I made the Dragon God in the game

Chapter 478: Legend Emerges


Strong waves of thunder elements were attracted by the suction force and swallowed by the braided thin rope.

Next came the wood element. Waves of thunder elements and wood elements gathered continuously under the suction force, and became larger and larger as time went by.

In the blink of an eye, a small elemental vortex was formed, and a large number of thunder elements and wood elements poured into it, but the rope, which was only as thick as a little finger, swallowed them like a bottomless pit without any delay.

In the process, the suction force became larger and larger, and the vortex swept, and even a faint elemental storm swept up.


The terrifying elemental storm had even formed a substantial wind sound in Fang Bai's ears, and small blue and green light and electricity could be seen faintly.

All of Fang Bai's perceptions were filled with almost substantial thunder elements and wood elements.

In the sky, the heavy thunderclouds that had not dissipated for countless years were actually shaken slightly at this moment.

The increasingly manic elemental storm continued to expand, as if it had turned into a big mouth and bit down hard on the thundercloud.

The heavy black thunderclouds turned into thunder elements and continued to flow into the thin rope along the storm, while the wood elements continued to gather under the suction of the storm.

Under the influence of the inertia of the gathering, gradually, the wood elements within a radius of dozens of miles began to gather in the direction of the Thunder Valley.

Under the influence of the suction, they continued to accelerate and accelerate, like a storm.

This time, the world-class wood element storm swept completely. Within the range of the storm and near the storm, the monsters opened their mouths and roared in the direction of the element fluctuations. The extraordinary people also walked out of the room and looked up at the direction of the Thunder Valley.

Some people were suspicious, some were curious, some were shocked, and some couldn't help showing greed.

Someone whispered.

"Which old monster in the wilderness mountains is going to break through the legend?"

"Or is there a legendary treasure?"

Some places revealed a wisp of breath, and then fell into silence again.

Some of the mansions hidden in the mountains opened their doors, and a proud young man from the capital walked out.

"The treasures of nature are obtained by the strong! The road to legend begins today.

Let's go."


An old voice responded in the dark.

There was also a low roar from the bottomless black crack, and the mountains trembled.

A moment later, the eagle soared into the sky, breaking through the sky, and the legendary spread made all the beasts crawl.

In a blink of an eye, the wind and clouds surged.

Zhang Zhong and others in the Thunder Valley looked up at the heavy thunderclouds on the top of the mountain that were slightly twisted and rotating, and couldn't help muttering.

"What kind of tricks did the Pavilion Master do again? Wait, why did I say again?"

Zhang Zhong muttered, and Li Lei frowned beside him.

"Why is this fluctuation a bit like the fluctuation of absorbing elements when forging extraordinary equipment?

Just the scale?"

Although it is impossible to spread the spiritual power in the Thunder Valley, looking at the range of the distortion and the degree of rotation of the thundercloud, a rough estimate is made.


Although Zhang Zhong did not see anything, he saw Li Lei like this, pondered for a few seconds, and then.


Hearing this, Li Lei turned his head and looked at the colleague who had just worked with him, and said.

"You saw it too?"

Zhang Zhong's face did not change when he heard it.

"Didn't you see it too?"

"That's right, they are all common sense questions."

Li Lei said, Zhang Zhong


Li Lei did not notice the strangeness in Zhang Zhong's expression, and turned to say with emotion.

"The Pavilion Master is the Pavilion Master. Looking at the scale, the third-level extraordinary equipment must not be able to withstand it. It must be the fourth level!"

"Legendary equipment!"

Li Lei was full of emotion, and then he thought again.

"But isn't the Pavilion Master's three-refined forging limit the third-level master-level equipment?"

Perhaps it was a coincidence, but this forging method and the level of the equipment are similar and corresponding.

The first refining barely corresponds to the first-level equipment, only slightly inferior.

The second refining barely corresponds to the second-level equipment, only slightly inferior.

The forged equipment of the third refining is basically directly benchmarked against the third-level extraordinary equipment, without any difference.

And now.

Li Lei looked up at the fluctuations in the sky and said softly.

"So the Pavilion Master just got the rune out, and now he has broken through the forging method to the legendary fourth refining, and successfully forged a legendary equipment?"

Zhang Zhong next to him was slightly stunned when he heard this, and muttered in his heart when he listened to Li Lei's words.

So that's it?

Zhang Zhong suddenly realized.

Then Li Lei continued to speak.

"But the elemental fluctuation is too big, and this is a wilderness mountain range, although it is only on the edge.

But it is still very likely to attract powerful monsters, and it may also attract powerful professionals. The equipment is not yet formed, and the Pavilion Master may not be able to distract himself.

We must not let anyone interfere with the Pavilion Master's forging.

Zhang Zhong, be alert, and be ready for battle."

Zhang Zhong quickly captured the key words, he understood this.

This is really understood.

"Everyone. All!"

Zhang Zhong's long roar sounded under the thundercloud.


A thunderbolt struck directly at Zhang Zhong, and Zhang Zhong did not dodge at all. The armor that emerged silently on his body blocked the thunderbolt autonomously.

"Buzz armor fusion~"

The black matte heavy armor has clear lines, and a four-sided giant spear in his hand flashes coldly, and a metallic sound in the armor sounded.

"Ready to fight!"





What responded to Zhang Zhong was the metal collision that occurred when the armor was combined.

Pieces of black matte heavy armor, with sharp edges and corners, terrifying and ferocious, and a sense of chilling rising to the sky.

Zhang Zhong looked at the two hundred soldiers behind him. Next to him, Li Lei looked at the armors with stars in his eyes.

This armor is more handsome than ever before, and the scene of collective transformation is simply thrilling.

It is indeed his second favorite new equipment, and he even got a set for himself.

But after looking back, Li Lei couldn't help but ask.

"Zhang Zhong, if the clouds cannot rise in the Thunder Valley, will it have a great impact on the combat effectiveness?"

"The impact is huge. I can't beat the legend."

Li Lei listened to the words and looked at Zhang Zhong, who was only a master. He didn't have any surprise at all, and he didn't have the slightest doubt, he just frowned slightly.

"What if a legend comes? The fourth-level equipment fluctuates, although under normal circumstances we are unlikely to encounter a legend.

But don’t be afraid of ten thousand, just be afraid of the unexpected. "

"Then what can we do? We can't leave the Thunder Valley. If the distance is too far, we won't be able to defend the mountain. Others can just go around it.

We can only stay here.

As for what to do if Legend really comes."

"Let's just fight. There's no way Hao Wei's group of cowards can kill Legend.

I can’t be beaten to death, right? "

Zhang Zhong said this, but his eyes were still full of solemnity.

He had never played a legend before, and he didn't know how terrifying the legend was.

But he can't show cowardice.

"The legend must be very strong, right? What if I can't beat him?"

Zhang Zhong thought to himself, silently calculating his combat effectiveness.

"Will I be beaten to death by a legend?"

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