I Made Scientific Magic

Chapter 551 Let them have a taste of the highest masterpiece belonging to wizards!

Thousands of artillery ammunition rained down, and a large number of ghouls and skeleton warriors rushing to the front were instantly blasted into pieces.

But the undead in the rear are still pouring out from the gate of time and space continuously, as if endless.

At this moment, the battle was still going on in the sky. Thousands of airships surrounded the entire valley, but they did not attack rashly.

The outside of each airship is wrapped with layers of copper wire barriers, but this thing is not used to resist the enemy's attack, but to protect against mines!

Located inside the airship, the wizards who are proficient in thunder spells worked together to activate the legendary spell - the net of thunder prison!

The powerful thunder takes the airships scattered over the valley as the starting point, and the giant net of thunder intertwined with each other completely envelopes the airspace of the entire battlefield in an instant.

The violent electric arc kept jumping, exuding a terrifying and destructive power. In the area swept by the thunder, a large number of wandering souls and screeching demons gushed out from the time-space gate, and were directly wiped out under the thunder that filled the sky. .

Even if some flying monsters with high resistance fail to die immediately, they will lose the ability to fly due to paralysis and fall from high altitude to death.

Compared with the ground forces, the air force is much more difficult to deal with. It is almost impossible to rely on traditional means to destroy so many flying undead creatures without missing a single one!

So Vittorio specially sent those wizards who are proficient in thunder spells to the airship. With the help of a large number of lightning stones full of electricity as energy reserves, the thunder spells cast together are enough to cover the entire airspace and maintain More than a day!

Under the ravages of artillery fire and thunder all over the sky, even if tens of thousands of undead poured out from the gate of time and space every second, they were often wiped out before rushing out of the valley.

It's just that there are new changes in the time-space gate, and a huge black shadow emerges from the surging vortex.

It was a huge suture monster, more than 100 meters tall, uglier and more hideous than other suture creatures, with barb-like bone armor growing on its back, and various sharp edges hanging from its elbows and ankles. claw hook.

The continuous artillery fire hit the body covered with bone spurs, blasting out holes, but it was not enough to shake its huge figure!

More importantly, everyone present soon discovered that there were more than one such monster, and the second and third giant suture monsters soon appeared in front of everyone.

Within ten minutes, a total of thirty-five giant stitch monsters came out of the time-space gate, as if majestic mountains were approaching them.

Hundreds of electromagnetic rail guns had already started to charge, and accompanied by bursts of violent explosions, the sonic boom was generated instantly, and the surrounding soldiers covered their ears tightly.

Immediately after, more than a hundred streamers of red roared towards them, shooting towards the nearest stitch monsters.

At seven times the speed of sound, the attack arrived in just one second. One of the stitch monsters was hit by twenty rail guns, and holes were punched out of the whole body. Blood, limbs and pieces of flesh flew all over the sky. He was killed on the spot.

After one blow, the ten-headed giant suture monster was killed on the spot, and its mutilated body fell heavily on the ground, sinking directly into the ground.

Seeing this scene, everyone at the scene breathed a sigh of relief. Such a large stitch monster rushed out of the time-space gate. They almost thought it was a large group of legendary creatures, but they didn't expect it to be just a fake.

Under the bombardment of several rounds of electromagnetic guns, these monsters as huge as hills were completely wiped out.

However, this thing is obviously used to attract firepower. Along with these giant stitch monsters, there are also a large number of high-level undead such as bone smashers, necromancers, and dark guards.

Even in the face of the invasion of artillery fire, they have good protection capabilities. With the giant stitch monsters attracting most of the firepower, they quickly approached to a distance of less than one kilometer.

On the outside of the valley, rows of machine guns were set up one after another, and dense tongues of flame poured into the distance. Bullets pierced the void, tearing the undead spirits who tried to approach the valley into pieces halfway.

But the sea of ​​undead surging up like a tide is still slowly approaching...

"This number should be about the same, right? Speaker?" Sanchez turned to look at Vittorio and asked.

The number of undead gathered in the valley is likely to exceed one million!

"It's time too!" Vittorio nodded, then raised his hand, and a purple beam of light shot up into the sky.

On the outside of every corner of the valley, the alchemists who saw the light beam immediately took action and launched the spell together.

The entire valley immediately shook violently, the ground under his feet began to crack, and thick cracks spread from all directions towards the center of the valley.

Thousands of undead knights who were charging in groups suddenly collapsed under their feet, and they all fell off their backs, and they all rolled down into a huge pit with a depth of more than 60 meters below.

In the past few months, more than 8,000 elemental wizards have worked together to hollow out half of the ground of the entire valley. If the time is not too short, Sanchez even wants people to dig the valley into an abyss.

This trick is undoubtedly very effective. The millions of undead stranded in the valley all sank into the ground. Immediately afterwards, the artillerymen replaced special ammunition. spread.

"It seems that these undead are not a big deal. If there are only this level, it doesn't matter if there are more!"

Allard looked at the bones that fell into the ground and were broken into pieces, and some of them struggled to stand up but were buried, and his worries about this interplanetary war eased a lot.

Weak, really too weak, just artillery, muskets, airships and a little trap are enough to crush all these invading undead.

There were not a few wizards who thought like Allard, and some even began to comment, discussing which of the undead that emerged from the gate of time and space was strong and which was weak.

Harov and the others did not let down their vigilance, because no legendary undead appeared in front of them so far, which probably means that all the undead that appear now are just cannon fodder to test them , This is also the reason why he has not let everyone use some powerful weapons.

In fact, just as Harov thought, with the passage of time, Arad and others, who were still showing disdain, began to break out in a cold sweat.

This battle went straight from morning to night, and there were countless undead pouring out of the gate of time and space. Many wizards were keenly aware that since they sank the entire valley, there were no more undead on the ground coming from time and space. Coming out of the door, there are more flying undead.

And they are not as stupid as imagined, they have been changing their attack strategies, many clusters are scattered, and some Screamers even try to approach them by flying at low altitude.

The blockade of the Thunder Net alone was no longer enough to stop all the targets. The roar of the machine guns never stopped at all, relying on the cross-fire net to eliminate those fish that slipped through the net.

This means that the commander of the undead army seems to have a way to know what happened here and make tactical adjustments based on this, and the opponent's soldiers are much more than they expected, so they don't care about this loss at all. Very calm.

"Have you noticed? Some of the undead did not participate in the battle after flying out of the time-space gate, but returned to the time-space gate immediately." Harov said in a deep voice.

"Is it the sentinel responsible for the investigation?" Sanchez immediately responded.

But even knowing it is useless, they can't kill every undead that passes through the gate of time and space, and naturally they can't stop them from going back.

"How many are there?" Allard couldn't help but asked.

Nearly one-third of the ammunition that the council spent more than a year in storage has been consumed. After more than ten hours of continuous operation, the energy storage of the thunder stone is almost exhausted. The undead emerging from the other side of the time-space gate But it didn't decrease at all.

Although with the help of the net of thunder in the sky and the fluorescent spells of the wizards, the darkness will not weaken their combat effectiveness, but after fighting for more than ten hours, many people have already felt mentally and mentally exhausted.

Even warriors with strong willpower still need to rest. The other party will not plan to spend ten days and a half months, exhausting their ammunition and status, right?

No one can answer this question. Harov has already had people adopt a rotation system. Even the official wizards have participated in the battle, replacing some of the artillery. Even the Thunder Net has been temporarily suspended.

Mana can be restored, but the production and replenishment of ammunition and energy cannot be solved in a short while.

"Do you want to use that?" Aurora asked, naturally referring to nuclear weapons.

To deal with such a large number of enemies, it is obviously the quickest solution!

It can even be thrown directly into the other side of the time-space gate. Judging from the number of invading undead, it should be able to eliminate millions of undead at one time, and it can also give them some buffer and rest time.

Harov was somewhat hesitant. After all, according to the previous assumption, the parliament's nuclear reserves were used to deal with those legendary creatures and the Lord of the Dead, and it would be too wasteful to use them on these cannon fodder.

However, it is not an option to continue fighting like this. It seems that the nuclear reserve can only be used in advance!

Harroff quickly made up his mind.

"What's that?" Sanchez suddenly pointed at the surging space-time gate in front of him, and said in astonishment.

Harov and the others paused for a moment, then looked in the direction Sanchez was pointing at.

A few kilometers away, a fist-sized dark ball was floating out from the gate of time and space. If it weren't for the influence of farsighted magic, no one would have noticed it.

Is it some kind of offensive technique? Or some kind of strange undead creature?

Harov couldn't guess, but he wouldn't let this thing exist. When he raised his hand, an electromagnetic cannon flashing with the light of runes appeared in front of him, galloping at more than thirty times the speed of sound, and soon He hit the chaotic ball in the middle and exploded it in an instant!

But Harov's expression became extremely ugly, because as the ball exploded, an invisible force immediately swept towards the valley.

The way to activate this technique is to be detonated!

The other party used their hands to complete the last step of the operation!

Knocked down by machine guns in the sky, a large number of undead shattered by the light beam exploded before falling into the fierce sea of ​​flames below, bursts of dark green poisonous mist erupted from the fragments of the corpses, quickly covering the entire airspace.

This is exactly the legendary undead technique - Advanced Corpse Explosion!

"This fog must not be touched..." Vittorio looked at the thick fog drifting over, and felt a faint feeling of heart palpitations.

Even a legendary wizard like him would never feel good once he got infected!

Seeing that the poisonous mist had spread towards them, Vittorio and Harov immediately joined forces with a dozen or so elemental wizards around them to summon a hurricane, trying to blow the poisonous wind back into the gate of time and space After all, the valley is surrounded by armies of the kingdom, and there are even airships in the sky.

However, even with the joint efforts of more than a dozen great wizards and the legendary wizards Harov and Vittorio, they could barely seal the poisonous fog in the valley.

Under the blowing of the hurricane, the sharp-eyed Sanchez discovered that this was not fog at all, but a sea of ​​ghosts with no end in sight!

Grim and painful faces emerged from the surging mist.

In other words, what they are facing now is actually the millions of dead soul aggregates who died on this battlefield!

Realizing this, the hearts of the wizards present felt chills.

These resentful spirits who died tragically in life and were enslaved after death showed the greatest malice, constantly impacting the incoming storm, trying in vain to break through the blockade and devour the living outside.

Immediately afterwards, the roar of the giant bone dragon resounded through the dark green mist.

Following the cover of the fog of necromancy, the real offensive will officially begin now!

More screechers than before rushed out of the gate of time and space, accompanied by dozens of skeletal dragons, a large number of undead griffins and even high-level banshees and liches. They are the backbone of the undead army. The level of cannon fodder.

At this time, Harov breathed a sigh of relief. They were the most worried and fearful, but they couldn't see the depth of the enemy as before. Now that they have waited for the opponent to dispatch elite troops, they can relax a little bit. .

"Let these skeletons have a taste of the highest masterpiece of a wizard!" Harov said without hesitation.

Standing in the middle of the queue, the Yangyan Cannon, which had been standing still, suddenly turned its muzzle and pointed it in the direction of the Time-Space Gate, and as a 500-kilogram high-purity uranium stone was loaded into it, an extremely bright destructive light immediately disappeared. Emerging on the battlefield...

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