I, Luffy, Awaken the Sun God on the Top

I, Luffy, Awaken the Sun God on the Top Chapter 197

"The current Straw Hats, if they want to defeat us, they don't need to do anything like before. One overlord color can knock us all down."

"It's unbelievable, it's even more unbelievable than a soldier with only five powers killing me, Drake."


Both Xia Qi and Lei Li are unbelievable.

Soon, the newspaper spread all over the world.

When Luffy was in fifth gear, it had spread explosively all over the world.

The eyes of the world are all focused, and they return to Luffy again.

But as they thought before, the firm belief is short-lived, and the last focus is because they will be killed by the red dog.

But now, they were extremely shocked, even shaken.

"My God, this is outrageous."

"Fake news, right?"

"It's spread all over the world, it can't be fake."

"Overlord's color affects elite lieutenant generals. No matter how you look at it, it is false. However, newspapers are all over the world. It is not the newspaper of one newspaper, but all newspapers report this way."

"too terrifying……"

"The straw hat is so strong..."

"Could it be true that the awakening kills the red dog?"

"Pirate, can you really win? Will the navy fail?"


For a moment, they wavered.

"The Navy will win, don't waver."

"So what if the backbone combat power is lost, the navy's high combat power is still there, and it can still win!"

"In such a situation, Whitebeard will not let his subordinates leave."

"Yeah, even if ordinary pirates won't be allowed to fight, captains, even those with high combat power in the city will return to the battlefield."

"It was the navy's advantage just now. Whitebeard let them leave in order to prevent more people from dying. But now, the navy has only a few high combat power left. It is stupid to still retreat."

"Yeah, the navy side has high combat power, three generals, Sengoku, Garp, Crane, Momotu, and tea dolphin. On the Qiwuhai side, Hawkeye is hard to fight. He is as weak as Zoro. The only one who can fight is Tyrant Bear. Edward Weibull, but was dealt with by the Straw Hats, and even at a disadvantage."

"Although I want to believe that the navy will win, this scene reminds me of the beginning..."

"I also thought about it. At the beginning, the straw hat appeared domineeringly, and the domineering color affected the battle situation, and then showed its powerful combat power. Now, it is repeated, but the lieutenant general is stunned by the domineering color. Then, will there be a more terrifying battle?" force……"

"You can't really kill Akainu, can you?"

"Don't think too much, generals are so easy to kill, not to mention the three strongest generals."

"I thought that Whitebeard was about to die. When Whitebeard fell, it meant the end of the war and the victory of the navy. But now I find that even if Whitebeard falls, it is not the end, but... the beginning! Because, the straw hat is in fifth gear!"


As many people think, the fall of Whitebeard is not the end, but the beginning, because the sun god descends to the top!

At this time, the Straw Hats and the others were all proud, as expected of their captain, they were too strong.

For a moment, everyone looked up at Luffy.

Luffy smiled happily and danced happily in the sky, with the sun beside him.

In an instant, everyone looked at Luffy, who was facing the sun with his hair burning in flames, and felt that he was extremely free! A symbol of freedom in general!

Akainu's voice was low: "The overlord's stunned lieutenant general is outrageous, but the awakened magma will definitely melt the awakened rubber!"

However, the red dog's words fell, and his face changed drastically!

The entire top, and even the world, will be more boiling again!

I saw that Lu Fei's arm suddenly became huge! It's not as huge as the third gear, but so huge that the fist can cover the entire Marin Vanduo!

Akainu panicked: "How could it be...".

Chapter 195 The sun god descends, Wu Laoxing can't sit still!

Luffy's huge fist plunged the entire Marin Fando into darkness.

The world was stunned again.

In Shambord, the reporters desperately filmed, unbelievable.

"My God...it's horrible."

"It can be so huge..."

"Is this the fifth gear?"


They were shocked, and at the same time felt that the traffic password was not a white beard, but a straw hat!

Every time a newspaper about straw hats is sold out, the whole world is paying attention, and the special is the current five.

As Luffy stunned the lieutenant general, the world wanted to know more about the follow-up, how powerful the fifth gear is.

Marlin Vandeau.

The pirates thought they were dazzled.

"My God, the fist is so big."

"Fifth gear is too outrageous."

"I've seen the domineering look of the fifth gear, so the strength of the fifth gear will be even more outrageous."

"It seems so."


Sauron and the others are completely relieved, Luffy's fifth gear will definitely be able to do it, they will surely win, and Akainu's dog's head will definitely be taken off.

The Warring States period was horrified: "Is this really a rubber fruit?"

Garp was horrified, and he was more relieved. The power of the fifth gear was beyond his imagination.

Ace was stunned, and Lu Fei was ridiculously strong...

At this time, the battle on the battlefield did not continue, and everyone looked at Luffy in the sky, wanting to see what the battle between the two would be like.

The world was soon shocked, even more shocked than before.

"Sure enough, the strength is even more outrageous..."

"It's too huge."

"So, how terrifying is the power?"

"It was so shocking to reveal the fifth gear at the beginning, what kind of outrageous abilities will there be in the future?"

"A magma awakening, a rubber awakening, but how it looks, I think the rubber awakening is stronger."

"It's unscientific. It must be that the awakening of magma is stronger. Let's see the counterattack of General Akainu."


Faced with this huge punch, Akainu did not dare to be careless. In the state of awakening magma, the attack power is stronger and the range of magma is wider.

"Awakening, fire breathing!"

Suddenly, a larger magma fist blasted out, but it seemed very small in the face of the giant fist of fifth gear Luffy descending from the sky.

boom! !

A terrifying roar erupted, and the two stalemate in the air, but in a short moment, the huge magma fist shattered directly, and suddenly blasted towards Akainu.

Akainu's face changed in shock, and he moved quickly, but the range of his fists was too large to dodge, so he could only defend.

boom! ! !

Suddenly, the earth sank, and a tiankeng with a diameter of 100 meters appeared directly. Akainu was in it, very embarrassed, with pain all over his body, and bleeding on his face.

This punch is not only huge and powerful, but also covers Liuying, entwined with the overlord's color, which makes Akainu very uncomfortable.

Akainu felt it was a shame, the magma-awakened self could not be no match for the rubber-awakened straw hat!

"Rubber awakening, it is impossible to be the opponent of magma awakening! Your brother Ace, who has the ability to burn fruits, is not my opponent, let alone you who are rubber! Ace's flame can be swallowed by my magma, yours Even more so with rubber!"

Luffy's fist quickly shrank and retracted, and Luffy in the air smiled happily.

"Ahahaha, it's not rubber."

As soon as these words came out, Akaken was taken aback, isn't it rubber? What's the meaning?

The entire Marin Vanduo, including Sauron and others, and even the whole world will be puzzled, isn't it rubber?

However, at this moment, the wise Sengoku felt something was wrong.

"It's not rubber...couldn't it be a rubber fruit?"

The speculation of the Warring States period shocked everyone on the battlefield, isn't it just a rubber fruit?

But, now it seems that it really doesn't look like it. I wondered before, why does the rubber have flames, and why does the hair burn like flames?

So, isn't it actually called a rubber fruit? what is that?

At this time, San Marie Gioia, Pongol Castle, right between.

Wu Laoxing was in the castle with a heavy face, always paying attention to everything that happened on the top.

The five old stars now have extremely heavy faces, gnashing their teeth, angry and helpless.

"In every era, the governments of the world have tried to recover the rubber fruit, but have never collected it, and have done so for 800 years."

"Yeah, never before, this devil fruit seems to be able to escape."

"Perhaps that's true, the fruits of the animal department have their own will, let alone this fruit with the name of 'God'..."

"There is another name for the rubber fruit, which is unknown, only we know it, that is... the animal department, the human fruit, the phantom beast species, and the form of Nika!"

"His body has the characteristics of rubber, and his battles are like a powerful and unconstrained style, which often makes people laugh. He is called the 'Soldier of Liberation', also known as... the sun god Nika!"

"When awakened, in addition to the rubber body, the ability user will also have strong arm strength and freedom. It is said that this is the most nonsense and incredible ability in the world. Now, he has been awakened by the straw hat and must be resolved. "


0····Ask for flowers····

They have already begun to worry about whether the navy can win this battle.

Originally, he was confident, Whitebeard was about to die, and he was about to win, but at this moment, Straw Hat suddenly awakened to fifth gear.

Then, it is not the end, but the real beginning of the top war!

The Five Old Stars wanted to send the World Government's combat forces there, but they had not been able to find out the movement of the Revolutionary Army. Once they were sent out, they might be attacked by the Revolutionary Army.

Therefore, we cannot send combat forces there.

"Damn it, if there is no revolutionary army, justice will win this battle."

"Can't support anymore."

"Don't panic, it's just a straw hat. Although the elite lieutenant generals of the navy are no longer able to fight, they still have top combat power and have a great chance of winning."

"Yes, Whitebeard is dying soon, and the other captains are also seriously injured. Although the combat power is large, the high combat power of the navy can make up for the difference in numbers."

..... ... ..... ...

"Warring States, Karp, haven't fought much yet, it's fine."

"Garp went to deal with Whitebeard, and Sengoku went to join forces with Akainu and kill the Straw Hats."

"I'm afraid it won't be easy. The Straw Hats are very powerful, and the two Shichibukai are completely unstoppable. Although there are still Orochi and Hawkeye supporting Zoro and Blackfoot of the Straw Hats, they are still not enough."

"It can be said that the Straw Hat Regiment alone has blocked too many high combat powers of the Navy. In that case, the peach rabbit and the tea dolphin can't stop the captains of the White Regiment, and even advance the strong men of the city equally."

"So, the Warring States will be blocked by these forces."

"Then let Garp solve Whitebeard as soon as possible, and go help, that's all."

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