【Popular science and modern medicine short video】

【Six: First aid knowledge】

【Life is not only about the present, but also the dangers that may come at any time.】

【If you don’t know medical skills, then it’s time to learn some first aid tips】

【Here are some very practical first aid tips from popular science:】

【If you learn how to keep it, you won’t regret it. If you don’t learn it, you will regret it in the next life.】

【1. Alcohol poisoning】

【Whether it is a regular dinner party or a drink alone, there will always be problems with excessive drinking.】

【Drinking too much can cause alcohol poisoning】

【If not treated in time, it may be life-threatening.】

【When you see an alcoholic unconscious, just follow these steps:】

【1. For comatose patients, ensure that the airway is unobstructed】

【2. If the patient vomits, immediately place him or her in a stable lateral position to allow the vomitus to flow out.】

【3. Keep the patient warm, especially in wet and cold conditions】

【4. Check breathing, pulse and reaction level, and use CPR immediately if necessary】

【5. Place the patient in a stable lateral position, monitor the condition closely, and check and record respiration, pulse and reaction level every 10 minutes.】

【2. Hemorrhagic shock】

【The blood in the human body is limited. Once too much blood is lost, it will lead to a drop in body temperature, confusion, and even coma and shock.】

【First aid tips: Close observation to prevent blood loss】

【Typical symptoms: Massive blood loss due to accident, blood pressure is zero】

【1. For the shock patient"Zero San San", you must pay attention. When being carried to the rescue on a stretcher, the patient's head should be close to the stretcher bearer behind. This will facilitate close observation of the shock patient at any time to deal with the deterioration of the condition.】

【2. When transporting the patient to the hospital, the patient's head should be oriented in the opposite direction to the direction of the vehicle carrying him to avoid further blood loss in the patient's brain due to acceleration.】

【3. If the person suffering from shock is a pregnant woman in her first trimester, she should be placed in a side-lying position. Otherwise, the fetus and the huge uterus will compress the blood vessels, resulting in reduced blood return to the heart and aggravating the shock.】

【3. Cerebral hemorrhage】

【First aid tips: Turn your head to the side】

【Typical symptoms: People with a history of high blood pressure suddenly develop slurred speech or even coma due to a sudden drop in temperature or excitement.】

【1. Family members should restrain their emotions and never shout loudly or violently shake the comatose person in order to wake the patient up. Otherwise, the condition will only worsen rapidly.】

【2. Lie the patient flat on the bed. Due to the increase in cerebral pressure, such patients are prone to projectile vomiting. If the vomitus is not removed in time, it may lead to death of suffocation due to vomitus blocking the airway in comatose patients with cerebral hemorrhage.

Therefore the patient's head must be turned to one side so that the vomitus can flow out of the mouth】

【3. Family members can apply ice packs or cold towels to the patient’s forehead to stop bleeding and reduce brain pressure.】

【4. Scalds and burns】

【1. Use cold water to cool down the area for 10 minutes.】

【2. Cover with a clean, moist dressing】

【3. When the injured area is swollen, remove jewelry, etc., and gently fix the dressing, making sure not to be too tight.】

【4. Tie a bandage on the opposite side of the injured area】

【Burn treatment:】

【1. If the skin at the burned area is still intact, local cooling should be done as soon as possible. For example, rinse it under the tap for about 10 minutes. This will remove local tissue heat and reduce damage in one step】

【2. Wrap the injured area with a soft, moist, preferably sterilized pad. Be careful not to be too tight】

【3. If the skin has been burned, cover it with a clean pad to protect the injury and reduce the risk of infection.】


【If the first aid target is a naughty child, no, a child, how should we deal with it?】

【1. Nosebleeds】

【Have your child sit down and tilt their head forward to allow the nosebleed to flow out smoothly】

【Then ask him to hold his nose with his hands and breathe through his mouth】

【After 10 minutes, if the bleeding has not stopped, apply pressure twice more for 10 minutes each time.】

【After the bleeding has stopped, wipe the nose clean and tell the child not to talk, cough, or runny nose to avoid breaking up the newly coagulated blood clot.】

【But if the nosebleed does not stop after 30 minutes, you must go to the hospital.】

【2. Choking】

【As we all know, naughty children like to stuff everything into their mouths, which can easily cause choking.】

【If your child suddenly coughs violently, it may be because he or she has choked on something.】

【Parents should immediately check if there is anything in their child's mouth】

【If you can reach the choking object without reaching your throat, take it out quickly; if not, let the child lie on your lap and pat his back with your palms.】

【Children under 1 year old should lie on their forearms and hold their head and neck】

【If this doesn't work, turn the child over onto his back and hold his head lower than the rest of his body.】

【Then use two fingertips to push the child's sternum inward and upward, once every 3 seconds, and check whether anything comes out of the child's throat every time.】

【For older children, if a pat on the back doesn't work, stand him in front of you, place your fist between his belly and lowest rib, and push hard inward and upward.】

【If the thing in your throat still doesn’t come out, repeat the back tapping.】

【Take 5 back pats and 5 front pushes as a unit and repeat.】

【After 3 units, if there is no relief, call an ambulance. Repeat first aid actions until ambulance personnel arrive】

【3. Poisoning】

【He's still a naughty kid and puts everything in his mouth.】

【If your child swallows something toxic, call an ambulance】

【If conditions don't allow, go directly to someone who knows medical skills.】

【Keep the child still until the ambulance arrives】

【If possible, find out what he ate and take some to the hospital for testing】

【Do not force your child to vomit. This may cause further damage to the esophagus and stomach. If your child instinctively vomits, collect the vomit and take it to the hospital.】

【If your child feels a burning sensation in his esophagus or mouth, let him drink some milk】


【Please watch two first aid videos below】

【They are the Heimlich maneuver and cardiac resuscitation.】

【"In life, we often encounter food getting stuck. This phenomenon is very dangerous. Now I will demonstrate the famous Heimrick first aid method for everyone."】

【"This method can very well help patients spit out stuck things smoothly."】


【"Cardiac resuscitation is a skill that nurses must learn. Let me continue to demonstrate to you the specific operation method."】


There is no need to explain this science popularization, even ancient people can understand or understand it instantly.

There is no medical concept, it’s all skills!

Especially the ordinary people cheered for a while.

These life-saving first aid tips are so practical.

At a critical moment, you can really save a life

"I’ve learned, I’ve learned, my alcoholic man drank too much, I’m going to do what the light curtain says now."

"Oh haha! It’s simple and practical. My child likes to stuff things into his mouth without even seeing me. Now I don’t have to worry about him choking."

"Huh! ? Why do you still kiss during cardiopulmonary resuscitation?"

"This girl can't talk nonsense. She is saving people. She has taken so much care. If you are unconscious, I can sacrifice my life to save people."

"Nonsence! Beautiful thought!"


Qin Dynasty.

Great Wall.

Su Xing took out a small book from his arms and wrote down all the first aid techniques. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Rather than killing enemies on the Great Wall, he wanted to treat the wounded more.

However, Ying Zheng gave him a death order.

If you don't kill enough enemies, don't even think about coming back from the Great Wall!

Xianyang Palace....

Several black lines appeared on Ying Zheng's forehead

"The brochure on infectious disease prevention and treatment produced by a few people is now being rushed into production"

"Why are there so many more first aid tips?"

In line with the attitude of striving for excellence, Ying Zheng wanted to add this thing to it.

After thinking about it, he shook his head.

If he kept adding things to the booklet, wouldn't it become a miscellaneous book?

"That’s all, let the people write it down on their own."

"However, doctors in Qin must learn first aid skills"

"Someone came and made a pamphlet of first aid techniques and gave one to each of Qin's doctors."

Han Dynasty[]

Liu Bang looked full of wonder

"It's really interesting. There are so many things to pay attention to when saving someone."

"Later generations were more careful. After pondering for a while, he ordered the eunuch beside him:

"From now on, eunuchs in the palace must carry this first aid manual with them."

"Just find a way to take it with you."

The eunuchs all nodded.

Liu Bang did this, of course, for the safety of the royal family members. It also takes time for the imperial doctor to be appointed in the palace. If every eunuch has the ability to give first aid, his safety, that of the prince, and the emperor's grandson will be more guaranteed. Now.

Another dynasty.

Liu Che said to those around him:"Write them all down.""

"Memorize the steps in the video clearly, and don’t make any mistakes, otherwise you are not saving people, but harming them!"

"Yes, Your Majesty."

The civil servants were so busy that they were sweating.

Thanks to the division of labor and cooperation, otherwise it would be really difficult to translate the specific practices in the video into words.

During the Three Kingdoms period.

Liu Bei looked excited,"Second brother, third brother, this method is wonderful. Why not write it down in detail and teach it to the soldiers in the army?"

"In this way, casualties can also be reduced"

"Especially cardiac resuscitation can bring a dying person back from the gate of hell."

"This method is definitely of great use!"

Liu Bei was so excited that he couldn't help but grab the hands of the two wise brothers.

"Brother! Guan Yu and Zhang Fei said in unison,"Don't worry, brother, we'll do it right now.""

On the other side.

Cao Cao and Sun Quan also saw the role of first aid on the battlefield. They immediately ordered the soldiers to practice.

Song Dynasty.

The emperor of the entire Song Dynasty was in an unprecedented good mood.

It was also life-saving knowledge.

No need for ministers to advise. , they immediately ordered others to learn.

They also spread the first aid skills and tried to let more people learn it.

In the Ming Dynasty,

Zhu Yuanzhang felt as if he had seen a ghost.

He took two steps back and shouted in disbelief:"My heart almost stopped beating. , can still be saved!! ?"

"Xu Da!"

"Quick, spread cardiac resuscitation to the military"

"After the battle, if you see someone who is still alive, press him twice to see if you can revive him."

He was so happy.

It's definitely a good thing if fewer people die in a war.

"Xu Da took the order." Xu Da, who was standing aside, bent down to reply, which was regarded as continuing the order.

He also wanted to try it himself.

This method is really as magical as it says.

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