I made the Dragon God in the game

Chapter 47 Memory Palace (Supplement)


Of course, this is just a joke. In Fang Bai's view, there is no conflict between wanting to become a mage and a blacksmith to the next level.

After all, judging from the job introduction, the mage belongs to the higher-level profession of the mechanical blacksmith, and the professional positioning already includes the mechanical blacksmith.

"If spell models are the key to releasing spells, then do real mages temporarily make spell models to release spells during combat?

Chant? Forward swing? "

"Then can I not use the ready-made spell model in my body and try to release it myself?"

Fang Bai thought for a moment and then tried it immediately.

Recall the internal flow process of mental power every time it touches the spell model, and recall the pattern of every time mental power fills the spell model.

After thinking for a moment, Fang Bai immediately copied the mage's hand spell position inside his body.

The spell model of the mage's hand has a total of thirteen nodes, and dozens of lines connect these thirteen nodes into a whole.

Fang Bai tried to use his mental power to condense thirteen small dots, and then used his mental power to turn them into silk threads to connect them to each other.

Once completed, the model was unresponsive.

After thinking about it, Fang Bai touched the mage's hand spell model in his body and observed it with his mental power.

I saw mental power flowing through the spell model, filling the holes in the spell model, forming a spell model composed of mental power and then turning into substance.

"Yes, it still needs to work!"

Fang Bai immediately controlled his mental power, but there was no response.

"Maybe it has to be run to form a spell model?"


"Perhaps there are requirements for the length of time to form each node?"


"Perhaps there cannot be any deviation in the size of the nodes, the length and thickness of the spiritual thread?"






Fang Bai tried it over and over again, recording the time, process and results of each experiment in a notebook while trying.

Finally, Fang Bai, who had tried hundreds of times in the fantasy space, finally succeeded once.


Fang Bai's eyes were very surprised. Although he had just discovered that the mage's hand released in this way was extremely crude and clumsy, it was released by himself, breaking through the limitations of the magic model in the body!

Although it is the bottom line downward.

The spell model in the body is absolutely impossible to release such a bad spell, but

"It can already be released, which means that it is correct. What is in the body is just a shortcut fool's release method. A real mage can definitely release spells freely.

Although the effect I cast is very poor, with more practice, it can definitely become better, and even surpass the effect of the spell released by the spell model in my body.

Let me see how big the gap is between the spell model I release and the spell model in my body. "

Fang Bai said enthusiastically, and immediately started to compare. Once they compared, he was stunned.

"Is this a thing?"

Fang Bai was slightly silent. Fortunately, the magic model in his body couldn't speak, otherwise it would definitely say that Fang Bai had insulted it.

What the hell, you dare to try this.

"Forget it, let's first improve the proficiency and quality to the standards of the internal spell model, be down-to-earth, and take it step by step. After completing this step, we will consider the idea of ​​​​improving."

Fang Bai started practicing immediately.

Everything in the fantasy space is fake, the people are fake, the mental power is fake, and even time is fake, but the effort is real and the experience is also real.

I tirelessly tried again and again, released again and again, improved little by little, and kept taking notes at the same time.

The notebook becomes richer at a speed visible to the naked eye.

It's just that Fang Bai gradually felt a little inconvenient.

"You have to imagine it again every time. It would be great if it could be stored for a long time."

Fang Bai thought for a moment, and suddenly an idea flashed.

"Why can't we store books? Wouldn't it be better to store them on bookshelves?"

He immediately reached out and pointed forward.

A wooden bookcase emerges within the fantasy space.

As soon as I thought, there was another bookcase.

In an instant, bookcases were piled up one after another. In an instant, a wall of bookcases connecting the sky and the earth with no visible boundaries appeared in front of Fang Bai's eyes.

Looking at the endless bookcases and looking at the finished notebook in his hand, Fang Bai came to the bookcase and put it in it.

As soon as he thought, a notebook appeared in his hand again, and Fang Bai wrote the word index on the cover.

"Area 001."

"Category 001."

"Group 001."

"001 genus."

"No. 00001."

"Notebook storage number: 00100100100100001."

"Encoding rules, one to three digits are areas, area 001: note area.

Area 002: Realistic data area.

Area 003: Game information area.

Area 004: To be determined. "

"Four to six are categories, category 001: mage category.

Class 002: Mechanical blacksmith class. "

Fang Bai pondered for a moment as he wrote this, and then changed the code from category 001 to category 100.

"Category 100: Mage."

"Category 101: Mechanical Blacksmith Category."

"Seven to nine are groups, group 001: spell group.


"Ten to twelve are attributes, 001 attribute: mental power spell attribute.


"The 13th to 17th digits are the data sequence number. The first notebook in the mental power attribute is No. 00001."

"So the correct number of this notebook is 00110000100100001."

After determining the rules, Fang Bai had a thought, and books appeared in the fantasy space, and then were classified into divided areas.

After all the books he studied in real life were classified, the bookshelf still seemed empty, but Fang Bai didn't care.

As long as you continue to study, this bookshelf will be filled sooner or later.

When that day comes, it should be spectacular, right?

Fang Bai imagined the bookshelf being filled, and his heart suddenly became filled with anticipation.

Looking at the bookshelf, with a thought, all the air and other substances imagined in the bookshelf area disappeared.

"Maybe this is a different kind of memory palace?

As long as I keep the fantasy space alive, it will always be there and available to me when I need it. "

For Fang Bai at this moment, the fantasy space consumes mental energy at a rate that is not as fast as his own recovery. Maintaining it all the time is no longer a problem, he only needs to separate out a ray of thought.

The angle of view is expanded, and under the huge bookshelf that connects the sky and the earth with no visible boundaries, a tiny figure is releasing spells at the bottom of the bookshelf again and again. The notes recorded in the process are also placed on the bookshelf one by one, like an epic.

At the same time, among the endless mountains.

"still none."

Zhang Zhong cut open the head of the wild boar in front of him in disappointment. After some inspection, he shook his head slightly at Wu Yin.

Sorry, I worked overtime too late yesterday and only coded one chapter. I fell asleep while coding the second chapter, and what I coded was a mess, so I couldn’t update it.

This chapter is from yesterday.

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