"Bang! Bang! Bang!"


The expressionless Fang Bai's whole body was shrouded in a faint golden light. After losing the restriction of the armor, his speed exploded.

And the lack of sense of security caused by the lack of armor protection made him extremely aggressive!

The remaining two elite warriors instantly discovered a terrifying fact.

This player became stronger after losing the protection of the armor and the attribute blessing of the armor.

Faster, more responsive, and more powerful!

You. Why are you wearing extraordinary armor when you are so strong?

They discovered to their horror that the player's right hand was simply invulnerable, as if it were made of solid steel. No matter how he attacked, it would leave at most a white mark.

The area other than the right hand is also shrouded in a layer of pale golden light. Although it can break the defense when it is cut, it is like cutting rubber and is extremely tough. The attack often breaks through a centimeter or two before being weak.

Although the injury was not serious, it could not be considered a minor injury, at most it was a minor injury.

But the specific pain made Fang Bai's muscles twitch slightly, even though he was beaten by these two elite warriors.

But in his heart he hated that skinny assassin and that spell even more.

Keep a small notebook!

The two elite warriors discovered in horror that Fang Bai was even more ruthless.

The two of them couldn't help but flinch. Suddenly, Fang Bai suddenly jumped over the two of them and rushed to the mage apprentice on the side.

Boom boom boom boom boom!

There was constant thunder in the sky, and the huge thunder echoed in the ears. At this moment, everyone looked at the sky in surprise.

Even a fool knows something is wrong.

And just when Fang Bai rushed in front of the frightened mage apprentice, an angry voice echoed in the sky.

"Boy, stop it, we admit it this time!

Let them go. "

In the sky, an old noble figure appeared. The terrifying momentum condensed into a huge figure in the sky, and the turbulent momentum swept over the surrounding elements and crushed them down.

This is no longer just a simple mental pressure, but a group-wide attack with offensive effects combined with the power of elements in the environment.

But before the momentum subsided, another figure in white robes also appeared.

The holy light fell, and the momentum was eliminated in an understatement.

"Hello, I am the master of that bastard Kaiming."

Baipao smiled at Fang Bai.

"Okay, thank you."

Fang Bai stopped immediately after hearing Bai Pao's words and expressed his gratitude.

When he found the mage apprentice ready to run, he grabbed him.


The mage apprentice's dagger struck Fang Bai's hand with a soft sound, and Fang Bai, expressionless, grabbed the mage apprentice.

"you dare!"



The mage apprentice was slammed headfirst to the ground, and his head exploded like a watermelon. Fang Bai glanced at the unfinished spell ritual, turned to look at the sky, silently gestured with a middle finger, and then slammed into the two men again. Elite warrior.

"you wanna die!"

Although he didn't know what the middle finger meant, the mocking look in his eyes made him understand that it definitely didn't mean anything good.

However, no matter how he took action, he was perfectly blocked by the white robe, and while blocking the white robe, he continued to speak.

"Calm down, there is no resurrection after death, don't let your anger break your body."


The old noble became even more angry, and as he screamed, Fang Bai had an idea, and the mage's hand exploded with all its strength. All the traps he had buried before exploded, and strange shocks reverberated in the body of an elite warrior.

In an instant, this elite warrior felt that all the strength in his body was gone, and he collapsed directly. At the same time, his heart stopped beating and his lungs stopped breathing. He felt as if he was trapped in endless fear.

Fortunately, this feeling only lasted for a moment, and the next moment power was born again in the muscles.

His heart resumed beating and his lungs resumed functioning. He breathed in the air greedily, and then he saw a fist quickly enlarged in front of his eyes.


With his head blown to pieces, Fang Bai rubbed his right hand that was hurt by the opponent Tianling Gai, and then raised his middle finger to the sky.

"No, no no."

The last elite warrior looked at this scene in horror. He was so frightened that he turned around and ran away.

In the fantasy space, Fang Bai looked at the two bodies that had been thoroughly analyzed. With a thought, the vibration transmitted by the mage's hand instantly triggered the previously buried lead.

Different shocks continued to reverberate and stack up in his body, one after another, one after another. At the moment when the shocks reached their peak, the strength generated by the muscles throughout his body was just offset.

In the end, the elite warrior fell to the ground in despair, staring at the ground without even having the strength to move his eyes or blink.

Fang Bai picked up a long knife and walked over, glanced at the old noble in the sky, and then swung it down.


The elite warrior's head rolled off.

The angry old noble suddenly laughed.

"Okay, okay, okay, I remember you, Fang Bai, right?

good very good.

withdraw! "

The old noble waved his hand suddenly and turned into a rainbow light falling on a manor and turned around to leave.

The other nobles suddenly looked ugly and left, leaving only many players cheering and celebrating.

The white robe also fell in front of Fang Bai from mid-air. Kai Ming also walked over quickly and watched Fang Bai start to release a skill.

"Light Healing Technique!"

A ball of light shrouded Fang Bai's body. Fang Bai felt a warmth in his body and then looked down.

Physical injuries are normal.


Fang Bai looked at Kaiming doubtfully, wasn't it a healing skill just now?

Kai Ming was stunned when he saw that there was no change in Fang Bai's body.

He looked at his hands with some suspicion, thought for a while, rolled out a light ball again and threw it on Fang Bai.

"Light Healing Technique!"

Fang Bai felt his body feel slightly warm. When the light on his body dissipated, he looked down again.

There was still no change in the injury.

Facing Fang Bai's suspicious eyes, Kai Ming couldn't stand it anymore.

However, Bai Pao immediately stopped him and threw a ball of light that landed on Fang Bai.

"Light Healing Technique."

For the same spell, the ball of light in Baipao's hand was very condensed, and even felt like liquid flowing.

The ball of light fell on Fang Bai. Seeing the rich light covering Fang Bai's body, Bai Pao turned his head to look at Kai Ming and said loudly.

"You still haven't learned it yet. Let's see what the real light healing technique is."

After the words fell, the light slowly dissipated, and the two of them looked at Fang Bai together.

Only slight changes were seen in the wounds on Fang Bai's body.

The slight change is basically equivalent to no change.

Kaiming looked at Baipao in confusion, and Baipao couldn't help but look at his hands with suspicion.


At this moment, Fang Bai saw a female player leaving from the corner of his eye. He immediately greeted the two of them and then walked towards the female player.

"Su Yue, long time no see. Where are you going?"

The next chapter will be tomorrow morning or noon, sorry

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