I Made the Myth Template

Chapter 180: Cocoon: I really want to be Miss Willow's dog.

The second question has been more perfectly answered.

However, when looking for the information related to the first question, Su Heng noticed something was wrong.

"Too clean!"

he said, frowning tightly.

The giant cocoon in the dark mountain range has just appeared. Before that, no one knew about it, and it was normal to find relevant information. If found, that would be weird.

On the contrary, the news about the Youdu Heihuang, there is no relevant information at all.

In Wangjing City, the phoenix is ​​widely worshiped as a symbol of death. According to reason, there should be a lot of research materials related to the phoenix.

But when Su Heng typed the word phoenix on the search box.

On the web page, not even a single message appeared.

Such a clean page is naturally impossible because scholars in Wangjing never conduct research on phoenix.

The only possibility is that all information related to Phoenix has been blocked.

"Why was it blocked?"

Su Heng frowned and thought seriously.

He remembered how he looked when he met Youdu for the first time that day. The strength of the other party was extremely powerful, and even a clone had the power of the third life level.

The ontology... is even more unfathomable.

Besides, Youdu was also the only existence Su Heng had ever seen that could switch freely between phoenix form and human form.


Is there a possibility that the Youdu Black Phoenix itself has a considerable position in the special department.

Although this guess is bold, logically, there is nothing wrong with it.


Once a guess is made, unconsciously, all relevant details must be connected together in the mind to prove the guess.

Although the other party's clothes are simple, the material of the fabric is quite high, obviously from the economically developed city.

And at that point in time...

It also seemed to coincide with the outbreak of the forbidden zone in the Dark Mountains.

After some guesswork, Su Heng himself became a little restless.

He shuts down the computer.

Opening the window, the cold moonlight and the cool night wind poured into the closed room at the same time.

When the cold wind blew, Su Heng gradually calmed down.

Youdu Heihuang may have a high status in Wangjing City.

Moreover, if the giant cocoon and You in the depths of the Dark Mountains are creatures of the same attribute.

Then, the willow tree is likely to have attracted the attention of the other party.

In this case, Youdu Heihuang did not take the initiative to intervene in this matter, which means that the other party also supports the cooperation between humans and willows.

It can be speculated that the other party's view of Yu Liushu should be kind.


Su Heng was Su Heng after all.

After realizing the potential danger, he will not entrust the safety of his template to the opinions of others.

I want to get out of a dangerous situation.

There are only two options.

The first is that with sufficient self-protection strength, one is naturally not afraid of everything.

Second, the willow tree can move in a range, and it is also a good solution to run if it fails.

However, there are methods.

But it is difficult and not easy to implement.


After realizing this, Su Heng had a headache.

The good mood that he had just stepped into the transcendent realm has also dissipated a lot. It was not early, so he simply lay on the bed.

Consciousness came to the willow template, and I planned to see how the situation on her side was.


real world.

Dark Mountains.

In the depths of the cave where the black flames were burning, the rays of light shrouded, and the crystal clear willow branches, like jade sculptures, were suspended in pieces above the cave.

The entire cave was divided into two completely different worlds by two different forces.


It is a black stream of fire that flows like lava. This kind of flame is extremely powerful, with a strong death energy. As long as it is contaminated with a little bit, it will continue to burn.

At the top of the cave, the strong vitality turned into the morning glow.

In the rays of the sun, lush green grass and various Vitis vinifera plants covered the walls, with a few small white flowers interspersed between them, which looked very green and beautiful.

The middle of the cave.

A giant white cocoon, more than fifty meters high.

Under the command of the willow tree, it kept beating, making a thunderous roar.

It is clear.

In just a few days, this mysterious cocoon has been successfully trained by Willow.

It is like a cat that is harmless to humans and animals.

The willow branch lifted up slightly, and the giant cocoon jumped with it. The willow tree swayed left and right, and the giant cocoon swayed awkwardly, as if it were dancing.

After realizing the arrival of Su Heng's consciousness.

A willow branch entwined in the rays of the sun lightly drew a circle in the air, and then lifted it up sharply.

see this command.

The giant cocoon took a deep breath in a way that was visible to the naked eye, swelled a lot, jumped up sharply, followed by a 360-degree rotation, and fell to the ground with a snap.

Black flames exploded like water, splashing everywhere.

The white giant cocoon was dizzy, but held his head up, conveying a rather proud feeling.

I really want to be Miss Willow's dog...I don't know why.

Seeing Ju Cocoon's dog-licking appearance, Su Heng thought such a sentence.

clap clap clap!

Su Heng was in awe, and there was a crisp applause from the mental space.

"Not bad!"

This giant cocoon seems to have been trained almost, where is the fierce look when I first saw it.

"However, why does this guy look smaller?"

Su Heng sensed something was wrong.

The last time I came, the height of the giant cocoon was almost a hundred meters.

The top has almost touched the top of the mountain.

but now.

The height of the giant cocoon is only about 50 meters, less than half of the previous one, and it can even complete the difficult action of taking off from the ground and turning 360 degrees in the air.

"It's because it's already starting to hatch."

A willow tree will drop a branch.

The giant cocoon suddenly opened its mouth and sucked the life force contained in the willow branch like a baby. .

After about half a minute.

The willow pulled its branches out of the cocoon's body.

Although the giant cocoon was a little reluctant, he was very obedient and well-behaved. He opened his big mouth made of silk and gently loosened the branches.

"For a creature like us, it can't be viewed with ordinary laws."

Liu Shu's tone was flat, and he explained in a calm, unhurried manner,

"It absorbed a lot of energy during its long sleep, but the messy and bloated power accumulated in its body, instead of being able to become the nutrients for its growth, it prevented it from being successfully conceived from the embryonic state."

"Only power that can be controlled is power, and power that cannot be controlled... is a burden and a hidden danger."

Su Heng nodded.

After hearing Liu Shu's explanation, I understood.

"Where is it?"

He looked around and found that in this cave, there were traces of a large area of ​​collapse on the mountain wall, and there were dark red bloodstains among the broken clods.

"What happened here?"

Su Heng asked again.

"It's those cultists before. They didn't give up and were repelled by me." Liu Shu replied, after thinking about it, her ethereal voice added, "It's so pitiful."


Su Heng didn't understand, "Those people are doing a lot of evil, why do you say they are pitiful?"

"I can see the fear in those people's eyes, they don't want to face me, but for some reason, against their will, they have to come."

"Is that right?"

Su Heng felt that Liu Shu's thinking was a bit strange, but it seemed to make sense when he thought about it carefully.

"If that's the case, then I can only help them."

Su Heng said.

This idea is not a temporary idea, when he stepped into the supernatural, he wanted to do it.

In a previous life, Su Heng heard an old saying in his hometown: "There are those who are thieves for a thousand days, but there is no one who guards against thieves for a thousand days."

The same is true now.

In the previous operations, although these cultists could not pose a threat to Willow Tree, they were still strong in the third life level. Like a fly, it buzzes, which is very annoying and a disaster.

It's better to get rid of them sooner rather than later.

As for the location of these cultists.

When they first appeared in the cave, Su Heng had already left a mark on them through Kamiya's disease talent.

Those diseases may not be able to inflict fatal damage to the strong of the third life level.

However, as a mark.

It would not be a big problem for Su Heng to find their approximate location.

As for another slightly less important reason, after stepping into the transcendent, Su Heng's mentality also changed.

It has been almost a year since I came to this world.

But during these times, Su Heng spent most of the time in his small room.

Step into the transcendent, plus the various bonuses provided by the template fusion state.

Although Su Heng didn't know where his limits were, he didn't think he should be any worse than the general-level powerhouses in Wangjing City.

The general-level powerhouse is also a real master in Wangjing City.

With such strength, as long as Su Heng doesn't commit suicide and go deep into those dangerous restricted areas by himself, he will not encounter danger.

"Father, you seem to have something on your mind."

When Su Heng was thinking about his next plan, Liu Qingqing's voice sounded in his ears, calm and gentle.

Just like her body.

Willow's voice also carries a power of peace and tranquility.

"Well, I was really thinking about something else, but it's none of your business."

Su Heng said.

He didn't tell Willow about the Youdu Heihuang.

These things are purely based on his own speculation, and he is not willing to let his template face such huge pressure.


Liu Qingqing's voice sounded faintly, obviously not satisfied with Su Heng's explanation.

She thought about it and continued, "Father, you once said that we are family. If you encounter any difficulties, I hope you can tell us."

"We've grown up."

When it comes to the last sentence.

Willow's tone was a little heavier, and it was rare to see ups and downs.

"I understand."

Su Heng rubbed Liu Shu's head, feeling a little warm in his heart and a little moved.


Early the next morning.

Su Heng began to prepare for the city at the convenience supermarket downstairs.

From the marks left by his disease talent, Su Heng could feel that the cultist was located at a distance of about 200 kilometers away from him.

Of course, these two hundred kilometers refer to the straight-line distance.

If you encounter a restricted area or a territory occupied by powerful extraordinary creatures, you need to make an extra detour.

But in general.

It is estimated that this journey will not exceed 300 kilometers.

This distance is not too far.

Especially now that Su Heng has stepped into the second life level, his stamina is endless. If he really rushes at full speed, it will probably take less than half a day to reach the cult's lair.


Life is long, so why be so hurried.

Su Heng also had the idea of ​​seeing the scenery of the outside world.

In addition, he has nothing important to deal with now, so he plans to spend extra time on the road.

Take it slow and take it as a holiday for yourself.

Since I decided to spend the night outside.

Well, some outdoor gear and food are essential.

Su Heng bought an iron kettle and prepared some food such as canned meat and biscuits.

I bought a simple single-person tent from the market, and after putting on an outdoor windbreaker, the basic preparations were almost completed.

In fact, these things are not necessary.

With Su Heng's current physical fitness, even if he is still outside for a few months, nothing will happen.


If you can live comfortably, there is no need to suffer and suffer.

The price of these outdoor products is not particularly expensive, but shopping in Qingcheng is not very convenient, and you need to run around. After a lot of work, it is almost noon.

Although the city in front of him is still prosperous, for some reason, there is always a twilight that cannot be dispelled by the sun.

Su Heng stuffed all the things he had purchased into his backpack.

Find an unnoticed corner.

He closed his eyes, and gradually integrated the power of Camia into his body to perceive the real world.

Ripples appeared around him, and when he opened his eyes again, the bustling city in front of him had disappeared.

The streets are empty.

All the surrounding buildings collapsed, leaving only a few broken steel bars and pillars mixed with cement and soil, standing alone in the weeds.

Huge cracks spread across the street~www.wuxiaspot.com~ In the corner of the ruins, a dusty withered bone had been dead for an unknown time, and the dark eye socket was covered with a layer of gray spider web.

Here is the real world!

The time is about twelve noon now, but the sun's rays are not bright, and the ruins of the city are shrouded in chaos.

Su Heng raised his head.

The sky is full of gray and hazy radiation clouds.

These flocculent radiation clouds gather together to form a thick swath that completely obscures the sun's rays.

The surrounding temperature is also very low.

At the end of September, it was still the end of summer, but the temperature here made Su Heng feel the slightest chill.

Su Heng squinted his eyes and put the cold-proof hat he just bought on his head. With his tall and straight body carrying a heavy bag, he disappeared into the ruins of the city alone.

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