I made the Dragon God in the game

Chapter 323 Dream Lotus


Fang Bai recalled the quick glance before entering the trial space.

The three most eye-catching elixirs in the entire trial space.

A vine, a spiritual fruit, a lotus!

All three are surrounded by high mountains in the central area, blocked by barriers connecting heaven and earth. The barriers will not disappear until they advance to the second round.

"If I'm not mistaken, that lotus is the quasi-fourth-level elixir of the spiritual system, Fantasy Dream Lotus."

Fang Bai tried his best to recall the characteristics of the lotus flower, and then compared it with the characteristics of the lotus elixir in the various elixir books he had read.

Finally he nodded with certainty.

"Yes, it's Fantasy Lotus!"

Fang Bai said firmly.

Combat-capable magic plants, humans, and monsters are generally divided into levels of cultivation, namely professional level, elite level, master level, and legendary level!

Spiritual medicines are divided into levels based on their effects and potency, that is, first-level, second-level, and so on.

Among them, the first level is the professional level, and the fourth level elixir is the legendary!

In other words, level 4 elixirs can have a significant effect on legends.

The level of quasi-fourth level does not actually exist, it is just a stage of people's colloquialism.

It is used to represent third-level elixirs that are extremely powerful and surpass third-level medicines, but are far from reaching fourth-level elixirs.

Or some very rare, rare and powerful elixirs that are far more expensive than third-level elixirs.

Dream Lotus, as a rare spiritual elixir, is classified as a quasi-fourth-level elixir for two reasons.

"I haven't been promoted to master yet, and even the spell slots are only at the threshold of the spell slots. The third-level elixir is more than enough for me.

And a quasi-fourth-level elixir is enough.

If I can grab the Fantasy Lotus, it will definitely be enough for me, and the spell slots can also participate in this rare tempering. "

Fang Bai immediately paid attention to the time, and then immersed himself in the tempering again.

If the tree is moved, it will die, but if the person is moved, it will live.

Human beings are the most adaptable, and habits are the scariest things.

The pain that was originally unbearable seems to be less painful after getting used to it.

It still hurts, but it's not to the level where Fang Bai could lose consciousness at any time.

His pain tolerance threshold has been greatly increased.

Bearing the pain like a tide, getting used to the pain like a tide, knowing that it hurts, but still taking the initiative to bear the pain.

Unknowingly, Fang Bai's willpower also quietly increased.

Improving this thing is easy to say, and it doesn't need to be special. Accumulation of persistence, patience, or sudden enlightenment can improve a small amount of willpower, and it will not be very small over time.

But it's not easy to say it's simple, because no matter how you improve it, the improvement in willpower may only be a little bit, maybe 0.0001, and you can only rely on accumulated methods to improve it over time.

Then maybe because of something, the willpower suddenly dropped by 0.5.

This thing is extremely volatile, so it’s extremely difficult.

But Fang Bai's lucky thing is that although the fantasy space adds a huge burden to his consciousness, its long-term existence also anchors Fang Bai's consciousness.

Although this cannot allow Fang Bai to improve his consciousness and strengthen his willpower, it can anchor it.

In other words, it won’t fall!

This is the most awesome thing.

Fang Bai found this very outrageous and incredible, and thought about the principle of this thing more than once.

It's just too perverted.

But there is no thought, so just use it like this.

Ever since, feeling the improvement of his will, Fang Bai even began to enjoy the pain.

However, willpower has not improved.

Enjoyment cannot sharpen the will, it can only corrode it. Well, maybe ending the enjoyment can.

A structure with boundless merit and vitality suddenly appeared in Fang Bai's mind, and he couldn't help but laugh.

The next moment, the painful impact of the tide made his smile disappear without a trace.

After a while, Fang Bai's body became riddled with holes again, and his breath dropped to the extreme.

Fang Bai felt like he was wearing everything and was empty of everything.

After stopping to draw water vapor from the black spring, the gold was once again absorbed as a training consumable by Fang Bai's body.

The gold that was originally refined and controlled by Fang Bai was accepted, accommodated, and swallowed by the body without any hindrance.

With the supplement of "nutrition", the holes corroded by the black spring water vapor at the micro level are filled up one by one.

Just like the body becomes stronger after it heals from an injury.

Fang Bai's elemental metal body still possesses such characteristics.

In addition, every time the corrosion of the black spring water vapor can find the loopholes in Fang Bai's body and corrode them away.

Every time, the microscopic cracks in Fang Bai's body are corroded and exposed.

Every repair by Fang Bai is a supplement to the loopholes, and every repair is a filling of the gaps.

With every repair, the density of microscopic particles within the unit area of ​​Fang Bai's body will increase.

Over and over again, Fang Bai's body became more and more dense from a microscopic perspective.

The whole body's momentum also gradually recovered during this process, until it reached its peak.

And after its heyday, it will be a little stronger and a little less vigorous than at the beginning.

And the difference between the solid structure that was repaired and evolved on this basis and the original gradually increased.

Fang Bai discovered that this black spring was simply a holy object for body refining!

No, it cannot be said to be a holy object for body refining. This black spring is not limited to body refining. Mental power and spell positions can also be tempered with this spring water.

"This is a holy relic for tempering, whether in material structure or spiritual structure, even in the field of forging.

The same material, the same three-refining forging, as long as it can withstand the spring water tempering, the strength and density will definitely be greatly improved!

It's doubled!"

Fang Bai took a long breath, and couldn't wait to draw the spring water again to turn it into water vapor and start tempering.

But the spring water rising on its own is not enough for Fang Bai's whole body tempering.

Because every time Fang Bai's body is tempered, it will be denser and stronger, and it will be more difficult for the black spring water vapor to corrode it, and the consumption of completing a round of tempering will also be a little greater.

So it is necessary to draw the spring water directly.

Another round of tempering began, and Fang Bai's breath quickly fell to the extreme.

However, this time Fang Bai did not use gold element to repair it directly, but took out the extraordinary weapons and armor he had won.

The extraordinary equipment that can be used by elite professionals is gradually extraordinary. Each piece has a constant array of various effects and has various effects.

This is how it can be used as extraordinary equipment, not just elemental iron ingots.

Each piece can be sold at a very high price. Some equipment with powerful magic arrays or excellent effects can be sold at a very high price.

Normally, the equipment is sold and the money is used to buy elemental metals, but Fang Bai can't wait that long now.

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