I Make Games To Restore Chinese Civilization

105: Overseas Shock, Player's Carnival, Industry Surprise, Is Gu Qiu A Monster?

In the past two years, all the previous big action game IPs have been transformed into ARPG, and they have begun to emphasize plots and despise fighting.

Many well-known action games have made changes to their own systems.

Some loyal action game fans are complaining that those modified games have changed the previous taste, but the surge in sales has told them that perhaps these action game players have become the remnants of the old era.

until today!

When the "Beast Hunter" promotional video became popular on the Internet, these players suddenly discovered that there was a company that didn't seem to abandon them!


When all companies are making large-scale open world games that are more profitable, Xinhuo actually goes in the opposite direction!

After making a successful open-world game like "Assassin's Creed: Biography", I switched to a pure action game!

It's still an online action game!

The players suddenly boiled over.

In particular, the impact of "Beast Hunter" is too good!

Just by looking at it with the naked eye, without actually operating it, you can see the amazing realism, smooth and realistic sense of impact.

Especially at the moment when the giant sword hit Qiongqi's head, players all over the world who like action games jumped to their feet and applauded!

In foreign countries, such players occupy a large part!

In three hours, "Beast Hunter" had over 10 million views.

But on the Internet, the first account to transfer the video, in just one and a half hours, the number of playbacks exceeded 10 million!

In one day, the playback volume exceeds 30 million!

It was even hotter than "30 Assassin's Creed: Biography" at that time!

All of a sudden, all the anticipation lists were once again bloodbathed by "Beast Hunter"!

All game production companies in the industry were dumbfounded.

No, right, action games are already dead?

Isn't there no market for pure action games?

What's going on here?

These companies have never thought that the preferences of players will also change.

At the beginning, there were too many action games and too old-fashioned, and the players were tired of it, so the transition to ARPG will break through from another direction. But now, major manufacturers are rushing to make ARPG, and players are getting tired of playing it.

At this time, in the traditional action game mode, a new hard-bridge and hard-horse action style was opened up, and "Beast Hunter", which strives for authenticity and delicateness, won the players' high expectations.

Compared with domestic players, foreign players prefer hard-core action games. The impact of "Beast Hunter" on the Internet is even greater than that in China!

It was Evans, a long-time fan of Xinhuo, who uploaded the video to the Internet.

With the influence of several games of Xinhuo, his attention has risen sharply. He was originally a game anchor in the middle and lower reaches, but now he has become a middle and upper reaches. The number of viewers of each video has almost doubled to three times!

When he saw the promotional video of "Alien Hunter", he could tell at a glance that the overseas audience of this game was huge!

So he quickly moved the video out, but he thought that the game might become popular, but he didn't expect it to be so popular!

In just one and a half hours, the number of views has exceeded 10 million!

More than 30 million a day!

According to the regulations, if the video is original, the income brought to him by this video is as high as tens of thousands of knives!

However, the video is to carry the salary. Strictly speaking, the proceeds can be allocated to the overseas account of the salary.

However, no one has noticed this...

Evans looked at the continuous increase in the number of fans, with a smile on his face!

Because of this video, even several huge game anchors forwarded his message and greeted him with private messages.

Bach: "Brother, this is the new game from Firewood, it looks so cool, where did you get it?"

Evans explained the source to him, and the two chatted casually, which made Evans very excited!

Bach is a well-known anchor, with an amazing volume on the Internet, and he was the winner of the "Golden Joystick" best anchor the year before last.

His fans are ten times that of Evans, and his videos have been played more than 10 billion times!

At this time, Bach was at his home in Los Angeles, watching the "Beast Hunter" promotional video over and over again, dancing happily.

He kept stroking his signature mustache, which was his signature action in ecstasy.

Everyone knows that he is a fan of action games and horror games.

He has also played the previous "Assassin's Creed: Biography", and it is true that the quality in all aspects is very good and it is also very fun, but in the final analysis it is not what he likes.

Until I saw the promotional video of "Alien Hunter".

The state of going hunting with a huge sword on his back conquered him instantly!

For him, using various weapons to fight monsters to the death is the romance of a man!

At the end of the promotional video, several weapons of Tian continuously flashed!

Elegant single sword, explosive hammer, precise longbow...

Everything makes his blood rush, and he can't wait to start now!

His fans, most of whom are also action game fans, saw Bach's reaction when watching the promotional film, and they felt the same way!

Isn't that what they are now?

"It can only be said that Xinhuo is my god. Every game seems to be specially designed for me. This is the only game this year that "Song Shi saw the promotional video and I can't wait to get started right away!"

"Oh no, there's also "Assassin's Creed: Biography"!"

"Xinhuo is really a miraculous company. It would take a year or two for an ordinary game company to develop such a work. What about them?"

"The last game has just been released for four or five months, and the trailer for the new game has come out. Judging by the progress, maybe early next year, we can play it!"

"Xinhuo, listen to me, hurry up and play games, don't worry about my wallet!"

"Come with your game, then open my wallet and take my money!"

"What are you waiting for, don't hurry up and add to the wish list, show Xinhuo our strength, let him make the game quickly!"

Players are dispatched one after another.

The number of wishlists has skyrocketed, and the increase is extremely astonishing!

The popularity of Xinhuo overseas has spread with each Excellent game.

After the trailer was released, many well-known studios immediately received the news.

Shinji Mishima was sitting in the office, thinking hard in front of the computer.

The sixteenth generation of "Final Fantasy" will be released soon. As the chief planner and game producer, he is under unprecedented pressure.

As soon as he mentioned this matter, he wanted to scold Neil severely.

Also affiliated to a wholly-owned subsidiary of Sony, Shinji Mishima's company, like Naughty Cat, bears the responsibility of expanding Sony's territory.

Their goal is to increase the share of consoles through games, so that more players can become Sony users through games.

So what did Neil do?

A good "Survivor" IP was destroyed by him playing it alive!

One of the protagonists of the generation died, one was abolished, and a new protagonist who was not likable was born, isn't this a scam?

In this way, how can the third generation be sold?

Now, the responsibility is all on Shinji Mishima. If the sixteenth generation of "Final Fantasy" hits the street, then Sony will probably be defeated across the board. In the battle for the next generation

They were completely hammered to the ground by the other two.

On the computer, the industry news bulletin suddenly popped up.

"Xinhuo Studio, a well-known game company in China, announced the latest game trailer!"

Once launched, players responded strongly!"

Mishima Shinji's heart skipped a beat.


Xinhuo sends the game so fast!

"Assassin's Creed: Biography" has just been launched, and a new game is coming out?

"It should be a casual game like "Happy Kitchen".

he thought to himself.

If it is still a big game, then the salary is too perverted.

You still need to watch the promotional video released by Xinhuo.

He opened the latest news that popped up, and quickly browsed through it. The new news was written very simply, and the editor's inner shock could be seen between the lines.

He was stunned after just two glances.


It's a big game!

Or pure action game?

His first reaction was, is Xin Huo crazy, or Gu Qiu is too inflated!

Doing pure action games these days, isn't it courting death!

The sales of pure action games will not be very good, and it has become the consensus of the industry in the past two years.

Several companies that focus on action games have all gradually transformed.

Risks and opportunities coexist in making games. It is acceptable for the company to lose one game once in a while, but if it loses two games in a row, many companies may go bankrupt directly.

What's more, in such a short time, how can a large game be completed!

Must have come out of work.

Shinji Mishima shook his head, could it be possible that even a well-known conscientious company like Xinhuo is going on the road of defrauding players of money?

Thinking of the boy with stars hidden in his eyes that he saw on TGA, he couldn't help feeling a little regretful.

"Hey, people change so fast."

With some emotion, he opened the promotional video.

As soon as he glanced at it for the first time, he leaned in front of the computer in disbelief and straightened his glasses.

"How...how is it possible!"

The picture quality, the details...

After looking at him for a while, he even stood up from the chair with a jerk!

Fluency, this sense of impact...

Can this be done in a few months?

Laymen watch the fun, but watch the doorway because they are doing it!

He knows very well how much effort and how many times of debugging it takes to make the game like this!

After seeing the fight with Qiongqi, he felt that his blood almost froze!

There is no doubt that this should be a cross-age action game!

A great game!

Whether it is conception, creativity, or the sophistication of production, it is the leader in action games!

It is incredible that such a work, even if it is still in its infancy, can be produced within a few months...

Shinji Mishima opened his mouth slightly, and there was only one thought in his mind...

Gu Qiu is still not human!

What kind of group of monsters are hidden inside the Xinhuo Company!.

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