I Made Scientific Magic

Chapter 508 Before stepping into the quantum realm, please throw away the common sense in your head!

Anthony's words stunned the particle wizards who were happily celebrating their victory.

"Master Anthony, are you sure?" A wizard who supported the wave theory stood up excitedly, and then hesitated. "But, how is this possible?"

Obviously, even he himself was not sure about this statement.

What are electromagnetic waves? It is a kind of fluctuation phenomenon produced by the alternation of electric field and magnetic field.

The communication system of the entire kingdom relies on electromagnetic waves, so wizards who are proficient in electricity are no strangers to this.

Because of this, they felt unbelievable. If according to Anthony, it is only electromagnetic waves, then when they communicate, there should be an extremely obvious light wave!

"To be precise, light is a kind of electromagnetic wave in a specific frequency band." Anthony raised his voice a little bit to suppress the chaotic doubts on the field, and then explained. "Electromagnetic waves of other frequencies cannot be received by our eyes, so we cannot see them!"

"You mean that light waves are like sound waves?" Harov had a thought, and quickly understood the underlying meaning of Anthony's words.

Because there is something similar, and they are very familiar with it, that is, the sound waves produced by the vibration of objects!

Due to the limitations of the human ear itself, it can only hear sound waves with a frequency of about 200,000 to 20,000 Hz. Once it exceeds or falls below this frequency, it cannot be heard.

As for the hertz, which refers to the measurement of the number of periodic changes and repetitions per second, it is described in detail in "The Secret of Sound-Resonance Principle" written by Lynn. named by scholars.

"Good!" Anthony nodded. "According to my experiments, the frequency of visible light is about 400 to 700 Hz."

"That is to say, we can create light by releasing electromagnetic waves!"

"It's like this!" Anthony raised his hand, the electric field and magnetic field alternated, and a dazzling light beam shot out from his fingertips.

"Light, it's really light!" A group of wizards from the particle school looked at this scene in horror, and their faces turned even paler, because it meant that Anthony was not lying, and light was indeed an electromagnetic wave.

Sanchez and Allard also had expressions of disbelief on their faces.

Lynn is very interested in Anthony's method of quickly and alternately emitting light beams with electromagnetic fields, which means that many steps can be saved when using laser magic in the future, thereby greatly increasing the speed of light magic.

This is exactly what is necessary to develop magic science. I only need to point out one direction, and there will always be powerful people who can innovate it. Otherwise, he alone wants to magicalize many scientific research theories and tap their potential That's not exhausting.

"I think the speakers should be able to draw conclusions now?" Jeffrey said with a smile.

Anthony's research is undoubtedly the most direct evidence of light wave theory, even Sanchez can't change the fact that light is electromagnetic waves!

The only thing that makes Jeffrey feel a little regretful is that there is only one Corona Medal but it needs to be divided between the two of them. Maybe it will be dismantled into several Silver Moon Medals. Missed!

"Wait... Speakers, I have another question!" Just as Jeffrey was thinking, Arad suddenly stood up and interrupted. "If light is a wave, how do we explain the particle nature it exhibits?"

Jeffrey replied impatiently. "This is just some side details. The facts are right in front of you. You can't deny that light is a kind of electromagnetic wave, right? As for the mystery of light waves, it can't be explored thoroughly in a few months. We only need to follow the correct way of thinking. One day, these problems will no longer be problems!"

Harov, who was on the judge's seat, also nodded. Now let's figure out the nature of light and solve the [Spellcasting Obstacle] of the Thunder wizards, and it won't be too late to study slowly afterwards.

However, Allard said indifferently. "So what if light is electromagnetic waves? How can you prove that electromagnetic waves are not made of particles?"

"You must know that the transmission of any wave requires a medium, but only electromagnetic waves do not. I have long suspected that it is not a real wave, but a particle!"

Allard's brain hole directly confused Anthony.

Electromagnetic waves are particles?

What a joke, this thing is really delivered in the form of waves!

However, this explanation also revived the wizards who believe in light particles. After all, particle theory can explain light interference and diffraction phenomena, but Sanchez and Anthony cannot explain the principle of pinhole imaging with light wave theory.

So maybe this electromagnetic wave...it's also a particle!

The large exhibition hall, which accommodated tens of thousands of people, quickly became a mess, with continuous disputes and discussions.

Harov, Aurora, and Vittorio on the jury seat frowned. When Anthony proposed that it was only electromagnetic waves, they thought the dispute had come to an end, but Arad suddenly spoke, and It made a few people hesitate.

"If there is no other stronger evidence to prove that light is a particle, then I think the wave theory of Master Jeffrey and Master Anthony is more in line with the nature of light." Harov said in a deep voice. He is naturally more inclined to wave theory.

After all, there are quite a few similarities between the two. Maybe it's like they cast force field magic, space is the medium of electromagnetic waves.

Vittorio nodded, also thinking that the wave argument is more feasible.

Aurora on the side objected. "Conclusions cannot be drawn so easily. Many properties of light are still open to debate."

Obviously, what she supports is the theory of light particles.

After several speakers expressed their views in unison, everyone present looked at Lynn.

As the proposer of the law of free fall, universal gravitation, and the orbital model of elements, the authority of this magic star in magic research is beyond doubt!

Under the gaze of tens of thousands of eyes, Lynn looked at Anthony and said slowly. "Your research is very correct, light is an electromagnetic wave!"

As soon as this remark came out, all the wizards who believed in Guangbo showed smug smiles on their faces. It seemed that Speaker Lynn also supported their Lightwave theory even more.

The faces of Sanchez, Allard and others became very ugly. With three speakers, Haroff, Vittorio, and Lynn, who endorsed the light wave theory, I am afraid that after this seminar is over, the light particle theory will be thrown into the garbage. in the pile.

"This is derived based on your Maxwell's equations!" A slight smile appeared on Anthony's face.

Jeffrey was not surprised at all, because he had read Lynn's reply to Anthony before, and knew the attitude of the magic star very well.

It's just that they didn't expect that, after Lynn finished speaking, he suddenly turned to Sanchez again and said appreciatively.

"Your argument is also very good. Just like, light does have the characteristics of some particles, and the guess that electromagnetic waves are particles is also very bold..."

Sanchez, who was sighing, raised his head suddenly after hearing this, and looked at the magic star in disbelief.

The smile on Anthony's face stopped, and he couldn't understand why Speaker Lynn suddenly agreed with Sanchez's point of view.

Could it be that the other party feels that there are still some loopholes in the theory of light waves, so he intends to delay for a while before drawing conclusions?

Harov also thought of this, raised his voice a little, and said a word of reminder. "Speaker Lynn, now [Spell-casting Obstacles] are spreading throughout the kingdom, it is best to reach a conclusion in this seminar on the discussion of the nature of light!"

"No, I think you misunderstood me, Speaker Harov." Lynn shook his head, looked at the wizards in the exhibition hall, and said with a smile.

"I mean, is there a possibility that light is both a particle and a wave?"

Lynn's voice was not too loud, but it reached the ears of everyone present very accurately, but everyone who heard this couldn't help wondering if they had heard it wrong.

Is light both a particle and a wave?

"Please forgive my presumptuousness, can you explain what this means?" Jeffrey frowned and said in great confusion.

"Is it like a rope, which looks continuous on the surface, but is actually composed of individual elements?" Arad asked with a big brain.

Sanchez nodded. This sounds reasonable, and his photoelectron burst theory perfectly corresponds to what the magic star said just now.

Most importantly, this means that particle theory is really at its core, that waves are made of large numbers of dispersed particles.

However, Lynn rejected Arad's idea in a calm tone. "What I mean is that light has both particle and wave properties, as we saw in the experiment just now."

"Both particles and waves? This is impossible, let alone common sense!" Jeffrey couldn't help saying.

Some wizards from the empire were even more disappointed with this prominent star of magic. When it was Lynn's turn to speak, they were all expecting the other party to come up with some amazing arguments to end the battle that had lasted for several months. wave-particle battle.

As a result, it seems that amazing is indeed quite amazing, but its argument is simply illogical, and can only be described as weird!

A wave is a wave, a particle is a particle, and the two exist in completely different forms.

For example, they release a high-frequency shock wave that can cut a wall in half, and a high-speed impacting particle can only create a big hole in the wall.

Another example is that a wave can pass through several gaps at the same time, and even split into more microwaves, but can a single particle do it?

Of course it can't be done!

Lin En didn't feel angry because of everyone's doubts, and slightly increased the volume to suppress everyone's discussion. "Master Jeffrey, what do you think is common sense?"

"Common sense is naturally logical and in line with the common sense recognized by all of us..." Jeffrey frowned.

"That's right. To put it bluntly, it's just the experience summed up from our previous cognition." Lynn nodded, and then continued. "But this may not be correct!"

"For example, before we measured the circumference of the planet and confirmed the planet theory with the pendulum experiment, everyone thought that the planet under our feet was actually a flat continent, didn't they?"

Jeffrey choked for a moment, let alone a few years ago, so far, many people do not believe that the continent under their feet is a sphere, because this is completely beyond their cognition!

Arad retorted and said. "But this time it's different. Yours isn't just as simple as being inconsistent with common sense, it's even... not even logical!"

"This is the crux of the problem!" Lin En nodded, agreeing with Arad's words, but spoke again the next moment. "Because the microscopic world cannot be demonstrated with common sense!"

"Recently, I have been studying these microscopic particle phenomena and discovered some laws."

"According to my research, not only light, but also microscopic elements such as electrons and protons have similar fluctuations...I gave them a new name, called quantum!"

"Yes, you can understand it as a particle with wave characteristics!" Lynn said firmly.

The wizards present, including Harov and other speakers, all had expressions of disbelief.

"Can you show us your research manuscript?" Anthony asked eagerly. He believed that Lynn would never aim at nothing, let alone destroy his reputation on such an important occasion.

But this theory is too incredible, he needs to see more rigorous experimental evidence, not just words.

"No problem!" Lin En agreed without hesitation, and then tapped his fingers, and the neatly stacked pages on the desk flew out one by one, landing on every wizard in the exhibition hall hands.

Anthony also got a copy. At first, he thought it was a research manuscript, but after a few glances, he was surprised to find that it was not what he thought.

"What is this? A disclaimer?!" Aurora looked at Lynn rather strangely and asked.

"I'm a little worried that publishing these microscopic phenomena will lead to more serious consequences than [Spellcasting Impairment]. So with this waiver, you can choose whether to listen to my quantum theory!" Lynn said succinctly.

Do you want to be so exaggerated?

Harov's face twitched involuntarily, the consequences were even more terrifying than [Spellcasting Obstacle]?

The wizards present were in an uproar. Some felt that the star of magic was pretending to be a ghost, and some were panicked. The previous debate on the nature of light had caused many people to lose the ability to cast photoelectric spells.

"In short, I will use experiments to demonstrate the wave and particle characteristics of quantum in tomorrow's academic seminar... Anyone who is willing to come can sign a name in the disclaimer!" Lynn shrugged, and then announced today's academic seminar The meeting ended here, and then ignored the wizards who were still in confusion, and left the meeting directly.

His experimental device is still missing the last piece of the puzzle, which is what method to use to emit a single photon or electron and make it move in a specific direction. This is the biggest difficulty in the experiment, and it is a particularly important ring!

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