I Made Scientific Magic

Chapter 503 The battle between fluctuations and particles, the scolding war that spreads across the

The news brought by Kagal who broke in suddenly is undoubtedly shocking!

The Thunder wizards who were still immersed in joy immediately changed their faces.

"How is it possible? How could he be so fast?" Sanchez's face was full of disbelief.

It took hundreds of thunder wizards here to analyze Maxwell's equations for several months, and to manufacture a ten-kilometer-long wire. Only then did they accurately measure that the propagation speed of the current in the conductor was equal to the speed of light, and then The connection between optoelectronics is deduced.

And Jeffrey only brought wizards and apprentices of a dozen schools, how could he discover the photoelectric effect before them?

Anthony hurriedly snatched the Magic Daily from Cagal's hand and checked it. After seeing the title on it, he couldn't help but froze.

[The light element is nothing but the ignorance of the ignorant, the explanation and demonstration of light interference and diffraction phenomena-light has volatility! 】

The eloquent magic treatise below occupies the entire page, and there is only one argument stated above. Light is not an element as they thought in the past, but a wave that relies on a certain medium to transmit!

Just like water waves and sound waves!

"Nonsense, how could the light be Bo!" Anthony couldn't stand it after watching half of it, and couldn't help but yelled.

After Sanchez came up to take a look, he was also very angry. "The light element is nothing but a lie of an ignorant person? How dare he say that?"

Just a minute ago, they were delighted with the discovery of the photoelectric effect, thinking that photons are even smaller electrons, and now they are just one step away from finding the real light element!

Now Jeffrey suddenly jumped out and said that the light element does not exist at all, and that is all false. In fact, light is a continuous wave and not a particle. How can this be accepted by everyone?

It's like slapping them in the face in public!

"I think he's crazy to get the Coronation Medal!" Another great wizard who is also proficient in Thunder Art said disdainfully.

How can light be a wave? You must know that they can emit light beam by beam. Previous experiments have also proved that light propagates along a straight line, and its reflection phenomenon is also the best proof of the existence of light particles.

Most importantly, according to his theory of photoelectric conversion, light is actually even smaller electricity!

The existence of positive and negative charges has been discovered and confirmed long ago, which further proves that the light element theory is an irrefutable truth!

"Don't worry, everyone, Jeffrey is just sensationalizing. When we publish the photoelectric conversion theory tomorrow, the so-called wave theory will be a complete joke!" Anthony quickly calmed down and said.

Sanchez also nodded, a clown who is destined to be exposed, it is really not worth their effort.

A group of Thunder wizards also ignored the nonsense in the newspaper, and went back to sort out their notes one after another, preparing to publish part of the research in the next two days, and beat Jeffrey to death!

At the same time, the theory of the wave theory of light has also spread throughout the Magic Kingdom with the publication of the [Magic Daily]!

Although in recent years, there have been more than a dozen new newspapers in the Kingdom, [Magic Daily] no longer has the monopoly position of the past, but as the mouthpiece of the parliament, it has been officially recognized as an authoritative newspaper, and its influence is still the same. Not to be underestimated.

Almost every official wizard who is keen on magic will regularly buy a [Magic Daily], because it will often record some novel and interesting magic papers, and there are also cutting-edge achievements in current magic theory.

And Jeffrey's light wave theory attracted the attention of many wizards once it was issued.

Because this theory is very perfect, Jeffrey used the operation principle of water waves and sound waves to explain in simple terms how light is transmitted in the form of waves, and explained the interference and diffraction of light.

What is even more convincing is that this paper directly gives a detailed experimental demonstration method, which only needs a baffle with two holes poked out and a beam emitting device, which is very simple.

Even those wizards who don't know thunder and light magic can make a few concave-convex lenses and use focused sunlight to complete this experiment.

For this kind of experiment that can be completed with a little effort, there are naturally countless wizards who have personally experimented.

According to the words of that magic star, practice is also the only criterion for testing truth!

Theories from other people's mouths are naturally not as reliable as personal experiments.

It was this simple experiment that made Jeffrey's wave theory famous!

Because it is so similar, after the light passes through the two gaps, the interference fringes that emerge are indeed exactly the same as the directions of the crests and troughs produced by the water waves!

Is light really a wave?

This question has emerged in the minds of more and more wizards. In the past, the cognition of light was completely derived from various conjectures. Even the legendary speaker could not perceive the existence of this thing until Lynn, who is the star of magic, carried out A speed of light calculation experiment can be regarded as the corner of the mystery unveiled.

Just as the wizards in the kingdom gradually recognized this statement, on the evening of the third day, the photoelectric effect and light particle theory jointly published by Anthony and others made people's jaws drop!

Light is electricity, and electricity is light?

In the explanations of these thunder wizards, light is a high-speed, extremely fine particle flow, and electrons are composed of these light particles, so the propagation speeds of the two appear to be highly consistent.

The reason why electricity glows is because when the lightning is excited, it starts to emit its own 'energy' in the form of light, just like radioactive elements.

This is undoubtedly completely opposite to the wave theory proposed by Jeffrey, but Anthony and others also gave strong evidence-they successfully created a photoelectric conversion device!

The material used is silicon!

As long as the silicon plate is irradiated with light of sufficient intensity, a continuous current can be generated.

This theory perfectly explains how laser magic works.

If light is fine electricity, when a large amount of light is injected into the electrons outside the nucleus, its energy will increase sharply, thus jumping to a higher orbit, and then the excess energy will be directly emitted in the form of light !

A group of thunder wizards also gave the light element a new name, called photoelectron!

He even bluntly stated in [Magic Daily] that the technology of internal combustion engines and generators has already fallen behind. Isn't it perfect?

After eloquently explaining the photoelectric effect, Anthony also personally wrote and spent a lot of space to refute Jeffrey's wave theory.

What is a wave? It is the propagation process of vibration in a certain medium. For example, throwing a stone into the water directly displaces the water surface, and then the water molecules in front push away the water molecules behind, and the force is just transmitted.

This means that there must be a medium for the transmission of waves, whether it is sound waves or water waves, but light is different, it can be transmitted in an empty vacuum.

So light wave theory is complete nonsense!

"What bullshit optoelectronics!" Jeffrey's complexion darkened immediately after he got the new issue of "Magic Daily".

Just two days after his wave theory was published, Anthony and others came up with a theory of optoelectronics to disrupt it. In his opinion, this was purely out of jealousy and malicious academic suppression!

After all, he led a dozen or so apprentices to complete the research on the nature of light by himself, so it is normal to cause people to hate him!

However, out of caution, Jeffrey still asked the apprentices below to do the photoelectric experiment recorded in the [Magic Daily].

After tossing back and forth for more than an hour, several apprentices cautiously spoke and reported.

"Teacher, we have tried it, and it seems that light can really generate electricity... Whether it is polychromatic light or monochromatic light, as long as the intensity is enough, it can generate electricity."

Jeffrey couldn't help but froze, his brows furrowed.

Is light really electricity?

Since the magic star's galaxy-orbit element model was proposed, the existence of electrons has been confirmed. It is like a planet orbiting around a star, moving in a circle around the nucleus.

If light is electricity, then it should be particles and not waves...

There was a slight shake in Jeffrey's mind, but he quickly re-established his thoughts.

The wave theory is absolutely an indisputable truth, after all, the results of the experiment are there!

Whether you are a wizard or not, or proficient in electricity and optics, as long as you build a test bench, you can reproduce this experiment perfectly!

As for the so-called photoelectric effect, Jeffrey thinks that it might just be the mutual transformation of normal photoelectric energy!

Rather than saying that it is photovoltaic power generation, it is better to say that the silicon plate is generating electricity!

Fire can be made by burning wood. Could it be said that wood is fire?

Thinking of this, Jeffrey asked a school of wizards to invite several great wizards who stayed in the city of fire oil and made friends with him.

Now that his wave theory has been maliciously suppressed by jealous people, it may be difficult for him to maintain the authority of the wave theory alone, and more people need to come forward to stand up.

About three days later, Jeffrey and several great wizards published new research results on wave theory and applied corresponding patches.

The vacuum field created by their current ability is not completely empty, there may also be some kind of subtle element that they have not discovered for the time being, or the space itself is the medium of light!

For example, the disturbance generated by force field magic uses space as the medium!

In addition, in response, Jeffrey also wrote a whole page to refute Anthony's particle theory-if light is more finely divided electrons, then a large amount of light gathered together will definitely produce a magnetic field!

As a result, it was tested on the vacuum test field created by him and several great wizards, and the gathered light beams did not produce the expected magnetic field phenomenon at all.

As soon as these remarks were made, they directly damaged the photoelectric effect proposed by Anthony...

After all, electricity generates magnetism, and magnetism generates electricity is the underlying logic that every Thunder wizard knows!

The public opinion in the Kingdom has also reversed again, and more and more people have begun to believe in Jeffrey's wave theory again, because the results of the experiment are placed there, which cannot be faked.

"What should I do now, teacher..." After reading the new issue of [Magic Daily], Fulla was also a little panicked, especially after conducting an urgent experiment and confirming that the gathered light beams cannot generate a surrounding magnetic field, she I panicked even more.

Anthony kept pacing in the laboratory, thinking about what went wrong with his photoelectric effect and why the light beam couldn't generate a surrounding magnetic field.

"Could it be that the energy of a single light particle is not enough, so it is not enough to generate a magnetic field." Sanchez said in a deep voice. "It's also possible that the resulting magnetic field is too weak for us to perceive."

"It's possible!" Anthony nodded. In short, more experiments are needed to prove this point.

Under Jeffrey's criticism, everyone was very motivated, trying to find any evidence in favor of particle theory!

After several days of painstaking research, Anthony did not find the magnetic field effect of the light beam, but released another big killer. They developed the particle theory to explain the phenomenon of light diffraction!

According to their conjecture, electricity is composed of a large number of photoelectrons. When the electricity is excited, it explodes like a bomb, throwing all the light particles inside in all directions.

It's just that the number of these divergent light particles is too large, and they are too dense, so a phenomenon similar to waves will be produced.

And these light particle clusters that contain sufficient energy may have the possibility of 'exploding' and spreading again, such as encountering a gap that cannot pass through...

This pseudo 'fluctuation' will not disappear until it becomes a single particle state.

As for the distance... The Thunder Wizards believe that the distance from when the electricity starts to diverge to when it thins into individual light particles may be 100 million kilometers, or it may be more than a billion kilometers. After all, the speed of light is so fast, no matter how you say it It runs for a few minutes before it stops, doesn't it?

Jeffrey, who saw the newspaper, was almost pissed off.

100 million kilometers? Wouldn't it be necessary to circle the eternal star a full 2,500 times? Where did he go to find such a large test site?

The other party clearly wants to prevent him from refuting particle theory with experiments. Even if he tries to solve the problem of distance, Anthony and others can say that the data they measured are not accurate enough.

The anger in Jeffrey's heart kept rising, and he didn't sleep at once, and he didn't do the experiment. He just got up from the bed and spent the whole night writing tens of thousands of words, angrily denouncing this theory as having no factual basis at all. fantasy!

The scolding war between the two sides lasted for more than a month. Not only did it not stop, but it also became more and more intense. From the initial reply every three to seven days, using rigorous experiments to refute the other party's theory has now become a simple refutation and abuse.

As the editor of [Magic Daily], Luo Er was so happy that he was laughing like crazy, and all the tabloid newspapers had no bottom line and began to stand in line and criticize each other. The sales of the newspapers are rising rapidly every day...

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