
Early the next morning, Fang Bai took a long breath and integrated all the records of thousands of experiments. Coupled with some previous insights, Fang Bai had an extremely clear understanding of the structure of the gold element.

And the carrier that can perfectly embody it also appeared in front of Fang Bai.

A perfect gold element architecture diagram!

It is worth mentioning that all the players who survived were players with more fusion gold elements.

Players who have a higher proportion of other elements in their violent elements will die early.

It's not that Fang Bai didn't care, it was mainly because Fang Bai used the structure of gold elements to trap it. At first glance, there was no big problem, but after a while, he would probably die suddenly.

"This gold element structure diagram is perfect and basically meets my requirements.

Moreover, the structural diagram derived from the three-refining forging method can also perfectly adapt to the rhythm of the three-refining process.

Then all that’s left is the body structure.”

As soon as Fang Bai thought, the bodies of more than a thousand players were suspended in the sky, and their body structures were clearly visible to Fang Bai.

Excluding female players, there are still players over a thousand years old in the sky.

Immediately, Fang Bai condensed the experimental notes one by one in front of the corresponding players.

“I have changed and modified this gold element structure according to each of their physiques and body structures to make them more personalized.

I have recorded the subsequent reaction process and can reproduce it perfectly."

In the sky, each player's body reproduced the original situation, and a structure of the same but slightly different golden elements appeared in their bodies.

Bang bang bang!

Some players died suddenly, while others had no reaction.

Fang Bai looked at the player who died suddenly, and with a thought, the player refreshed its status, and a slightly different element structure was inserted into it again.

Why is this the most precious wealth?

One is that knowledge is indeed valuable; the other is that one can keep using it until the end of time.

Fang Bai actually thought about the perfect body structure, but found that he didn't know how to define it.

What is perfection?

Are you pretty and handsome?

That's one aspect, but only part of it, what about the inner structure?

So is fat man a perfect structure?

You know, fat people's fat can store a lot of energy, which is a good thing.

If this angle is not good, then from a skeletal point of view.

Is it better to have light or heavy bones? Is it better to be thin or thick?

To put it bluntly, Sanlian itself chooses and shapes the internal structure of the iron ingot according to its own needs.

This internal structure changes according to needs, so how can there be a fixed formula?

If the three exercises are not enough, why does the body structure have to find a certain formula?

So Fang Bai felt that since he already had an almost perfect gold element structure diagram tailored to his own conditions.

So why not deduce the body structure based on the answers?

Fang Bai raised his head and used his mental power to observe the internal reactions of each player's body, silently recording and calculating silently.

The sky was getting brighter. Tang Wen, who was sitting on the steps and off the line, was frightened when he saw Jie Wu leaning on his shoulder. He quickly pushed Jie Wu away and stood up.


Jie Wu's head hit the ground. After a moment, Jie Wu noticed it and rubbed his head.

"What's wrong with my head?"

"You must have fallen down when you were offline."

Tang Wen said seriously.


Jie Wu rubbed his head, a little confused, but then Tang Wen was suddenly stunned, found a place and logged off.

"Why did you suddenly fall down while you were asleep?"

Jie Wu suddenly reacted, watching Tang Wen gradually narrow his eyes, casually picked up a stick with a thick wrist, and slowly raised it

"What do you want to do?"

Tang Wen suddenly opened his eyes and waved twice as if nothing had happened.

"Practice martial arts."

Tang Wen looked at Jie Wu suspiciously, but seeing that Wu Changguan was very powerful and still had some posture, it was hard to say anything, but he was still a little suspicious.

At this time, Jie Wu asked.

"You were in a hurry to log off just now. Is there something wrong?"

Being interrupted like this, Tang Wen immediately reacted and nodded.

"Do you remember the great swordsman who followed us yesterday?"

"Remember, what happened? He is dead?"

"Not dead, but someone died."


"That great swordsman slaughtered all the Canglong Guild."


Tang Wen looked at Fang Bai sitting in front of the desk and said slowly.

"What exactly happened?"

Fang Bai frowned. He had an impression of the Canglong Guild. He had encountered it once before. It was the guild that liked to rob and make quick money.

“Is it possible that the Canglong Guild robbed that great swordsman?

Impossible, they are just bad, not stupid, nor blind. "

"No, but it's close."

"I don't know if you noticed, boss, but when we were at the manor before, the Canglong Guild didn't come over.

They went to Bagh town. "

Fang Bai suddenly reacted when he heard this and looked at Tang Wen, only to see him nodding.

“They targeted Bagh Castle, and they did succeed.

They looted Bagh Castle and took advantage of all the other guilds.”

Tang Wen thought of something, paused slightly, and then said again.

"That's not all. While these guilds were either going to the manor or entering the mountains, they took over Bagh Castle and ate their fill.

Forget it, the key is that they found a group of players locked up in the castle's bunker. "

"A group of players?!"


Tang Wen nodded, his expression a little ugly.

“Nearly a hundred people were locked up in the bunker, unable to carry out any activities. Their hands and feet were tied tightly, their mouths were stretched open, and they were force-fed when they were hungry and water when they were thirsty.

In addition, they also found a large number of bloodletting marks on the players, and found bath distillation tools in the bunker.

One player has even gone crazy, and according to other players, when Bage was still alive, he often took blood baths, saunas, distilled and stored blood for drinking, and even changed his own blood.

Later, even if Bagg disappeared, people would often come to collect blood, but those who came to collect blood were basically domestic servants.

From the few words they heard, they learned that the owner was said to be kind-hearted and could not tolerate cruel things."

The air in the study gradually became solid, and Tang Wen and Xie Wu suddenly felt a little out of breath, but this feeling was fleeting.

"and after?"

"Later, these players called their friends and slaughtered Bagh Castle from the inside out.

Not a single chicken survived, and the Bagh Castle was set on fire by the players following you, behind."

Tang Wen watched quietly, Jie Wu's fists were clenched, and the veins were exposed, while Fang Bai's face showed no expression, but the pressure that occasionally leaked out made it difficult for him to breathe.

"The great swordsman is coming from behind"

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