I Made Scientific Magic

Chapter 532 One is ten thousand, ten thousand is one, it is everywhere, and now I am everywhere too!

What is missing?

Lynn thought hard, but still got nothing.

According to the detection of elements on the other side of the time-space gate by Raphael and others, the foreign land is also composed of various basic elements of 'hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, and carbon', but they are all magicalized.

Lynn even guessed that this was a plane without magic power before, but after being captured, the Moon God turned it into a realm of the gods, so it was full of magic power.

【User No. 33 applied to borrow the computing power of Monet, do you agree? 】

A smart reminder sound suddenly sounded in his mind, interrupting Lynn's thinking.

The so-called No. 33 user is naturally Anthony.

As one of the great wizards who personally developed in the kingdom and supplemented the background of the Arcane Society, he joined the magic net very early.

As for the reason why the other party invoked the magic net, Lin En quickly remembered that it was a completely legendary promotion ceremony!

No wonder Harov and Aurora were not in the capital during the investigation just now. If it wasn't for the reminder from the brain, Lynn almost forgot about it.

The council had specially sent someone to notify him before.

Lynn immediately agreed to Anthony's request to use computing power, and then released the link with the magic net, and took back the domain covering the entire royal capital.

Once Anthony and the others pass the legendary promotion ceremony, they will become the speaker of the same level as themselves. Naturally, they have to congratulate them, otherwise it will appear that the star of magic is too arrogant.

The huge computing power blessing was pulled away in an instant, as if falling straight from the bliss to the bottom of the valley. Even Lin En felt regretful and uncomfortable for a while, but he still let himself be forcibly pulled away from the power brought by the external force, and then looked He glanced at the black crow on the table.

After thinking about it, I still decided not to take the other party there.

The nuclear fusion furnace and the legendary promotion method are the secrets of the parliament. When it is impossible to determine whether the crow is a friend or an enemy, keeping it secret is especially important.

However, Lin En didn't intend to leave the crow alone in the room, because he was not sure that the crow would have some strange magical skills to break free.

"Muto!" Lynn shouted, and a blue animal figure flew over from a distance immediately.

That was Muto who was in charge of guarding the gate in the manor.

Due to the recent large-scale mining of uranium ore by the parliament and the increase of nuclear reserves, Muto's body size has grown a lot in a few months, his height has swelled from the previous two meters to about three meters, and his energy level has also risen linearly. Because I ate enough to support myself every day.

In order to improve this guy's combat power, Lynn also made great efforts to engrave the spell slot of [Final Yan-Atomic Breath] into Muto's mind. Combined with Muto's ability to swallow energy and counterattack, it is already a real deal. legendary battle strength.

"Then you will play with it."

Lin En patted Muto's head. The plasma ripples on the surface that looked like fur had a high temperature of thousands of degrees, and only Lin En, who is also a body of energy, could do such a thing as a beast.

Muto, who entered the door, naturally noticed the crow locked in the cage, with a hostile expression on his face. In recent months, the two-legged beast, which had been very caring for him, suddenly became indifferent. It's been called on the fingers of the fingers of the hand, and now I've finally found out why.

Muto thought it must be this inexplicable crow that robbed him of his original position. His two front paws immediately slammed on the table, and his eyes were full of malice.

"Get it out of the way." The black crow screamed loudly, flapping its wings to disperse the approaching Muto, but it didn't work at all.

Seeing that the crow and the beast got along pretty well, Lin En was relieved, with the barrier of the cage, the two could not fight.

Of course, if the crow has the ability to fly out beyond the force field and electromagnetic protection he set up, that's not necessarily the case.

After instructing Muto to take good care of his home, Lynn left the manor, turned into a streak of light and flew towards the city of fire oil.

In recent days, although the council has also built a fusion furnace in the magic tower outside the capital, the magic circle for the legendary promotion has not yet been established, so this time the promotion ceremony is still chosen in the city of fire oil.

Galloping all the way, a series of prompts reappeared in Lin En's mind again. It was also a request to apply for computing power, and Lin En agreed to them one by one.

It seems that Anthony's promotion has been successful!

There was a smile on the corner of Lynn's mouth, and he checked Anthony's status in a magic net link, and the mental power rating really changed from six to seven.

With the computing power blessing provided by the magic net, the risk of the legendary promotion ceremony can be said to be extremely reduced. After all, the real difficulty of this ceremony lies in how to build a body of magic power and energy against the erosion of huge energy after destroying the body.

If the more than 20 six-ring great wizards in the council can successfully complete the promotion, then the high-end power of the council will lead to a big explosion!

[User No. 1749 leaves the magic net link...]

Just as Lin En was daydreaming, a completely different system sound resounded in his mind. Lin En frowned suddenly, and there was a bad premonition in his heart. After a short interval of ten minutes,

[User No. 2596 leaves the magic net link...]

Lin En looked forward to the City of Fire Oil, which had gradually revealed the outline of the city, and couldn't help but feel a little heavy, because the so-called 1749 and 2596 users were the two great wizards who had previously applied for computing power, and now suddenly Breaking away from the magic net probably means a very bad result.

Three minutes later, Lynn successfully landed over the City of Fire Oil without any delay, and walked straight into the newly built magic tower.

Originally this was the manor of a great nobleman of the empire, but it is a pity that the entire building complex has been destroyed under his [Final - Atomic Breath] to protect the fusion furnace located underground, and the parliament re-established a magic high above. tower.

As soon as he stepped into the tower, Arad immediately led someone out after receiving the news, and brought Lin En into the underground space.

"How is the promotion ceremony this time?" Lin En asked directly without any nonsense.

Allard hesitated to speak, as if he didn't know how to describe it. Fortunately, Harov and the others had already walked over, and Aurora explained.

"The results were not good. One succeeded and two failed. As for Jeffrey, we temporarily suspended his promotion ceremony."

Lynn glanced at the few people who came out, but didn't see the figures of the two great wizards, and immediately realized their ending. Even Anthony, who was promoted successfully, didn't look too good.

"What's going on here?" Lynn asked rather puzzled. Even though the ceremony of being promoted to a legend requires a lot of risks, the success rate shouldn't be so low.

In his expectation, Anthony was the most dangerous moment in the promotion ceremony this time, because the time for the opponent to become the great wizard of the sixth ring was very short, less than two years, and the other selected great wizards had basically set foot This realm has been in existence for more than ten years. It doesn't make sense that only he succeeds and others fail.

"Speaking of which, it's all my fault..." Anthony sighed, and then explained.

He was the first to perform the promotion ceremony. When the physical body was destroyed and the body of magic and energy was reconstructed, some accidents happened.

"I suddenly found that the energy body I built was like water waves, very unstable and might collapse at any time."

Anthony said with great fear. Fortunately, he transformed his energy body into a magical material mimicry in time, and thus avoided the end of his body collapsing. Therefore, after completing the promotion, he reminded Jeffrey and others emphatically Pay extra attention to this.

As a result... these words seemed to have some counterproductive effects. The two great wizards who were promoted after him undoubtedly listened to it, and then died even faster, and even the magical body could not be completely condensed.

Witnessing the end of the two colleagues, Jeffrey was so frightened that he gave up the promotion directly, and Harov also hurriedly suspended the continuation of the ceremony.

"I think this should have something to do with their fear of the microscopic realm." Aurora said in a heavy tone. She has also lost the ability to transform the body of magic power and energy, so she can understand this feeling very well.

Hearing this, the wizards present all looked at Lynn strangely.

Because this magical star is the 'culprit' who proposed the quantum probability theory.

Dude, so it's all my fault...

Lin En was speechless for a while, and he never thought that the introduction of quantum theory would have such a big impact on Legendary's promotion.

"It seems that until the micro-element theory has a complete conclusion, it is better to postpone the promotion of legends first." Harov said helplessly.

It is impossible to say who was responsible for the promotion accident this time. Anthony kindly reminded the two of them that it would have a counterproductive effect that was completely beyond everyone's expectations.

And Lynn published magic research in the microscopic field and made it public, and there was nothing wrong with it. It can only be said that the two great wizards are really unlucky.

It seems that I have to write out the theory of relativity in advance... Lin En shook his head. Originally, he thought that there was no need to be in a hurry. The derivation of magic should be done step by step. You can’t always deduce all the theories by yourself. It will dampen the enthusiasm of wizards to study magic.

But now it seems that if Quantum, the dark cloud hanging over the magic building, is not resolved, their plan to promote the legend in batches may be ruined.

"By the way, I heard [Element Controller] Speaker Altok seems to have a lot of research in the microscopic field?" Lynn suddenly remembered this, and asked curiously.

He remembered that before he was promoted, there were a total of five speakers in the parliament. [Dragon Power] Faiz was calculated to die in the hands of the evil mage Merk. As for the [Element Controller] Altok, he was Never met.

"Altok is very crazy, I'm afraid it's difficult to communicate." Harov said hesitantly.

After Lynn's quantum theory was put forward, he had someone send over the related theories he sorted out, hoping to cure this old friend of his madness.

But judging from the reports he received, Altok seemed to be even more insane.

Aurora also sighed. This 'quantum ghost' is indeed terrifying. In a sense, Altok just walked faster and farther than them on the road of magic.

"Altok should still be in the Land of Wizards. If you want to find him, maybe we can go there together." Harov said solemnly.

Altok is the person who has the deepest research on the microcosmic field among them. Although his mind is not normal these years, he has never given up on the research and exploration of the microcosmic field. Maybe there will be some progress.


In the evening, Greenriel, the land of wizards, Lynn, Harov and Aurora came here together, much to the delight of the great wizard Igna who stayed here.

Ever since the council decided to leave the island and go to the mainland to fight against the church, this former wizarding capital, the core city of the council, has become much more depressed.

If there is no one who does not yearn for a wider land, the only ones left on the island are some civilians who miss their homeland and are unwilling to leave, as well as the wizards and guards who are responsible for guarding against the time and space gate.

"How is Altok recently? Is his illness better?" Aurora asked with concern.

"The speaker has locked himself in the laboratory for almost half a month. He drove us all out, saying that he wanted to stay with the elemental ghosts, and no one was allowed to enter again." Igna said Speechless and helpless, he obviously felt extremely troubled by the mentally abnormal speaker.

The other party not only has a high status, but also is far stronger than himself, and from time to time, some strange ideas will come up, but he has no ability to stop him, so he can only let the other party mess around.

Harov's face twitched, and he reached out and patted Igna's shoulder. It is indeed not easy to take care of such a patient with brain problems.

As for Altok's order, Harov didn't take it to heart. On the contrary, he was a little curious about what the other party was up to, and he didn't come out for half a month.

Lynn stepped forward and pushed open the door of the laboratory, which had been closed for half a month. He could feel a powerful magic power inside, but when he really saw the scene inside, a somewhat surprised expression appeared on his face .

The entire laboratory covers an area of ​​about 700 square meters, and the end can be seen at a glance. There are many unknown instruments piled up in the room, and various formulas and scribbled pictures are written on the walls on all sides.

Those pictures look very grotesque and abstract, as if an immature child is trying to describe a world beyond cognition with a pen.

"Strange, where is Altok?" Harov scanned the laboratory, but there was no one in sight, but they all sensed the existence of the magic field, and the person who released this field could only be the master of the elements.

"Harov, Chairman Lynn, come and take a look at this." Aurora looked at the laboratory table with a solemn expression.

A line of words was being engraved on the table crookedly.

Harov glanced at it, then felt a chill rushing up from the soles of his feet, and couldn't help but read out.

[One is ten thousand, ten thousand is one, I want to merge with them...it is everywhere, hehe, now I am everywhere...]

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