I made the Dragon God in the game

Chapter 235 Dragon Scale Iron

"It's not just that the consciousness remains."

Fang Bai breathed a sigh of relief, feeling the surging power in his body and its huge mass.

This is the flying instinct that supports the body. Otherwise, such an important body will naturally sink when standing on the ground, just like hitting quicksand or a swamp.

Fang Bai's body was so terrifying. It was originally a body forged from pure elemental metal, but now it has expanded again due to the increase in strength.

A piece of soil the size of both feet could not bear Fang Bai's weight.

Throw a light punch.


A large area ahead exploded instantly.

As soon as the thought came to mind, a hill that I had previously scanned out of boredom appeared in the fantasy space, and I punched it straight.



The hill instantly exploded into pieces and turned into dust and mist.


"A terrifying power. In reality, this kind of power should be called a moving natural disaster, right?

No, no, no, I am qualified to be called that no matter in the game or in reality.

It doesn't require any energy to be involved, just the force of the physical body can directly smash an entire mountain.

That city couldn't withstand a few punches from me, and with the speed at which I could recover, an attack of this level could kill me.

And if you add energy and overload."

Fang Bai slowly charged up his energy, and after a moment, he punched out.

Boom boom boom boom boom!

A horrific scene emerged, as thousands of elite-level versions of Fang Bai died instantly under this punch.

Withdrawing his fist, Fang Bai sighed slightly as he looked at his fist that had transformed into dragon claws and dragon scales.


Fang Bai felt sorry for this power.

This power was simply too strong, so strong that Fang Bai couldn't bear to give up.

Fang Bai couldn't even bear to interrupt this power in the fantasy space.

Even the power of dreaming is a mystery to people, not to mention that as long as Fang Bai thinks about it, as long as Fang Bai has a thought, then this thing will become a reality.

But from the moment Fang Bai discovered that it would infect the origin and impact consciousness, even if it might just be an inherent property, and even if there was no residual consciousness involved, Fang Bai resolutely decided to give up.

Not actually incorporating it into your body!

No matter how powerful and tempting the power is, as long as he can't control it, Fang Bai would rather not have it.

Even under the suppression of the fantasy space, Fang Bai's consciousness can suppress the dragon's energy, and he has a certain degree of confidence in overcoming the infection of the dragon's energy.

Being out of control means being out of control, and hidden dangers are hidden dangers.

Any confidence that nothing will go wrong is false.

The thing you are least afraid of accidents and the least afraid of problems is not to use them.

It's just a master-level power, but it's still unclear and unclear.

It’s okay if there are no hidden dangers, but there are still hidden dangers?

Fang Bai also dismissed it.

With a thought, this fantasy body dissipated, and Fang Bai condensed into another body.

A body that originally only had elite level strength.

Comparing the elite level strength to that just now is like comparing a firefly to a bright moon. A huge emptiness swept through his consciousness. Fang Bai couldn't help but have the idea of ​​continuing to experience this power in the fantasy space.

But Fang Bai suppressed this thought in just a moment.

It's an addiction!

Gotta exercise restraint!


After a long time, Fang Bai took a long breath, recovered from this state, and looked at Long Qi again to regain basic calm.

Fang Bai looked at the dragon energy and started thinking again, thinking about how to use this ray of dragon energy.

It's one thing not to fit into your body, it's another thing entirely to make use of it.

The power of dragon energy is obvious, and Fang Bai cannot stop eating because of choking.

After a while, Fang Bai slowly manifested a piece of elemental metal.

With a thought, the dragon energy blended into the elemental metal, and under the perception of spiritual power, a faint dragon roar sounded.


As Fang Bai watched, the metal structure of the elements changed at an extremely fast speed, and even the color turned into pale gold bit by bit.

After a while, Fang Bai looked at this piece of completely different light golden elemental metal, at the light and fine dragon scale patterns on the surface, and even a faint dragon power.

Although Fang Bai had expected it, he couldn't help being shocked at this moment.

"Elemental metal. It really works!"

"The infection intensity of this dragon energy is actually so strong that it can even infect non-living substances and forcibly change them!"

Fang Bai opened his mouth and closed it again.

"This this."

Dragon Qi is extremely infective to the origin and consciousness. This level of danger is very, very high. Once merged, it may become irrelevant to humans from origin to consciousness.

Your consciousness will change quietly, and in the end you may appear to be alive, but in fact you are dead.

So integrating life is unrealistic.

Since living things can’t do it, let’s just make them dead.

Fang Bai's own body is equivalent to elemental metal, that is, living elemental metal.

Fang Bai thought that his body could integrate dragon energy, but could it be possible with real elemental metals?

It should be possible, and the result


"This unscientific!"

"What's the point of this?"

Fang Bai was really confused.

"That's all fine, but what about the elemental metal I condensed with gold?"

Fang Bai couldn't help but have a thought, and directly slapped the metal to condense a palm-sized piece of elemental metal, and then pushed the newly manifested dragon energy into it.


Just a brief moment of metal completed the transformation. Fang Bai couldn't help but feel sluggish as he looked at the pale golden elemental metal covered with dragon scale patterns.

Feeling the surging power contained in this piece of elemental metal, Fang Bai was stunned again.

The power of this piece of elemental metal even blessed his body through the connection with the metal element.

Of course, at the same time, there is also the infection of the origin and consciousness by dragon energy.

But while the blessing power was greatly weakened, the infecting power was also weakened by an unknown number of times. Fang Bai could easily suppress it with his consciousness.

Not to mention long-term use, at least in a short period of time, this kind of impregnation power is absolutely impossible to cause irreversible changes to the white!

As long as the connection is disconnected, Fang Bai can easily digest this infection to avoid affecting himself.

When he saw the dragon energy that had re-condensed due to the dissipation of the gold element, Fang Bai's heart was already surging.

There may be a little bit of dragon energy missing.

What if another batch of dragon energy were fused with gold to form a battle armor.

The power of the battle armor alone can push Fang Bai to master-level combat power!

Even if it still can't compare to the qualitative change in combat power brought about by directly fusing a wisp of dragon energy, it's enough!

Because this does not include the design, structure of the armor, and the magic circle on it!

“That’s it for the materials!”

Fang Bai's heart was surging, and his third armor finally had a name.

"This material is called"

"Dragon Scale Iron!"

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