I, Luffy, Awaken the Sun God on the Top

I, Luffy, Awaken the Sun God on the Top Chapter 49

"Here I am, leading this text to the final place. - One Piece, Gol D Roger."

Robin was shocked: "One Piece, Roger, he came to Sky Island. The engraved words mean that he left behind after becoming the One Piece. What does this passage mean...why did he write such a text."

Robin is puzzled, curious.

Nami stepped forward and asked, "Robin, is that what you want to know?"

Robin shook his head in 3.1: "The historical text is divided into two types of stones. One is the historical text of the 4 red road signs that recorded the location information of Ralph Drew, and the other is the 26 historical texts that recorded the blank 100-year history. It includes 9 historical texts that record important information. When the information on these 26 historical texts is combined, a complete article that records the blank 100-year history can be formed, that is, the real historical text."

In the end, Robin is looking forward to it and must do it.

Luffy believes: "You can definitely know, the real history."

Robin looked at Luffy who believed in him so much, and nodded heavily: "Yeah!"

Robin's thinking became clearer. If you connect all the historical texts in series and guide them to the end of the great route, you will know.

After solving Enilo and understanding the historical text here, Luffy and others prepare to leave Sky Island.

Nami said: "At this time, that general should have gone down and gone far away."

Usopp nodded: "Well, if you really want to leave, then you have already left."

Sanji looked forward to it: "The bounty will be updated again, I hope my reward order can be changed to a good-looking profile picture."

Luffy and others are also looking forward to the new reward order. After this time, how much will the bounty of the Straw Hats reach? .

067 Let's go!

At this time, Aokiji had left Sky Island and dialed the phone bug.

Naval Headquarters, Marshal's Office.

Sengoku was naturally happy to see that it was Aokiji who called. In his opinion, it meant that he had succeeded.

Garp's face on the side was ugly, and he knew it was Aokiji's call, which meant that the battle was over.


Cap felt heavy, feeling that it was over.

Warring States connected and asked, "Did you succeed, Kuzan?"

Aokiji was a little embarrassed: "Marshal, sorry, I failed."

Warring States was stunned, and Garp was also stunned, failed?

Zhan Guo frowned: "Kuzan, what do you mean?"

Qingzhi was very helpless: "I failed to take them down."

Warring States is a little unbelievable: "You mean, you are not their opponent?"

Other than that, I can't figure out why.

To Sengoku's surprise, Aokiji nodded without hesitation.

"Yes, Marshal, I am not their opponent. To take down the Straw Hats, I am afraid that at least two generals are needed."

In an instant, Warring States was even more shaken, even Karp couldn't believe it.

General Kuzan is not an opponent of the Straw Hats, and he even said that two generals are needed, which is at least...

How is this possible?

Sengoku was a little angry, suspecting that Aokiji was joking with himself.

"Kuzan, stop joking."

Qingzhi said seriously: "Marshal, I'm not joking, their combat power is beyond your and my imagination."

This made Zhan Guo's complexion completely ugly. It's not a joke, it really failed.

04 To calm himself down, Zhan Guo asked: "What's going on, let's talk about it in detail."

Aokiji sat down and began to talk.

Garp was in a good mood, and Luffy and the others were fine, and they were quietly listening with interest.

As the story goes, the expressions of Sengoku and Garp are almost the same.

Doubt, shock, shock, heavy face.

Aokiji said that starting to face the Straw Hats gave him a feeling of facing the Royals.

Then the five Straw Hats dealt with him, but Luffy didn't do anything.

This was the reason for their shock. Facing the admiral, the whole regiment didn't go all out to fight.

The point is, Aokiji still failed.

Until the end, it turned out that three people dealt with Aokiji, and five people made Aokiji feel a lot of pressure.

Qingzhi was sure that if he singled out five, he would lose, just like facing the real five royal cadres.

Then facing Sauron, Sanji, Usopp, Aokiji didn't have the confidence to win.

Even if they can win, there are still two other combat powers, the most important one is the captain of the straw hat, Luffy.

Therefore, the battle did not last, and Aokiji chose to leave.

Warring States' face was extremely heavy, while Garp's face was proud and relieved.

Garp sighed softly in his heart: "As expected of my grandson, you are really amazing, Luffy."

After being relieved, Karp was extremely regretful.

"Unfortunately, if you listen to me and are willing to become a navy, then you can definitely become an admiral."

Qingzhi said: "That's how it happened."

Sengoku understands, according to what Aokiji said, then to take down the Straw Hats, at least two generals are really needed.

Zhan Guo's heart is heavy. In a short period of time, the newcomer's straw hat group turned out to be so powerful.

Even if the original Roger Pirates and the Whitebeard Pirates were just established, it was impossible for them to be so terrifying in a short period of time.

I thought a general would be enough, but failed, so I chose to leave voluntarily.

"Sorry, Warring States Marshal, I let you down." Aokiji apologized.

Zhan Guo shook his head: "It has nothing to do with you. I didn't expect them to be so strong. It seems that I still didn't know them well enough before. I'm afraid I will also fail."

The most important thing is that Luffy, the strongest straw hat captain, didn't do anything.

Warring States felt that it would be impossible for him to single out the whole group of straw hats.

Unless, he and Garp go out together.

But, stop joking, you will be laughed at if you spread it out.

The only ones who can let him and Garp go out to deal with it are the legendary pirates of the old era.

The former Roger Pirates, the Flying Pirates, and the Whitebeard Pirates.

Warring States sighed: "Although they didn't succeed, they have become more aware of their combat power, so it's a good thing."

Although it is a good thing, but the heart is still heavy, such a powerful pirate group with great potential has appeared on the sea.

It is inevitable to become a royal group in the future.

Although I learned about the combat power this time, I also know that it will not be easy to take down the Straw Hats.

If it is other supernovas, even if there are several, one general is enough, but if they are so strong, they have to be weighed.

When they are strong enough, they cannot be dealt with at will, just like the Four Emperors.

However, the Warring States Period was more determined.

"They must be taken down, and they cannot be allowed to continue to grow, otherwise it is hard to imagine how terrible it will be. Fortunately, there are seven people in total now, and taking them down will not be more difficult than taking down the Four Emperors."

Aokiji also felt the same way, although it was powerful beyond their imagination, it was naturally still unable to compare with any of the Four Emperors.

Warring States Road: "Although the Straw Hats didn't make a move, they are the strongest among the Straw Hats, but they are not much stronger than the pirate hunter Zoro."

On this point, Qingzhi also agrees.

Sauron is very strong, if you think of the strongest combat power of the straw hat, it is stronger than Sauron, right? To say that it is much stronger, they think it is impossible.

Therefore, in this battle, they felt that they basically knew the current strength of the Straw Hats, and they also felt that it was easier than taking down any of the Four Emperors.

At this moment, after Karp relaxed briefly, his heart became heavier.

If this is the thinking, it will be even more difficult for the Straw Hats in the future.

After all, the Four Imperial Regiments and the navy try not to fight if they can, because the combat power is very strong, and if a fight occurs, the impact will be great and the risk will be great.

Although the Straw Hats are also very powerful, the Navy does not have such an idea, but will pay more attention to it. This is why Garp is so heavy.

Maybe next time, two generals will really be sent, or one general will bring some elite lieutenant generals and other high-level combat power.

Warring States said solemnly: "Next time, send two generals directly."

This made Garp's heart sink suddenly, the two generals...

In this way, Luffy and the others...

Although he was shocked by the Straw Hats, until now, if he was facing two generals, it would be a disaster!

Aokiji was also shocked. I thought that one general would bring some backbone and high combat power, but I didn't expect to have two generals directly.

Such a battle has not passed for a long time.

I am afraid that only when facing the Roger Pirates and the Golden Lion attacking the Navy headquarters, the two generals were dispatched.

Haven't encountered it in all these years.

If you don't fight easily with the Four Emperors, then it is impossible for other pirate groups to let the two generals fight together.

Zhan Guo said in a deep voice: "Even if the Straw Hats are like the Five Emperors, we must fight against them and take them down!"

Qingzhi felt that it was not an exaggeration for the Straw Hats to become the Five Emperors.

Aokiji asked: "Now it is necessary to designate the Straw Hats as the Five Emperors, and Straw Hat Luffy as the Fifth Emperor of the Sea?"

Warring States shook his head: "It's still too early. The rookie pirates are set as such. It's a bit sloppy. Let's learn more. This time, let's increase their bounty."

Aokiji understood that it was indeed a bit sloppy, after all, this time, he didn't fight with all his strength, it was just that the Straw Hats were stronger than expected.

It is indeed premature to designate Straw Hat Luffy as the Fifth Emperor of the Sea now.

Aokiji asked: "So, when will the next action be, and which two of the three generals?"

Aokiji didn't want to go in his heart, and felt that even with two generals, it wouldn't be easy.

Speaking of this, Zhan Guo frowned and became more serious.

Making the Warring States period heavier than before means that it is a more serious matter.

Garp also guessed it, and he was relieved, but still heavy.

Warring States solemnly said: "That guy with red hair has signs of meeting Whitebeard."

This made Aokiji's heart flutter, the meeting of the two four emperors, or the meeting of the Whitebeard Pirates and the Red Hair Pirates, this is indeed a more headache and heavy matter for the navy and the world government.

Aokiji 460 also understood, so the Straw Hats will not act in a short time, at least until the results of the meeting between the Red Hair Pirates and the Whitebeard Pirates come out.

If two generals are sent to deal with the Straw Hats, and if the Red Hair Pirates and the Whitebeard Pirates form an alliance, it will be extremely dangerous for the Navy and the World Government. There is no need to take such a risk to solve the Straw Hats big risk.

Zhan Guo said in a condensed voice: "You should be able to think of the reason. Let's see what they will do in the meeting first. Ordinary meetings are fine. If the alliance or others target us, then we have to stop doing anything to the Straw Hats for the time being. It's okay, this matter We will know soon, and I believe that the strength and number of the Straw Hats will not increase too much in a short time."

Aokiji thinks so too, the Straw Hats pay more attention to friendship than numbers.

So they felt that after a period of time, the strength of the Straw Hats might be about the same as it is now. So, there is no need to rush.

At this time, Garp had an idea in his heart, although it was very inconsistent with his position.

But the inner thought is that I hope that the Red Hair Pirates will unite with the Whitebeard Pirates and hope that they will do something to the Navy.

Otherwise, the Straw Hats would really have a narrow escape from death in the face of two generals.

Sengoku's eyes flashed with wisdom, and the office calmed down. Aokiji and Garp were looking forward to it.

Because I know that Warring States is thinking about how much the rewards for the Straw Hats will be set. This time, the rewards for all members of the Straw Hats will definitely be announced.

After a brief consideration, Warring States stopped pondering.

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