"Ding, ding, ding, please pay attention, a large element fluctuation is found, suspected to be a spell effect."

The mechanical prompt sound kept ringing in his ears, and Joel asked but received no response.

This is just a mechanical prompt of the magic circle sensing the fluctuation of a specific element. It has no intelligence and is even less likely to respond.

Joel only asked once, then turned his head to look in the direction of the projection in the armor, and said at the same time.

"Be careful, someone is casting a spell over there!"

Joel turned and ran after he said that. The power given to him by the armor made him burst out instantly.

Although he didn't know whether the warning was accurate, although he didn't know whether the target of the spell was him, although he didn't know what the situation was.

But Joel understood that there was no problem in running first.

At the same time, Joel also became very curious about this armor.

An armor can actually give him a master-level power, can actually have such a magical effect, and can automatically detect attacks.

How is this made?

Is this the legendary spell?

Joel's heart was excited, but his brain was cold and extremely clear. In a flash, he came to a boulder and fell behind it.

The group of mercenaries started running almost the moment they heard Joel's warning.

Although they didn't know whether it was true or not, and although they didn't know what happened, their alertness was still quite high.

For them, even if it was a prank, it didn't matter.

Alertness, over-alertness is not a joke for mercenaries wandering in the wilderness.

This is fate!

But it was too late, an old voice sounded.

"Death Swamp!"

The moment the voice sounded, a gray light appeared out of thin air and fell on the ground under their feet.

Then, in the direction of the voice, an old figure wearing a gray robe and holding a long-handled round-headed staff appeared in front of everyone.

And the moment the gray light landed under their feet, a bright light swept across the ground, and the ground instantly turned gray, and all the weeds and shrubs in the range lost their vitality.

At the same time, the land quickly became soft.

Streams of water gushed out, and their feet turned into a swamp in the blink of an eye.

In the middle of the swamp, a few bubbles popped up from time to time, and the bubbles exploded, and wisps of death rose up.

Although Joel reminded them, the spell was too fast, and more than half of the mercenaries still fell into the swamp.

They struggled violently in the swamp, but the more they struggled, the deeper they fell.

In the process, wisps of death from the swamp merged into their bodies, and the skeleton arms covered with mud grabbed them and pulled them down.

But in the blink of an eye, all the mercenaries who fell into the death swamp died, without exception.

After they fell in, only the gray swamp was left, and a bubble rose from time to time.

The few people who escaped by chance suddenly widened their eyes, and unprecedented fear surged in their hearts.

Looking at the gray-robed old man, the sweat on his forehead dripped down, and he dared not move at all.

They felt that they had completely lost their locks. Once they dared to move, they would be struck by thunder immediately!

"Finally found you."

The old voice sounded in everyone's ears, and the sound like nails hanging on a blackboard made everyone shudder.

The gray-robed old man opened his cloudy eyes and scanned the area, looking at the group of ants, then frowned slightly.


"Where is the wild bear?"

The old man saw that he didn't see the wild bear, and there was a hint of anger in his tone, and the elemental forces around him became irritable because of his emotions.

Obviously, this is a master!

Everyone's scalp began to numb.

A master-level professional!

He is still a master-level professional of the magic system. Even if the general magic system profession is not as good as the mage and can directly jump to a higher level to fight, among the same level, the magic system profession is still extremely powerful and extremely difficult.

Everyone couldn't help but despair, and at this moment, a man in armor holding a long sword rushed towards the gray-robed old man in an instant.

"Interesting stuff, waiting for you."

The gray-robed old man smiled, and his wrinkled face smiled extremely ugly.

But this did not affect his rapid casting at all!

The magic circle flickered, and gray-white light shot out one after another.

One fell in front of the armor and turned into a vine. The vine spread rapidly and turned into a huge twisted vine in the blink of an eye, wrapping around the armor in an instant.

One shot directly at the armor, and the last one turned into a gray shield covering the gray-robed old man himself.

"Ding, master-level attack spells found, open the shield."

"Ding, master-level control spells found, evacuation routes have been marked, breakthrough routes have been marked."

Joel looked ahead, and in the armor projection vision that only he could see, arrows marked two routes and the attack route of the long sword in his hand.

Joel did not hesitate, took a deep breath, and jumped directly. The dragon wings behind him condensed into shape, and in an instant he jumped dozens of meters.

At the same time, a voice sounded inside the armor.

"Automatic escape mode has been activated, please relax your body and hand over control."

The armor that was just aggressive fled away in an instant, and the gray-robed old man who released man-eating vines and shields was stunned.

His cloudy eyes revealed a trace of astonishment. In a moment of distraction, the armor ran far away, and his escape speed far exceeded his flying speed.

Not only him, but the remaining mercenaries were also dumbfounded. Just now, they had a glimmer of hope in their hearts, but...

Joel didn't care what others thought, he had no expression in the armor.

He had only one thought now.

Be good, don't seek revenge, live!

This was the last request from his dead parents and relatives.


The armor was completely far away in the whistling sound, and the old man in the gray robe looked at the Thunder Valley in front of him, and a sharp voice sounded.

"Did you go in?"

"Barbarian Bear, you can't run away, never and ever."

The faint voice echoed, like a curse, and like a terrible fate!

Next to the old man in the gray robe, the remaining three people were already scarred and half dead, and even death was gradually born in their bodies.

The old man looked at them with turbid eyes, and the next moment a strange and low spell sounded in the old man's mouth, and an evil spirit rushed from the staff to the three people and to the Death Swamp.

Not long after, all the mercenaries appeared in the same place again. They looked ahead woodenly, their eyes were dull, and under their seemingly rosy skin, a unique stench of corpses was faintly emanating.

After a while, the mercenaries gradually returned to normal, their eyes focused, and they began to speak.

However, the words they said were irrelevant, and everyone said their own words. After a while, they began to repeat, just like playing a recording.

However, from a distance, there was no problem here.

The gray-robed old man looked at these mercenaries with turbid eyes, revealing a smile that was uglier than crying.

Then, he, the vines, and the death swamp all disappeared without a trace.

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