name Zhu Gusheng again.

She was in the corridor that day and heard the noise of Xu Fengwan and her.

"I'll call you one by one, what's wrong, you just can't fall in love, can't you can't! Live a lifetime alone!"

Everyone was calling her name, and these two words sounded particularly special at this moment.


Jian Mu recited these two words silently.

Later, there was a slight earthquake in Yuncheng. At that time, she was in physical education class, and the classmates in the classroom hurriedly evacuated.

"Is that Cen Luo? Why hasn't she come down yet."

Some students pointed to the classroom of Class 3 and talked.

That time, she went upstream.

I met her and her friends in the passageway on the third floor.

Seeing that she was biting the candy, the few people in a row seemed to be in a hurry as if they were shopping. Seeing Jian Mu going upstream, she even teased and asked her if it was because she was worried about her.

Friends are telling her to eat slowly and buy it later at the grocery store.

What others heard was Cen Luo's ridicule, while what Jian Mu heard was Jian Mi's sarcasm.

- You see, who would like someone like you, no one will need you, never before and never will.

Yes, she is not needed by anyone.

The author has something to say: Good night.

Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2021-08-17 23:58:20~2021-08-18 23:58:17~

Thanks to the little angel who threw mines: Xie Xingchen, 411645951;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 5 bottles of Qiufeng Budu, 33775338, ww, Mojin; 1 bottle of Fuyasha in the Spider Mountain;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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