I, Luffy, Awaken the Sun God on the Top

I, Luffy, Awaken the Sun God on the Top Chapter 195

"Nearly killed the Straw Hats."

"To be precise, I almost killed Fire Fist Ace, just now Fire Fist was going to help the Straw Hat block the fatal blow."

"So what if you wake up, it's just a rubber fruit."

"Yeah, just prolong the death time a little bit, the navy will win."


They still believe that the navy is sure to win.

The rubber fruit is just awakened, but can it turn the tide of the battle? impossible.

The supernovas also find it impossible and see no hope.

Xia Qi and Lei Li breathed a sigh of relief, but the situation is still very dangerous.

Luffy awakened, but what he was facing was General Akainu and Aokiji.

Even if the fire fist is against Aokiji, but Luffy's injury, even if it is against the red dog, it is different from before, and the red dog will also be awakened.

on the battlefield.

Everyone who was worried about Luffy breathed a sigh of relief.

Sauron was relieved, and suddenly fell down, constantly breaking the limit.

Nami wiped away her tears, happy, knowing, it's over!

Sanji and Usopp also believe that it is almost over, not a naval victory, but a defeat!

Since Luffy said that, they believed in Luffy's fifth gear!

Jinbe: "Huh, awakened."

Ivankov was shocked: "It's unbelievable that he stood up again."

I thought that if the straw hat wanted to continue fighting, he would help the straw hat and inject the excitement hormone, but it was unnecessary.

Moreover, the side effects are also great.

Seeing the changes in Luffy, Ace was shocked: "Awakened."

However, Ace still burst into flames.

"Luffy, you and I will join forces to deal with him."

But Luffy shook his head: "Ace, leave the red dog to me, and the blue pheasant to you. Let's delay for a while, and I will end the battle soon."


These words directly shocked and surprised Ace.

Akainu was startled when he heard it, and found it ridiculous.

"Let the Fire Fist delay Kuzan for a while? The Straw Hat, as you said, can end my battle quickly."

Luffy grinned and said: "I said before, after awakening to the fifth gear, I will take your dog's head!"

These words directly made Chiquan's face covered with frost, murderous, and the magma surged crazily. He had to fight with all his strength to solve Luffy.

Luffy's words shocked everyone on the battlefield, except for the Straw Hats.

Whitebeard shook, even he dared not say that he could take off the head of the red dog.

Now he is seriously injured and it is difficult to do it.

Even if Ace was really killed by Akainu just now, and he was so angry that he fought Akainu alone, it would be difficult to kill Akainu.

However, the straw hat not only said that it would take off the head of the red dog, but the meaning of the words still didn't take long! This……

Whitebeard was shocked, and curious at the same time, how strong is the fifth gear?

Whitebeard was shocked, not to mention other pirates.


"Although it sounds exaggerated, what the Straw Hats said before made us feel exaggerated, but the fact is not."

"Maybe stronger, but, after all, it is the awakening of the rubber fruit."

"The red dog is also going all out, the straw hat is still so badly injured, both of them are awakened, and the red dog has the advantage."


Jinping, Ivankov and the others were also puzzled and surprised.

Warring States frowned, why are you so confident.

Garp is an accident, can Luffy really do it? Otherwise, I wouldn't say that.

Fifth gear, what kind of power?

Shampoo ground.

The civilians kept laughing.

"580 is too arrogant."

"Although this time, the focus is on the straw hat again, but as I said before, it is for a short time."

"Yeah, because Akainu will get rid of the straw hat soon."

"But the Straw Hats also said that it will take a short time, and they want to solve Akainu in a short time."

"Stop joking, no one will believe it."


The supernovas were shocked and couldn't believe it.

"Why are the straw hats so confident?"

"The awakening of the rubber fruit, even if it is stronger, it will not be enough to kill the full-strength red dog."

"I don't understand."


Xia Qi and Lei Li were also accidental, so let's see.

After Ace heard it, he chose to follow what Luffy said, and at the same time thought, if Luffy is in danger later, he will help...

However, just when Ace thought this way, his face suddenly changed! Looking at Luffy in shock!


"a ha ha ha……"

Amidst the cheerful laughter, Luffy in fifth gear suddenly soared to the sky! At the same time, the momentum skyrocketed, and even more terrifying overlord color erupted!

Crackling! ! !

Boom! ! !

Suddenly, the blood-red overlord color raged across the sky like thunder, and thunder roared!

Unprecedented domineering momentum, piercing through the sky, unstoppable, covering the entire Marin Vanduo!

Akainu was extremely horrified: "This aura...how is it possible...".

Chapter 193: Level 5 Luffy's Overlord Color Stuns the Vice Admiral! !

This momentum is extremely terrifying!

This also means that the strength of the fifth gear is extremely terrifying!

Rumble! !

The terrifying domineering look covered the entire Marin Vanduo.

With Luffy's hearty laughter, the domineering look broke out, but he precisely bypassed all the pirates.

At this moment, both the pirates and the navy were stunned.

Why, do you want to explode the domineering look again?

It has erupted several times before, and it all worked. It stunned hundreds of thousands of elites, stunned the combat power of a major general, and saved Ace.

But why this time? Why use it?

Pirates don't understand.

"What a terrifying aura."

"The strength must be stronger."

"However, instead of fighting directly, it flew high into the sky, like a god coming, bursting out with the overlord color, and the dark red thunder-like overlord color spread all over the sky."

"Overlord color will not improve with the improvement of strength, it will only improve one's own fate, why use it?"

"Everyone who should be stunned is stunned, so it's pointless to use it any more?"


Not only the Whitebeard Pirates, but the captains were also puzzled, Jinbe, Ivankov, Crocodile and others were equally puzzled.

Even the white beard doesn't understand.

Shampoo ground.

"Release Overlord Color? It's useless."

"Navy combat power cannot be reduced."

"The overlord color of the straw hat has reduced a lot of combat power, but it won't decrease any more. Now the weakest ones are all major generals. How could they be affected by the overlord color?"

"Yes, except for the top combat power, the rest of the navy is the mainstay. Overlord looks are useless."


The supernovas are also puzzled.

The weakest ones in the navy are only a little weaker than them, and most of them are about the same strength as them.

So, what is the use of straw hat overlord color? If they can't stun these supernovas, they can't affect the remaining naval combat power.

Xia Qi and Lei Li are also puzzled, but they know that there must be intentions, and Luffy will not do meaningless things.

Everything just now, not allowing help, risking his life to fight, is to awaken the fifth gear.

Now, it's successful, so now Luffy in gear 5 is bursting out with domineering arrogance, what do you want to do?

Don't think too much, you will know soon.

Haijun looked at Luffy in fifth gear high in the sky, not panicking.

"It won't affect our 々..."

"Even if it is stronger, it is impossible to reduce the number of our combat power."

"Yeah, those who should be stunned are already dizzy, and it's useless to put on the domineering look."

"If you want to use combat power to reduce the number of our combat power, you can't do it. General Sakasky is his opponent."

"What's the use of releasing the overlord's color? It's useless..."


However, in the next moment, the entire Marin Vanduo, Chambord was shocked!

Soon, the whole world will be shocked when they find out!


bang bang bang...

Suddenly, the sound of falling to the ground continued, and everyone was shocked by Marin Fando! Shocked and stupefied! @

Even the Straw Hats who knew that Luffy had really transformed now were shocked.

The entire Shampoo land was dead silent, all eyes widened and mouths wide open, even the supernovas!

Even Xia Qi and Lei Li were dumbfounded!

Rayleigh is Pluto, the first officer of One Piece, but he lost his composure because of what happened on the screen, which is unbelievable!

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