I Made Scientific Magic

Chapter 367 The Missing Aurora and the Horn of Counterattack!

"Then give it a try!"

Under Lynn's suggestion, Harov and Vittorio immediately expanded the domain, covering the burning area of ​​the Immortal Flame, trying to stop it.

However, this process was more difficult than everyone thought. It took the two legendary wizards more than half an hour to completely stop the spread of the Inextinguishable Flame.

Although manipulating elements can be regarded as the housekeeping skill of wizards, it does not mean that they have 100% control over the elements. The accuracy that wizards of each level can achieve is different.

For example, an official wizard's mastery of elements can only be called influence, and his mental power cannot touch metal elements and compound elements.

In comparison, the great wizards are obviously much more powerful. They can command the mimic elements within their own domain, but that's all. They can make the elements speed up, slow down, or turn left and backward, but they can't do anything. Like [Ella], the stagnation of the movement of all elements forms an incredible thing similar to the stagnation of time and space.

Any element is running all the time, even if the macroscopic state changes from gaseous state to liquid state, or even solid state, this movement will not stop,

Lynn has tried it before. Once the threshold is crossed, which is about two hundred degrees below zero, the magic power and mental power consumed by each degree of reduction will increase exponentially!

As for whether the legendary wizard has this ability, Lin En is not sure, but judging from the response of the two speakers, it is probably impossible to do such an exaggerated thing, otherwise it would not take so long to 'extinguish' trifluoro Chlorine-derived flames.

When the goddess raised her hand, she froze the Inextinguishable Flame.

While Harov and Vittorio were busy putting out the fire, Lynn and the others were not idle, because besides them, there were hundreds of people in the Alchemy Research Institute, but they couldn't intervene at all, and they were even blocked. Adwell's range-of-magnitude spells were all over the place.

Even some of the imperial guards, after being irradiated by the divine light, have been completely brainwashed to become the most devout believers of [Ayla]. Lynn can only use his fists to knock them all out and tie them up, and then find a way to reverse their evil spirits. idea.

"By the way, Lord Harov, didn't you say earlier that you would arrive at the capital as soon as possible? Why did you delay for so long?" Lin En suddenly remembered this matter, and asked in confusion.

If Harov hadn't arrived by coincidence this time, they would probably be dead, and the whole kingdom would fall...

"I was just about to ask you, is Aurora still here?" Harov frowned.

As early as a week ago, after deliberations in the parliament, the proposal to fully support the Kingdom of Hadrata had been passed, and Aurora led the new army to go there first.

They traveled by sea and land. After all, most of the airships were called by Lynn, and the capacity was far from enough. After the alchemy ship in the Wizard's Land was replaced with an internal combustion engine, the speed was not slow, and it traveled across the sea from the Wizard's Land. The kingdom can be reached in about four or five days.

Counting the time, Aurora should have arrived at the capital long ago.

"But the spies I sent out didn't see her." Lynn shook his head, speaking worriedly. "Could something be wrong?"

Now is an extraordinary period, disappearing may mean danger, even death!

"Maybe I got lost, or I encountered some trouble at sea, so let's delay." Vittorio said with relief.

In terms of combat power, Aurora is not the strongest among them, but in terms of life-saving ability, he and Harov are both inferior. The other party has played the polarizing magic well, and even if it encounters the blocking of the Holy See, it is impossible to retreat. Always no problem.

"Anyway, it won't be too late to destroy the Holy See's allied forces first, and then dispatch people to take charge of the search." Harov quickly made a decision.

Even if there is any danger on Aurora's side, it's too late to support it now. The top priority is to win this war, and then more than a hundred airships can be dispatched and sent out to search, which is more efficient than them like headless flies Usually wandering around in the vast sea is high.


At the same time, at the gate of the capital, the sound of roaring artillery fire and clashes of swords and soldiers resounded continuously.

After several hours of fierce fighting, from late at night until early in the morning, everyone's physical strength and energy have been exhausted.

Ham took the place of a dead gunner, and with will, the mechanical loading projectile fired and fired, and another round of firing was carried out.

Those crazy coalition soldiers seemed to be crazy one by one, rushing up like a tide, and they never retreated in the face of the artillery fire, and they didn't give them any time to rest.

The bricks and stones on the city wall were smashed to pieces, and even the closed city gate was smashed to pieces by the magic spell, exposing the solid concrete wall behind.

The broken corpses below have piled up like a mountain, even filling up the trenches and traps dug before the war. There are enemies and some of our own.

woo woo~

Just when Hamm was loading the projectile with numbness, and felt that his hands were going to be exhausted, a clear horn sounded from the city.

Hamm shuddered immediately, with obvious excitement on his face, because it was the clarion call for a counterattack!

Outside the city, about 1.5 kilometers away from the battlefield, beyond the range of the artillery, a cavalry regiment with refined equipment and tens of thousands of people was ready to go.

Although this battle was the final decisive battle, Cardinal Gerke, who was in charge of the command, did not devote all his strength. The knights who were not suitable for the siege stayed outside the city, waiting for work in places where the artillery could not reach. When the timing is right, the enemy who is exhausted and demoralized will be completely defeated!

And this timing will never be too far away, because Adwell personally led more than two thousand God's Punishment Army into the capital through secret passages, and was assisted by hidden guards.

As long as the frontal battlefield continues to attack and these wizards are not given a chance to come back, the fall of the capital is only a matter of time!

"This is... the Lord's power?" Suddenly, a cardinal sensed the strong divine light in the capital, and became excited, but this power came and disappeared quickly, and he didn't wait for him to carefully After investigation, it has already disappeared.

It seems that the believers of the evil gods in the city have already been put to death!

The surrounding bishops were equally convinced of this point. Although those minions of the evil gods were very tenacious and resisted their attacks round after round, all resistance was futile under the mighty power of the Lord!

The facts seemed to be just as they had expected. Accompanied by the piercing sound of the horn, the artillery fire on the city wall suddenly stopped, and the city gate that was still standing under the bombardment of divine magic was finally opened. !

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