I made the Dragon God in the game

Chapter 416: Thunder Pond

The thunderclouds were overwhelming, and the entire Thunder Valley was filled with a depressing atmosphere.

The lights are all dim.

Fang Bai stood there, ignoring the streaks of thunder falling on him, closing his eyes and thinking, recalling the scene he was watching outside.

"Yes, yes, there must be some. In such a large field, there must be a higher level of thunder!

But where is it? "

Fang Bai looked around. Although the Thunder Valley was huge, he had already traveled very far into it.

Here Fang Bai can feel the extremely violent thunder element, and he can also perceive the unique and active field of Thunder Valley by using his pupil technique.

But Fang Bai couldn't find its true core, the real high-level thunder.

This is impossible!

After glancing around, Fang Bai suddenly looked at the peaks surrounding Thunder Valley.

Surrounded by these peaks, the Valley of Thunder is formed. Its towering peaks directly penetrate the thunder clouds and are covered with thunder!


Fang Bai pondered slightly, without much hesitation, and rushed directly towards the nearest mountain, getting further and further away from the mineral vein.

Fang Bai had already taken the time to look at the mineral vein and made some disguises, but it was not difficult to find it if there was a location.

In the mine, Fang Bai did detect an unusually strong magnetic field and the breath of magnetic crystals.

This is indeed a magnetocrystal vein, no mistake.

Fang Bai took a look and left after making sure it was correct.

The reason why I came here in advance was because I was worried that the location of the mineral vein was the core of the entire field, the deepest part of the entire Thunder Valley.

If so, then searching outside is simply a waste of time.

But unfortunately, no, this is just an elemental vein, and it is only because of the abnormal magnetic field that causes lightning strikes to be relatively dense. There is nothing special about it.

Standing in front of a majestic mountain, Fang Bai was slightly startled as he looked at the thunder flowing down from the thunderclouds like a waterfall.

Just by looking at Fang Bai, he could confirm that the intensity of the thunder here exceeded that of the previous location.

This Thunder Valley really doesn't act according to common sense.

Normally, the deeper this kind of area is, the higher its energy level is.

Because energy tends to spread in all directions, up, down, left and right at the same time, this means that the farther the distance, the lower the energy density, and the closer the distance, the higher the energy density.

Fang Bai always thought that Thunder Valley was like this, and in fact it was indeed like this at the beginning.

The further inside you go, the higher the concentration of thunder elements you come into contact with, and the thunder that strikes down becomes thicker and more powerful.

These are all visible changes. Naturally, Fang Bai believes that the center is the strongest and core position.

Although the high mountains on the edge are eye-catching, preconceptions have led to them being ignored.

So much so that I just found the place now.

For the time being, the barbarian bear was sent out of the Thunder Valley. The barbarian bear glanced at Thunder on the mountain and was no longer polite or demanding.

If he continues to force himself, if Fangbai misses a thunder, then he may not even be able to leave ashes.

In contrast, having self-awareness and knowing how to retreat when faced with difficulties can still leave a good impression on Fang Bai.

After sending the bear away, Fang Bai took a long breath and stood alone in the Thunder Valley. He was the only one between heaven and earth.

Suddenly, standing between heaven and earth, a sense of great freedom and ease was born in Fang Bai's chest.


Fang Bai muttered to himself, and then stepped into the thunder waterfall in front of him.




The thunder was like a real waterfall, falling from high altitude with high density, and finally hit Fang Bai with a loud roar.

It's a pity that Fang Bai didn't feel the powerful force of the water falling from high altitude.

Some are just the blast of thunder.

This thunder is still just thunder.

Even though it looks like a waterfall, it's just some thunder.

Although these thunders were slightly stronger than those in other places, they still could not put pressure on Fang Bai.

After checking to make sure that no thunder crystals were born here, leave immediately.

With light steps, Fang Bai's whole body quickly rose upwards.

Although he can't fly, he can still jump very high, even faster than some people.

"So rounding it all off, I can still fly, right?"

Fang Bai muttered, carrying the thunder and rushing upward continuously.

There were thunders along the way, constantly exploding into little bits of lightning under Fang Bai's impact.

The mountain peak was very high, reaching directly into the sky, but at Fang Bai's speed, he quickly reached under the clouds.

The clouds are not as clear-cut as imagined. Standing under the clouds, looking at the thick fog around them and the electric flowers flashing above.

Fang Bai pondered slightly, feeling the faint threat that the thunderclouds brought to him. He raised the corners of his mouth slightly, and without any hesitation, he plunged directly into the clouds.


The black thunderclouds were filled with tiny thunderbolts, and entering it was like walking on a cannon, crackling and exploding.

In the thundercloud, it was difficult to activate his mental power, and Fang Bai was completely plunged into darkness.

This feeling of being invisible to the naked eye and unable to be detected mentally is very bad. Fang Bai has not been in this situation for a long, long time.

Although the pupil technique can penetrate the thundercloud and see the situation within a certain range, Fang Bai is limited by computing power and dare not use the pupil technique. He can only take a peek at the shortcomings occasionally.

Helplessly, Fang Bai can only use the fantasy space to reflect the surrounding environment as if he had just entered the game, and then move in reality.

Moving step by step, suddenly


Fang Bai's forehead was numb and he touched it.

"Was I attacked just now?"

Fang Bai was slightly stunned. There was no skin on his forehead, and it was also a thunder attribute, which made Fang Bai a little unsure.

"Is there life in this thundercloud?"

Fang Bai stood there for a moment, and seeing no reaction, he immediately continued to move forward, but silently increased the frequency of the fantasy space reflection.

Once a second, the reflection is just a picture.

But if it is a thousand times a second, then Fang Bai will reflect an ultra-high-definition real-time video.

Suddenly, a lightning flashed, and the moment the attack hit Fang Bai's vest, a recoil force shook out from the muscles of the vest, causing the lightning to stagnate.

Fang Bai reached out and grabbed it.

In reality, he could not see anything. In the fantasy space, a small fish made of pure thunder element appeared in Fang Bai's hand.

However, the small fish, which was only the size of a palm, was made of rich thunder element, with dense and fine thunder inside. In the core of its body, there was a small blue thunder crystal.

"Professional thunder element life?"

"No, it's not. It should not be considered a life.

The core is just a thunder crystal, and there is no spirit.

It is just an appendage formed in this thundercloud under special conditions.


Fang Bai released and retracted his pupil technique, and took a look at the thundercloud.

"It may not be absent in the depths."

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