"Personality. Resurrection Coin."

Fang Bai couldn't help but think.

“The player’s resurrection coins come from the successful trial, and the trial comes from the mage tower, and the mage tower comes from the ancient mage civilization.

Most of the prophet's resurrection coins come from the ruins of the ancient mage civilization.

This is not surprising. Since there was an ancient mage civilization, it must have survived. "

Fang Bai was only a little surprised at the existence and appearance of game coins, because this thing was generally understood to be exclusive to players.

But if you think about it carefully, it's not surprising, because based on the current information, the entire player system is derived from the ancient mage civilization.

So this is very easy to understand.

It's another point.

Fang Bai asked this prophet. According to the prophet, he was curious about Fang Bai's high status, so he used prediction methods to take a look. However, he saw nothing and was killed by Fang Bai's counterattack.

According to what this prophet said, Fang Bai can not only block prophecies, but can also fight back automatically. At the very least, he is a demigod.


It was the first time that Fang Bai heard someone talk about him like this, but he was slightly surprised.

"Is my demigod status because I have mastered a certain field power, or is it because I have successfully embodied the fantasy space into an inner space?

Or both? "

Fang Bai couldn't help but mutter, he believed that both of them gave him the ability to become a demigod.

"According to what he said, having the status of a demigod will have great advantages in predicting and being predicted. The former can easily predict people of lower status.

The latter can block everything predicted and related to itself, and can even follow the prophecy's connection to counterattack and lock in the prophecy's person.

This kind of thing is as instinctive as breathing and requires no active control.

In addition, it will also have great advantages in other matters that require personality determination. "

For the time being, the "other" prophets couldn't tell who they were, but what he said about being countered by prophecies made Fang Bai quite interested.

“If prophecy is a peek into consciousness, then person may be the intensity of consciousness itself.

This is different from the soul and has nothing to do with the physical body, so the improvement in my status is probably due to the realization of the fantasy space.

This is true. In the ancient mage civilization, the manifestation of inner space itself was a symbol of breaking through the legend.

And you can directly reach the gods. Isn’t this an improvement in your personality? "

Fang Bai thought about it, and he was actually more interested in using the power of consciousness and the use of prophecy.

He now has a strong consciousness, but he can't use it easily. If a prophet can use it easily and actively, then the opponent's means will be greatly enriched.

However, because the cultivation of a prophet has special requirements for the body, soul, and even consciousness, generally speaking, it needs to be cultivated with specific exercises, elixirs, and cultivation environment from an early age.

Only in this way can they get a glimpse of the power of destiny.

In this regard, it is basically impossible for the prophet to make up for the votes halfway, and neither can Fang Bai.

However, although he could not change his profession, with his inheritance and secret skills in hand, Fang Bai would naturally find ways to get involved in the field of runes.

In fact, Fang Bai now believes that his own rune, that is, his "true name" may be an important medium for him to involve the field of consciousness.

Of course, there is no rush at this point, just take your time.

Now Fang Bai was very curious about his own consciousness.

“My consciousness carries an inner space that already has ready-made matter.

The inner space also carries a fantasy space. This fantasy space basically carries public papers and knowledge in various majors and fields in reality.

It also carries some books I collected in the Tower of Fire, all the experiments and communications of thousands of people in the entire Tiangong Pavilion at the original dozens of times and now thousands of times the time flow rate, as well as the things that were born in this process. new knowledge.

In addition, there are memories, experiences, and knowledge that I have always had.

In the final analysis, these are all in consciousness and are part of consciousness.

Regardless of the weight of matter, the weight of knowledge and memory is also heavy.

In a sense, this can even be said to contain the essence of real civilization, and whoever carries it knows the weight.

As far as is known, I can only passively activate the power of consciousness when others are spying on me in the field of consciousness, and then in turn give the opponent a big hand and then lock the opponent's position.

And my weight is too big to compare with."

Fang Bai grinned and suddenly became excited.

"Who is going to predict me? I will definitely only hit you once! Just once!"

Fang Bai smiled wildly, but before he could smile for long, he suddenly froze and turned his gaze to a projection screen in front of him.

On the screen, dozens of people walked in from the video border to the west.

Although Fang Bai didn't know them and could only see the pictures and couldn't sense their strength, based on their positions and looks, combined with the previous prophet's dictation, he immediately locked their identities.

They were the same group that hunted down the prophet in white.

Fang Bai stared at it for a while. He was not worried that such direct gaze would trigger the other person's intuition.

If general perception, general real-time video certainly could lead to this.

But Fang Bai and the others had considered this issue at the beginning of the design and made a wonderful design, that is

The picture is delayed for ten seconds!

Direct intuitive perception of the absolute square in ten seconds intervals.

As for whether it is possible that someone can still notice it after ten seconds.

For such a big guy, the time interval is meaningless, it is beyond the scope.

So Fang Bai can now look at the other party unscrupulously and observe his every move.

I didn't notice it before, but now I see it, I suddenly feel familiar.

"This clothes? This uniform?"

Large families and big forces will involve special uniforms for family children, family-raised soldiers, and guest officials.

In this way, disciples, soldiers, and guest officials can show their identities, and others can also see the class at a glance to prepare corresponding etiquette.

Fang Bai didn't think anything of it before, just thought it was pretty.

But later, the more I looked at it, the more I felt it, and the more familiar it looked, and finally I found this uniform in the corner of my memory.

"Back in the Dusk Plain! The forces wearing this clothes also attacked me!"

Fang Bai slapped the table and suddenly remembered it.

"At that time, I was busy beating people, but I didn't pay attention to the division of forces and people."

"They actually came too, but it's normal. The prophet took them deep into the Dusk Plain to find the semi-god medicine.

Now that the semi-god medicine has not been found, and the loss was so great at that time, they will definitely ask the prophet for compensation.

It's normal to be chased and killed while quarreling."

As the saying goes, the protagonist of a novel is often chased by a bunch of people with a treasure in hand.

Now it seems that this is not the protagonist's problem, but the problem of this era.

In this era, the strong are the biggest rule. The seven contracts and other rules are all messed up. Their execution depends entirely on the compassion of the strong, not on anything else.

Thinking of this, Fang Bai shook his head slightly, his eyes were inexplicable, and then he cast his eyes on the crystal ball in the hands of the old man Yinjiu.

According to the white-clothed prophet, they relied on this prophecy crystal ball to successfully lock him and force him into a desperate situation.

Otherwise, he would have run away long ago.

Combined with the emotion of the prophet in white at that time, Fang Bai estimated that the prophet behind the pursuer probably had some deep entanglement with him.

While he was talking, the fire control radar connected to the high-altitude drone had already calibrated the crosshairs.

The so-called calibration is to evenly distribute the aiming points of all the cannons around the target, so that the power of all the cannons just cannot attack the target.

This is to prevent the locked target from noticing the crisis of death and then being alarmed.

In this calibration stage, all the muzzles have been programmed with moving trajectories. As long as the launch button is pressed, all the positions where the muzzles should aim will be locked and aimed. At that time, the completion of locking and firing is almost at the same time.

"Calibration completed."

Fang Bai looked at the red font that appeared on the screen, and the launch button was in his hand.

As long as he had a slight thought, these cannons would be fired in an instant.

However, Fang Bai did not rush to press the button, but waited silently.

He had already asked someone to investigate what the prophet in white said, and estimated that the results would come out during this period of time.

So Fang Bai was not in a hurry.

Wait a little longer.

While watching their live video, analyze their relationship based on their standing distance, expressions, etc.

But not long after, the mailbox that had been open rang, and a new message was notified.

Fang Bai clicked it and took a look.

"This prophet didn't say anything false to me, it was all true, so if that's the case..."

In the game, Fang Bai materialized a red button in front of him, and then slapped his raised hand.


In an instant

"Buzz! Buzz! Buzz!"

"Buzz! Buzz! Buzz!"

The matching engines of the fourth-level Yuanling Rune heavy artillery were running at high speed, and they were directly locked at the fastest speed according to the established procedures.

Almost at the same time as the lock was completed, the thick and condensed light column had already broken through the air.

And when Fang Bai found the other party, not long after, the heart of the white-clothed prophet also pounded, and an ominous intuition enveloped his mind.

After resurrection after death and recovery from all the original injuries, the white-clothed prophet's own professional abilities were fully exerted, and his perception ability was also stronger by more than a little bit.

If he had been in this state before being discovered and had recovered, he would not have reacted so slowly and had such difficulty in escaping.

It is not impossible to escape completely with a little effort and effort.

The white-robed prophet was in a complicated mood, and at this time Zhang Zhong appeared beside him.

"People are coming."

"Yes, I feel it."

Zhang Zhong looked at the white-robed prophet in surprise. He didn't expect that he could actually sense it.

He knew how far these people were from here.

Discovering Zhang Zhong's difference, the white-robed prophet immediately explained.

"The main reason is that their target is me, and I also know how they locked me.

Since they can lock me, there will naturally be a link.

I can also sense their location through this link.

It's not that I can sense so far."

"Oh, so that's it, but it's still amazing, being able to sense the pursuers from such a distance."

As Zhang Zhong said, he waved his hand to form a projection. In the projection, the young master, the old man Yinjiu and others were moving forward at high speed under the guidance of the crystal ball.

After hearing Zhang Zhong's words, the prophet, who was originally quite proud of this perception distance and was about to say a few humble words, was stunned.

? ?

He knew how far away this group of people was from them.

But now, at such a long distance, they can actually see them directly and clearly, and even their facial expressions can be seen clearly, this is...

So was Zhang Zhong mocking him just now?

Was it true?

The white-clothed prophet was silent, but reacted the next moment.

"Can't watch, can't watch, they have legends, watching will cause them to react!"

"Oh, no, watch casually, we have solved this problem."


The white-clothed prophet paused for a moment after hearing the words, and saw that the people in the projection did not react at all, and then looked at Zhang Zhong blankly.

He was speechless.

At this time, the white-clothed prophet heard the movement behind him, and looked back, only to see that the equipment similar to the magic cannon began to slowly turn the muzzle, as if aiming.

"Aiming at the people chasing me?"

The white-clothed prophet thought and shuddered, and immediately became energetic.

However, after a careful count, it was found that only nine cannons and several small cannons were rotating and began to accumulate energy, and the other cannons did not respond.

This. This.

"Are you going to use a few cannons to test it first?"

The white-robed prophet was a little confused, and the atmosphere was a little awkward at this time. After thinking about it, the white-robed prophet spoke up, ready to liven up the atmosphere.

"Uh, I see there are so many cannons here."


Zhang Zhong nodded and looked at the white-robed prophet.

"I can feel that these cannons are really powerful and powerful. I'm afraid they will hurt me before they enter the door."


The white-robed prophet thought about it, and didn't dare to think too high, but he couldn't say too low, so he said immediately.

"I can feel that if these cannons are fired at the same time, they should be able to stop the legend, right?"

Zhang Zhong heard this and suddenly didn't know what to say.


Can't stop the legend?

That must be possible.

But to say that it can stop the legend?

Uh, wait, it seems, it seems that there is no problem.

Thinking of this, Zhang Zhong nodded immediately.

"Well, it's okay. Our cannon is still very powerful.

Stopping the legend is no problem. Look, it has been calibrated and will be fired soon."

The white-robed prophet immediately looked at the cannon behind him curiously.

The barrel, shining like fine iron, was covered with tiny runes inside and outside, mysterious and profound.

At this moment, it was flickering with a faint red light, becoming more restrained and deeper with the passage of time.

But then this restraint stopped.

This dark red light turned into the brightest brilliance, breaking through the air in the palpitation that made the white-robed prophet feel like death!

This palpitation gave the white-robed prophet great confidence, making him think so.

It should be able to block it, right? (End of this chapter)

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