I Made Scientific Magic

Chapter 11 The Land of Wizards - Greenriel (2 in 1)

Lynn couldn't help being stunned by the sudden questioning.

After several figures gradually approached, Lin En recognized the leader at a glance, and it was the target he was looking for this time—Jonny.

The girl wrapped under the black robe was about twenty years old, with a peculiar silver-gray long hair, and bright sapphire blue pupils.

Probably due to running around all day long, Jonny has lost a lot of weight compared to the last meeting, and his face is morbidly pale.

"I don't understand what you mean, Jonny!" Lynn's tone was extremely firm, without the slightest wavering. With all the memories of his previous life, he was very sure that Carl had not committed any betrayal.

At most, I just think about it in my heart, otherwise I don't need to worry about hiding in the slums.

"Where is your sword?" the gray-haired witch continued to question.

Only then did Lynn notice that Jonny's eyes had been lingering on the long sword he was holding. After thinking about it, he instantly understood what was wrong.

"The weapon in your hand is the usual weapon used by witch hunters!" Buck, a tall and strong apprentice wizard, said emotionally.

"Of course, this is my trophy. Is there any problem? Buck?" Lynn replied calmly, with cold sweat dripping down his back.

I have been carrying such a time bomb these days!

Of course, he couldn't be blamed for not being cautious enough. After all, his dagger had been left in a slum house. It's not easy to just throw away a ready-made weapon in front of you, right?

The most important thing is that there is no information in Carl's memory that [witch hunters are equipped with standard weapons].

Judging from the fact that I haven't encountered any trouble these days, there should be very few people who know this information, but this obviously cannot be hidden from Old York at the [Drunkard] Tavern.

No wonder that when I bought Guro wine, the other party would shirk the temptation for various reasons. The information that I held the witch hunter's long sword should have been passed on to Johnny and the others by Old York.

"Trophy?! You mean you killed a witch hunter and took his sword?" Buck said with a sneer. "Carl, if I remember correctly, you can't even master the most basic magic [Ice Blade]... You might as well find a more suitable reason."

As lackeys of the Holy See, those who can be selected as witch hunters are the elite among the elite. Their skills are far beyond ordinary people, and they usually act in small teams.

For apprentices like them, it was a blessing to escape with their lives.

"Sometimes strength doesn't mean everything, Buck!" Lynn shook his head, "Besides, the last time we met was four months ago, right?"

While speaking, Lynn stretched out his hand, and the hydrogen and oxygen in the air around him were stripped out, and then quickly cooled and condensed into shape.

Almost instantly, a rhombus-shaped ice blade appeared in front of everyone's eyes, with a strange shape but full of strange beauty.

Several wizard apprentices present couldn't help being stunned for a moment. It wasn't because they were surprised by the unprecedented shape of Bingren, but because Lynn's casting speed was too fast!

You must know that before becoming an official wizard, it is impossible to burn the corresponding spell bits in the brain, so how to quickly complete the complicated casting steps and increase the casting speed has become a big problem.

After all, in a real battle, the enemy will not just wait for you to finish casting a spell. An ordinary wizard apprentice who can complete the preparation for casting a spell within two seconds is already qualified.

However, Lynn compressed the whole process to about one second, probably for the pursuit of pure speed. The shape of the ice blade is not the perfect Koru configuration, but it is enough to make everyone present look sideways.

"Also, I don't think the Holy See will allow a wizard to become a witch hunter and issue corresponding weapons to the other party..." Lin En retorted again before everyone recovered.

Buck was completely at a loss for words. The Holy See has always killed wizards like them. Letting a wizard who has been "corrupted by the devil" become a witch hunter is simply a blasphemy against God...

The rest of the wizard apprentices obviously understood this truth, and their hostility towards Lynn subsided somewhat.

Jonny did not let down his vigilance, but looked at one of them and asked. "Have you checked everything nearby? White pigeon?"

"No one surrounds this place..." The man who spoke shrank his body into the black robe, and replied timidly.

After getting an accurate reply, Jonny turned around and said to Lynn apologetically. "Sorry, Carl, it's an emergency and we have to be careful."

"So, you are just suspicious of me, and are planning to kill me without evidence?" Lynn asked.

"I assure you, the magic just now was just a test, no one would want to hurt their companions!" Johnny explained solemnly.

Lin En stared into the girl's blue eyes, and didn't see evasion or lies from them, but when he was attacked before, he really felt the danger.

However, considering that his suspicions have not been completely cleared up, and his perception is not 100% reliable, Lynn did not reveal this information in public.

Compared with the other apprentices, he has the shortest time with Kelu and is also the most untrustworthy one!

After a pause, Lin En temporarily suppressed the unhappiness in his heart, and asked again. "Did something happen? I need an explanation..."

"Come with me first, this is not a place for chatting, the battle just now might reveal our whereabouts!" Jonny glanced at Lynn apologetically, and then beckoned everyone to return to the station in the dark.

When the full moon hung high above his head, a desolate and dilapidated village appeared in front of Lynn.

"This village was slaughtered and wiped out by a group of mercenaries sneaking in during the Duke of Nordland's last conquest war. Now, apart from us, there are only a group of wild beasts left here." Johnny sighed, and then said softly Soliloquy. "These damned nobles, the damned Holy See, the damned war!"

Lynn looked at Jonny with a little surprise, and was not surprised by the girl's words, but everyone present was probably of noble origin. Is it really okay to say that?

Although he has an inexplicable aversion to the nobles, Jonny still chooses the location of the temporary residence in a noble manor.

After experiencing the devastation of the war, the huge manor has long lost its former glory. The whole main house looks crumbling, with ruins and ruins everywhere.

The inside of the house was not much better either, the dilapidated walls were covered with cobwebs, the overturned seats were covered with thick dust, and there was a decaying smell.

But this is the residence of the nobles after all. In order to deal with the war, the huge main house is almost a small castle with several sentries and even an independent drainage channel. worry about problems.

Entering the manor, Lynn soon saw the wizard apprentice who was staying in the castle—Barton!

Compared with his burly brother Buck, Barton is almost another example. He can only be described as skinny, as if he could be hung upside down by a gust of wind.

Johnny carried the sundries to the door with everyone, sealed the door again, and then spoke before Lynn asked.

"Kent is dead!"

Who is Kent?

Lin En was stunned for a moment, and searched his memory before realizing that Kent was the third apprentice of Kelu and the only wizard apprentice who was not present. Unexpectedly, this guy had already died.

"On the same day that the teacher was arrested by the Holy See, Nordland guards raided Kent's hideout, and then Buck, Patton, and Will were all hunted down, and only the white dove had special abilities to escape the attack in advance. "Johnny explained.

Special ability?

Lynn subconsciously looked at the wizard apprentice named Baige.

She looked too young, about thirteen or fourteen years old, not as tall as his shoulders, with sparse freckles on her yellow face and messy hair. She was squatting in a corner feeding a few gray cats. crow.

Lin En's thoughts changed, and he quickly thought of the crows heard in the tavern, and then guessed that the other party should have some kind of magic that can control animals.

"I suspect that someone betrayed our information, and the Holy See was able to find our hiding place so accurately." Jonny said worriedly.

"Then how many people know where our hiding place is?" Lynn asked the most critical question.

As wizards hunted and suppressed by the Holy See, it is absolutely impossible for them to reveal their whereabouts at will. That is to say, there must be very few people who know, and they only need to do the elimination method.

Johnny was silent for a moment, then shook his head. "Normally, only a few of us know about it."

"Could it be the teacher..." Buck on the side asked hesitantly.

"Impossible!" Jonny snapped his eyes and scolded resolutely.

Buck immediately shut up.

Lynn didn't dwell too much on this question, but asked the second question he was most concerned about.

"Then what's our plan next?"

Lin En faintly regretted his move to find these wizard apprentices. He thought that although Jonny and the others were hunted down, at least they were stable internally. Even if they couldn't lead him to find another official wizard, they could be a good help.

However, that does not appear to be the case now.

If Johnny doesn't have a reliable enough plan to get rid of the Holy See's pursuit, then he will only find an opportunity to leave this group.

For Lynn, it is safer to act alone than with a group of pig teammates.

Buck and Will also looked at Johnny in unison, and even stopped feeding the white dove to the gray crow.

During the time when they were being chased by the Holy See, they asked the same question more than once, but Jonny without exception avoided it, and insisted on waiting until all of them arrived before revealing it.

Jonny didn't hide anything this time, and responded freely. "Afterwards, we will take a boat across the sea of ​​mist and go to the land of wizards-Greenriel!"

"Does the Land of Wizards really exist?" Will, who had been silent all this time, suddenly asked. "But I once heard that the outside of the sea of ​​mist is a land of death, and those who go out to sea will never come back."

"Yes, I went there with my mentor. It is a territory exclusively for wizards. There is no power of the Holy See or witch hunters. Everyone can study magic freely there!" Jonny said firmly.

"This sounds as wonderful as Ayla's Holy Land." Barton murmured softly. He really couldn't imagine a world where wizards were not hunted down and could cast spells freely. It could only be described as a dream.

Just like the Holy Land of Ella described in the Bible, it is a place that only the most devout believers can reach after death.

There is no sickness and aging there, and everyone can live in a spacious manor and enjoy the meticulous care of the dream elves.

In the Holy Land, the river flows with mellow wine, the wheat field will automatically bear full wheat ears without self-cultivation, and the branches of every tree are covered with fat and juicy steaks...

"Ella doesn't like wizards..."

The white pigeon squatting in the corner said weakly, interrupting Barton's fantasy.

"Then how do we get there?" Will asked eagerly.

Johnny hesitated, but responded truthfully. "The town of Ur is very close to the harbor in Nordland, where we can take a boat. I think... lame Lauder should help us."


Lynn couldn't help but be a little surprised. Old York, the owner of the [Drunkard] tavern, also mentioned this name to him before.

It is rumored that lame Lauder had been a pirate for a few years when he was young, and had made a name for himself until his leg was broken while robbing a merchant ship, and he escaped by pretending to be dead.

However, it was this experience that changed Lauder's luck. After the great battle, the leader of the pirate gang died in sevens and eighties, and Lauder, who was lucky enough to stay, became the leader of the pirates very smoothly.

However, this guy was uncharacteristically, he did not continue to do looting business, but started a serious business, and now controls the wine trade between Ur Town and the harbor, he can be said to be the largest local snake west of the entire Nordland Territory.

Thinking of all the rumors in the market, Lynn immediately realized that the so-called wine trade operated by the other party was just a disguise, and the real main business should be to maintain the connection between the Land of Wizards and the outside world.

"In short, we must hurry up. The road to the wizard's land will only be opened for a short time on Sunday." Jonny pulled out the long sword at his waist, and simply drew the location of the town of Ur and the harbor on the ground. , and marked the course of action with sword marks.

"We will set off early tomorrow morning. We will go around Mount Codeso. It shouldn't be noticeable. Judging from the astrological indications, this year's Sunday will last for five days, so it's completely in time!"

Jonny told the general plan, and seeing that Lynn and the others had memorized it, he fired a fireball to destroy all the depicted images.

"Let's end here tonight!" In the light of the burning fire, Jonny looked around at the crowd, and finally added. "White Pigeon, I will leave the night watch to you, and let Karl carry you on the road tomorrow."

why me?

Lin En, whose name was called, touched his nose, feeling extremely depressed, really bullying newcomers, right?

(PS: I really can't find a place suitable for breaking chapters, so let's post the two chapters together today.)

Thanks to book friends 20180222162706940, Wonderful Memories, dsf23dd, for the 100 starting coins that you are so lonely to reward.

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