I Made Scientific Magic

Chapter 62 Currency Exchange and the First Class (Two in One)

"This is the gold exchange!"

On the west side of Iyeta Harbour, Philip led Lynn into a shiny and luxuriously decorated shop. The floor was paved with pure white marble, as smooth as a mirror. The head of a griffin, the pair of sharp eagle eyes stared at every guest who came in and out.

And in the center of the hall is a large incandescent mushroom lamp. This kind of strange self-luminous magic plant usually only exists in the darkest caves, mixed with rats, ghouls and other dirty and dangerous creatures. Together, the price usually ranges from twelve to thirty magic gold coins.

"In addition to exchanging currency, you can also store excess coins here. As long as you show the voucher, you can exchange for the corresponding magic gold coins in any city in the wizarding land, but you have to pay a certain storage fee." Philip continued to speak.

Isn't this the prototype of the bank? It already has the bank's storage function, but depositing money here not only has no interest, but also requires additional payment... In this regard alone, it is more similar to a bank.

Lin En thought this way, and soon found that today's gold exchange was extremely lively, with hundreds of people sparsely crowded in the hall, seeming to be arguing about something.

And he actually knew these people, it was Lauder and his sailors.

"Take all your trash away, black ore is not accepted here, and copper coins are not accepted!"

A middle-aged man in a gray robe with a copper badge on his chest yelled at Lauder and the others impatiently. When he saw Philip walking in, his face immediately changed. With a smile on his face, he pushed away a few sailors who were blocking the way, and greeted happily.

"Ah... it's Professor Philip, it's really rare, why are you free to come here today?"

"I haven't seen you for a while, Albert. It seems that you have found a very good job after graduation." Philip smiled and introduced them.

Albert, the ninth batch of students who graduated from Iyeta Harbor, is an official wizard who specializes in elements and shaping.

"As for this one, the new professor of Mathematical Olympiad at the Iyeta Academy—His Excellency Lynn!" Philip said, pointing at Lynn.

"Good morning, Professor Lynn, I heard from those sailors in the tavern last night that you led them to defeat the maelstrom called [Eye of Death] in the sea of ​​mist. It must be a very profound magic." Ai Burt boasted that he did not feel contemptuous of Lynn just because he looked young.

The professors of Iyeta Academy are usually three-ring wizards with profound attainments in a certain field. The younger they are, the higher their magical talent is, and the more likely they are to become a noble wizard in the future.

"Good morning, Mr. Albert, I'm here to exchange some coins." Lynn said politely, and then took out twelve Segas gold coins, twenty-seven silver coins, and eleven copper coins. That is, all his property was looted from the two bishops who were killed in Haigang Town.

"Copper coins can't be exchanged, can you?" Lin En thought about what the other party said before, and then took away the dozen or so copper coins.

"Cough...Of course there is no such situation, it's just that it will be more troublesome to convert the value of copper coins." Albert shook his head in embarrassment, and used the [Mage's Hand] to take the coins away before Lin En could move. Yes, give it to the assistant on the side, and let the other party take the corresponding magic gold coin.

Immediately afterwards, Albert complained and explained a few words. Many of these copper coins from the Sekas Empire are of different sizes, and even the copper content is inconsistent. It is obvious that some imperial nobles stole it themselves, and the conversion is too much. trouble.

After more than ten seconds, the apprentice assistant returned, with an extra exquisite purse in his hand.

"Please put it away, Professor Lynn." Albert put the money bag in Lynn's hand with a smile.

Lin En opened it and took a look, his expression became a little surprised, because the amount inside was quite a lot, it was twelve gold, twenty-seven silver, and eleven bronze.

"Didn't you say that the exchange rate of currency is two to one?" Lin En held the money bag in his hand and asked puzzled.

"That's just the manual fee for recasting. Since you are a professor of the academy, it seems inappropriate to charge this fee." Albert said with a little flattery.

Lynn didn't answer, but picked up a magic gold coin and looked it up. Compared with the currency of the Sekas Empire, the workmanship was much more exquisite. There was a "gold" character engraved on the front, and the unique mark of the Wizard Council on the back. Not only that, but he also vaguely felt a slight fluctuation of magic power.

This is not just as simple as recasting, Lynn looked at Albert, if there is no suitable reason, he is not prepared to accept such kindness for nothing.

"My son Eloque is currently studying magic at the Iyeta Academy. If possible, please take care of him." Albert said embarrassedly.

"So that's the case." Lin En nodded, and then put away the money bag.

Since the other party works at the gold exchange, there may be opportunities to deal with the other party in the future, and sometimes accepting good intentions is also a way to draw closer.

"If Ellok chooses this course, I will pay attention to it, but first of all, my Olympiad course is very difficult." Lynn kindly reminded.

"It's okay, my son is never afraid to do those difficult things." Albert didn't care about Lynn's vigilance at all, and said confidently.

"That's good!" Lynn nodded reassuringly.

It seemed very happy to see a few people talking, and Lauder on the side couldn't help it at this time, seized the opportunity, and asked. "Master Albert, do you think these copper coins in our hands are..."

"Then change them all!" Albert waved his hands helplessly, he naturally knew that Lauder and Lynn had crossed the sea together.

Now that Lynn is standing here, I still have to give this little face, but the related handling fee cannot be less...

Under the effect of magic, more than 5,000 copper coins were quickly counted out. As for the copper content, we can only take a few random ones to test, and count as the lowest.

About two or three minutes later, Lauder received two thousand magic copper coins after exchange, and immediately distributed them.

The expressions of all the sailors and boatmen were about to cry. They looked like migrant workers who had worked hard for a whole year to get their wages reduced. No matter how pitiful they looked.

"Thank you, Your Excellency Lynn. If we hadn't happened to meet here, many brothers in the [Boat Gang] would have starved and suffered from cold." Lauder said with emotion.

When he was in Haigang Town, he was a respectable person, but when he arrived in the land of wizards, his identity and status plummeted, especially since most of the property he had accumulated over the years had been thrown into the maelstrom, although he would not become a pauper, But it also cut off the possibility of him living a comfortable life.

The sailors of [Boat Gang] were even worse. Some of them only had dozens of copper coins left on them, and the gold exchange would not exchange them. This was the reason why he insisted on blocking here and wanted Albert to accommodate him.

"Thank you, I don't need it. Mr. Albert just followed the rules." Lynn shook his head, paused, and asked again. "Have you thought about what you want to do in the future?"

There are only a few days every year on Lunar Day. It is impossible for Lauder and others to go back in a short time. Hellam probably will not let these people who know the wizarding land leave easily. It is very likely that they will have to ask Been here forever.

"I'll probably find some jobs like transportation in the future." Lauder said hesitantly, then looked at Lynn, and asked again tentatively.

"Your Excellency Lynn, if there is anything we can use, please do not hesitate to ask."

"If there is an opportunity to talk." Lin En did not agree or refuse, and after a simple reply, he walked out of the gold exchange with Philip.

Lauder looked down at the flame-shaped mark engraved on the back of his right hand, his mind was full of thoughts.

Before in the sea of ​​mist, he wanted to remind Lynn by insinuating to eliminate the magic mark that might endanger his life, but after experiencing the maelstrom incident, the idea in Lauder's mind happened one hundred and eighty times. degree of change.

Without the route from the seaport town to the wizard's land, the entire [ship gang] is of no value to the great wizard Helram.

After losing a lot of treasure, Lauder knew that they urgently needed to find a new backer, otherwise the 300 people in the [Boat Gang] might not all starve to death.

And Lynn is undoubtedly the best choice!

Although the contact was only half a month old, the ability, talent, and means shown by the other party were enough to make Lauder feel startled. Not only did he easily pull out himself hiding in the dark, but he also relied on his own strength. Destroyed half of the harbor town with force!

Lauder has no doubts about the possibility of the other party becoming a great wizard or even a legendary wizard, and now is the time to bet the most.

It was with this thought that Lauder kept the flame imprint on his right hand. His past experience told him that sometimes life is in the hands of others but can gain more benefits, and the other party will use it with more confidence.

But what he didn't expect was that after arriving in the land of wizards, Lin En joined Iyeta College directly and became an in-service professor. He had all the reputation, status, and money, and it seemed that he could not use them.【 The place of the boat gang.

Lauder was very helpless. It seemed meaningless if their 300-odd people forcibly gathered together. Obviously, they still lacked a more suitable opportunity to get in touch with His Excellency Lynn.


On the other side, Lynn, who had just parted with Philip and returned to the room, was thinking about how to earn more magic gold coins.

As a professor of the college, the salary of five gold coins per month seems a lot. It is enough for a family of common people in the Sekas Empire for two or three years, but it is a bit beyond the means to spend on learning magic, especially alchemy and potions. This subject can only be described as spending money like running water.

Not to mention that he is also planning to buy [The Source of Magic Power] in the black market, at least hundreds of magic gold coins are needed, which is too little in comparison.

Recruiting more apprentices is a way out. The more students there are in Omaha, the more reason he has to apply for various funds from Herram.

Then they are secretly embezzling... Bah, it should be said that those teaching funds are used more reasonably.

After all, only by improving his strength as a professor can he teach better.

In addition, it is also a good choice to make some novel gadgets for sale, but it is necessary to find someone to work for him, otherwise it will only delay the time spent on researching magic.

Those halflings might be a good choice.

Lynn thought to himself, the flight experiment over the city square yesterday was still fresh in his memory, using such crude materials to make a steam plane, that girl named Delia's engineering talent is really high Surprisingly, it met his requirements.

It shouldn't be too difficult to recruit the other party as his apprentice and assistant. Although Delia didn't have any magical talent, she got Helram's promise.

Is it so difficult to fly into the sky without magic?

While Lin En was thinking, he picked up a quill to write and draw on the spread out papyrus. This was not to study which method to use to fly into the sky, but to prepare for tomorrow's Mathematical Olympiad course. It would be difficult to maintain the basis of his professorship if he messed up the first class.

Things have to be done one by one.


At eight o'clock the next morning, when Lynn, who had put on a new uniform, came to the Psychic Academy again, the place had been cleaned up, and the signboard had been replaced with Mathematical Olympiad. Reported his subject name.

Dozens of goblins with a height of only forty centimeters were holding wet cloth strips, burying their heads against the wall, doing the final cleaning.

These goblins are not as beautiful as the elves in the fantasy works of the previous life. On the contrary, they look very ugly. They have wings similar to bat wings on their backs, but they are somewhat similar to little devils. Their IQ is only about five or six years old, and they can absorb magic power. Guides follow some simple commands.

When Lin En approached, these little goblins all hid behind the wall, only stretched out one head and looked at him secretly with those ruby ​​eyes, making whining noises, learning to Human language is still too difficult for their IQ.

However, Lin En didn't have time to pay attention to these magical creatures, because as soon as the door was opened, dozens of pairs of eyes had already looked at them. There were more than 20 wizard apprentices sitting in the very spacious classroom.

Since this is a new class and there is no grading, students of all ages are included. Some people even look older than him, and Jonny is among them.

Although there were not many people who came to class, Lynn was already very satisfied. He was even prepared for the entire classroom to be empty today.

(PS: This time the two chapters are combined into one post, let’s see if the look and feel will be better... The new book asks for everything.)

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