I Make Games To Restore Chinese Civilization

011: The First Restoration, Journey To The West!

Gu Qiu frowned slightly, and clicked in.

He glanced at the account that posted this post, and suddenly felt a little familiar.

It seems like I have seen it somewhere.

Suddenly, he had a flash of inspiration and flipped through his chat history.

After flipping for a while, he stopped.

"It really is you!"

The one who confronted him on the Internet before, saying that China is a cultural desert, is this person!

Speaking of which, Gu Qiu chose to make "Book of Life and Death" to restore the mythology system, more than half of the reasons are because of him!

Out of curiosity, Gu Qiu flipped through the Weibo of the person who posted it, and within a short time, he knew it!

"Co-authoring is a public knowledge!"

This person's name is Gao Song, and he is a typical public intellectual.

Usually, I always criticize some domestic problems and current disadvantages, but selectively turn a blind eye to foreign countries, which is a double standard.

Moreover, he changed his nationality early on, but stayed in the country and made a living in the entertainment industry.

Gu Qiu vaguely remembered that there seemed to be such a person in his previous life.

However, in the previous life, everyone recognized his true face early on, and everyone found that he always liked to carry private goods and make up random things on many issues.

He basically stinks the street, and everyone shouts and beats him when he shows up.

But here, he was in a mess.

The main reason is that the loss of civilization is too serious, and many issues are not understood by everyone. Even if he talks nonsense, everyone does not know.

Moreover, once others say that he worships foreigners, he will produce a lot of evidence, saying that Chinese civilization is not good enough.

To fawn on outsiders is to fawn on outsiders. You are born with servility, and you have to find a high-sounding reason for yourself.


But he is very talkative, relying on his ability to speak well, he has attracted many fans.

He is a typical type of person who earns money by flattering foreign countries, and he doesn't see China well.

Seeing something proud of Huaxia appeared, it was more uncomfortable than killing him.

Therefore, even though he usually doesn't like to see games at all, and thinks that this is something that is not popular, but when "Book of Life and Death" came out, he couldn't sit still seeing the quality crushing all foreign works of the same period.

He knew that the poem was not good enough, so he couldn't spray it.

So he chose to start with the myth system.

"I watched the plot that was blown up to the sky, or some people still have too little knowledge and know too little."

"A dismantling and crushing of many foreign works, and then repackaging them, makes you so excited?"

"Even if you haven't read Joseph's "Sea Monster", Raphael's "Gods", Roger's "King of Light" and "Holy Spirit of Light and Darkness", you should always know " Divine Comedy."

"Don't tell me, you don't even know Dante's "Divine Comedy."

"The Divine Comedy is divided into three chapters, Paradise, Hell and Purgatory. Does this look familiar to you?"

"That's right, hell and heaven are hell and heaven! The so-called 18 levels of hell are nothing more than a whitewash of the seven deadly sins."

"As for the gods in heaven, they are far behind the Nordic gods!"

"It's just a fabricated work, and its literary and artistic quality is not enough."

"To make such a thing in China is not satisfactory."

"As for what you said, it is far beyond the plot of any foreign game, so stop talking nonsense and make people laugh."

Takamatsu's remarks were endorsed by many fans.

They may not have played "Book of Life and Death", but Gao Song has said so clearly, can there be a lie?

Many fans who also admire foreign cultures ran to the related topics of "Book of Life and Death" and just rant.

The players were speechless.

We have things we like, what's your business?

Thus, a scolding war began.

I have to say that Takamatsu's fans are quite powerful.

All of a sudden, under the battlefields of the major forums, the flames of war raged.

"What kind of broken plot, do you have the nerve to brag about it?"

"Isn't it just making up some gods, and I can make up ten or eight for you casually."

"It has no literary value at all, please open your eyes and look at the world.


The popularity of "Book of Life and Death" is high. Of course, fans can't bear to be ridiculed like this!

"Other writers have come out to verify, you say there is no literary quality?"

"As long as you are literary, make up one and let me see!"

"If you can't do it yourself, you will follow the trend and shout."


All of a sudden, there was an uproar on the Internet!

Even Lin Jiefu and other bigwigs were off the stage.

"I read the stories in it, and the richness of imagination is astounding, beyond my reach."

"It can be said to have opened up a new world."

"Compared with many foreign works, it may not be much better."

"People have always liked to emphasize the past and underestimate the present. From my point of view, the writer of Xinhuo Studio is a genius! Even compared to everyone in foreign countries, he is not inferior!"

At first, Gao Song just wanted to catch the heat casually, but it didn't work out, the heat was about to explode!

Seeing such a situation, he became even more excited!

It's hot, isn't it getting hotter and hotter!

When the popularity goes up, it will be more convenient to find bad money.

Others are afraid of these famous writers, but he is not!

He relies on foreign masters to earn a living!

Even if he offended these people all over the country, what could he do?

He quickly reposted a Weibo.

"I originally thought that people with an online appreciation level still accounted for the majority."

"Now it seems that I am optimistic."

"There may be no one in a million who has his own independent thinking and can judge whether a work is good or bad."

"Don't talk about using works like Divine Comedy to bully people, just talk about Japanese light novels, if you take out a copy, they are better than this crap!"

When Gu Qiu saw this Weibo, he clenched his fists.

light novel?

Take light novels, and compare them with Dasheng?

Whom to insult?

Even in Japan, light novels belong to a subculture, and their status is less than one-tenth of that of anime.

The examples Gao Song cited at the beginning were all well-known works in various countries.

But this time, he said that he would carry out the bad habits to the end!

A sneer appeared on the corner of Gu Qiu's mouth.

Say "Book of Life and Death" is not as good as Japanese light novels?


It just so happens that the popularity value has been saved enough, it's time to restore it.

Then let a villain like Takamatsu see and see what a real masterpiece of classical literature is!

He opened the system panel.

The popularity value is still rising, and it is approaching 50,000 at this time.

[According to game analysis, the revertible classification is as follows. 】

[The host is asked to select the specific information that needs to be restored. 】

A variety of options appeared in Gu Qiu's field of vision.

He didn't even look at it, he just clicked on one of them!

The first novel of gods and demons in the history of Chinese literature!

The creator of Magic Realism!

It has opened up a new category of long-length novels about gods and demons!

"Journey to the West"!

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