I Made the World Mutate

Chapter 206: Top Thunder Physician

"what is this?"

Seeing this coffin nail, Green Pine Nut could not help but take a deep breath, his face changed.

The coffin nailed by Lei Zhenzi's heart was rusty, revealing the spirit of the undead, with evil power, giving people a strange feeling.

"This is a coffin nail. It was buried with the coffin for many years and absorbed the spirit of the undead. After being pulled out by evil spirits, it was transformed with cursed blood. It can pin the soul of a person and it is extremely strange.

Xiao Mu explained casually.

Qing Songzi's face changed again and she hurriedly inspected the other two wounded.

The two wounded are exactly the same as Lei Zhenzi, both nailed to the center of the eyebrow by the coffin, either on the left eyebrow or the right eyebrow.

When Lei Yunzi saw this situation, he came forward and frowned, wondering: "Why don't the evil spirits kill Lei Zhenzi directly? Waste their hands and feet, and nail their soul with this evil stuff. Do more? "

In his opinion, even if killed by a blood ghost, it was more comfortable than nailing the soul with a coffin.

In addition, in his view, nailing Lei Zhenzi with a coffin is obviously more complicated than killing them.

He couldn't figure out why the **** had done it all.

Even Xiao Mu felt a little confused about the blood ghost's approach and thought about it, "Maybe the blood ghost has some secrets, and they have been seen by Lei Zhenzi. Their souls, not kill them. "

"Notice that unless the ghost is killed together, as long as there are ghosts left, even if they are killed, they can still recall the ghost and ask the secret of the bleeding ghost."

"I think the situation must have been very critical at that time. Perhaps it was already so critical that even if the blood ghosts could kill Lei Zhenzi, it was too late to kill Lei Zhenzi and their ghosts together, so it took extra effort to nail it with coffins Their soul. "

Xiao Mu's guess was very reasonable, and Qingsongzi's face changed again.

What kind of secrets does the blood ghost have? For this reason, at the expense of both hands and feet, but also pinning Lei Zhenzi's soul?

After thinking about it, "Mr. Mu, Lei Zhenzi, do they still have any help?"

Xiao Mu said: "If there is salvation, there is salvation. Lei Zhenzi's problem is that because the soul was nailed by the coffin, they cannot wake up. As long as the nail is pulled out and the soul is released, they can wake up."

"That coffin nail ..."

Qing Songzi thought of it again, and his gaze swept from the coffin nails of Lei Zhenzi and others.

Xiao Mu guessed what Qing Songzi wanted to ask and shook her head: "Unless the strength exceeds the blood ghost who applied nails, it is difficult to pull out."

"Blood ghosts accumulate a large amount of cursed blood on this coffin. If you rashly pull the nail, you will be cursed by blood."

"Unless the strength of the blood ghost beyond Shi Shi can stop this cursed blood backwash, if he is hit by this cursed blood backwash, he will also be injured if he does not die."

"In addition, since the blood ghost dared to nail Lei Zhenzi's soul with a coffin, he is obviously confident in his strength, and he is not afraid of you pulling the nail."

"So I guess that this nailed blood ghost is at least a red blood ghost, and maybe even a dark purple blood ghost, otherwise he won't have this confidence."

"Red blood ghost? Dark purple blood ghost?"

Qing Songzi heard that his face suddenly became dignified.

Whether it is a red blood ghost or a dark purple blood ghost, the strength is strong enough, at least not the people on their side can match.

Frowning, mumbling to himself, "Do you want me to ask someone from the headquarters? Or wait for that senior to come and try to rescue, but ... time is too late."

"Mr. Qingsongzi, Mr. Mu, my strength has reached the end of the middle period of bone refining. Maybe it is not as good as the red blood ghost, but it will not be much different. Why not let me try it?"

Seeing Qingsongzi embarrassed, the situation sounded very serious, and without delay, Lei Yunzi could not help but stand up and volunteer.

"Mr. Mu, what do you think? Lei Yunzi, can he do it?"

Qing Songzi couldn't decide, looking at Xiao Mu.

Xiao Mu glanced at Lei Yunzi, and nailed Lei Zhenzi with a coffin. He suspected that more than 90% of them might be red blood ghosts, and the probability of dark purple blood ghosts was not high.

In the case of the red blood ghost, the late warrior in the middle of the bone-building realm can still try as long as his internal skills are high enough.

After all, even at this level of warrior, even compared with the red blood ghost, the strength is only a line apart.

The late period of the middle period of bone refining, that is, the late period of the third period, is not far from the third period of the third period, and it may soon break through and reach the level equivalent to the red blood ghost.

At present, Xiao Mu's realm is almost at this stage, perhaps even higher.

Taking a look at Lei Yunzi, Xiao Mu suddenly asked, "Mr. Lei Yunzi, are you practicing the inner power and mental method of Thunder?"

Lei Yunzi exclaimed: "Mr. Mu has good eyesight. Like Lei Zhenzi, I am practicing the top-level internal skills of Thunder attributes."

Xiao Mu said a moment, his face was calm, but he couldn't help but feel a little surprised.

Thunder attribute internal power mind method can be said to be very rare among all internal power mind methods. In addition, its special feature of restraining evil and evil has become the object of everyone's contention, so that its value has soared repeatedly.

If you think about it so far, Wang Tong hasn't even gotten a general internal attribute method of lightning attributes. What Thunder will practice is just the general internal attribute method of lightning attributes, and I know how difficult it is to obtain such internal energy patterns.

As for the top-level thunder attribute internal power and heart method ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Among all the warriors that Xiao Mu knows, only the Qingshan King has cultivated.

Therefore, Xiao Mu couldn't help but be surprised when Lei Yunzi said that, like Lei Zhenzi, he had cultivated the internal skills of top-level Thunder attributes.

However, consider that the other party belongs to the offensive and defensive alliance of the human race, and originally belonged to the relevant department, Xiao Mu was relieved again.

Relevant departments already have a lot of resources, which cannot be compared with ordinary private organizations.

Right now: "You can try it, but be careful and protect it."

"Mr. Mu, rest assured, I have a sense."

Lei Yunzi replied, and then he solemnly walked towards Lei Zhenzi.

Within a few steps, Lei Yunzi had already raised the internal strength of a thunder attribute to the extreme, protecting his entire body, especially his chest, face, throat, and so on, facing the key points of Lei Zhenzi.

With the operation of the inner power and mind method of Thunder attribute, there seems to be thunder light flowing around the body and the whole body of Lei Yunzi, faintly releasing the brilliance.


After all, Lei Yunzi still didn't dare to take the slightest care, and once again gathered a pure internal property of thunder attribute to the whole body, and it seemed to form a thunderbolt faintly, so he reached out his hands cautiously to pull the coffin nail of Lei Zhenzi's heart.


In Lei Zhenzi's body, the cursing blood seemed to have life, and it made strange noises the first time it was touched.

A bloodline full of curses suddenly shot out of Lei Zhenzi's body, and hit Lei Yunzi unexpectedly.


The bloodline hit Lei Yunzi's chest, and Lei Yunzi, who was clothed by Lei Yunzi's body, broke open on the spot, followed by Lei Yunzi's chest.


Lei Yunzi had severe pain in his chest and suddenly spit out blood.

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