"Take it."

Fang Bai casually threw a dark blue fourth-order Miao knife to the man holding the knife.

Dark blue blade, white blade.

Holding both hands, fighting spirit poured in, and the air in front seemed to avoid the sharp edge.

An ordinary fourth-level Miao knife, or Terge long knife, its biggest feature is its sharpness!

In addition, because of the properties of this fourth-order elemental metal, this knife also has a very simple characteristic.

That is, in the constant collision, shock will accumulate in the blade.

The stronger the force of the collision, the faster the power of this shock accumulates. After it is accumulated to the extreme, it can be released in the form of a vibration of the blade.

The external manifestation is the high temperature concussion that breaks armor, or the vibration when weapons collide, so as to produce the effect of breaking the opponent's weapon or knocking down the opponent's weapon.

Of course, the properties of the metal are not that strong. Even if this property does not disappear or be annihilated due to the addition of other metals during forging, it is still far from that strong.

This is entirely because Fang Bai tried his best to avoid the collision of metal power during forging, perfectly integrated it, and then greatly strengthened and condensed the shock power with the rune array, and finally had such a strong effect.

"Let's call it Shock Blade."

Fang Bai said lightly, and there were four delicate characters carved on the top of the sword god.

Shock Blade!

There is also a small mark diagonally below the words "Concussion Blade".

This mark is vaguely a deformation of the "square" in Fang Bai's name, and also vaguely resembles a super simplified version of Fang Bai's original rune name.

"Okay, okay, let's call it Shocking Blade."

The man holding the knife excitedly held the knife with both hands. As he swung it, the strong wind roared. As he tried to explore and test it, after a period of concussion and accumulation, the equipment's special effects exploded.


With a buzzing sound that could hardly be caught by the ears, the long blue knife slashed across a blue boulder in an instant.

Without any resistance, the man with the knife turned around again and struck down with the knife.


The originally condensed shock force burst out again, and the huge hard bluestone burst into pieces.

"Thank you, sir!"

Fang Bai played with the three legendary crystal cores in his hand. This was the most losing business he had ever made.

With just three crystal cores, he forged a fourth-level weapon, a prototype of a legendary weapon.

Fang Bai said with incomprehensible eyes after hearing this.

"I am a player, do you still want to thank me?"

The man holding the knife didn't show any emotion when he heard this. He already knew Fang Bai's identity as a player.

No matter whether they are strong or weak, male or female, no matter their status, in terms of temperament, the players are completely different from them, and they can be distinguished at a glance.

This is a very unique temperament.

“There are a lot of players, and I’ve encountered bad ones and good ones, so I’m not saying I’m hostile to all players.

Our refusal to hire all players is just a helpless move because we cannot distinguish between good and bad players, but players generally have more ideas. "

There was a trace of bitterness on the face of the man holding the knife.

Fang Bai was slightly silent when he saw the bitterness, then nodded in agreement and left.

The man holding the knife saw this and stood there, watching Fang Bai leave.

When Fang Bai was leaving the top of the mountain, several low-level professionals who came in a hurry saw Fang Bai's back, but seeing that Fang Bai was very fast, they didn't dare to say hello.

Although I was wondering why the other party didn't fly away, it only stayed in my heart.

It is the freedom of the strong to follow whatever path the strong takes. As a weak, you must have the consciousness of a weak and do not seek death on your own.

After watching Fang Bai leave, they continued up the mountain, and one of them asked aloud.

“The source of the fluctuations is still above, but the thunder above can reach the legendary level.

We can't go up. "

When everyone heard this, they couldn't help but pause their feet slightly and sigh. Some people thought about it and turned around to retreat, while a few refused to give up and continued to run headlong into the thunderclouds.

At this time, a man with two knives on his back walked out of the thundercloud.

The man glanced at them, and they seemed to see a knife slashing towards them from above.

Subconsciously, he took a step back, averted his gaze, and looked over again. The man with the knife had already flown into the air.


Several masters felt a thump in their hearts and reacted instantly without daring to say a word.

Inside the Thunder Valley, Fang Bai turned to take a look around the mining area.

“Everything in the mining array is operating normally, and even occasional strong thunder explosions in Thunder Valley cannot affect normal mining work.

Nowadays, the mines are integrated with automatic mining and automatic refining array clusters. Only five mages are required to control them, and one to three cubes of magnetic crystals can be stably produced every day.

Currently, we are still strengthening the design work of the automated mining array and trying to transform the current semi-automatic mining and refining into fully automatic mining and refining.

In addition, nine Tier 4 permanent heavy artillery and 1,080 Tier 3 permanent heavy artillery are arranged in the mine area, each with different attributes.

A full three-dimensional defense system of underground, ground, and sky has been successfully established, which can effectively resist legendary attacks.

Coupled with the automated warning array, the mine basically has the ability to protect itself.

In addition, the self-destruction array cluster in the base has also been arranged, integrating self-destruction and trapping enemies.

For now, the self-defense of the mine is no longer a problem, which is why we propose that there is no need to garrison troops.

For now, ensuring that about five mages are stationed can maintain its normal operation.

This is indeed the case now. "

After hearing this, Fang Bai's mental energy swept away, and he had an understanding of the mining situation, and then nodded slightly.

"Okay, good, thank you for your hard work."

“However, we will continue to work hard and try to achieve completely unmanned automated mining, refining, and transportation based on the existing foundation.

It would be better to try again to build a cluster of magic circles that can maintain and repair themselves.

It has been completely unmanned and has fully exerted the maximum effect of the pilot project in Thunder Valley.

After all, you also know very well the development ideas of our Tiangong Pavilion.

This will play a decisive role in future layout.

If this step is missing, our future development will be severely delayed due to staff shortages.

In this regard, you can write an application for what resources you need and we will consider it.

You don’t have to be too burdened. This is a pilot project, not just for you, Li Lei, but for the entire Tiangong Pavilion.

Even if some materials are lost, it will be borne by Tiangong Pavilion, not you personally.

Be bold and go for it. "

"Okay, got it."

Li Lei nodded heavily and agreed. At this moment, there was a rumble in the air. He looked up and saw a simple helicopter flying over at high speed.

The blades that look like a broadsword, the rough steel frame, and the huge body make it extremely visually impactful.

In addition, the aura emanating from it made the monsters retreat far away.

Inside the fuselage, there is a team of armored warriors waiting to protect the helicopter.

"Da da da da da da."

In the howling wind, the helicopter slowly landed on the ground. It bumped a little at the end and almost jumped, but before it could jump, it was held down by a transformed armor with one hand.

Looking at the posture, even if the helicopter fell down while flying, a few armored warriors could lift it up.

In fact, this has happened, not just once or twice, but often.

After all, it had just been built, and although it could fly, the technology was not yet mature, and it still had a lot of problems, big and small.

But how can I put it, the flaws do not hide the advantages.

It plays a great role in long-distance transportation and material transportation.

"Pavilion Master."

"Pavilion Master."

Several members of the outer cabinet greeted Fang Bai one after another, and Fang Bai nodded slightly in response.

Next to him, Li Lei said hello to Fang Bai and asked people to start handing over the refined magnetic crystals.

First, the data is extracted from the array cluster, fixed and imported into a circular chip. Then the magnetic crystal inspection and weighing are completed and then handed over. After the handover is completed, it is sealed. Both parties leave their own spiritual imprints on the circular chip. The whole process is recorded and videotaped. , internal data is saved for a long time.

After the handover was completed, the magnetic crystal was moved onto the helicopter, and then...

"Da da da da da da."

The engine was revving for a long time, but the wings would not turn. An armored warrior grabbed the wings and turned them sharply.

"Cud da da da da da da"

The strong wind howled, the helicopter waved its tail in mid-air to signal Fang Bai and others, and flew away.

The flight was shaky and up and down, but there was no crash.

Li Lei was happy when he saw the flying attitude of the helicopter.

“The technology still needs to be improved, but the speed is indeed much faster.

After all, it walks in a straight line in the sky and flies not slowly.

If you go to Tiangong Pavilion and go back, you can go back and forth within half a month. "

"Well, just change it as you fly. That's the good thing about the extraordinary world.

If you have any ideas, you can get on them as soon as you think about them, and you can fly after you get on them.

Anyway, no one will be killed if it falls. If the plane falls from the sky, you don't have to worry about it. People can just carry it.

It's not like in reality, if you don't do thousands of tests, the plane won't dare to fly. "

“Indeed, if nothing else, this alone can increase the speed of technological progress to another level.

After all, no amount of derivation on paper is as good as flying in the sky. "


Fang Bai nodded in response.

"In this case, you are busy and I am in a hurry, so I will leave first."

After saying a few words to Li Lei, Fang Bai stepped forward a little, and his whole body shot out. In an instant, two ring-shaped clouds of gas exploded in front of his body, and his whole body moved forward at an extremely fast speed.

The physical body breaks the sound barrier!

The speed was enough to tear the plane into pieces from the inside, but Fang Bai was directly controlling it with his body at this moment.

However, a force spread out as Fang Bai's muscles vibrated, and the sonic boom disappeared without a trace.

A few days later, at the entrance of Tiangong Pavilion, one after another, tracked armored vehicles drove out of Tiangong Pavilion.

Every corner and every steel plate of the armored vehicle, which is completely hand-forged, is a three-step forging process.

Using the fuel purchased from the Tower of Fire for forging, the real third-refining equipment was successfully forged using mortal iron.

Armored vehicles are the result of this technology.

It was an armored vehicle as big as a house, and the tracks beside it were taller than a person. As the tracks rolled, my scalp would occasionally feel numb.

That was the elemental magnetic field storm occasionally leaked from the mecha's small magnetic crystal engine.

Under the continuous injection of gold elements, the magnetic field engine rotates at high speed, providing sufficient power for the crawler tracks.

And such armored vehicles come one after another.

Although Tiangong Pavilion can only forge armored vehicles by hand at present, they are purely handmade.

However, these blacksmiths each know the hands of the mage, and use the micro-media of the mage's hand to perform the forging technique.

Although it is not as fast as one turn on the assembly line, it is not much slower.

In terms of precision, it can be directly molded in one piece, and any modification can be directly changed without modifying the production line or the mold.

But in terms of production, the forgers of Tiangong Pavilion may not be able to compete with the production line.

But if the advantages in scientific research are taken into account, the production line in reality can't catch up at all.

It is worth mentioning that in addition to a group of full-time forgers in the outer cabinet, every member of the inner cabinet is a qualified forger, and may not be worse than the full-time forgers in the outer cabinet.

So that the full-time forgers in the outer cabinet generally only forge large quantities or sell things to the outside.

Ordinary experimental supplies, verification models, etc. are all produced by the mages of their respective project teams.

Each humanoid printer also includes strength.

Soon, ten domineering and huge armored vehicles have arrived at the door, and Zhang Zhong took two hundred people in two pairs to get on two armored personnel carriers, one in front and one in the back.

And on the troop carrier in the middle, you can see that in addition to dozens of mages, the five armored vehicles are full of long strips of elemental metal, filling them up.

If it weren't for the three-refined armor plates that isolated the internal and external element fluctuations and perception, the element fluctuations of the five vehicles' three-level elemental materials would be as dazzling as the sun in perception.

It is worth mentioning that in addition to the personnel, the remaining three vehicles also carry a variety of high-precision experimental equipment such as the computing center, the mental power microscopic perception array, the rune engraving auxiliary array, and the detection array.

All these equipment have built an element-free environment in the armored vehicle, and all are suspended and stored with a constant magnetic field to avoid the loss of accuracy caused by environmental changes and element changes.

At this time, the ground shook slightly, and Zhang Zhong, Qi Peng and others who were waiting under the car were not surprised.

The warning array of Tiangong Pavilion had long warned of the shock waves coming from there, and they had known it long ago.

That was the direction Fang Bai came from.

Soon, the shock became more and more obvious, and gradually a black dot enlarged in front of his eyes. Soon, the person rushing at high speed slowly fell in the middle of them.

The one who couldn't fly was naturally Fang Bai.

Although the Tiangong Pavilion cannot fly everywhere and cannot be used as a feature, only Fang Bai has such a speed.

"Pavilion Master."

"Pavilion Master."

"Yes, Qi Peng, Zhang Zhong."

Fang Bai nodded slightly, greeted, and then looked at the armored vehicle in front and asked immediately.

"Are you ready?"

"Yes, it's good. I have prepared a lot of materials and there is a certain amount of space.

It should be enough, after all, it is just a core component.

As for the main body and armor, they can be made in the pavilion.

There is no need to bring it all the way over. As for the equipment, it has been loaded and can be set off at any time.

But there is something that can't be loaded, Pavilion Master, you take it yourself."

Qi Peng said, without waiting for Fang Bai to ask, he walked to the side and opened a wooden box.

Among them, the gun barrel with a muzzle as thick as a thigh is dark inside, as if it can even swallow light. (End of this chapter)

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