I made the Dragon God in the game

Chapter 45 The drawings are completed!

"Player? What player?"

Jiang Nan was stunned and turned to look at Xu Mo on the bed.

"That's the player. I heard that there is a very magical game now, an invitation that suddenly appears, a real world that can be entered out of thin air."

Xu Mo mumbled while eating potato chips.

"Where did you hear that? It's so weird and confusing."

"My third uncle, I heard that he received an invitation letter from an auction he attended, but unfortunately he didn't know where he went.

At that time, he didn't know what was going on, but later he heard that his intestines were filled with regret. "

"Is it so magical?"

"That's how amazing it is."

"I haven't heard of it. I'll ask around later."

Jiang Nan looked helpless, shook his face, and returned his attention to the drawings in front of him. At this moment, he suddenly remembered what Fang Bai had just deduced in the classroom.

"By the way, this Fang Bai is quite strong in mechanics. He actually figured out that problem."

Jiang Nan looked at the drawings and pondered.

"How about asking him? But I was so embarrassed just now."

Jiang Nan picked up a mechanical ornament on the table and played with it, deforming it.

At this moment, listening to the sound of eating potato chips behind him, Jiang Nan had an idea.

"Jiangjiang, lend me your QQ for a while."


"I want to use your QQ to ask questions, so that he doesn't know it's me and I won't be embarrassed."

"As long as you don't know it's me, I can just ask!

Just like in a TV show, hiding your identity! Wonderful! "

Jiang Nan said with great interest, and immediately added Fang Bai as a friend on Xu Mo's QQ.

"Hello, I'm Xu Mo. Do I have a question for you?"


Just as Jiang Nan was about to take a picture of the drawing in his hand, it suddenly occurred to him that Fang Bai might have taken a look at this drawing. Although he couldn't see the content clearly, he might have had an impression.

After thinking about it, I took out a previous drawing, took a photo and sent it.

"Hey, I'm so delicate."

As soon as I sent it, the message came back.

"Senior Sister Jiang Nan?"


Jiang Nan slapped the phone onto the table.

Fang Bai looked at Jiang Nan who didn't reply to the message and clicked on the drawing to read.

Although he had only glanced at it just now, he had already memorized the contents. Although it was not the same drawing, it was still very easy to recognize it.

Fang Bai was deeply impressed by this interesting senior sister wearing a brown beret, mainly because of the contrast and her pretty appearance.

In the past, he was very capable and aloof. Now looking at this drawing, he is very capable but aloof.


But this ability is indeed strong.

Fang Bai looked at the drawings quietly, thought for a moment and then began to reply.

After replying, he looked up at Su Shiping.

"By the way, what did you just say?"

"I asked, why is your derivation process similar to Professor Lu's idea?"

Hearing this, Fang Bai recalled the derivation ideas in the manuscript, which indeed seemed familiar. He thought about it, and when he thought of the name Professor Lu, he suddenly came to his senses.

"Isn't the Professor Lu you're talking about the one who wrote the textbook?"

"Yes, that's him."

Fang Bai was shocked now. The drawings he spent 30,000 yuan on were actually read by a big boss who was qualified to write professional textbooks and even suggested improvements? !

I'll rub it!

After taking a breath, Fang Bai continued.

"That's very simple. My ideas come from reading books, and the ideas I learned from reading his books naturally have his influence.

Very normal. "

"His book?"

Su Shiping was suddenly startled. If he remembered correctly, the book written by Professor Lu was already quite advanced and quite in-depth.

"Wait a minute, have you read all his books? You shouldn't have read all the books we recommended to you, right?"


Su Shiping hesitated.

"Forget it, pretend I didn't say it. Talking to you is just asking for trouble."

Fang Bai smiled slightly. It was true that he felt comfortable, but he was not proud of it. Instead, he silently apologized in his heart.

Sorry, I'm having trouble!

If there is a hanging, Fang Bai will use it. Any hesitation by Fang Bai on this point is disrespectful to the hanging.

But at the same time, Fang Bai also made a clear distinction and would not think that he was really great just because he was in trouble.

As a cheater, he has no right to look down on others. After entering the game, he can't predict how strong he will be.

Just treat them as equals.

Su Shiping immediately stopped asking for trouble, took out the manuscript, and began to discuss some of the revision suggestions proposed by Professor Lu.

When Fang Bai thought that this was the boss's opinion, he immediately started studying it with full concentration.

It was another discussion with the same people as before, but the difference this time was that this time Su Shiping did not turn his back on Fang Bai, nor did he ignore Fang Bai, but discussed together, and even paid great attention to Fang Bai's opinions.

In this way, a group of people discussed and argued lively, and even yelled and used physical violence when they had conflicting opinions.

Each one has his or her own fancy, each one keeps discussing and studying, and each one has the most sincere love without any impurities.

Fang Bai liked this pure feeling.

In such a team, Fang Bai felt as if he had become pure.

Fang Bai really became one with this group of people at this moment!

Intense discussions during the day and online casting at night.

After changing jobs, forging can also gain experience points again. Although the difficulty of obtaining experience points has once again been greatly improved, with the difficulty of the third level, Fang Bai can still gain a lot of experience points with each forging.

However, Fang Bai's willingness to gain experience points was actually not strong, and he was even quite reluctant. After all, the scene where the attribute points obtained by experience points were crushed was still vivid in his mind.

Fang Bai doesn't think there is any essential difference between the experience points before and after the job change.

A one-story glass loft is a glass loft, as is a two-story one.

It's just that the method of using gold elements to temper the body is no longer effective for Fang Bai.

The gold element content in the body is already 100% and cannot accommodate more gold elements.

There was no other way, Fang Bai could only try to gain attribute values ​​through experience point upgrades to see if he could increase the gold element capacity in his body.

But no matter what, Fang Bai will not use experience points to advance to a higher level, even if he is not promoted!

"By the way, why can the iron ingot absorb so much gold element during the third refining process, but my body is obviously much larger than the iron ingot, but the amount of gold element it can absorb is far less?"

Fang Bai, who was forging, couldn't help but fell into deep thought, and a hint of inspiration appeared in his mind.

After a while, Fang Bai put his mental power into the red-hot steel ingot, and while forging it, he used his mental power to observe every detail from the inside out.

Life in the mine is as simple as in school.

Between two points and one line, time passes quietly, and a week passes in the blink of an eye.

On this day, Fang Bai casually replied to Jiang Nan on WeChat, and then he was immersed in the tense atmosphere again and looked at the screen quietly.

When the simulation program finished running, everyone raised their heads and looked at each other. A moment later, a burst of warm cheers sounded.

At this moment, Fang Bai was also full of emotion. He looked at the eighteen people in front of him. Fang Bai was very familiar with everyone, and everyone had spat on each other more than once.

Fang Bai looked at them quietly, and they gradually became quiet and looked at Fang Bai one after another.

Unknowingly, Fang Bai had replaced Su Shiping and became the absolute core of the team.

Even Su Shiping was convinced in repeated confrontations.

Whatever happens by chance or is good at stress, just believe it!

Fang Baiya is a pervert.

Thinking like this, Su Shiping couldn't help but calm down and look at Fang Bai.

At this moment, facing everyone's gaze, Fang Bai slowly picked up the specially purchased light yellow thick rice paper, showed it to everyone, and then said.


After the words fell, louder cheers filled the classroom and surrounded Fang Bai's ears.

Fang Bai couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth at this moment, and looked at the drawings in front of him quietly.

The perfect drawing of mechanically assisted armor, completed!

Thanks to "131S" for the 100 starting coin reward, and thanks to "Book Friends 20210107211031009" for the 500 starting coin reward. Thank you all for your support.

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