I made the Dragon God in the game

Chapter 380 Crystal Core

"Fang Bai? Fang Bai?"

The fat man was anxious, but Fang Bai didn't react at all. But if he ran, Fang Bai would be hanging on.

Whether it was invisibility, short-distance space jumps, or hiding, nothingness, all methods were used, but Fang Bai couldn't be shaken off.

Another day and a half passed, and the fat man said weakly.

"Fang Bai, I surrender, I really surrender."

Fang Bai didn't react at all, and the fat man's desperate power suddenly raised his eyelids.

A moment later, under the fat man's ecstatic eyes, Fang Bai looked up at him.

Fang Bai pondered for a moment, then spoke.

"A legendary water element life crystal core."

"You are robbing! Do you know what this means..."

Before the fat man finished speaking, he saw Fang Bai lower his head and his consciousness was withdrawn.


"Deal, deal!"

Fang Bai raised his head again and said lightly.

"Okay, open the domain used for trading before.

If I'm not mistaken, that should be the prototype of your domain, right?

Open, fair trade."

The fat man immediately clenched his teeth and landed next to Fang Bai.

He was not afraid that Fang Bai would beat him to death.

He was good at body movement, and Fang Bai couldn't kill him in a short time.

The reason he ran away was entirely because Fang Bai was too rogue.

Fang Bai could fail all the time, but he could only fail once!

As the fat man fell, a strange feeling emerged in his heart again.

Fang Bai felt this fluctuation, and the corners of his mouth curled up slightly.

"It is indeed the prototype of the domain."

Fang Bai's mouth curled up slightly, and he spoke directly after the prototype of the domain unfolded.

"I will not hunt you down in three days."

"Oh, what's your name?"


"Oh, on the premise that you are not attacked by Bard, and on the premise that I, Fang Bai, will not hunt you down in three days, I will trade you an intact legendary water element life crystal core."

"You, you, at least take one of my gold coins to buy it. Didn't you pick up a few of my gold coins?"

"No trade?"

Fang Bai tilted his head and looked at the fat man. The fat man paused and took a deep breath.

"Okay, but I don't have a legendary water element life crystal core now.

Give me half a year, and no matter what method I use to transfer the goods, you will receive this crystal core."

"Half a year? Are you kidding me?"

"Half a month."

"Half a month is impossible!"

Before the fat man finished speaking, Fang Bai's consciousness began to shift, which showed on the outside that he was not paying attention.

"Twenty days, at least twenty days!"

Seeing this, the fat man gritted his teeth and said, knowing that Fang Bai was blackmailing, this was just a trick, but he still had no way.

This is robbery!

No, this is faster than robbery.

At least robbery can't get the fourth-order legendary elemental life crystal core

"Okay, twenty days, deal."

Fang Bai said and stared at the fat man.

The fat man's mouth moved slightly, and finally sighed.


He was really made angry by Fang Bai.

The main thing is that Fang Bai is still a player, he is immortal.

Thinking of this, all the plans during the escape can be directly overturned.

Really powerless.

Fang Bai smiled.

"Deal, happy cooperation, come, shake hands."

Fang Bai's attitude suddenly became friendly.

Although he was hit by a club for no reason, he had hit it back long ago, and he also took off an arm and took five rings.

Fang Bai subconsciously glanced at the fat man's empty left arm, and the fat man found that his face suddenly turned black.

"Since we're cooperating, can you give me back my arm and ring?"


"I burned my arm to ashes, and as for the ring? What ring? I didn't see it. Did it burn with my arm?"

Fang Bai said with clear eyes, and the fat man glared at him.

Except for looking in the mirror, he has never seen such a shameless person in his life!

Except for himself, how can anyone else have such a thick skin? !

"It's useless for you to take my ring, it's all locked.

Messing around will only make the space messy, and everything inside will fall into the void.

It's okay for you to take the three pieces of equipment, but it's really useless for you to take the space ring."

Seeing Fang Bai's clear and stupid look, the fat man felt like he was looking in the mirror, and wanted to punch him.

But he didn't dare.

With this punch, Fang Bai would have no constraints again and could continue to chase him.

"It's absolutely impossible to break through without a legendary space"

The fat man suddenly paused and stared at Fang Bai with wide eyes.

Fang Bai's spell attainment seems to be no worse than his physical body. He used a magic circle to touch the trial space and killed the evil god!

"Oh, as long as you have a legendary space attainment, you can break it, right?"

Fang Bai glanced at the fat man and suddenly felt that this was a bit wrong, and immediately added again.

"Okay, if I pick it up by chance in the future, I will definitely return it to you, and I will definitely not break it myself."


The fat man suddenly became a little depressed.

He had never suffered such a big loss in his life. He turned away in despair and waved his hand.

"Twenty days later, I will send the fourth-order legendary water element life crystal core to Tiangong Pavilion. When will you be there?"

"It's okay, anytime, I always have a projection."

Fang Bai said casually. When the fat man heard the word "projection", his heart suddenly felt numb.

Sure enough, Fang Bai really had a projection. It was really no waste of time for him to chase for a few days and nights.

Anyway, he was idle anyway.

The fat man was scared. He was not afraid of legends, but he was really afraid of this kind of people who were idle and had fun.

Others might just talk about it, but they could really chase for seven days and seven nights! ! !

The reason why it was seven days and seven nights was entirely because he only persisted for seven days and seven nights.

"Fuck, damn Fang Bai, after I give you the crystal core, if I say another word to you, I will be a dog!

I can't afford to provoke you, can't I hide?"

The fat man said fiercely!

Looking at the fat man's back as he left, Fang Bai was happy. With his contact with this fat man during this period of time, he had no doubt that the fat man could get a legendary water element life crystal core.

As for whether he would bring it as promised

"It is not known whether this field prototype will constrain others, but for Fatty himself"

Fang Bai smacked his lips.

"Earth, Fire, Feng Shui, Kaiming has hope for the earth element, Fatty has hope for the water element, and Feirui has hope for the Fire Tower.

If you go, you will go to the Fire Element Realm. If you work hard, you will also have hope for the Fire Element.

I thought that I could not get the four legendary element life crystal cores, but I didn't expect that three of them would have a chance.

It's not that difficult."

"Well, or more friends, more ways?"

Fang Bai was happy, looked around, and suddenly felt something was wrong.

"By the way, where am I now?"

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