【Prefrontal lobotomy surgery was popular from the 1930s to the mid-1960s, and its inventor, Dr. Moniz, even won the Nobel Prize in Medicine for it.】

【The cause of the incident was in 1935】

【An academic report was published at a conference on"Prefrontal lobotomy can remove the violent nature of chimpanzees"】

【Before the lobotomy, the chimpanzee showed emotions such as depression and regret when he made mistakes, but after the lobotomy, the chimpanzee no longer showed such emotions】

【Immediately, Moniz and his partner Fuman had a bold idea】

【They continued to conduct some animal experiments based on the research results of their predecessors and found that dogs whose prefrontal lobes had been removed became very quiet.】

【Thus, the theory that the prefrontal lobe is responsible for controlling"reason" in the brain was derived.】

【Later, Moniz and his partners began to conduct experiments on mentally ill patients, and achieved some"success""】

【During the first human experiments ~】

【They drilled holes in the patient's skull and poured alcohol into the prefrontal lobe, using the toxic effects of ethanol to kill the activity of this part of the cerebral cortex.】

【The damage to the prefrontal lobe has indeed caused visible changes in the state of mental patients.】

【The patient, to put it nicely, became taciturn】

【To put it bluntly, he has become a walking zombie.】

【But compared with the patient's previous hysterical state, the quiet state is simply too rare.】

【For those family members who have been struggling to care for and treat patients all year round, the strong contrast gives them great confidence.】

【Prefrontal lobotomy surgery saved a family's peace to some extent】

【Coupled with the fact that there was no better way to cure mental illness at the time, the media promoted it wildly, and this technology quickly spread】


【After this, Moniz's partner Furman further improved the prefrontal lobotomy.】

【The original prefrontal lobotomy is to drill a hole in the skull, and then use a large needle to extract part of the brain tissue. How much is cut and whether it is cut correctly depends on the feel of the hand.】

【The new technology no longer requires drilling a hole in the skull, but instead chooses a less invasive method - inserting an ice pick through the patient's eye socket, and using the slow movement of the ice pick to cut off the white matter connecting the prefrontal cortex and thalamus. part】

【The strict Dr. Fuman prescribed SOP for this surgery.】

【There are strict regulations on the tools used, the position and angle of insertion into the orbit, and how to find and cut off the white matter.】

【It improves the accuracy of surgery, reduces the time spent on surgery, and also prevents patients from dying from wound infection due to brain-braining.】

【This modified procedure, also known as"ice pick therapy""】

【At this point, the popularity of"ice pick therapy" in Europe officially kicked off】

【As surgery became more popular, especially with the advent of"ice pick therapy," things got worse.】

【While the patient's psychiatric symptoms have been alleviated, serious sequelae have also occurred.】

【These patients' higher-level thinking activities have been destroyed and they have become like zombies, docile, lethargic, dull, indifferent, listless, disoriented, dull, and at the mercy of others.】

【From then on, I lived in endless nothingness all my life.】

【One mother even described her lobotomy daughter this way:"My daughter is a completely different person. Her body is still with me, but her soul is gone."】

【Effects of lobotomy:】

【While the goal of a lobotomy is to relieve a patient's mental health symptoms and improve their functioning, the results are often less than ideal.】

【Some patients do improve and are able to live independent lives】

【However, many more people suffer from changes in behavior, emotional problems, and lack of impulse control, resulting in loss of function, emotional numbness, and apathy】

【In some cases, lobotomy can also be fatal】

【Serious risks include:】

【Brain infection, changes in speech ability, cognitive impairment, loss of bladder and bowel control, muscle weakness, personality changes...】

【Some people report experiencing severe pain during the procedure, while some report having no memory of the procedure at all】

【According to statistics, doctors in the United States have performed about 40,000 such surgeries. Fuman alone has performed about 3,500 surgeries in his lifetime, the United States has done about 17,000 surgeries, and the three Nordic countries have done about 9,300 surgeries in total.】

【Among those who undergo surgery, some do not need a lobotomy at all.】

【Among them are women who disobey their husbands, children diagnosed with ADHD, and a surgery pandemic has brought about huge blindness, and many people have been easily ruined for their entire lives.】


【After that, more people began to reflect on】

【After the publication of One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest, a series of campaigns were launched in Europe and the United States to oppose the abuse of electric shock treatment and the abuse of mental patients. Legal provisions restricting the power of mental hospitals were passed, and the living conditions of mental patients were greatly improved.】

【In many film and television works, such as the famous movie"One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest"》、《Shutter Island" and"Girls", as well as the American TV series"American Horror Story" and"Westworld" have this kind of surgery.】

【In the mid-1950s, as scientists developed more effective antipsychotics and antidepressants, lobotomies were increasingly rejected】

【Today's treatment of severe mental illness typically focuses on psychotherapy, medication, or a combination of the two】

【The specific plan depends on a variety of factors, including the symptoms a person is experiencing, the nature of the diagnosis, and the severity of the symptoms】


After reading this, people in ancient times felt a chill coming from their heads.

This is too scary!

"Make a hole in the top of your head and take out your brain!! ?"

"day! People can still live if their brains are taken out! He just turned into a fool, so pitiful"

"It’s over, I was so scared that my legs were weak and I was a little bit out of control."

"Ice pick therapy does not extract the brain, but cuts the brain. What kind of torture is this? What crime have they committed?"


Qin Dynasty.

Hu Hai blinked twice.

Strange knowledge increased!

"It turns out that removing some brains can make people become zombie-like puppets."

He really wanted to find someone to test it.

Fortunately, no one knew his inner thoughts, otherwise he would have been designated to stay away from this second generation ancestor.

Ying Zheng was a little surprised,"This is a way to treat diseases, but it can lead to so many consequences!"

It turns out that he also wanted to spread the method of treating mental illness to the Qin Dynasty.

Now it seems that it is better to forget it.

But there is no harm in writing it down, which can alert future generations.

Let them directly find other treatment methods.

Han Dynasty.

Liu Bang looked a little frightened.

"Insert the awl into the eye socket..."

"Stir it back and forth and cut off part of the brain..."(To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Just by reading the text description, he could imagine how captivating the scene was at that time!

Feeling the same, his eyes felt a little sore.

And this treatment method that is so impressive at first glance has been used on tens of thousands of people.

Three Kingdoms period.

Hua Tuo, who was about to meet Cao Cao, stopped again.

Just stared at the sky for a while.

His expression became excited and he shouted:"What a good idea! Put an ice pick into the eye socket, so there is no need to open the skull."

Cao Cao wanted to kill himself.

It was just that he felt that his suggestion of a craniotomy was too unreliable and looked a lot like murder.

But if the skull is not opened and an ice pick is inserted through the eye socket, there is no need for an axe.

Safety is more guaranteed.

However, another problem soon appeared.

Hua Tuo stroked his beard and pondered,"How do I find the location of the"wind saliva" in my head?"[]

You don't need to think about it to know that the inside of the unopened head must be dark.

He couldn't see what was going on inside either.

Ming Dynasty.

Zhu Yuanzhang's eyes lit up.

Good guy.

Another criminal law for punishing corrupt officials can be added!

Zhu Yuanzhang had a thought and murmured:"You are not afraid of peeling off the real grass now. We will let people turn you into fools and parade you through the streets.""

"In this way, all the officials and people in the city can see the consequences of corruption!"


"After the parade, we will send you back to your hometown."

"Let fellow corrupt officials also see the consequences of corruption in the Ming Dynasty."

The more Zhu Yuanzhang thought about it, the more he felt that this method was reliable! It was more deterrent than ordinary torture!

After all, no matter how harsh the criminal law is, it can only make people suffer for a while, but if it turns people into fools, it can deter others for a lifetime.!

Another dynasty.

Zhu Di was greatly shocked.

He had also seen on the battlefield that some people had been hit on the head a few times and turned into fools. Some could not even take care of themselves and relied on others to take care of them.

At that time, he did not know the reason..After the light curtain introduced the lobotomy surgery, he understood it now.

He couldn't help but touch his head with his hand. No wonder people subconsciously want to protect it first when they are in danger.

【Popular science and modern medicine short video】

【Seven: Psychiatry】

【Popular science completed】

【In three minutes, the next short video will start popularizing science.】


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