I Made Scientific Magic

Chapter 191 Doomsday Realm—The Kingdom of God Comes! (seeking subscription)

"It doesn't matter who I am, does it? Rohr... What matters is the title of Magic Star. All the honors and status you enjoy are given to you by me."

"It's just a different title now, you can still be an assistant, no, maybe it's more appropriate to describe it as a bishop..." Ogst said bewitchingly.

During the time he was using this body, he was quite used to using this assistant, and he handled things very neatly. Augst didn't mind spending a little more time talking.

However, Luo Er looked at him in horror, and kept murmuring to himself, "This is impossible..."

Luo Er couldn't accept that everything he knew was false, the so-called star of magic, who was knowledgeable. Ogst, who taught himself carefully, does not exist at all...

Looking at the distraught Luo Er in front of him, Oghst shook his head. It seemed that he had overestimated the opponent's willpower and ability to accept.

"Confinement!" Ogst raised his finger to Rolle, considering that after turning Greenriel into the Kingdom of God, he could forcibly convert the other party into his own believer, so he didn't intend to kill him.

After finishing all this, Augst looked into the control room, where a transparent crystal was placed on an alchemy instrument in the center.

He didn't approach directly, which was the last trap.

August opened his mouth and began to chant a very awkward incantation.

The jumping elements in the void seemed to be summoned by some kind of call, and turned into the purest magic power and poured into the transparent crystal, and a burst of blue light suddenly lit up.

The transparent crystal shattered with a bang, revealing the solid [magic core] inside, and this was what he needed to find.

This is a strange object created by [Magic Creator] Vittorio, and it stores a huge amount of magic power that can supply the entire city of wizards.

If he hadn't used the doomsday domain to swallow part of Faiz's power and memory, and used the identity of the acting speaker to mobilize most of the protection forces in the parliament under the guise of the doomsday sect, he might not have the qualifications to connect here. No.

After all, he still doesn't have the power to fight against the combination of several great wizards.

Fortunately, everything is as he expected before...

"Doomsday Realm——God's kingdom is coming!" Ogst reached out and held the [Magic Core], and with the blessing of the massive magic power stored inside, his power began to rise rapidly.

One by one, strange-looking wraiths appeared in the empty control room.

Whether it is a person who was transformed by Soul Devouring Magic a few years ago, or a wizard who devoutly believes in the spirit of the elements, after death, the soul will be harvested, enter the kingdom of God, and become part of his power to increase his spiritual power.

With the superposition of the two phases, he was able to use this legendary magic technique exceptionally!

This time, the blood-colored space almost turned into substance, overlapped with reality, and spread to the distance at an extremely fast speed, soon covering the entire Corona Tower...

August, who was immersed in joy, did not notice that his appearance had changed slightly, and he was gradually approaching the statue of the evil god...

Shouts kept ringing in my mind.

"Great elemental spirit, please grant salvation..."

"Kill them, kill them all..."

"Your faithful servant implores your mercy, and punish the blasphemers."

"Doomsday is false, elemental spirits don't exist at all..."

August's face suddenly darkened. Amidst the cries for help, he already guessed that there must be something wrong with the manor.

Unexpectedly, Kasimo could not even solve this little trouble with a device that could mobilize part of the power of the kingdom of God.

Fortunately, at least some time has been delayed for him, the Kingdom of God has come!


"What exactly is going on?"

Raphael and the others who had just stepped into the Corona Tower suddenly found a red light rushing towards them, and then the entire tower turned blood red.

"Otherwise, let's leave here first." Yolande swallowed. What he just encountered in the doomsday domain made him feel a little palpitating.

"It's too late! It's not just this tower that is affected..." Lynn shook his head and looked out through the wide open window. The red light was rapidly spreading farther away.

Obviously, this is different from just now. They were either drawn closer to a certain space, or they didn't know whether his magic field could manifest into the real world like this.

"No matter who did it, as long as you kill him, everything will be over!"

The one who spoke was a great wizard of the Shaping School, and also one of the leaders who raided the Doomsday Sect, but compared to Lynn and others who bumped into the Lord, they only captured some Doomsday Cultists who fled in all directions .

"You still like to say unrealistic things, Sanchez."

In the Corona Tower, an indifferent voice came, and then a figure shrouded in light emerged from the void, looked at the people present, and spoke again. "Welcome to my kingdom of God..."

"Ogster?!" Although the other person's appearance had changed slightly, Sanchez recognized him at a glance, and the surprise in his heart was indescribable.

Sanchez had some bad guesses since he hadn't seen the other party in the manor before, but he didn't expect that the entire Doomsday Sect would be the masterpiece of Augst.

"Are you crazy? Auguste!" Raphael also shouted in disbelief.

As the star of magic and the most talented wizard in Greenriel, Augest undoubtedly has all the glory and the best future.

Even when Harov left Greenriel, he directly appointed Ogst as the representative speaker, which meant that it was already obvious that it was only a matter of time before the other party was promoted to Legendary to become the sixth speaker.

No one would think that such a person would betray the parliament...

Yolande, Philip and the others doubted whether they were hallucinating.

"I think I'm fine, Raphael!" August's face was full of smiles, as polite as before. "Better than ever."

"What do you want to do?!" Raphael asked in a deep voice.

"As you can see, I am preparing to turn Greenriel into the Kingdom of God, and I will ascend the altar here and become the second god to cross the limit of wizards!" Augst enjoyed this moment of glory , along with the expansion of the Kingdom of God, his strength is also rapidly increasing.

"Rafael, Sanchez, if you know the current affairs... I can consider accepting your beliefs and grant you the position of cardinal!"

(PS: On the 15th, that is, the day after tomorrow, it will start to be updated, and it happens to be recommended. Please support me a lot.)

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