I love posting on Weibo and have become a professional genius

Chapter 12 Young people must learn to be cool

Kindred came out after he was resurrected.

Bron led the center field from his own triangle grass into the red and blue zones to support Bobby.

In fact, MaRin's acting is a bit stiff.

Facing the Titans, they collided for no reason and exchanged E in person.

It’s just that VG has lost most of its thinking ability.

His mind is full of invincibility.


Dandy signaled and tried to stay. As soon as he got close to the toad, a group of solid ice appeared on the flank, followed by a yellow card, and then a smoke bomb covered his face.

"This man is stupid. Don't let Titan go."

Dandy had no idea that his performance was rated so low.

The trio eliminated Qian Jue and fought their way out of the intersection.

The male gun E pulls the body, and Bron uses the male gun as a springboard. After W, he pauses for a beat and then releases the Q. He hits the Titan steadily and slows down.

"We're pushing for the high ground, IMP, you go and hit it."

"The Titans fell, VG lost 2 people, and the bottom lane has to go high with the lane."

"You have to defend the high ground, and you have to defend the middle. IMP takes F4 and pushes it. It's very difficult for the Marquis to defend the high ground. He's just a czar, he can't shadow clones."

A yellow card is scary.

Qin Hao chose to stay closer to the defense tower, forcing the Czar to stand back.

At such times.

Wheel Mom is still clearing the lane on the top lane, so LGD is not polite and wants the high ground on the bottom lane together with the first tower.

"VG won't come back to guard?"

"LGD is very stable. They break the high ground and walk straight away without even looking at the crystal."

Team voice.

Qin Hao wanted to use the offline to play a trick, "I'll take him, you can look for opportunities to baron, and if the opponent dares to come, find opportunities to attack. I have the baron, and the support will not be slow."

"You understand, you understand." PYL was the first to agree.

The unique switching mechanism of the card is the core driving force for it to enter the arena.

"Eimy, can you bring two real eyes? The big dragon won't squeeze the field of view and play a trick."

Coming out of the spring, PYL felt dizzy when he saw that Eimy would rather buy parts instead of using the eyes.


Eimy silently cleared a space and brought 2 real eyes. Just pretend this never happened.

"Go to the road and squeeze out the upper lane. We will occupy the center and wait for the PP to take the lead."

"They are the ones who are anxious. Let's wait for the other side to come over. Look at my position. I will shoot whoever I leave."


"OK." IMP's mouth felt a little itchy, and he wanted to drink some Chinese seeds.

The script was executed smoothly.

VG was beaten so hard that they didn't dare to take the lead. After the upper and middle soldiers were squeezed out, PYL led his teammates to clean up the area around the Dragon Pit and the upper wall area of ​​the Dragon Pit.

Bottom lane.

Qin Hao took the thread and saw no one at all.

There is no view protection from the flanks.

Because the advance eye represents the team's focus.

If in order to protect the wing, teammates need to help press the VG blue zone, then Baron will not be able to rely on it.

Distinguishing primary and secondary purposes is also part of decision-making.

"LGD has taken the points card, is it going to fight April 1st?"

"VG's large force is in the middle and second tower. It's easy to get down."

VG wants to put cards deeper.

10 seconds pass.

LGD's frontal troops disappeared, and the card just brought the line through the ruins of the second tower and faced the Titan who came to connect the line.

The next moment.

The card was pulled back, and when VG was thinking about exploring the dragon's vision, Qin Hao turned around, entered the blue zone and ran down the river.

"Baron started the fight, and LGD was very decisive."

"The field of view is clear, VG can react."

"Thresh is leaning on him, and he's leaning on it very carefully. It only takes a few seconds to be defeated by a piece of equipment like this."

"PYL is hiding in the river grass, Loong is still clearing the route, and VG lacks a front row."

Thresh throws a lantern to find the red buff in the grass behind the wall.

Knowing that no one was around, he deliberately turned his head when he leaned towards the dragon pit to insert his eyes. Xiao Duan was afraid that there was an eye above the dragon pit, and he would get control skills as soon as he got close.

Just insert the real eye, and the dragon only has 6,000 health left.

VG panicked immediately.

"The river gives me eyes, and I have T."

"Look at me, look at me." PYL shouted in the voice.

This is 3 seconds.

On LGD's side, the Dragon Pit trio continued to fight the dragon.

On the VG side, the Czar passed to the back wall eye, and Thresh went to the river to insert the eye, so that the Titan could cross T and reach the front of the formation. At the same time, the wheel mother was coming quickly.

Just touched the small section.

A ball of solid ice flew out of the grass, and his steps suddenly became sluggish.

"Bron opened the security door and pushed forward, and the cannon jumped out to compensate for the damage. LGD wanted to reduce the number of assists first!"

"Thresh's position is very dangerous. Keep your position wide open and flash to open your position."

"Go to the road and turn T. The Czar pushes back Poppy through the wall. Dandy has arrived. The dragon has three thousand health. The male gunman slides out to see the Titan."

There is no need to fight with the inferior side.

Thresh was knocked out, and PYL commanded to surround the Titans who came down from T. On LGD's side, the output environment of the small cannon was not bad, and VG's double C could not get close for the time being.

The front rows of both sides faced each other directly.

Thresh's hook can only catch Braum who is on E, and the Titan is forced to use his ultimate attack as soon as it lands. The moment it locks on the small cannon, IMP plans to cross-dodge and pull away, knowing that it will not be stopped, and the Titan will be sent away when it lands.

PYL: "Just play in the front row and take your time."

What PYL wants is to kill the Titans. Thresh has lost so many statuses and skills, and has lost its combat effectiveness. When the time comes, go back and continue to fight the baron and continue to force the team. How many kills will VG give away?

Something the camera didn’t notice.

Qin Hao controlled the card to reach the upper side of the lower river, and the range of his ultimate move encompassed the entire red zone of VG.

He knows that in a head-on collision, his teammates must be superior.

Seeing the small cannons dodging away from the dragon pit wall, and the Titan being decelerated to half its health, Qin Hao glanced at the golden body in the equipment slot.

The next moment.

[Destiny] is turned on.

Heart's eyes widened as he watched the card fall on VG's back row's face, and approached Thresh who was walking to the intersection.

"This location——"

Miller was about to say that the cards would be given away, but the sudden change attracted all the attention of VG's back row.


Qin Hao pressed the golden body.

The green-glow hook, sand soldier, and wolf spirit were all sluggish.

The reaction speed of professional players hurts them.

The yellow card was already received upon landing.

Xiao Duan could only watch as the yellow card flew towards the Czar, cutting off the last link between the front and rear rows.

Loong people are stupid.

He resisted the concentrated fire for more than five seconds, and temporarily left the battlefield with a flash of remaining health. What he saw was that his teammates were held back by cards alone.

"Falling to the floor, Penicillin looks so good!!"

It turns out he doesn’t know how to be cool.

This is the only thought left in Heart's mind.

Looking at the youthful spirit, Heart suddenly felt that he looked like a seventeen-year-old player.

He has many ways to help the team win this wave.

But in the shortest time, he came up with the coolest trick.

All spectators saw the card performance.

It held the back row alone for four seconds, received a yellow card, took some damage, and immediately flashed back into the formation. At this time, the male gun was taking away Thresh with a burst of explosives, Braum flashed R and knocked away the Tsar, and Poppy followed...

"VG was defeated. Card went to chase the Titan with low health. Wheel Mom was bitten by Poppy and could only escape by dodging."

"Stop chasing, LGD will turn around and beat Baron.

Although Qian Jue on VG's side is not dead yet, Ka Kai holds a yellow card and stands on top of the dragon pit to keep an eye on him, so Dandy has no chance to get close to the dragon pit. "

"0 for 2 plus the dragon, at least there are 2 highlands."

Operated for 2 minutes.

In the last wave, Qin Hao's yellow card hit Thresh, who was looking for an opportunity, and Xiaopao jumped up again...

"Let us congratulate LGD..."

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