I made the Dragon God in the game

Chapter 284 Establishment of the External Cabinet

"Why don't we trim it into a permanent building, and then arrange the magic circle directly on our city wall, and then gather it with the crossbow bed as the core?"

Soul question!

As soon as this sentence was said, it was like a wake-up call, waking everyone up in an instant.

"Although this technology can be used in the violent bear mecha in the future, there is no need for us to tie ourselves up and waste our advantages.

We need to develop a mobile version later, but that is entirely a matter later. "


All the original designs, the original array that was as sophisticated as a modern top chip were directly overthrown.

At this moment, all constraints are lifted. Based on the permanent base, the inscription space is not a restriction at all.

Originally there was only a three-meter-square crossbow bed and a few bow arms that could be used to engrave the magic circle, but now it can be as big as you want.

Ten meters by ten meters, one hundred meters by one hundred meters, there is no problem as long as it is needed.

My mind broadened for a moment.

One inspiration after another popped up in everyone's mind, and the discussion became more intense.

Inspirations continued to collide during the discussion, and in the process, the scope of the bed crossbow base became larger and larger.

Gradually, a behemoth began to take shape.

Three days later, an extremely happy Fang Bai left the project team, and the follow-up research and development work of the ballista was completely handed over to Liu Yong and Zhong Chong.

Fang Bai walked out of Tiangong Pavilion and came outside.

At this time, the staff of the outer cabinet were basically recruited. Fang Bai transferred several trustworthy mages from the cabinet, and then cooperated with the newly recruited players to form a grassroots team.

"Engineering and Production Department, Sales Department, Mining Department, Security Department"

Departments were set up one after another. Among them, Fang Bai of the Security Department directly rushed Zhang Zhong and other fifty extraordinary troops into them.

In addition, fifty new people have been added to it, but they can only be regarded as reserve forces at present. Without long-term training and thorough integration of consciousness into the army's talents, naturally they will not be blessed by the army's talents, and they cannot be considered soldiers.

After completing this step, Fang Bai also directly used the projection technique of the lord's stone tablet to condense the projection and directly sit in the outer cabinet office.

Although the essence of Tiangong Pavilion is in the cabinet, the interests involved in the outer cabinet are too great. Fang Bai is sure that if he is not in charge, the outer cabinet will completely rot in less than a month and become a parasite of Tiangong Pavilion. .

There is nothing that can be done about it. Hundreds of millions of dollars of capital are flowing at every turn, and everyone in the middle is a newly recruited employee without any emotional basis.

Fang Bai felt that there was no need to test their moral standards, and no moral level could withstand such a test.

It’s incredible that it only took a month for it to decay and turn white.

So in order to prevent this situation, Fang Bai directly chose projection.

When Fang Bai is around and can conduct inspections at any time, their moral level and professionalism will naturally rise sharply.

Although Fang Bai didn't understand these things, he just didn't want to learn or waste energy.

For Fang Bai, as long as Fang Bai checks and reconciles accounts regularly, nothing can be hidden from Fang Bai.

Fang Bai can find a way to match every account.

The same goes for falsifying accounts.

Because in addition to being crushed in terms of learning ability and intelligence, they are also crushed in the spiritual aspect.

Unless his mental power is higher than Fang Bai's, his mental control ability is higher than Fang Bai's, and unless he can perfectly control all physiological reactions and mental fluctuations, no one can lie in front of Fang Bai.

Compared with personal management, Fang Bai can accept the matter of regularly taking time to conduct comprehensive inspections of the outer cabinet in the fantasy space.

Anyway, accounts and other information can be checked in the fantasy space, so there won't be too much time wasted in the outside world.

However, Fang Bai didn't say much at first. He would check all the accounts after a period of time and point out all the minor and hidden problems that accidentally appeared in the accounts.

In this way, they will naturally be afraid.

After arranging everything and watching the outer cabinet system enter into operation, Fang Bai left immediately, leaving only Tang Wen as the deputy master of the outer cabinet to carry out actual management. If there were any problems, he could directly communicate with his projection.

Although there are definitely still various problems in today's outer cabinet system, it doesn't matter. They will naturally be discovered bit by bit during the operation process, and then improved and supplemented bit by bit.

Just make sure the main direction is correct.

Fang Bai, who left, returned to the mage tower and took out the dragon ball.

At this moment, the dragon beads are almost completely exposed.

During this period of time, Fang Bai had been injecting energy and blood into the dragon ball and never stopped.

A steady stream of qi and blood power was injected into it, and at the same time, wisps of dragon qi were controlled by Fang Bai.

This wisp of dragon energy is also the basis for Fang Bai's dragon scale armor, and is also one of the foundations for the subsequent manufacture of crossbows.

The versatility of dragon energy is simply too high.

"Higher energy is really incredible. Each energy has its own spiritual instinct, just like a life."

Fang Bai watched quietly as the dragon breathed in the elemental power to restore its own consumption.

“If this energy is attacked with malicious intent.

Even if the person being attacked survives, this dragon energy will still linger around him like gangrene attached to his bones, right?

Even if this energy is not removed, even a scratch on the skin will be killed by this energy, right? "

Fang Bai couldn't help but sigh. In fact, he felt that using this kind of energy to fuse metal indirectly was simply the most wasteful use.

What if the energy of dragon energy is really unleashed, master?

Is it better to just hang it?

At least there is no need to consider whether it is enough and possible to integrate several strands of dragon energy like now.

It's like having the most advanced anti-materiel sniper rifle and then swinging it to hit someone.

There is no way, the recoil of this sniper rifle can kill the person who uses it.

That's all. What's more important is that this kind of dragon energy can also tamper with consciousness.

Fang Bai shook his head slightly and injected a ray of blood into the dragon ball again.


As long as the dragon ball absorbs the power of this energy and blood, it will spit out another dragon energy, and the last bit of stone skin on the dragon ball will fall off, and the entire dragon ball will be exposed.

Fang Bai was cautious about this.

If all the real Dragon Balls are exposed, other changes will most likely occur.

This change may be good or bad, Fang Bai doesn't know.

But Fang Bai actually understands one thing very well, that is, expanding the scale of using dragon energy is equivalent to planting time bombs.

The more it is buried and the more it is used, the greater the impact of the final explosion.

After all, dragon energy is not Fang Bai's own energy.

It has spirit.

It originates from the Dragon Balls, from the True Dragon, and at the same time, it is also controlled by the True Dragon

Fang Bai's mind was tense, and he quietly watched the dragon ball absorb the power of blood, and then watched the last piece of stone skin peel off slowly!


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