I made the Dragon God in the game

Chapter 319 Half-Step Legend


The gentle breeze blew slowly, but the deathly black mist surrounding the castle did not move at all, waving slightly.

In the middle of the black fog of death, a dog with only a skeleton was lying on the ground. The steel-hard bones were breathing rich death energy, and the soul fire in the skull was beating slowly.

Undead Skeleton Dog!

The aura exuded by this undead skeleton soldier made Fang Bai feel a little bit palpitated, and the death aura in it made Fang Bai aware of some aura of death.

"Half-step legend!"

Fang Bai instantly sensed the strength of this undead skeleton dog, and it suddenly reached the standard of a half-step legend, only one step away from becoming a true legend!

"How did this undead dog become a semi-legend?"

Fang Bai felt a little strange in his heart, looking at the undead dog and the pile of skeletal weapons next to it.

But they are all decayed and have no value at all.

Suddenly, Fang Bai saw the undead skeleton dog raise its head, and the soul fire in the skull beat slowly.

After becoming undead, all its perceptions are carried out by the fire of the soul. This kind of raising its head and looking around with its eyes is just the remaining instinct in the soul.

Fang Bai's heart tightened, thinking that he had been discovered, and quickly calmed down his body.

However, the undead skeleton dog's alert state only remained for a few moments, and then it disappeared into the castle in one leap.


Fang Bai was stunned for a moment, but immediately realized that although he didn't know the reason why Skeleton Dog left, since he left, it was a good opportunity!

Fang Bai immediately deployed his mental power and scanned the entire castle thoroughly.

Although the castle is large, it is just a thought in front of Fang Bai who does not need to hide, and the situation of the entire castle is clear to his heart.

Unfortunately, Fang Bai didn't find anything valuable.

Everything was completely decayed in the thick mist-like death air and in an unknown amount of time.

Seeing this, Fang Bai couldn't help but fall silent.

"Then what is the special significance of this place? As one of the nodes, is it because the death energy here is relatively strong.

Is it easy to breed powerful undead? "

After thinking for a long time, Fang Bai didn't get the answer, so he hid it again.

Not long after, the half-step legendary undead skeleton dog returned to the castle and still lay down in its original position.

After it stopped, Fang Bai found a skull in its mouth.

A ball of soul fire inside the skull beats violently, emitting soul fluctuations equivalent to those of a master.

Fang Bai raised his eyebrows slightly.

Master level undead skeleton?

"Did the skeleton dog just go hunting? But the undead still need to eat?

Wouldn’t it be possible to directly maintain survival through death energy? "

While Fang Bai was thinking, he saw the skeleton dog move its position and lift a stone where he was lying, revealing a pool of dark spring water.


Fang Bai's brows jumped and he was startled.

"Damn it, there's actually a pool of spring water hidden down there?

But I didn’t sense anything mentally just now. "

Fang Bai suddenly became energetic, opened his eyes wide, and watched the skeleton dog push the skull into the dark spring water.

The dark spring water, which was originally calm without any ripples, caused a ripple.

The spring water is very shallow, and a skull the size of a basketball can only be soaked halfway if you throw it in.

But the effect is very strong.

Because as soon as the skull was thrown in, the violently beating soul fire released waves of "wailing" and "pain" one after another.

Then in the spring water, the skull was corroded and melted bit by bit. Gradually, the entire skull was completely submerged in the spring water until it disappeared.

And the violent fluctuations emitted by the soul fire became lighter and weaker. When the skull completely disappeared, the fluctuations of the soul fire reached the limit, and then became dull and even disappeared.

The soul fire did not disappear even after losing the skull. Instead, it floated in the spring water, and its color gradually faded.

The originally dark color gradually dissipated, getting lighter and lighter, slowly turning into gray, and slowly turning into white again.

It finally turns into a pure milky white color, which gives people a very pure and clean feeling at first glance.

By this time, the soul fire that was originally the size of two fists was only the size of a peach core.

At this time, Fang Bai looked at this white light group, and his soul felt an instinctive desire.

Just like when you are hungry and see chickens, ducks, apples, rice and corn, you feel instinctively hungry!

His soul swayed slightly, but was immediately controlled by Fang Bai's will.

Fang Bai took a deep breath, his eyes never moving away from the soul fire.

The next moment, the skeleton wolf opened its mouth to the white soul fire and inhaled.


The white soul fire entered the skull along the mouth and submerged into the skeleton dog's soul fire.

Fang Bai instantly felt that the skeleton dog's soul wave was a little stronger, and the soul fire was a little purer.

Fang Bai looked at the powerful soul fire of the skeleton dog, and at the skeleton that was tempered by the death energy to become extremely powerful.

Once the soul fire becomes stronger, continue to use the death energy to strengthen the skeleton.

Once it's even, go out and hunt other undead to absorb the undead fire.

Fang Bai now knew where Skeleton Dog's semi-legendary strength came from.

I finally know what is really special about this node.

Needless to say, it must be this spring water.

While thinking, the skeleton dog carefully stretched its head above the spring, and its skull got closer to the water surface little by little.

A trace of water vapor steamed upwards, directly submerging into the soul fire of the skeleton dog.

The skull dog's head was constantly being eroded, and the soul fire fluctuated violently.

It didn't take long for the skeleton dog to move the dog's head away, then cover the spring with a stone slab again, and the whole dog lay on the stone slab.

After a while, the huge death energy above the castle was affected, gradually forming a vortex around the undead skeleton dog.

The rich death energy became purified under the tempering of the soul fire, and then part of it was absorbed by the soul fire, and part poured into the skeleton, repairing the damage to the dog's head, and continuously tempering the skeleton.

Fang Bai was silent, thinking about the white soul fire just now.

Seeing the skeleton dog's increasingly purer soul fire, and even sensing the clearer thoughts in it, Fang Bai took a step forward.

The moment the footsteps moved, the skeleton dog raised its head, and the air filled with death was stagnant!

The initially formed domain isolated Fang Bai's soul aura and energy aura, but it could not block Fang Bai's body or cover up the sound he made.

So Fang Bai was discovered immediately, but it didn't matter.

Looking at the skeleton dog that instantly appeared behind him and bit Fang Bai, Fang Bai stretched out his hand and twisted it, and a heavy battle ax instantly condensed in his hand.

The last to come, the first to arrive, with the powerful strength and physique given by the dragon energy, the driving skills, combat skills given by the mecha master, and the reaction ability given by the strong will.

In an instant, an ax fell on the skeleton dog's waist.


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