I Made Scientific Magic

Chapter 516: Everything Has a Wavelength! [Thanks to the lord Li for the 110,000 starting point coin

Calculate a person's wavelength?

The wizards present couldn't believe it, people are also volatile?

Jeffrey even had an expression of disbelief. Even though he was one of the pioneers of optical volatility, he dared not say such weird remarks about human beings having volatility!

Lin En didn't seem to see the surprise of the crowd, and used his hand as a pen to write down a few symbols in the void, which is the famous de Broglie wavelength formula!

The calculation is extremely simple and clear at a glance.

It can even be said to be so simple that it is unbelievable!


The symbol λ is the wavelength.

P They are very familiar with it, it is momentum, the product of an object's mass and speed!

The only strange thing is that h.

"This is the quantum constant, just like the gravitational constant, it has a fixed value of 6.626×10^(-34) joules per second!" Lynn explained.

Hearing the word [quantum constant], the wizards in the venue who are keen on studying the microscopic field immediately showed a clear look.

This is a concept that Lynn mentioned in his paper [The World of Probability——Quantum Mechanics] published in the Magic Daily, when he explained the research on radiated light and electromagnetic wave particles.

Electromagnetic waves are electromagnetic fields that propagate in the form of fluctuations, but when they interact with charged particles, they exhibit a discontinuity of energy and momentum.

So this star of magic assumes that its emission and absorption are not continuous, but piece by piece, then there must be a minimum value!

This value is the quantum constant - the smallest energy that can be divided!

And the translation of the entire wavelength calculation formula is that the wavelength of an object is equal to the quantum constant divided by its momentum!

With the computing power of the great wizard, Anthony only took one second to calculate that the wavelength of an adult moving forward at a normal speed is about 10^(-37) meters, which is almost negligible.

Not to mention the naked eye, even the perception of a legendary wizard can never touch such a scale.

"But this quantum constant should be just your hypothesis!" Jeffrey was not convinced by the wave formula presented by Lynn.

After all, isn't it nonsense to use a hypothetical thing to prove that your theory is correct?

Before Lynn could speak, Eloque, who was beside him, couldn't help explaining.

"This is not a hypothesis. It is the highest research achievement of the dean on electromagnetic waves and thermal radiation! We have found a way to emit a single quantum of light. This wavelength formula is correct in calculating the wavelength and frequency of light and electricity. One hundred percent, it can even predict where microscopic particles may appear, almost perfectly matching the experimental results!"

Hearing what Ellok said, a smile appeared on the corner of Lynn's mouth. Once it comes to the quantum field, Planck's constant becomes a priority to be confirmed, because too many formulas are related to it, and it is also the speed of light. , the universal gravitational constant, the third thing that can be called a physical constant!

Unfortunately, due to limited conditions, Lynn can only measure the value of Planck's constant by re-engraving Joseph von Fife's rotary geometric device, and the accuracy is not high.

If you want to continue to improve the accuracy, I'm afraid you have to rely on particle colliders.

Hearing that Eloque said that they had found the photon, Anthony and others were really shocked.

Why were the previous double-slit interference experiments conducted with electrons? That is naturally because they have no way to emit photons one by one!

Some staunch wave wizards even think that photons do not exist at all, and this thing has been determined to be electromagnetic waves!

It's waves instead of particles!

But if Eloke didn't lie, it means that this conclusion will be overturned, and waves also have the characteristics of particles!

On the side, Allard noticed another more explosive news, and said excitedly. "You said just now that you can predict where the microscopic particles will fall?"

The wizards present also reacted one after another, and even the three speakers, Harov, Aurora, and Vittorio, couldn't sit still.

Due to the many weird characteristics of the microscopic field, coupled with the fact that the volume is too small, there is no way to measure to any extent. Even the gravitational deformation amplification method used to measure atoms before is invalid.

So until now, the data about the shape, mass, and trajectory of the quantum are completely blank.

For example, in the double-slit experiment, they didn't know where the next electron might appear, or even if it would land on the fluorescent screen.

This is also the biggest problem facing the study of microscopic particles at present. All its characteristics seem to be chaotic, and no clue can be found.

"If you want to talk about predictions, that's of course possible." Lynn laughed, and then explained. "It's just that this is not the kind of accurate prediction you think, it should be called a probability cloud distribution map!"

It is almost impossible to make an accurate single prediction of the existence position of a certain quantum at a certain moment.

Because the federation has proved with countless experiments that this thing is truly random rather than pseudo-random that circulates according to a certain law.

But if more than 100,000 electron emissions are carried out, the accuracy of this probability cloud distribution model can reach more than 99%!

Just like tossing a coin in your hand, as long as there are enough times, the number of times it lands showing heads and tails will always approach 50%!

"So every microscopic particle is constantly throwing the dice to decide where it will appear when it is observed next moment?" Jeffrey really couldn't understand. "Doesn't this consume energy?"

"Why not the other way around? Maybe energy consumption is only needed when the probability collapses." Lynn shrugged.

This strange but reasonable statement left Jeffrey speechless.

Allard and others are thinking about the wavelength formula and probability cloud model proposed by Lynn.

They haven’t confirmed the authenticity of the latter with experiments, so they can’t evaluate it for the time being. The former is perfectly in line with what Lynn said just now, the more macroscopic the object is, the weaker the volatility will be.

After all, the greater the momentum of P as the divisor, the smaller the value of the wavelength obtained at last, and the more insignificant it is compared to its own mass and volume.

Only the quantum that is also in the microscopic state will show a particularly obvious fluctuation compared with its mass.

Or in other words, this conclusion itself is deduced from this formula!

Arad, who was meditating, soon thought that this wavelength formula and the probability cloud model might be one of the entry points for studying the quantum field...

Wait, aren't they here to argue against probability theory?

Arad suddenly realized this.

Damn it, I was almost trapped by this star of magic!

(PS: The second chapter is around four o'clock, and it will be updated at normal time tomorrow. Thank you for your support and rewards, and I will add more when I save a village these days!)

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