I Made the World Mutate

Chapter 519: Alien Life and Death

Xie Shengzong's heavenly evil did not respond to Xiao Mu and fled.

His strength was weakened to only a quarter of the heyday, and many alien spells were not used.

The speed at which the aliens are running is not slow this day, and the force of life and death rushes to the soles of the feet, forming a huge circular halo.

圆形 This circular aura switches between life and death, once for life, and then for death, his figure looming, constantly lingering between life and death, making Xiao Mu unable to catch up in a short time.

"I only know what it is to escape, I really think that if you can only flee without fighting, you can delay for three minutes?"

Squinting to see that the evil creatures in the life and death sect did not fight with themselves at all, relying on life and death to keep running, trying to delay for three minutes, Xiao Mu suddenly stopped and stopped chasing.

Looking at the figure of the evil creatures outside of Zongtian, Xiao Mu suddenly reached out and grasped the void severely.

The ghost of the gods appeared on the top of Xiao Mu's head, and a large force of life appeared on the palm of Xiao Mu.

"Ah ~"

Xun Shengzhuang, a strange monster from the heavens, screamed, and immediately began to age.

"Go on running, see if I can kill you!"

Xiao Mu grabbed his hands apart from each other, and every time he shot, a force of life was caught from the evil creatures of the dead and alive.

"Human, if I have good strength, I can kill you with one stroke!"

邪 The life and death ancestors outside the masses lost a lot of vitality, and finally felt the crisis. If he ran away like this, he would be killed by Xiao Mu even if he did not fight with Xiao Mu.

He stopped, pulled his hands, and immediately added a grey-black life-and-death line between the two hands.

Grasp the life and death line with both hands, facing Xiao Mu far away.

Xun's life and death line is divided into birth and death. He will use this life and death line to cut Xiao Mu and divide Xiao Mu into two halves, half alive and half dead.

"Come and kill me!"

The look on Xun Xiaomu's face looked abnormally irritating, and she kept ridiculing the evil things in the sky.

He is familiar with the life and death line. He takes the Taiji step, easily avoids the life and death line, flexes and stretches his left hand with five fingers, and skillfully pulls out the five line elements from the body of the life and death sect.

The actions of the evil creatures of Xun Shengzong were immediately restricted, and their speed was much slower.

"This is the Five Elements Technique!"

The evil creatures of Xun Shengzong recognized the method used by Xiao Mu, and his face changed slightly.

With his strength, he didn't need to care about Xiao Mu's five elements. In the case of his intact strength, the alienation of the five elements can not hurt him at all.

But now, only a quarter of his strength is intact, he cannot escape Xiao Mu's five elements.

"Good insight! Unfortunately, it is useless."

Xiao Mu smiled and praised the evil things in the sky, and took out the reminder clock with his right hand, and took a picture of the evil things in the sky.

"Why is Da Luo's life ring in your hands? Where is Da Luo?"

Xuan Shengzong's aliens recognized the reminder bell at a glance, and his face was cloudy.

等 "When you die, you can ask him yourself."

Xiao Xiaomu responded with a smile. Keep on hand, use the reminder clock to keep shining on the evil spirits in the sky.

"It turned out that Da Luo was killed by you."

The sect of Life and Death Zong Shen sank, while avoiding the reminder bell, he cried, "Human, who are you, dare you report your name? I have to report my death, and I dare to kill my disciple, but there is only one death. "

告诉 "Tell you my name and let you avenge me, do you think I'm so stupid?"

Xiao Mu sneered at the other side, the life and death judge's alien spell was urged to the extreme, and a ghost image of the godhead above him appeared, urging Zhong Zhao to the space between the aliens and constantly using his right hand to capture the power of the aliens. .

Xiao Mu's extraction of the power of the five elements in his left hand does not stop, and the actions of the aliens are greatly restricted, and Xiao Mu's life and death judges can not escape at all.

Xiao Mu's strength was picked up from the body by Xiao Mu, and the body of the alien monster quickly aging. At the beginning, it still looked like a young man, and gradually became old, and his body began to weaken.

人类 "Human, if I have good strength, I can kill you with one stroke."

The line of life and death has never been able to cut into Xiao Mu. Instead, she was extremely aging due to Xiao Mu's life and death, and she was roaring at Xiao Mu with her heart full of unwillingness.

"If it makes sense, I would have killed you 10,000 times."

Xun Xiaomu responded, holding the reminder clock in his right hand and pointing at the evil things in the sky.

Boom! boom! boom!

Every time the strange Guanghua shot by the urging bell was missed, there was a loud noise.

He was controlled by the power of the five elements, and the mortal creatures of the dead and deceased celestial body slowed down bit by bit. In the end, they did not escape the reminder, and they were illuminated by the reminder.

Xun Zhao's reminder bell in the heavenly evil object immediately locked the heavenly evil object. With the input of Xiao Mu's death force, the pointer of the reminder clock began to move quickly.

"Ah ~"

The evil creatures from the dead and sacrifice growled loudly.

In view of his strength, Xiao Mu should not be his opponent, but unfortunately, his strength was weakened by Madam Hua's Four Elephants Celestial Charm. Only a quarter of the heyday was left, and many strange spells could not be made out. .

The power of the Five Elements was pulled out of the body, and the celestial body of the aging body could no longer block the life ring.

肖 Under the full force of Xiao Mu's death force, the evils in the outer world are aging very fast. Soon after, the whole body is turned to the ground.

Energy +80.

Reminder sounded, Xiao Mu completely relieved.

This means that the evil creatures of the dead and dead are really dead and can no longer be born again.

At the same time, Xiao Mu was killed by Xiao Mu due to the evil creatures from the life and death sect. The other three clones also died immediately.

"Very good, Mr. Mu, you did not let me down."

The evil spirit died shortly afterwards, and Ms. Hua rushed over to Xiao Mu.

He also came with Mr. Mu and Mr. Xu.

"Thanks to Mr. Mu, my strength is at best barely holding a clone, but killing is impossible."

Mr Xu's tone was full of emotion.

He and Mr. Mu and Ms. Hua respectively dragged an avatar of the heavenly evil, and by dragging it to the limit, there was no possibility of killing.

后果 If Xiao Mu had killed the evil creature in the sky, the consequences would be disastrous.

"This is your reward."

Ms. Xi Hua took out a small jade box and handed it to Xiao Mu.

"Thank you!"

Xiao Xiaomu reached for the small jade box and opened it for a look. There were three lending beads in the small jade box.

Hands earn large footprint space.

"This is yours, this is yours."

Ms. Xi Hua once again took out two small jade boxes from her body and gave them to Mr. Zhu and Mr. Xu respectively.

"Haha! Huahua, you and I are so kind."

Mr. Zhu Zhu laughed and Ms. Hua politely.

"Love or not."

Ms. Xun Hua threw the small jade box on the ground, and was unwilling to perfuncate Mr. Zhu's appearance at all.

"Hana, you are so impatient."

Mr. Zhu Zhu stooped to pick up the jade box and closed it.

Ms. Xunhua looked indifferent and did not want to bother with each other's posture.

Mr. Xu actually politely took over his jade box without saying any nonsense.

"My goal has been achieved, everyone, see you again!"

Ms. Xunhua glanced over the three of Xiao Mu, and she said a word, and immediately walked out of the land temple.

"Hana, wait for me."

Mr. Zhu Zhu chased immediately.

Ms. Xunhua ignored him at all, unfolded her body style, and quickly rushed out of the earth temple.

Xiao Xiaomu nodded to Mr. Xu and left the earth temple.

He came out of the earth temple, Xiao Mu returned to the original road, and returned to the ancient Song site in a few hours.

Xiao Hua's commission was completed smoothly, but Xiao Mu's heart was not calm.

During this trip to the Land Temple, how could he never have imagined that he would encounter the ghost image of the god-man who illusionized when he used the life and death judge's spell.

He couldn't guess who the god-man's ghost image was, and couldn't figure out why it appeared in his own practice of life and death judges.

结果 This result made him extremely disturbed.

Although the appearance of the ghost-man shadow appears to enhance the power of the life and death judges he cultivates.

However, Xiao Mu is willing to not strengthen such strength.

"This god-man appears in the Temple of Land, perhaps related to the God of Land in the temple."

"The land **** was killed, and his head was placed in the door of the main hall for prestige."

"What is the relationship between that **** and the land god?"

"Is dead or alive?"

Whether she was dead or alive, Xiao Mu was upset.

"Anyway, go back and look it up, look up the information, and be sure to find out the information related to this **** and man's ghost."

With such a thought, I returned to the ancient Song site.

The message reminder sounded, Xiao Mu opened it and found that Lan Cai sent him a message.

"What happened?"

沐 Xiao Mu had a weird expression after reading the message.

"No wonder Jiang Mu will target me. It turns out Yang Yang is related."

The message sent by Xu Lancai is why Jiang Mu investigated Xiao Mu. The final investigation results turned out to be related to Yang Yan.

What made Xiao Mu cry and laugh was the relationship between Jiang Mu and Yang Ming's family.

It turned out that Yang Ye and his brother Yang Jin were all sheep raised by Jiang Mu's family.

"It's no wonder Jiang Mu will help Yang Yan deal with me."

Xiao Xiao murmured to himself, but the relationship between Jiang Mu and Yang Yan always made him feel awkward.

One is a human being, the other is the one raised by the former. Even if he becomes enlightened, Xiao Mu can't figure out how to communicate with the two. Isn't it embarrassing?

He didn't think about it for too long, so he turned his mind to the ghost of God and man.

His strength has been raised to the late stage of the fifth realm, and there is only one level between him and Jiang Mu. Once he has practiced advanced alien spells, he no longer needs to be afraid of Jiang Mu's threat.

"I should inquire about the life and death judge's different arts practiced by others, to see if they can imitate the same god-man phantom like me."

Xiao Xiaomu whispered to herself, secretly making a decision.

If other people ’s practice of life and death judges can transform themselves into the same god-man phantom like themselves, then there is nothing to worry about, at least not to worry too much.

However, if the practice of life and death judges practiced by others can not imitate the ghost image of the god-man, or the ghost-image of the god-man is not the same as himself, then you must be careful.

Who should I ask?

Xiao Xiaomu quickly locked the subject of inquiry as Xuan Zhizi.

"Xuan Zhizi is well-informed and knowledgeable, and owes me three opportunities to answer questions for free, so ask him."

I thought of this, Xiao Mu immediately walked out from No. 23 and headed for the direction of the ancient palace.

"Mr. Xuan Zhizi, I have specially selected three kinds of fruit platter, please try it."

In the ancient palace, sitting in front of Xuan Zhizi, who was reading on the sofa, stood a handsome young woman mutant, holding a fruit platter in her hand, respectfully.

女子 The woman obviously had a problem and wanted to ask Xuan Zhizi to answer it, and bought a fruit platter at a high price.

"Pineapples, bananas, oranges, all have been eaten."

Zhi Xuan Zhizi glanced at the tray in the woman's hands, and immediately lost interest after seeing the fruit in the tray, and she looked impatient. "Take it, take it all away!"

"Mr. Xuan Zhizi, these three are fresh fruits that I have carefully selected. They are very delicious, you just taste them."

The woman with a smile on her face refused to give up.

Wu Xuan Zhizi sat up impatiently, closed the book, and glared at the woman, "No matter how delicious the fruit is, I only eat it once a day and take it away quickly, otherwise I will be blacklisted immediately."


I saw Xuan Zhizi's anger, and the woman's complexion changed slightly. She said, "Mr. Xuan Zhizi, please don't be angry. I just want to know the information about the tomb."

Wu Xuanzhizi said: "Without fruit, don't even think about asking. Hurry up, otherwise you will be blackened."

Helpless woman, holding fruit platter, hurried away.

"Mr. Xuan Zhizi, meet again."

Xiao Xiaomu walked forward with a smile.

"It's you!"

Zhi Xuan Zhizi glared at Xiao Mu and asked angrily, "What's wrong with me?"

Xiao Xiaomu showed a smile on her face, not dissatisfied with Xuan Zhizi's lack of enthusiasm, "Mr. Xuan Zhizi, owed me five opportunities to ask questions, wouldn't you forget?"

"Nonsense, obviously three times."

Xiao Xuan Zhizi gave Xiao Mu an angry look.

"Haha, that may be me wrong, three times three times."

Xiao Xiaomu smiled, "Mr. Xuan Zhizi, I will use the opportunity to ask a question."

Zhixuan Zhizi said impatiently: "What's the problem? Ask quickly, and leave as soon as possible."

Xiao Mu laughed: "I won't disturb you for too long. I want to know whether Mr. Xuan Zhizi knows a kind of alienation related to the second force of life and death, called a life and death judge. I want to know what kind of alienation What does it look like? "

"Life and death judge?"

The expression of thinking on the face of Zhi Xuan Zhizi told Xiao Mu shortly afterwards, "I seem to have the impression that some people in the league have practiced many years ago ..."

Think about it a little, "You can check the information. I remember the 87th chapter of Life and Death in the reading book No. 3 in Reading Room 3. Yes, it is the 87th article. You can find the basic information of this strange operation. . "

"Thanks a lot."

Xiao Xiaomu was overjoyed.

Zhi Xuan Zhizi was so informative that he immediately provided the information he wanted ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Any other questions? "

Wu Xuan Zhizi asked again.

Xiao Xiao Mu said: "It's gone for a while, when will it come to mind, I will ask you again."

Zhi Xuan Zhizi stretched out **** and told Xiao Mu with a serious expression on his face, "There are two opportunities to ask questions."

"I remember, there are four opportunities to ask questions."

"Yes twice."

Zhi Xuan Zhizi was angry and corrected Xiao Mu.

"Haha, twice, I remember wrong again."

Xiao Xiaomu walked away with a smile.

"Hello Mr. Xiao."

Xi Tianxiang bowed his head and walked over from the opposite side, and said timidly to Xiao Mu.

"Hello Tianxiang girl."

Xiao Xiao reported with a smile and looked strangely to Xuan Zhizi.

Seeing Tianxiang, Xuan Zhizi immediately stood up from the sofa, nodded and bowed to Tianxiang, and said respectfully, "Mrs. Tianxiang, it's a pleasure to see you again!"

"Mr. Xuan Zhizi, you are very kind. I want to inquire about you, do you know the information about the tomb?"

Wu Tianxiang responded to Xuanzhizi with a cautious response.

What kind of ghost is the tomb?

Xiao Xiaomu was curious, but didn't listen much. She turned to the reading room No. 3.

According to the materials provided by Xuan Zhizi, he consulted the classics in the reading room No. 3, and easily found the 87th chapter of the book of life and death from various classics.

That is a book with illustrations. It looks very new. Xiao Mu picks it up in a heavy mood and can't wait to turn it.

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