I, Luffy, Awaken the Sun God on the Top

I, Luffy, Awaken the Sun God on the Top Chapter 199

With a loud noise, his arms turned into hot magma again.

At the same time, the horrific high temperature made him empty within tens of meters of his body.

After seeing this scene, the yellow monkey and the green pheasant in the distance began to mourn for Luffy silently in their hearts.

It's not good to provoke anyone, but Akainu, who has the most violent temper among the three generals, was chosen.

Seeing Akainu's behavior like this, I'm afraid he didn't intend to keep alive.

Sure enough, without waiting for the two of them to think about it, the roar of the red dog came from their ears again.

"Volcanic Meteor!"

I saw Akainu raising his arms high, and the scorching wind blew up the cloak behind him, making hunting noises.

In an instant, countless magma rose up, across the sky and went straight to where Luffy was.

The originally blue sky turned fiery red, covering the entire Marin Vanduo in a wide range.

Especially the terrifying scorching high temperature, even if they are far apart, they seem to be scorched.

"Is this... a natural disaster!"

At this moment, all the soldiers swallowed their saliva as they looked up at the sky, which looked like the end of the world.

After unknown who shouted first, everyone came back to their senses and fled in all directions in a hurry.

On the square, there was chaos.

not good! ! !

Ace's face suddenly changed, and he was suffocated even for breathing.

He didn't expect that Akainu, who was already seriously injured, could still explode with such terrifying strength.

Ace is known as Emperor Yan, and his strength is naturally unquestionable.

But even if he is as strong as him, he dare not say that he can resist the attack of the red dog.

Thinking of this, Ace couldn't help clenching his fists, subconsciously rushing forward.

But just as he was about to make a move, the white beard who had been standing beside him for a long time cut him down instantly with a long knife.

"Father, what are you doing!"

Facing Whitebeard's obstruction, Ace was full of puzzlement.

But before he could continue to ask questions, White Beard responded with a big smile on his face.

"Ace, just stand here and watch with peace of mind, trusting your brother's strength."

"This stage belongs to your younger brother. After today is over, his reputation will continue to resound throughout the world."

"The new era has arrived, and it seems that I, the remnant of the old era, should make way for it."

Hearing Whitebeard's emotion, Ace couldn't help being slightly taken aback.

Then he pursed his lips, and after hesitating again and again in his heart, he still chose to believe his father.

After all, he knew that if it really came to a critical moment, his father would definitely rescue him.

Chambord Islands.

Everyone who was watching the live broadcast through the phone bug cheered loudly after seeing Akainu's mighty blow.

"Hahaha, this is the strength of a general, not just any cat or dog can provoke him!"

"General Akainu is doing well, kill this ignorant kid!"

In the tavern.

Xia Qi leaned on her pretty face and looked at Lei Li beside her with interest.

"It seems that Akainu is really determined to kill Luffy, are you not worried at all?"

Facing Xia Qi's question, Lei Li calmly put down the wine glass in his hand, and then a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Luffy is my apprentice. I know what kind of strength he has."

"If you really want to kill him, this level of strength is not enough."

Looking at the confident Lei Li in front of him, even the well-informed Xia Qi couldn't help being a little interested, and then turned her gaze to the screen again.

It's rare that a man who is the left and right hand of the One Piece is full of praise.


Marin Vandeau, above the stands.


Garp, who was already full of anger, slapped the armrest of the chair with his palm.

"Calm down, Garp!"

Sen Guo, who was beside him, raised his glasses on the bridge of his nose and said coldly to Garp.

Unexpectedly, as soon as this sentence came out, Garp, who was already on the verge of going berserk, became even more furious.

"Warring States, how dare you say such a thing!"

"As the top three generals of the navy, he tried to kill countless soldiers in order to kill one person."

"Could it be that this is what our navy calls justice!"

Facing Karp's angry roar, Sengoku didn't respond at all, and his face was still stern.

He understood Garp's current mood very well, but Wu Laoxing gave him the highest order.

No matter what the cost, Luffy must be killed first!

Therefore, not to mention paying the lives of all the soldiers in the field, even if he buried Marin Fando together, he had to do it!

"Hmph! You can watch in cold blood, but I can't!"

Seeing that his old partner was indifferent, Garp's eyes immediately flashed a trace of coldness.

Immediately he got up, ready to stop the atrocities of the red dog.


Accompanied by a loud noise, the Warring States, with quick eyesight and quick hands, hurriedly displayed the form of a great Buddha country.

Then he stretched out his palm and pressed Garp's head firmly to the ground.

"Karp, don't forget who is the supreme commander here!"

"Without my order 590, you can't go anywhere!"


above the sky.

Luffy looked at the magma meteor that was getting closer, not only did he not have the slightest fear, but he laughed instead.

Well done! ! !

I saw his arms stretched back, stretching and gradually getting bigger.

In the blink of an eye, Luffy's arm turned into a size that covered the sky and the sun.

"Fifth gear! God's Strike!"

The fist the size of a small island seemed heavy, but it was extremely fast.

Even the speed was too fast, causing countless flames to be produced in the friction with the air.

This moment is really like what Luffy said, like the sun god descending, swinging that jaw-dropping blow.


With the deafening sound, everyone subconsciously covered their ears.

The sea water in a radius of tens of miles was churning, and Marin Fando in the center was shaking like a flat boat.

It seemed like it would fall apart in the next moment.

This! ! !

In front of the screen, countless people were dumbfounded, and even the reporters forgot to take pictures for a while.

At this moment, the audience was extremely silent, except for the sound of swallowing saliva.

No matter who it is, after seeing this scene with their own eyes, there is only one thought in their mind.

The Sun God deserves it! .

Chapter 198 Akainu should die!

Outside the Gate of Justice, on a stretch of sea.

The red-haired pirates stand here safely.

The originally noisy deck is now completely silent, and everyone is staring in the same direction.

Just after Luffy hit the God Strike, they all felt a palpitating power fluctuation from far away.

You must know that the war on the top is tens of miles away from here, and this breath is transmitted through such a long distance, and it can make their hearts tremble.

They are not unknown little pirates.

It's the crew of the Four Emperors who can make the sea tremble with a stomp.

From this we can see how powerful this force must be!

After a long time, I saw Jesus scratching his head with an intriguing smile on the corner of his mouth.

"White Beard is the only one who can have this kind of power fluctuation in the top battle."

"What did this old guy go through that made him, who has always been calm, become so irritable."

"It seems that things are getting more and more interesting!"

Listening to Jesus Bu muttering to himself, Beckman lit the cigarette dangling from his mouth.

Then he suddenly took a deep breath, squinted his eyes in the thick smoke, and said slowly.

"It seems that the matter of the top war is coming to an end."

"It's best not to get out of control, otherwise it will be difficult for us to recover."

Listening to Beckman's words, everyone seemed to think of something, and they all frowned and said nothing.

Even the always cheerful redhead now has a gloomy face, with a gloomy light flashing in his eyes.


After a long time, the red-haired man sitting cross-legged on the bow suddenly pulled out the saber from his waist.

Then he took a deep breath, put all the chaotic thoughts in his head behind him, and said loudly.

"Brothers, speed up the march, now it's time for us to enter the stage!"


At this moment, Malin Vanduo.

The tens of meters high waves slowly sank, and there was a loud sound from the square.

"Hee hee, isn't that all you can do, Akainu?"

"It seems that the so-called general is nothing more than that!!"

Everyone followed the sound and saw Lu Fei standing in mid-air safe and sound, showing a mouthful of flawless white teeth.

In comparison, Akainu, who is the highest combat power of the navy, is a little embarrassed.

He was panting non-stop, and even the cloak with justice printed on his back was torn to pieces by the shock wave just now.

Facing Lu Fei's ridicule, he couldn't help snorting coldly, his eyes still fierce.

But if you observe carefully, you will see a trace of imperceptible fear in his eyes.

Luffy's blow just now not only shattered all the magma meteors, but also caused his body to suffer a lot of damage.

But Akainu knew in his heart that as the navy's highest combat power.

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