I love posting on Weibo and have become a professional genius

Chapter 30 You don’t need to do everything, you just need to play a key role

15 and a half minutes.

Looper signaled for the incense pot to move closer, and Ike retreated early.

He knew that the flanks had eyes. More than 20 seconds ago, the defensive eyes saw Bronn and Prince coming in.

He only needs to put some pressure temporarily, and when he has time, follow the upper channel of the red zone, pull towards the blue zone, and then enter the field of vision area where Xiaohu has passed, that is, the upper side of the upper river channel, E cross the dragon wall into the red zone, and go to the middle A tower pinned on the way.

This wave is about to start.

Looper only had this idea.

This fight.

Looper's impression of LGD has greatly changed. During the Spring Split, he always felt that LGD would give away, which was very reckless. However, with these two games, they paid more attention to defense. Only Nosuke would still try to play invasion.

You can't leave the tower, right...

RNG suddenly changed. During the normal confrontation in the middle line, Rizila followed the troll to protect the formation.

PYL said: "Guard, there are four on the opposite side. Danzi, don't swipe when you are on horseback. Look at the front. Wheel Mother's broken shield cannot defend against the Niutou Second Company. Don't make the number unbalanced."

Commentary seat.

Yutong saw that the prince was still eating the three wolves, and Lulu and Wheel Mom were closer, so he raised his tone unconsciously: "Looper's position is well hidden, bypassing the F4 camp ward, there are no LGD wards in the grass. !”

"How to get past it? Wheel Mother has both summons. Ice Girl can't attack first in the first wave. It's hard to give her ultimate move."

Just finished.

RNG became murderous.

The cows who were moving left and right on the flanks of the army suddenly appeared and rushed in as if they were suffering from mad cow disease.

Qin Hao reacted quickly and raised his hand to shield AD. With Braum by his side, Niu Tou will hit the Flying Wheel Mother twice in a row and open the big anti-turret.

"Bao the nest, the cow head is given away."

IMP doesn't panic at all, double summons and adds E Gabulon security door, who will hurt the opponent?

The icicle got stuck in the lower part of the body, and the wheel mother opened W and continued to A. Although she couldn't move very much, it was a pure target. Just A slowly, and the ejection would teach the opponent how to behave.


LGD focused all their attention on preventing Kalista and Ryze from pressing forward.

"Looper! This timing is very good!"

The crampon was placed against the wall. When no animation was shown, the troll half-swatted away the big sucking bloom. Suddenly, the muscular man turned into a puffy man.

That's the time.

Qin Hao caught the ice girl out of the corner of his eye, but it was already too late to react.

Ice Girl EE flashes W to control the lower assist, and R Braum lowers the blood volume.

Followed by a Q, combined with the damage of Ryze and Kalista, to complete the melting.

"Fuck, most of the labor and capital can't be released, I'll beat you up."

When the screen went dark, PYL was startled, and Qin Hao's heart also skipped a beat.

He thought RNG was coming for AD, so he put his fingers on the ultimate move, but it turned out that the front row was melted.

"Wheel Mom purifies and flashes all enemies, and retreats into the second tower. The prince is here, and the big move frame is assisted, and then EQ pulls away to cover the retreat of teammates. However, RNG did not pursue deeply, and they chose to pull out the first tower."

Then, the director slowed down.

The audience can clearly see that when the ice girl's E got stuck on the wall, Lulu turned around and pulled away, instead of letting go of her W and turning into a sheep.

"Looper was really decisive this time. He just dodged his W and used his ult, and cooperated with his teammates to kill Braum for a second. Moreover, IMP was very scared after being controlled by his W, so he immediately handed in the double summon."

"The Bull Head is still resisting, but it is too fleshy, and all the damage is caused by the defense tower."

Then the sky collapsed and the earth shattered and disappeared. Niutou took away the hatred and easily returned to the formation.

The commentator didn't talk about Lulu, the barrage was all about Lulu.

“10% off water bottle?”

"Lulu doesn't have any natural enemies in the lane. Once she equips her with this colored pen, she can reveal her true colors in a group fight."

"Substitute or starter? Haha, my teammates were beaten and I didn't even get a single big move."

The front was breached, MaRin judged that the second tower would not be lost, and continued to lead the line.

At this time, the head ratio was 2:1, RNG gained an extra mid-tower, the mid-field and bottom field were all under pressure, and the team's total economic lead was one thousand and one.

"Danzi, can you do some eye protection? Why did this ice girl come out of our wild area?"

PYL yelled at Eimy: "You are playing like a prince, don't keep brushing. If the troll on the opposite side reaches the front, you have to be there. At the critical moment, we have to rely on you to take damage. I am the only one in the front row, and I have 2 horses. Life is not enough to die.”

"Really are……"

"I, I..." Eimy wanted to tell Chen Bo that he thought the opponent wouldn't jump over the tower and was just coming to grind for a while as usual. If you have a wheel mother to clear the line, it should be no problem.

Again, who will drive the wheel on the opposite side? Whoever drives it must have Lulu Bao’s wheel mother.

Who would have guessed that an ice girl took a long detour, but MaRin didn't give the signal.

It was Qin Hao who came out and said, "Oh my God, I made a mistake in my judgment by not interrupting the opponent and not protecting you. Otherwise, at least I could have replaced you."

Qin Hao's attitude was very sincere, but PYL still spoke to Eimy: "You really have to think about how to counter attack. With our lineup, they must attack. Now that the defense is good, what about counterattack? You can't be beaten without fighting back, so why not just attack directly? A handful."

Eimy has no temper: "Oke Oke."

Qin Hao felt a little guilty. Looper's ghostly appearance destroyed the little pride he had felt.

According to this rhythm, if Ice Girl's ultimate move becomes better, RNG should use the same move.

Having this idea, Qin Hao encouraged his teammates, "Next time they play like this, Brother Dan, just boldly frame Troll or Ryze, and I will protect the rest by cutting in."

"As long as the formation is not too bad, Kalista can't get in, so it can only deal with me first."

"I understand what you mean."


He wanted to ask his roommate, what do you know?

There was another quiet period next, but everyone including the commentators knew that RNG would launch a new attack. The difference lies in how RNG plays such an entry combo.

The second wheel mother is not the only option. As long as the wheel mother does not output the environment, the team battle can be easily won. The wave just now proved that an enlarged bull's head can withstand the damage of the defense tower plus Lulu and survive for more than 10 seconds.

So for RNG, they think Ike is more troublesome. After the period of being suppressed by Ice Girl, their status has been reversed.

The ice girl wants to support the front, but it's not without cost.

"When they met in the wild, the troll and the prince had no idea about each other."

"They are all trying to grab the lower half of the field of vision. LGD wants to keep Ekko single-handedly, but RNG doesn't want Ekko to be comfortable. Moreover, after controlling the lower side, RNG can also control Xiaolong."

Three minutes passed like this.

To 19 minutes and 07 seconds.

Xiangguo controlled Xiaolong and led the support into the blue zone. Seeing the movement in the field of vision, PYL led Eimy to mark point to point. Qin Hao cleared the lane on the top lane and rushed down immediately.

It's too late, but it's soon.

Braum's Q slows down the bullhead, and the troll directly turns over to the E card position.

PYL: "Look at me, they want to fight."

The bull's head approached the two people.

At the same time, Ryze suddenly appeared in the river. But after delivering the thread, Xiaohu went home and came face to face.

"The little tiger arrived first, and the bull went to attack it, but the prince took him away with his backhand."

Fighting begins in the front row.

When Ryze came to the intersection, Eimy swept the IMP into position and decisively covered the R-frame midfielder.

"The prince drags the two, but the bull's head is very meaty, and the wheel mother A doesn't move very much."

A blink of an eye.

The two sides found their own targets to focus their fire on, and after a few seconds of delay, the prince pulled back with a quarter-health EQ. At this time, the bullhead who had used his ultimate attack was also beaten to only half-health.

"Two seconds, look at Ike."

The firm will disappeared immediately, and PYL used his ultimate move, Glacier Fissure, which was very effective in such a narrow intersection.

"Braum did a good job with his ultimate move, knocking the midfielder away and delaying Ryze for a while. Ekko came in from the flank and found the back row, and the puppy twisted the cover with a Q."

The cooperation between Braun and Ike turned into a troll in an instant, and Kalista took A to insert the spear. Although the martial arts slide could not move after being slowed down by the ice fist, Ike was also extremely brittle and could not hold off for more than a few seconds.

Three rings, Ike tries a pull.

At this time, the Ice Girl teleported to Pass Grass.

"LGD's team is very difficult to fight. There are a lot of spears stuck in Ekko's body, and his teammates can't get through at all."

"The ice girl is here! Can you replace the cow head?"

This time.

The ice girl goes to the blue buff camp E and aims at the wheel mother who is constantly ejecting. However, as soon as the ice girl landed, she was interrupted by a figure who was ready to attack in advance.

"Ice Girl W was not released, and IMP chose to move forward. The bull's head was sucked back, and it was already very disabled. After Ekko finished his ultimate move, he couldn't see Kalista——"

Yutong just felt that RNG was going to win a small victory.

The moment the bull's head flew out, the prince followed and entered the arena for the second time. The staff lit up, and the little man shouted the most beautiful words, "Grow big quickly!"

The prince's body surged, knocking three people away.

"Oh! IMP's flash is so extreme. While avoiding the impact of the bull's head, I found a good position."

Looper chose to give the skill to Lulu.

3 seconds.

The wheel mother killed the bull head, and then the prince was killed by Ryze and the troll.

During the melee, MaRin sensed that the wheel mother had room to pull, and decisively entered the field for the second time to find AD. This time, there were no bodyguards around Kalista. After quickly hitting three rings, MaRin chose to pull sideways towards the river.

The puppy was stunned by such a scattered attack.

Wanting to help Ryze with his frontal output, Braum W jumped up to raise his shield, and he could resist them all.

"RNG is a bit lacking in output. The wheel mother keeps ejecting, and the troll is almost out of health."

The security door was beaten loudly.

In 4 seconds, Bron and the troll fell forward and backward.

Even so, the puppy couldn't make any further moves, and Ike E got better and got involved again without any delay. In this endgame, Qin Hao helped AD to set up a shield.

On the screen, Ryze, who was still fighting, was about to switch, but the first Q he shot was twisted by IMP in hunting mode.

"Ice Girl slows down, Ryze W controls Wheel Mom. IMP is still at A, Kalista falls first, can you change it, the key shield, Wheel Mom holds E, and purifies the control, Ryze It can’t do any damage.”

All in failed.

The shield blocked the first control, the purification solved the second, and then used A to avoid Ryze's Q. In just a few seconds, Ryze only hit one of his three Qs, and could only be held back by the encircling Ekko.

"The Wheel Mom is going to kill four. The IMP team is well protected, and the RNG team is a little anxious. In the first moment, the three output positions are not available."

"Lulu has done a great job this time. She used her ultimate move to hold the prince back. Otherwise, Ekko would have no chance to come back after his big exit. This hero is only powerful in the end game. If his teammates fall too fast, his ultimate move can only be used to run away. .”

This wave is over.

There are fewer people calling Lulu useless in barrages.

As SKT's classic combination of four guarantees and one, Qin Hao showed the audience how to help AD squeeze out space for movement. Although IMP was aware of this wave and found a good position with flash, Lulu still had the ability to help AD in the face of such a strong charging combination.

"He who steps on the horse will be beaten like this."

PYL said excitedly.

"If you wait a little longer, the nest will be endless."

For RNG, this wave of losses has disrupted the rhythm of the fight. The pressure on Ike's line is getting bigger and bigger, and the middle line is getting harder to squeeze.

So at 33 minutes, Wheel Mother got three and a half pieces, Kalista defeated the Hurricane Blood Drinking Sword, and RNG chose to use Baron.

Another key group that can be imagined.

As usual, LGD had Nosuke on both wings, and Lulu was in the middle with a shield and slowly squeezed in.

"The big dragon has seven thousand health, LGD is not in a hurry, let the wheel mother use Q to consume."

"Open, kill the wheel mother."

Looper hid in the stone beetle early, more than a thousand yards away from the battlefield, but once a team battle broke out, it only took five seconds to get there.

RNG, being forced into a panic, chose to open hard.

Troll E slowed down to Braum, PYL deliberately sold it, opened the shield to block the first wave of output, and then moved W to Lulu. Seeing that RNG was all out of the dragon pit, IMP pressed the ultimate move and the group retreated to F4.

"MaRin handed over T, T's river channel, trying to block the pursuit."

"The ice girl is here again, Looper!"

Ice Girl enters the field and her teammates can't keep up. Looper chooses to R herself.

2.5 seconds passed.

Before LGD could get up, Ice Girl pressed the golden body, and that was it. Ekko landed and entangled the back row, and RNG did the same trick again——

The troll sucked the bloom, and the bull's head flashed twice to bypass the front row and hit the wheel mother.

Get bigger quickly!

"Lulu cooperated with the prince to counterattack. The position of the puppy was not good, but Braum was too fragile. The tiger was like a demon king and melted it directly."

PYL's heart felt cold, and he was annoyed that he was destined to die without using his ultimate move.

However, with the interception of the prince, Ryze was overwhelmed, and Lulu retreated with AD to find the output position again.

At this time, Lulu was no longer in the puppy's field of vision. He pressed his ultimate move, flashed to Q, and moved out of Ekko's entanglement in the second stage. He would be able to wash away the wheel mother, or at worst force the wheel mother to withdraw from the battlefield. .


"Penicillin, the key to transforming into a sheep!!"

Looper didn't have time to remind him. When he looked at Lulu's position, he hid in the innermost part of F4. When Kalista moved more than 700 yards in her second stage, from the river to around the Earthshaking, she was interrupted by Lulu flashing into a sheep.

Three and a half pieces of wheel mama has no constraints anymore.

IMP opened fire and knocked out half of Kalista's health in an instant. When the Bullhead entered the field for the second time, the puppy pressed the treatment to delay, and Ike rushed up again...

"The puppy is messing with you."

"Xiaohu is dealing jungle damage, but he can't do anything against Ekko. Without AD, RNG can't even force Ekko's ultimate move."

it's over……

After 35 minutes of fierce battle, the output power was no longer at the same level.

Big chapter. Please read it, this is really important.

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