I Made Scientific Magic

Chapter 591 Break the Void, Proton Water Drop!

The 50,000-ton ball of protons gallops in the vacuum orbit on the surface of the planet, constantly moving in circles.

The circumference of the alien planet is far inferior to that of the Eternal Star, with a circumference of only about 30,000 kilometers. Due to the serious loss of mass, the gravity of the planet itself is only about half of that of the Eternal Star.

But the electromagnetic orbit of 30,000 kilometers is already very terrifying!

Due to the large mass, the initial speed of the proton ball is only 1,000 kilometers per second, but under the action of the electromagnetic acceleration ring surrounding the entire planet, the speed begins to soar!

After the first lap, its speed has exceeded 10,000 kilometers per second!

Then came the second lap, the third lap, and the fourth lap...

The speed is getting faster and faster. At the beginning, it will take a few seconds to circle the planet, but then it will be reversed. One second is enough to circle several times!

Harov and the others below all vaguely felt a palpitation that did not come. At first, they thought it was some extremely powerful existence wanting to cross the void, but soon discovered that this strong sense of danger did not come from the space-time rift. Instead, it's the top of their heads!

"What is Speaker Lynn planning to do?" Sanchez stared at the sky. Although he couldn't see the tiny proton ball, he could feel the strong pressure and the sense of crisis that penetrated into his bones.

"This seems to be a vacuum electromagnetic orbit... Vittorio said in a deep voice, the strong magnetic field permeating the foreign land cannot be concealed, so he can see it at a glance.

"No, this is more like the particle collider that Chairman Lynn built in the northern border!" Raphael corrected, and then explained its principle roughly.

It is also very simple to say, it is to use the electric field and magnetic field to accelerate the charged particles, under the action of Lorentz force, the charged particles will continue to increase the speed until it is close to the speed of light!

Hearing this, Sanchez and the others clicked their tongues, vaguely guessing Lynn's thoughts.

Anthony on the side was even more astonished. This is a bit like the electromagnetic propulsion acceleration method he proposed at the beginning—use the planet as a magnet, arrange a super large and strong magnetic field, and the spacecraft will continuously accelerate around the planet.

However, because this method of acceleration was too cumbersome and time-consuming, it was directly rejected at the meeting. Unexpectedly, Lin En unexpectedly used it in this place on a whim.

While everyone was discussing, the proton ball had circled a full 50 times in the vacuum orbit, and its speed had increased to 200,000 kilometers per second!

In fact, if Lin En hadn't created a long vacuum orbit above the foreign land, the atmospheric waves caused would be enough to wipe out all the elites of hundreds of thousands of kingdoms below.

It is impossible for a real God of War to allow him to spend such a long time preparing a spell, but the current situation has given him this precious opportunity!

"Two-thirds of the speed of light, has this reached the limit?" Lynn waited a few more laps. As the speed continued to climb, the acceleration of the proton ball by Coulomb force alone became slower and slower.

One is that the gravitational force of the planet inevitably has a certain impact, and the other is that the speed of light is the upper line that low-dimensional space can accommodate. The closer to the speed of light, the more difficult it will be to continue to increase the speed. This resistance is invisible. No, it is the power from the root of time and space!

Fortunately, even so, it is enough!

According to the kinetic energy conservation formula——Ek=(1/2)mv^2, the greater the mass of an object, the faster its speed, and the more terrifying the burst of energy!

The mass of the proton ball is more than a hundred times that of a single particle cannon, and its power will also exceed a hundred times!

Lin En stretched out his hand, and the electromagnetic orbit that existed above the foreign land began to change its direction little by little, aiming at a gap in time and space, and then Lin En raised his hand to pull the trigger, and said in a cold voice.

"Accept my gift, gods of another world!"

Weighing 50,000 tons, the surprisingly small proton ball flew into the space-time gap before Lin En's words fell.


On the other side, in the main world, within the domain of the god of thunder and war.

The six summoned gods are making final preparations to break through the barrier of time and space!

The time-space rift that was torn open in front of him has expanded to tens of meters in size, which can accommodate the entry of legendary-level existences, and it continues to expand continuously.

"It seems that their resistance will come to an end!" Loto, the God of Earth, said in a relaxed tone.

However, the new Moon God's ability to resist has completely exceeded his expectations so far. Even though the two sides are separated by an endless void, the power they can exert is limited, but it is not something that a newly promoted god can easily resist.

"Don't be too careless, Loto, we may not be fighting with the new Moon God!" The God of Life and Creation couldn't help reminding him that he had been in contact with the Moon God Diana before. He is very familiar with the divine power, but when fighting across the void just now, what he sensed did not seem to be the divine power of the moon.

This made him feel vaguely uneasy.

The God of Life and Creation knew very well that as the first batch of gods to invade the Moon God's Domain, to put it bluntly, they were no different from those Balrogs who rushed into the space-time rift.

Now that two gods have fallen one after another, it is natural to be cautious.

"Even if it's not the new moon god?" Loto, the god of the earth, sneered. They had already found out in the previous confrontation. Control over God's Domain.

Once the space-time rift is fully opened to accommodate them, these little resistances will collapse in an instant!

Then, as if remembering something, Loto, the God of the Earth, looked at the God of Life and Creation, and said quite dissatisfied. "If you hadn't changed your mind midway last time, we would have already fulfilled the Lord God's orders."

The rest of the gods also nodded. All six gods took action together to deal with a newly promoted god who had stolen the divine power of the moon. They really looked up to each other too much.

The God of Life and Creation was speechless for a moment, and just as he was thinking about whether he was being too cautious, a warning sign suddenly appeared in his heart.

Immediately afterwards, a glaring stream of light suddenly flew out from the time-space rift in front of it, broke through the surging atmosphere in an instant, and tore to pieces a huge legendary monster that was about to squeeze its body into the rift...

Then there was the God of Earth standing in the front, just like the God of Life and Creation. At the moment when the proton ball flew out of the space-time rift, Lotto also felt the strong sense of crisis.

God's thinking is extremely fast. Even though it only takes a millionth of a second for the proton ball to fly out of the space-time gate and reach the front, Lotto can react immediately. It turned into an extremely hard rock.

This is the core of the earth. It reproduces the magical magic of the protective layer of the planet's core, and then blesses itself with the power of the earth of one-tenth of the plane. It can even survive the attack of the upper divine magic!

However, this incomparably solid defense was meaningless in front of the proton ball, which weighed 50,000 tons and whose speed exceeded two-thirds of the speed of light. breakdown!

Accompanied by deafening bangs, the entire space-time was directly torn apart, and the atmosphere of the plane was split into a long vacuum area, and then quickly closed, and the surging atmospheric waves smashed everything around!

It took only one ten-thousandth of a second for the proton ball to pass through the "small" obstacle in front of it, and it took another one-thousandth of a second to cross over the entire column of the invading army, and flew into the in that city.

This is the domain of the God of Thunder and War, the kingdom of the Mulsai people. They are warlike, bloodthirsty, and advocating the honor of blood and fire. Under the leadership of the great gods, they continued to fight and leveled dozens of planes. , no one has ever been able to counterattack into the domain of God before.

Today, all this has ushered in the end. With a crimson streamer flying by, the towering statue of God was cut off in the middle, and rows of solid houses collapsed in the bursting fire...

In the end, before everyone could react, it sank into the ground, but this was not the end, it was just the beginning of showing its strength!

In a vacuum, the destructive power brought by speed is not obvious, and the atmosphere of the plane only manifests it. Only the solid earth and rocks can fully reveal its power!

The moment it hit the surface, it seemed as if the entire continent was trembling and shaking, and an incomparably tyrannical force of destruction erupted. Just the aftermath of hitting the surface sent half of the city flying into the sky!

Countless Mulsai who were dreaming of rushing into another plane to burn, kill, loot, and perish together with their dreams before they even figured out what happened!

A total of one-tenth of a second before and after, the attack was over, and the proton ball that rushed out from the space-time rift directly penetrated the entire plane from the ground and flew into the endless void!

On the surface, there is a huge canyon, spreading tens of thousands of kilometers, and the magma inside is surging and erupting, making people wonder whether the deepest part of the canyon leads all the way to the ground...

Because everything happened so fast, at that moment, the few gods present had time to protect themselves, and were unable to rescue them at all. They could only watch helplessly as the god domain belonging to the god of thunder and war was completely destroyed.

That unlucky God of the Earth, who was still talking to them a second ago, has completely disappeared now...

Although being defeated in the main world does not mean complete death, it also means falling into an endless sleep, and there is even the possibility of being robbed of the god's domain and priesthood.

For a full ten seconds, God's Domain fell into a deathly silence, and no one dared to stop even the wide open space-time rift from rapidly closing...

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