I Made Scientific Magic

Chapter 93 Shaping potion experiment (two in one)

A day later, in Nancheng District, in a cleaned room in the [Chuu Gang] resident, Lin En, who had finished his morning class, was holding a sharp dagger, cutting off a piece of flesh from a green corpse.

During his lifetime and after his death, Nur's physical condition was completely different. His body no longer had the miraculous recovery ability it had before, and it became shriveled, like green bacon.

Lynn tried to put a small piece of cut meat into the palm of his hand, and then activated the [Elementary Substance Deconstruction Technique], preparing to check the difference between Nuer's cells and ordinary people's cells.

However, to his surprise, the cells inside these pieces of meat were extremely unstable, and they disintegrated directly after being slightly affected.

Dark green blood and tissue cells flew in all directions, gathered together again under the action of the [Mage's Hand], and were finally discarded aside.

Because it is a defective product, the flesh and blood tissue itself is very unstable.

Or is it because of the magic power injected by oneself that there is rejection?

When experimenting with magic before, he found that as long as living things have a slight magic resistance, if he is a wizard himself, the resistance will be even higher.

This is most vividly reflected in the battles between wizards. For example, the second-ring magic [high-temperature steam killing] that Luo Er once used on him. In theory, as long as he manipulates the high-temperature gas in reverse, this magic can be broken, but the nature of these gases It is the creation of the opponent's magic power, so it is not affected by him at all.

Lin En pondered for a long time, and subconsciously went to find an optical microscope to observe the state of these flesh and blood tissues by physical means, but looked at the empty room and shook his head involuntarily.

The conditions are really too difficult, how can such a state do a good job in magic research...

Incubators, degerming rooms, centrifuges, refrigerators... nothing now.

Although magical magic can replace the functions of many instruments, it is not omnipotent. A well-equipped workshop laboratory is an essential thing for every wizard who is keen on studying magic.

Boom boom boom...

A slight knock sounded from outside the door.

Lynn re-frozen Nuer's body and let them in.

"Lord Lynn, everything you need is ready." Lauder led a few sailors carefully into the door, carrying large boxes in his hands.

It contains sulfur, saltpeter, glycerin and the like.

Of course, Lin En didn't intend to use any black powder this time, but was just planning to configure some things for self-defense.

Although he planned to find trouble with [Black Doctor] Ladakh, he didn't just rush in to arrest people.

Judging from the little information Nuer revealed, [Blood Thorn] is an extremely large organization, with at least a few third-ring wizards inside, more than ten formal and hundreds of wizard apprentices...

For Lynn, whose foundation is still shallow, it is almost impossible to confront him head-on.

Although his combat power is not considered weak after developing the White Phosphorus Fire and [Liquid Nitrogen-Ice Field], Lynn knows very well that any official wizard will not be an easy character to deal with.

If bishops like An Ruoke, who are proficient in divine arts, are difficult to deal with because they can borrow power from the gods, then the strength of wizards lies in all kinds of weird magic and alchemy props.

Lynn could imagine how many life-saving methods those three-ring wizards who had no hope of being promoted to great wizards and who were not short of money would have.

At least for him, if it wasn't for the poor jingle, he would have already bought himself a set of life-saving alchemy items. It is better to kill the opponent with money than to spend the money after death.

Therefore, a direct confrontation is the most stupid move. Lin En is not prepared to reveal his identity unless it is a last resort, otherwise he will have to face all kinds of overt or covert targets before the [Blood Thorn] is completely destroyed.

In contrast, Lynn is more inclined to sneak in in a disguise, find a chance to be alone with [Black Doctor] Ladakh, and then knock him out with a stick in the dark, and take him away for questioning without anyone noticing.

But such a smooth scene may only exist in fantasy...

In order to face possible conflicts, some preparations are naturally necessary.

The flames of hell that are rumored to be used to destroy Harbor Town, or the [Liquid Nitrogen-Ice Field] that was exposed in the battle with Rolle, cannot be used at will, otherwise it will easily remind people of their own identity, unless it is confirmed that they can Kill everyone who sees it...

Under the camouflage, the only things left that can be used are some basic magic and sword skills that rely on the analysis of the brain to become extremely powerful.

This is obviously not enough to deal with some extreme situations. In view of this, Lynn is going to improve a new magic as a trump card.

And this time, he chose [Corrosion Technique]!

This thing is a very magical magic, so amazing that ten wizards use [Corrosion] at the same time, and the damage may be different, because the strength of [Corrosion] depends entirely on the strength of the corrosive liquid produced.

What Nur used before was the gastric juice of the ghoul, which is highly corrosive to the flesh, but its disadvantage is limited in dealing with some people wearing protective equipment, and it cannot dissolve metals.

Lynn is preparing to configure aqua regia as a material for performing [corrosion] and many derivative magics.

Aqua regia is also called wang acid or nitro hydrochloric acid... It is composed of 1 unit volume of concentrated nitric acid and 3 unit volumes of concentrated hydrochloric acid. It is extremely corrosive and can even melt hard metals easily. Only a few materials such as tantalum, iridium, and silicon can resist its erosion.

The [High Temperature Steam Killing] used by Rolle before also provided him with a lot of inspiration. With a little improvement, he may be able to form a series of unique corrosive magic systems, which are completely different from the previous fighting style. enough.

In addition, Lynn also plans to make another more dangerous thing to ensure that he can escape in the face of siege.

"Hasn't Ladakh come out of his mansion today?" Lynn asked while checking the raw materials in several large boxes.

"No, we've been watching for a whole day, and that Ladakh seems to seldom go out." Lauder responded nervously.

Lynn was not surprised by this. "Then what about the person I want you to find, do you have a goal?"

"Lord Lynn, I've found it!" Lauder hurriedly handed over the information.

Timis, twenty-nine years old, was expelled from the academy early last year because of a vicious conflict that almost killed a student. It is not sure if he is a member of [Blood Thorn], but he goes to [Black Thorn] every night Doctor] Ladakh's mansion should be one of the other party's apprentices.

"I heard that several inexplicably missing homeless men in Nancheng District are related to him." Lauder added hesitantly.

Lynn nodded. He wanted to meet Ladakh and inquire about some information by the way. Naturally, he needed a suitable identity that would not be easily suspected.

This Timis is very suitable. He was only expelled last year. He will not be a Ladakh apprentice for too long. They are not familiar with each other, so there is a lot of room for manipulation.

As for Noor? Although he is the assistant of the other party, his identity has long been out of use. After all, Ladakh should have known about Nuer's death.

Lin En pondered for a while, let Lauder and others go out, and started the configuration of concentrated nitric acid and concentrated hydrochloric acid. It is best to condense the corresponding spell bits as soon as possible.


In the evening, Lynn appeared in Nancheng District as an apprentice Timis.

As for Timis himself, he has already been tied up and invited to be a "guest" at the [Boat Gang]'s residence.

In view of the sudden death of Nuer when he was interrogated for information, Lynn did not make things too difficult for him. After asking some basic information, he asked Timis to take a large amount of powder of withered grass rhizome. The dose is enough to make people fall asleep. a few days.

And now he is going to use this identity to find out the bottom of [Black Doctor] Ladakh.

At six o'clock in the evening, Lin En arrived outside the manor in Ladakh on time. Before coming here, he never thought that he could see such a magnificent scene in Nancheng District.

The entire manor occupies a vast area, surrounded by iron fences up to three meters high and ten centimeters thick, leaving only a gravel road for two people to walk side by side, extending to the deepest part of the manor.

"Timis, why are you here so late today?"

At the gate of the manor, more than a dozen apprentices were already waiting there. After seeing Lin En, a black-haired witch in her thirties couldn't help frowning.

Master Ladakh has no good temper. The last time an apprentice who messed up an experiment was taken away, no one saw him again.

"There is an urgent matter today, and I accidentally delayed some time on the road..." Lin En showed a slightly fearful expression just right.

"I hope you can delay a little longer next time..." A gloomy voice sounded beside him, and the wizard who spoke had a mocking smile on his lips.

Lynn frowned slightly, but didn't say anything.

On the contrary, the witch who spoke before said dissatisfiedly. "Bock, what do you mean by that?"

"You know very well, don't you? Patty, one less person means one less opponent. I'm not as hypocritical as you..." the wizard named Bock said with a sneer.

All the people present fell silent by coincidence. Every year, Lord Ladakh would select an apprentice with the best performance and give him a chance to be promoted.

The one with the biggest chance this year was Ladakh’s new assistant Nur, but this guy messed up a very important matter, and he has completely disappeared these days. Many people speculate that Nur may have become the Master Dark's new experimental material...

The silence on the field didn't last long. The gate of the manor was opened the next moment, and a strong man with a height of two meters walked out.

"Master Coleman..." A group of wizard apprentices greeted them very respectfully.

"Come in with me!"

Coleman looked at the respectful apprentices with a little contempt. Once upon a time, he was a material lying in the laboratory and was dissected and studied by these people, but now he has become a powerful magician...

But he naturally didn't like those people who had stabbed him.

Lynn and others followed Coleman through the long stone road and stepped into the castle of the manor.

The interior of the manor is heavily guarded, and even at night, several patrols can still be seen.

After stepping into the castle, what you see is a magnificent scene - resplendent dome chandeliers, giant sculptures and decorations, various artworks hanging on the walls, and even the carpets are made of expensive warcraft fur Paved, you can feel the soft and comfortable touch just by stepping on it.

Coleman didn't stop, and led the crowd straight out towards the depths of the castle. A faint smell of blood came to his nostrils immediately. Lynn turned his head to look at the wizard apprentices beside him, but they didn't react at all. , obviously got used to it.

After entering the basement, Coleman opened his mouth to arrange today's tasks for each apprentice, then looked at Lynn and the others, and spoke.

"Bock, Patty, and Timis, you will be in charge of Laboratory No. 7 later."

Hearing this, the rest of the apprentices breathed a sigh of relief, and some of them had gloating expressions on their faces. Since Bo Ke and others took on this dangerous task, they can be relatively relaxed.

"Lord Coleman..." Bork panicked and wanted to beg for mercy. The number 7 lab was imprisoned in defective products that had lost their minds, and the goal of the experiment was to try the arrangement of different shaping potions. Abnormal reaction.

The danger can be imagined.

But under Coleman's icy gaze, Bock could only be forced to swallow the words that came to his mouth.

"The experiments arranged by Master Ladakh must always be completed by someone, otherwise you can ask, who is willing to replace you?" Coleman said playfully.

Bork's face turned pale. Of course, he knew that no one here would take the initiative to take on dangerous tasks. In the end, he could only look at Lynn resentfully. If it hadn't been for the conversation at the door, Coleman would not have noticed them.

Lynn was silent the whole time, because the information he learned from Timis was very limited, and he didn't know how dangerous this so-called experiment could be, and it could make all the apprentices so afraid.

Under Coleman's coercive arrangement, Lynn, Bock, and Patty entered a compartment in the castle.

Compared with the narrow and airtight environment outside, the space inside the laboratory is quite large, filled with a strong smell of blood and various foul-smelling potions, and the side cabinets are full of transparent jars, each of which contains a It's just a weird creature, their heads have been cut open, and a thick layer of colloidal liquid has been applied to make them look extraordinarily oozing.

The most conspicuous thing is the operating table, which looks more like a hideous instrument of torture, with daggers, tweezers, scissors, and sewing needles and threads placed on it, as well as several rusty iron chains used to bind the hands and feet .

After Bok and Patty entered, they kept staring at the sealed iron coffins in the corner.

After hesitating for a long time, Bock gritted his teeth and stepped forward to open the iron coffin...

(PS: The two chapters will be published together today.)

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