I made the Dragon God in the game

Chapter 149 A long-planned attack!


The baby rhinoceros let out a long moo, which immediately triggered a continuous cow moo.

The moos of fifty rhinos echoed through the sky. In the valley behind, the gray-headed old rhino looked at the group of rhinos that were only old, weak, sick and disabled and fell into deep thought.

There is not a single young or mature male rhinoceros, so the rhinoceros doesn’t even have one left for it!

What a traitor!

Conspiracy to usurp the throne!

After a while, the old rhinoceros, filled with grief and anger, began to perform his duties as the leader of his harem.

On the back of the rhinoceros, players were excitedly proficient in strength, playing with armor and spears, and talking about it.

The power of extraordinary beings is beyond their imagination!

His eyes occasionally passed over Fang Bai, showing a hint of awe involuntarily.

Fang Bai rode a little rhinoceros and walked at the front of the team, while Tang Wen accompanied him and said loudly.

"Boss, this time the commotion has become louder. The Guangming Church has been directly closed. Believers cannot enter the church, and the priests have not come out to preach. At night, you can still see bursts of holy light shining and angels flying.

And all the players in the entire Red Maple City were driven out and killed by the garrison.

The night boss you came back, it should be that while you were fighting, boss, a battle also broke out in the player's main city.

Led by a master-level archer, nearly ten elite-level extraordinarys and countless professional-level extraordinarys stormed the player's main city.

The gate tower of the main city was directly shot by the master archer with an arrow.

The arrow rain, combined with those elite and professional-level extraordinary people, plowed through almost the entire player's main city.

The player guild's workshops and warehouses were all destroyed, the entire industrial system collapsed, and all stored materials were destroyed in a mass destruction.

Countless players died and property losses exceeded hundreds of millions."

Tang Wen's face was particularly ugly.

"Not only that, all the hidden bases of the ten major guilds were exposed and then destroyed one by one by the master-level extraordinary people.

The technology trees that had finally climbed out were all knocked back to their original shape. In addition, during the battle, almost every guild's extraordinary person was hunted down. The average state of weakness was more than three levels, and all fell below the level of extraordinary person. The most weak state was heard. He said that he had reached the seventh floor and was completely broken.

In this battle, the players in Red Maple City were completely defeated in terms of overall strength and development potential. "

Fang Bai's breath froze when he heard this. Although he guessed that the loss would be huge, he didn't expect it to be this big!

Break through the player's main city and destroy workshops and warehouses.

Find players' hidden bases, destroy factories, and reset the technology tree.

Chase down the extraordinary and completely destroy individual strength.

Step by step, no step is improvised. Every step is calculated and solidly prepared in advance.

Explore the location of the secret base in advance, capture the player's extraordinary aura in advance, and more.

This is not a sudden counterattack, this is a long-planned settlement!

Fang Bai suddenly felt a faint chill on his back.

It seems that everyone underestimates these nobles.

It is not only the nobles who are arrogant, but also the players. The players are even more arrogant than the nobles!

It's just that the player's arrogance is more subtle

Players sincerely look down on these social levels as being merely equivalent to the aboriginal aristocrats of the Western Middle Ages.

Thinking that they are nothing but some strength and some ridiculous pride.

Players with little strength don't pay attention to it, thinking that it will be a matter of time for players to catch up with it.

Players sincerely look down on these aboriginal nobles and NPCs.

But are these aboriginal nobles really that unbearable?

Fang Bai suddenly realized that these aboriginal nobles could be said to have narrow vision, be full of evil, and be inhumane, but no one could call them stupid.

In essence, there is no difference in IQ between medieval humans and modern humans.

Some are just differences in knowledge and experience.

And how could these old nobles, who were able to maintain their own territories and property even in a state of the jungle and the strong, be so stupid?

Why are players so arrogant?

Fang Bai took a deep breath.

“I hope the brutality of this battle can wake up all the players.

Otherwise, resurrection will only give the enemy more gains, so what about ten lives?

You can't beat others with one life, but you can beat them with ten lives?

Even if they rely on the advantage of immortality to engage in some suicide attacks, it will be painless at best for the nobles.

So what if it causes economic losses? So what if they kill their favorite noble descendant?

The fundamentals cannot be damaged, and in the end one has to rely on strength to speak for itself.

The only way is to use your strength to crush the past with dignity and dignity! "

Fang Bai clenched his fists, thought for a while, and logged off.

After going offline, Little Rhino continued to lead Fang Bai forward, while Fang Bai dialed a number.

"Hello, President Hao? I'm Fang Bai."

"President Hao, how's the situation lately? I heard it's not very good?"

Fang Bai's question made Hao Wei on the other side of the phone slightly silent. After thinking about it for a while, he spoke out.

"I don't want to hide it from the boss. The losses are indeed huge. There is a traitor in the guild. The two hidden bases for preparing gunpowder were stolen by the nobles."

Hao Wei gritted his teeth and said that he was the president of the Lost Paradise Guild and he had never hated a player for a moment.

The nobles will attack the player's main city. This is understood among them as the presidents. This is inevitable, because the nobles' character cannot tolerate their development.

So they have been preparing for this situation for a long time.

The player's main city is used as a place for economic exchanges, supplemented by simple production workshops. The real laboratories and various factories generated by climbing the technology tree are hidden in secret bases.

With these secret bases, production and war preparations can be maintained at full speed even if there is a war with the nobles.

They thought that the secret base would be discovered by nobles.

They even thought that the nobles had magic to directly lock the location of these secret bases.

I have thought about many possibilities, but what I never expected is that the nobles did not need magic, but only needed some money to get the answer from within the guild.

"Now the suspected players have basically been targeted, not just our guild, but other guilds as well.

We plan to transfer these people to the public security organs first, and then sue them to compensate for their losses. "

After saying that, Hao Wei took a long breath.

"I accidentally said something off topic, Fang Bai, you have to be careful now.

Red Maple City has opened a magic circle, and the watchtower on the city wall has its own tracking and locking functions.

In addition, there are a large number of nobles and adventurers near Red Maple City ready to find you and hunt you down.

As for our side, we have formed a spear team. Although it is only a single shot,"

Hao Wei, whose voice has always been calm and calm, became solemn at this moment.

"I will make these nobles pay the price!"

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