【The development of shipbuilding industry in the Ming Dynasty:】

[The shipyards of the Ming Dynasty were widely distributed, large in scale, and complete in supporting facilities, all of which reached an unprecedented historical level, thus forming the third peak in the history of shipbuilding in China. 】

[At that time, there were three largest shipyards: the Beiqinghe Shipyard in Jiangsujiang, Huainanjiang and Shandong. 】

[The one that best reflects the level and ability of shipbuilding technology in the Ming Dynasty is the treasure ship that Zheng He was riding. 】

[It is speculated that Zheng He should have more than 100 ships going to sea each time, including more than 40 to more than 60 large treasure ships, as well as horse ships (transport ships), grain ships (grain ships), boat ships (troop carriers), war ships and other large and small auxiliary ships. The large treasure ship is "44 zhang 4 zhang (about 150 meters) long and 18 zhang wide (about 60 meters), and the middle ship is 37 zhang long and 15 zhang wide". 】

[The ship type of the treasure ship belongs to the "653" sand ship type, "Zhang 12 sails". 】

[The sails and anchors on the ship are so big that "no two or three hundred people can move."] 】

[The shipbuilding of the Ming Dynasty was not only large in number and scale, but also had many types of ships. 】

[Transport ships include large and small yellow boats, fast boats, Jianghan passenger boats, eight-oar boats, full canopy boats, pendulum boats, Sanwu wave boats, Xi'an boats, clear stream boats, canopy boats, black building boats, salt boats, Wula, red single boats, etc.; sea ships have crab boats, ocean-covering boats, sealing boats, etc.; war ships include battle boats, patrol boats, sentinel boats, wave boats, steaming boats, eagle boats, three-board patrol boats, chain boats, sub-mother boats, two-headed boats, Dafu boats, cangboats, single-skimming boats, white bows, bluffing boats, etc. 】

[There are many types of ships, and in addition to the sand ship and fortune ship types, there are also wide ships and bird ships. 】

[Late Ming and Qing dynasties:]

[The rulers have repeatedly implemented the policy of sea ban, which has caused the original level of shipbuilding and navigation technology in our country to decline rapidly. 】

[After the Opium War, China's inland river and coastal navigation rights fell into the hands of outsiders, which caused China's shipbuilding and navigation industry to collapse and was in a dying state of decay on the eve of liberation. 】


"The creation of the plank boat is too important, otherwise it would not have been possible to build a big bed. "

"That's right, otherwise I'm afraid I'll have to build a small fishing boat. "

"Alas, we have been ahead of foreign countries for so long, and we have completely fallen behind in just a hundred years, and we must not be complacent. "

"Angry people are the fault of the end of the Ming Dynasty and the Qing Dynasty!"

"That's it, otherwise, how could I fall behind everywhere and be bullied!"


After reading popular science, the people of various dynasties spoke generously.

Between words, he was proud of China's shipbuilding technology, and resentful of the actions of the late Ming Dynasty and the Qing Dynasty.

Han dynasty.

Liu Bang pursed his lips and muttered with an unhappy expression: "Han Cheng Qin system..."

"Hmph, I just haven't found any more systems yet. "

"However, the Han Dynasty established by me also made shipbuilding technology improve by leaps and bounds, no worse than the Qin Dynasty. "

The history books say that he inherited the Qin system from the Han Dynasty, although this is true.

But it's always unpleasant to say.

There is a feeling that he has usurped the Qin Dynasty.

Three Kingdoms period.

Sun Quan's face was not very good-looking.

The shipbuilding technology of the Qin and Han dynasties could advance by leaps and bounds.

In the Three Kingdoms period, it became a slow development, just to accumulate strength for the next prosperity.

This made him very shameless.

After all, Dongwu uses the Yangtze River as a moat, and the naval army is the most powerful, and there are many generals who are familiar with water warfare.

This is still the case in the Eastern Wu capital.

It seems that the slow development of shipbuilding technology during the Three Kingdoms period is largely due to Soochow.

Sun Quan clenched his fists and said angrily: "The lone sailor army is still too weak, and the craftsman who ordered the shipbuilder to immediately shine the light curtain and upgrade the warship!"

The light curtain spoils a lot of future shipbuilding technology in advance.

Although I don't mention it too much, I can understand the areas for improvement, and I can always find out with more research.

Song dynasty.

Zhao Kuangyin's face was full of relief. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

I was finally praised by the light curtain.....

It's very rare.

He nodded and smiled: "Haha, it is not surprising that the Great Song Dynasty is so prosperous and the shipbuilding technology is advanced. "

The surrounding ministers slapped wildly when they heard this.

They are all clear-eyed people, and they can't let go of a rare opportunity.

Ming dynasty.

Zhu Yuanzhang frowned deeply.

A moment later.

He roared indignantly: "Don't let the Ming Dynasty and the Qing Dynasty be compared!"

"It's really unscrupulous! The emperors at the end of the Ming Dynasty were all wastes?"

The Qing Dynasty, which he looked down on the most, could be put together with the Ming Dynasty.

This made his sense of the emperor at the end of the Ming Dynasty drop to almost zero!

This alone can see the various inactions at the end of the Ming Dynasty.

In the same way, it is very simple to infer how angry the people were at the end of the Ming Dynasty. []

I'm afraid I have to fight with the end of the Yuan Dynasty!

Otherwise, it would not have been attacked by the rebellious people, and then it would have been taken away by the foreigners who entered the customs.

Another period.

Zhu Di was very happy.

Lao Zhu's dream was realized by his despised son.

During his own reign, shipbuilding technology reached the peak of the Ming Dynasty!

Qing Dynasty.

The proud and complacent Qianlong Emperor was once again shut up.

It's numb.

Damn bastard thing light curtain, he likes to take Daqing when he has nothing to do!

What's the matter, the Qing Dynasty ate your family's meal??

Qianlong claimed to be the saint of the ages, and was so belittled.

Naturally, it was very unhappy.

Go around venting your anger.

Breath to gas.

He really can't do anything with the light curtain.

Thinking of this, Emperor Qianlong was even more angry!

[Popular science continues.] 】


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